Domain Access Secure Website

I am creating a web site for the company that I work for. We have a Windows 2000 Server running with AD and Exchange 2000. Now I want to give some of the people that are not part of our company access to our web site. How can I do it? How can I set them up? I tried set those people as contacts, but I can't set passwords on contacts, so they can use it to accsess web site. I then tried to set them up as a regular users, BUT since those people are not part of our company I don't want to give them our e-mail addresses. I know I can set up the user without setting him/her up on exchange, but then again I want to be able to see that person's OWN e-mail address when I try to send him/her e-mail.

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Secure Website

If this is not an HTTPs page, then how come the login on the page is considered SSL?

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Deny Domain Access

I have a current requirement to deny access to a particular website from a
list of domains. I can add these domains to a deny list in IIS, however that
doesn't give me the ability detect these domains and then redirect users to
specific deny pages based on the domains to which they are members.

I can include a function on all of my webpages to detect the various domains
and redirect users, however this would be a very tedious process since I
would have to include this domain validation function on all pages.

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ASP To Cross-domain Access

We have web server A, sitting outside out firewall in the DMZ
Database server (FoxPro) B, sitting inside out firewall
No trusts, seperate domains.

Webserver A, running just ASP (No ASP.NET) needs to access a DB on B, but
just times out
with no error (bottom of page says done).

I have a strong feeling it is because we need to do cross domain pemissions.
I know how to set this up for ASPNET, but not just ASP.

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Block Access To Website

is there any way to block access website to particular country internet users.

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Restricting Access To Website From Public

I'm creating a web application for my company now. This application has 2
parts. 1 part for the customers to access. The 2nd part is for our staff to
access only. My director hopes to make the 2nd part to be something like an
intranet, such that only our company's computers (maybe only 1 or 2 in the
company) can login to this part of the application.

1. My company's intending to put the application on shared server with a web
host. Windows Authentication is NOT allowed.

2. My company doesn't have a static IP address.

3. My manager suggested using Network Card number (which I don't really
quite understand. Is there a way to get the Network Card number that's on a
client PC?).


Some ISP told us that they can provide a firewall management feature such
that it will restrict access to the website from anyone that is not coming
from my company's network. This requires Static IP.

Another told me that IIS Manager has the security feature that restrict
access based on IP address. This requires Static IP again.

Is it possible to implement the 2nd part (the part that is to be accessed by
my company's PC) as a windows application instead? Then we only put the
windows application on one computer. So, 1st part (for the public) will be a
web application, 2nd part (for my company) is a windows application, both
accessing the same database server from an ISP. Will the ISP allow the
windows application to access its database server? I've no experience in
making a windows application at all, is it the same as making a web

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Question About Access Database From The Server Through Asp Website?

I've published my asp file to the website. I've uploaded all the asp files including access database and it works fine. But the record is not updated until i upload the latest database.

Actually the updated database stored in the my local server. Is it possible to access the database on my local server? It means, user can access all the updated directly.

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Redirect All Pages From Domain B To A Maintenance Page On Domain A

We have two sites hosted on different servers and we have many pages on
domain A which has many links(asp programs) to domain B.

My question is if domain B server is in trouble, what is the best way to
have all domain pages redirect to domain A? Right now I just have redirect
code in each program on domain B to redirect to a maintenance page on domain

Can I just write on program to solve this issue?

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Secure And Non Secure Data

i have an ecommerce site that is split across two domains, a secure space that retains cc details and the main site where contact information and order details are held. I need to be able to produce a report that displays both sets of info in a printable document. aside from using iframes is there a better way of doing this?

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Domain Name

I'm trying to get the all the information from a URL but after the domain name eg.


I want to get the information that is in bold

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Domain Redirect

How do I do this? When someone comes to it
redirects them to

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Changing Domain

I'm having a domain change foisted upon me and the test I did resulted
in every last ASP and
ASP.Net script stopping cold. Nothing but plain old html worked.
Is there a FAQ or some other document available that outlines what has
to be done when the
IIS server machine is disconnected from one domain controller and
reconnected to a totally different one? If not, does anyone here know
what would have to be changed to make the ASP code play nice in the new
domain?A relevant bit of info, they're also changing the name of the
administrator account. I don't know if that would contribute to the
death of ASP* on the system, but it might.

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ASp Domain Search

I need Asp Domain Search .. like Whois.. or any type .. asp, or PHP .. no matter of language .. but i need complete domain Search ..

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Cross Domain

I have a swf file in one domain and an ASP file in another domain; the swf doesn't not receive the variables form the ASP, how can solve the problem with crossdomain policy?

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NT Domain Account

Using classic ASP I want to check if a username and password are correct
before passing the details on to an object (stocktake module) that uses
them to authenticate the object. The object defaults to a preset user if
the authentication fails and doesn't warn the user, so I wanted to do
the check manually before passing it to the object.

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Domain Controller

Can anyone tell me how to get ASP to work on a Server 2003 domain controller?I keep getting 10004 errors in the system log.I've tried resynching passwords etc.

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Email To Same Domain

I have made a mail script to executed whilst on domain (say It can email fine to any address except those that end in ''.Anyone know why?I'm sending it from '' to ''.

