Document.formulier.submit On Return False "page Cannot Be Displayed"

I'm having in my asp page a java script with function. It checks the form, see the code below:

When I click on my submit button is has onClick="invalid();"
If a field is indeed not filled in, it gives the alert message.

My problem is, when the alert apears and I click on OK it gives an errorpage, I won't that it returns to the form. Code:

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Display Ms Access True/false Fields As Check Marks On ASP Page

what is the easiest way to display Yes/No, True/Falst, On/Off MS Access fields as check marks on an ASP page? it would be either checked or unchecked.

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Page Cannot Be Displayed In ASP

I'm using classic ASP. I made a change to a page and I got a Page Cannot Be Displayed error. I changed the code back and now I get the same thing. Other pages can run and access the db server.

I tried taking out includes and bypassing some code. I've also checked both the Application and Event logs on the server and there doesn't seem to be anything obvious there. I'm not using any components. Can anybody give me an idea as to the types of
things that cause this problem?

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Page Can't Displayed

I have a form from html called "rcf" and it suppose to get the data from users and send it to the database.but from my form to my add_rcf.asp page I get a "The " message.I uploaded the files.

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Page Cannot Be Displayed

i am tryint to access this ASP website, but it keeps giving me the msg PAGE CANNOT DISPLAY. when i send the url to my friend, it load for them just fine. can someone tell me if ther are any option i have to chang or any way of solving this problem?

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Page Can Not Be Displayed

We have two websites:

1. On Internet

Anyone with any internet account can access to the first site, but to enter to the 2nd, u need to have a special internet account (say, a certain supplier).

The general menu is on the Internet website, but one of the items in the sub-menu, links to a page On the INTRANET. If u r not authorized (=did not use the certain internet account), then u get the page "The page can not be displayed".

How do I redirect the "page can not be displayed" to the help page, and of course, redirect it ONLY when the "page can not be displayed" page is there b/c of linking from this sub-menu, or b/c of trying to reach directly to the Intranet certain URL that this sub menu links to.

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Page Cannot Be Displayed Problem

I know this is a simple problem,what are all the causes of this problem? This occurs to only when I don't login to the web server.

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Page Not Completely Displayed

I have a dynamically populated page, and for one of the records the page is not completely displayed. When I click view source, the code is complete but about half of the code isn't shown on the page.

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Page Cannot Be Displayed Error

I had a problem which will cause the user to get an error page cannot be displayed. But this error only happened on one of my users, the rest are able to login to my site.

what might had caused the user to get "page cannot be displayed error"? Is that due to internet security settings? Or error with my code?

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How Does One Update All Records Displayed In A Asp Page

I got a test asp page which connects to Northwind.mdb database. This page
pulls all the rows from the Customers table. One column i.e. GoodStatus has
been added to the customers table. The following is the code to display all
records of the customers table with some customization. Code:

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Page Cannot Be Displayed In Release Mode

I am pretty new to, and have recently taken over a project. I have
gotten to the point where I am about to release my changes, but for some
reason when i build the project in release mode and launch in in IE I always
get a "The Page cannot be displayed" page instead of my login form.

Anyone have any ideas? The applciation works fine in debug mode, its just in
release mode that this happens.

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How To Send Request To IIS Server After The Page Displayed

Is that possible that I can send request to IIS Server after a .ASP page is
displayed? My Requirement is:

Clinet will Fill the Details in one Request Form after the details are
filled then the Request Files will be shown to the user as Link in Another
page. (Currently before Sending the Link Page to Customer I am updating DB
in Different Servers Located Different Palces - So It takes Time).

So What is My Requrement is After the user gives his details - I will
directly display the Link Page and After the Link Page is Sent to Browser
then I will Execute / Update the DB.

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404 Error: Page Cannot Be Displayed; Suggestions For Resolving?

I currently have a few asp pages linking together. On one page (postNew1.asp) it has a form that allows administrative users to enter a new form.

When creating a new form, there is also a file input box for the user to upload a filename.

If the user does not enter a correct filename, I have an alert box showing "invalid filename" when ever the user presses the "OK". It will not allow him to go anywhere until he enters a valid filename. Code:

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Inserting Data Into A Database :: Page Cannot Be Displayed Error

I'm having a probelm with inserting data into a database using asp but I can't see what i'm doing wrong. I get the page cannot be displayed error ....

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Return To The Previous Page?

How do you do something like the user pressed the "back" button in the browser? Currently, I have a redirection after a pause working
with the line,

Response.Write("<meta http-equiv=""Refresh"" content=""3; URL=http://localhost/MyWeb/CompsOut.asp"">")

I am doing a check on wether or not all of the inputs were filled in on a form. If not, I want it to basically just go back and not reload the previous page and resend the data and such. Just go back, fill in the field, and re-submit.

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Return Specific Page

If Request.ServerVariables("URL") renders


How can I just return mywebpage.asp?

I can use the RIGHT function, but I'd like for it to work on any page,
regardless of the length of the page name. I'm looking for a good example of
using a combination of MID, LEFT, RIGHT, etc to get certain parts of

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AUTOREFRESH Of Page On Return?

I have a system where a user views info on a screen, then optionally goes into other screens where the database is altered -- user the returns to original screen.

The original screen is html/javascript - this calls ASP pages (no .Net).

Problem is when the user changes the data in the database and return to the original page that data should display the changes made.


The database update form could then conditionally close, focus would fall back to the original calling form that would then automatically refresh itself.

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Document Page Interactions

I've done quite a bit of programming, from Dartmouth BASIC, through FORTRAN, COBOL, Java, to Perl. I have inherited a set of web pages that use ASP and ACCESS to implement a job posting board. Its originator did not provide documentation. A page will do some work then invoke another page with certain name-value pairs. It may also set some session variables along the way. Before I can make needed changes, I need a way to document for myself just what the page set does now.
What is the best way to document data flow from page to page? What session variables this page creates? uses? alters?
What name value pairs it receives/expects?

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Opening Word Document From An ASP Page

I have a server with a Word document and an Access database on it. I
also have an ASP page running on the server. The Word document
contains a mail merge with the Access database. What I want to do is
open the merged Word document from the ASP page when a button is

I have tried several things including some scripting that I
found on the internet. This scripting works, however it opens the
merged document on the server instead of on the user's local machine.
I want the Word document to open on the local machine instead.

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Need To Access A WORD Document Via ASP Page

Does anyone know how to access a WORD document using ASP?
I have a few users that fill in fields in a WORD document
and I need to be able to open that document and read
these fields once the document is uploaded to my web

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How Do I Link An Asp Page To A Pdf Document And Render It In A Web Browser

how do i link an asp page to a pdf document and render it (the pdf document)in a web browser without it downloading to the client computer viewing it?

i have tried the response.contenttype="application/pdf"

now the main problem is how to embed the pdf doc in that asp page!

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ASP Page Challenges For User Cerdentials When Large Output Return

I have an ASP page which users can call with various parameters to generate
data for reports.

However, some users who specifiy very few parameters and so generate a large
result page are geting challenged for their network credentials after approx
30 seconds.

When they enter their credentials for the third time the page returns with a
401 "You are not authorized to use this page"

Yet if they specify more parameters (and so get a smaller result page) then
the page returns normally.

If checked the query in the database and it runs fine with no errors, so I
ssupect I'm hitting some sort of buffer limit within IIS? Code:

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Submit A Value Within The Same Page

using frontpage i am trying to write a script.
you have 2 dropdown boxes (A and B)

A - gets the data from the query(qryName)
so far so good

B - here i need to use the results from the A which is "contractno" and use it to get my final answer.

Basicly:how do i update a the "contractno" value and stay in the same page.

code example: Code:

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Submit The Page

i have a requirement , that , there is a text box in a form(no any submit button ) , user will enter his id and press the enter key , by preeing the enter key , the details of employee should be displayed ,how to submit the page by hitting the enter kye ?

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Submit A Second Page

I’ve this page with an iframe in it, witch as another page. The parent one as header info and the child one has kind of a field list for the parent. I need to put all those fields on the server at the same time, but the submit method witch is on the parent page only sends it’s from. How can I solve it?

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Submit Page Loading Twice

I have a problem which gives lot of headache and hard to find.

I have:

Page1--->which is used for user to enter details
on submit i am sending that page to another page

page2---> i am doing the database insert/update functions.

page3--->and redirecting that page to a confirmation page saying "your record has been successfully added" and auto refresh it and redirecting that to page1.

my requirment is as such i have to do like this.

but what happens is not always, but sometimes that record has been added twice, which i couldn't find out for this is not happening always but sometimes.....

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Submit Form On Page Load

Is it possible to submit a form as soon as the page it is on loads and then redirect to another page?

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Retaining Data After Submit For Next Page

I have a form where users enter informaiton including a zip code. I was hoping that after they submit their info I could retain that zip code for the next page. The end result would be to have a page with a link that says "Click here for directions to our event!" and have the link go to mapquest directions from their zip code to mine.

Looking at Mapquest's URLs it seems they come in a very standard format that one could easily plug two zip codes into the url and have directions from place to place.The users do not have to log in to enter data into the form (my Google-ing has turned up stuff on session variables, but that seems to require log-ins).

I am gonna play around with this for a while, but if anyone has any pointers or links that could get me going in the right direction.

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How Do I Submit Form Data And Change To A Different Page?

I have a classic ASP page with a number of text boxes which are updatable.

For convenience I want to add 'tabs' at the top of the page (like a card
index) as the data to be displayed is split into specific groups (client,
company, preferences, events).

How do I update any changes to the data and switch to a different page - at
the same time? i.e. the user doesn't have to click 'update' (submit button)
before changing pages Code:

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Submit Dynamic Cell Values To Asp Page

I have an asp page where im creating dynamic rows on an onclick function and textboxes are created in the dynamic rows and when i submit the asp page it goes to another asp page, where i whant the values entered in the textboxes of dynamically created row of the previous asp page. Code:

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Page 2 - Submit Button Not Working (strange)

Anyone have any thoughts regarding the output document?

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Form Submit That Must Report Back To The Same Page An Error...

I have a form submit that must report back to the same page an error if a pair of radio buttons inside the form block are not checked. But data from the buttons must still be sent to another page.

I tried having the form send data back to the same page, then putting the data in session variables and redirecting to the page they have to go to. But apparently the session variables are having unpredictable effects on the very complex page I'm sending the data too.

I'm thinking about using Onsubmit = somefunction inside of the <form > . I've tried javascript but I haven't found the right code yet, and also I'd rather avoid the popup alert box, it is inconsistent with the rest of the website. Perhaps an ASP subprocedure could do the trick?

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Thickbox3.1 Submit Form And Go Back Main Page

I am using JQuery's thickbox 3.1 and ASP.

I want perform : click a link in main page, then pop up a form in div window by thickbox, after I sumbit this form , div window disappear and go back main page.

My problem is : after I sumbit the form inside div window, form is sumbited , but still in div window!

How can I make it jump back to main page after I submit ?

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