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Domain Name Checker

I want to build a domein name checker using ASP & Vbscript but I don't have a clue how to start or what I need to do precisely.

An example of the checker can be found at. it's called an domeinnaam check an can be found at the middel of the right side of the page.

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Domain Option

Are there any articles / resources out there about the point of setting the domain when you set cookies? I have been able to find nothing and fail to see the point in setting a domain. As cookies can only be accessed by the domain that set them, what is the point in setting a domain? if the domain is set for say, can all subdomains read it?

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Changing Domain

I have domain name, eg Use the Dynamic DNS web site to register. How the IP of can be shown once I click The Domain Name,

Then show

Is it the ASP program can help me? or any other solution.

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Domain Checker

im looking for domain checker code for domain name. any one have the coding?

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Pull Domain Out

I get this result by using: Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_REFERER")

I'd like to pull the out of it and save it as a session variable for conversion tracking. Is there an easy way do that using ASP?

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IP Address From A Domain Name

I want to resolve domain names to an IP address. e.g. turn into
I cannot install components on the server hosting the web page so I need a way that either doesn't need to use a component or uses standard components found on all windows servers.

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App-Domain Could Not Be Created

After restart some time is everithing ok. After some hours - some days, problem start. Only in pool, where dll VB6 is used, aspx pages (asp ok) does not work.

Failed to execute request because the App-Domain could not be created.
Error: 0x8007000e Not enough storage is available to complete this operation.

Source: ASP.NET 2.0.50727.0
Event ID: 1088

OS: Windows 2003 Server SP1

HW: dual Xeon, 4GB RAM, Server is not Domain server. dll VB6 is used in pool where aspx pages does not work, in other pools aspx pages work.

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Change Domain To IP

I have domain name , eg Use the Dynamic DNS web site to register.

If will show the IP of once I click The Domain Name. e.g. click

Then show

If the ASP program can help me? or any other solution.

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How Can I Extract A Domain ?

How do you fetch just the domain name part of a variable in a script?
The variable can be

What I need is to extract just the ""

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Domain Name Error

when I hit my http://<domain name> site,I am getting this error msg: I have also installed my SSL cert on the IIS 5.0

The page must be viewed over a secure channel

Please try the following:

Try again by typing https:// at the beginning of the address you are attempting to reach.

HTTP 403.4 - Forbidden: SSL required nternet Information Services

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How do I stop pages being active in the history.
I have tried this,

<% Response.Expires = -1 %>

But the pages are still active in the history and are being cached somewhere on the machine win2k.

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If I create a simple login page and then store the UserId is a session and check its validity in the subsequent pages, How secure will the site be. I know the same question has been asked in the PHP forum

But how can I make my site secure enough in asp

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I may be in over my head on this one... VERY new to ASP. I have a potential client which is a marine loan broker. He wants an online credit application for the boat dealers he works with (20 different ones). He wants the credit app to be co-branded. Dealer/LoanCompany logos at the top would be sufficent. The dealer would have a link on there own site to the loan company's site but wants it to look like they are "Partners" and not just being shullde from one site to the next.

Is there a way to display different dealer logos based on the referrer URL? I would rather have one creditapp.asp that displays the proper logos depending on the referrer over building 20 creditapp.asp's. He doesn't need the form data written to a database. He just wants the form data emailed to him. (this I can do) How secure is that emailed data?

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Secure FTP With ASP?

Right now, I'm trying to use WSH to run PSCP (command-line version of
PuTTY). I've tested the command I'm using by opening a DOS box
manually on the server, and the test file is successfully transferred.
I've run Filemon and Regmon while running my sample ASP page, and see
no permissions problems. I've tried running cmd.exe and passing PSCP
as the parameter.

I've tried running PSCP.exe directly. I've even
tried using ASPexec to run it instead of WSH. None of these have
worked. I always get the same thing -- error code 0 (success) returned
from WSH or ASPexec, but when I look at the second server the file
never got there, and when I look at terminal services on the Web server
PSCP is still running.

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Is It Possible To Set The Domain Of The Sessionid Cookie Asp Sent

wo have several sites on a same server and these sites use subdomains of a
top domain,such as,, we
want these sites to share the session state(such as loginning state),so
,without concerning a web farm or sharing session state among different top
domain, the simplest way to achive this must be to set the domain of the
sessionid cookies asp sent to our top domain.( if it is possible through the
iis metabase , registry or something else . )

If it isn't possible to set the domain of the sessionId coookie asp sent
,then,concerning a web farm or sharing session state among domains, Could you
guys recommand some third-pathy session management asp components or
servers(such as aSMS,but i can't download it anywhere)?

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I am looking for a way to delete (expire) all the cookies that we've ever written to the user's machine. I have found several scripts, however I have come across one "gotcha."

The scripts I have found all look something like this:

response.buffer = "true"
dim x
for each x in Request.Cookies
Response.Cookies(x) = "must be something"
Response.Cookies(x).Expires = "January 1, 1999"

One cookie gets set like this:

Response.Cookies(x).Domain = ""

so that we can retrieve it from '' and

The problem is that the script above does not delete it.

Anyone have any idea why this is?? Anyone have a script that properly deletes ALL the cookies that you've ever written to the user's machine?

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