Drop Down Menu Validator

I have an asp page with several txt feilds and drop down menus
on. I can validated as "required feilds" with the following code:

if (new_ex.elements["first_name"].value=="")
{ str_err += ("
Please enter your first name(s)") }

The validation below is for a drop down menu with mr, mrs, ms etc,
it doesnt work no matter how i try and solve this.

if (new_ex.elements["title"].value=="")
{ str_err += ("
Please enter your title, for example Mr or Mrs") }

Can anybody shed some light on this: Ive exaused all ideas.

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Three Drop Down Menu

I've got three drop down menus which allows the user to select a date on a html form. The day drop down menu has the values 1-31, the month menu has values 1-12 etc etc. However i would like when the page is loaded for the current date to be present as the intially selected value in the menu. How can i apply the selected attribute of the current date.

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How To Add To A Db From Drop Down Menu

l've created an Access db with these fields (Title, Body and Section) Section field is Lookup column (About Me, Contact and Links). Also I created a form on add_data.asp to add data from it. On the form there's a Drop Down Menu. The peoblem is how to add from the drop down menu to the database. Here's my code:

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Drop Down Menu In Asp

we are working with the date of birth and have three drop down menus...my question is in the year because what we want is to make the drop down menu to start in 2006 not in 1906. Code:

<select name="select4">
dim zzzz
dim a
zzzz = year(Date())
for a = CInt(zzzz)-100 to CInt(zzzz)
Response.write("<option value=""" & a & """>" & a & "</option>")

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Populating Drop Down Menu

I am having some problems populating a drop down menu called province with data.

This is the error I am receving:

ADODB.Recordset error '800a0cc1'

Item cannot be found in the collection corresponding to the requested name or ordinal.

/fairmont/order.asp, line 85

I am sure there is data in the DB. I have attached the file.

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Text Drop Down Menu

Anyone know how to create a drop down menu where the user can enter text

If they do not want to choose an answer from the drop down menu, the
users can just enter their own answers in the drop down box. Anyone
know if this is possible?

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Dynamic Drop Down Menu

I want to create two drop down menu. one is for the Main Category and second is for Sub Category. Both value should be come from the database.

when i choose the Main cat. say business then it should load sub cat of business in second drop down menu but is should be done without refreshing the page.

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Genrate Drop Down Menu

I am trying to generate a dropdown menu form a ms sql database with two columns in it. I need both colums to show in the menu. I can't get it to work for the life of me. Code:

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Linking Drop Down Menu's

i'm having some difficulty coding my dropdown menu's on a page, i want the contents of one to be dependent upon the value of the selected option of another.

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Drop Down Menu Query

can someone give me an example code for how to retrieve the selected value from a drop down menu in ASP. i have been trying something like this:


but it doesn't display anything.

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Drop-down Menu Contents

I have a form that I would like to create. My primary concern is 2 drop-down menus. The contents of the second drop down menu depend on the selection of the first drop-down menu.

For example: In the first drop-down menu, I want to select a department, and after a department is selected, I want to be able to select one of that department's employees from the second drop-down menu. Of course the content of the employee menu will depend on which department was selected.

I've been experimenting a little bit with my Access database, but how I design that really depends on suggestions I get here, so let me know what you think.

EDIT: I should also mention that the contents need to be read from the Access database, rather than storing everything in a javascript array. In this way, I can have Human Resources add new departments and employees via a web form so that I don't have to manually edit code every day.

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Fill A Drop Down Menu

I have an access database called contact.mdb and I have linked to it just fine and used the records held in it to populate a datagrid and can update and delete records.

I don't understand databases that much but I would like to read the values into a drop down menu which are held in the field 'ID' from a table called 'courses'. I have a feeling it is something to do with data sets but am not too hot on these either.

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Drop Down Menu System

I have created a drop down menu populated from a database. Would this warrant posting?

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Drop Down Menu Options

Below is an extract from a form that i am writing. I need the user to be able to have a drop down menu of languages. How do I use the 'option value' command in ASP like you can do in HTML; so there is a list of languages for one to be selected. If someone could amend my code to give me a couple of language options so I can get an idea of how it is down.

<tr id="r_Lang">
<td class="ewTableHeader"><span>Language<span class='ewmsg'>&nbsp;*</span></span></td>
<td class="ewTableAltRow"><span id="cb_x_Lang">
<input type="text" name="x_Lang" id="x_Lang" size="30" maxlength="25" value="<%= Server.HTMLEncode(x_Lang&"") %>">

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Include Drop Down Menu

I am working on an ASP website and my boss wants to have drop downs.
I have taken the existing code of menu includes but am unable to view
the drop downs. it just shows the url (menu.asp) in the browser but
doesnt throw the drop down.

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Quick Drop Down Asp Menu

How can I add a quick drop down menu to an asp page? I've tried to incorporate javascript and I can't seem to make it work. I want it to replace the current navigation on this page.


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Drop Down Menu Search

I am creating a "search by category" page using a drop down menu. I am very new at SQL/ASP and am having trouble with the correct syntax for sorting my search results.

Each category in drop down has an id ("catid"). Results need to show all Company names that fall under that specific category in alphabetical order. I have already completed a directory that is sorted alphabetically and tried to "borrow" some of that code:

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Drop Down Menu Function

i have one table called PAGES . in pages i have the following columns: page_Url, title, image etc... i would like to write a function/subroutine that is called that generates drop down list of all urls (PAGE_URL) from pages table. how can i do that?
what would the code look like?

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Drop Down Navigation Menu With Categories

I have created a dropdown menu that allows users to navigate and load other pages into a different frame (detail) than the one in which the dropdown is sited. All menu items and urls are stored in an access db.

Now I would like to try and make 2 improvements but I don't know how:

1. I would like to use the [Category] field in my data set to produce (non-clickable) headings in the drop down list. Code:

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Drop Down Menu Select An Option

Is there a way to have a drop down menu where u can select an option from the menu or type in ur own??? I am using ASP and SQL

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Drop Down Menu Hve Html Control

I have a dropdownlistbox (html control) and some text fields displayed on my page. The top menu bar of my page works fine in every case (as it always be on top of every thing that i display in my page) except of DropDown Combobox (html control). WHY ?
Can not understand the reason why my combobox always displayed on top when i tried to select some other item from my menu bar (say some other page) while my menu bar always on top for other controls.

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How To Fatch Valu In Drop Down Menu In Asp

How do i fatch value in dropdown menu in asp from MS access database....

How can I create two connection at a time...

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Drop Down Menu Show In Form

How do I get a drop down menu to show Please select one when a form opens up? The menu will be populated with a database field but when someone creates a new record I would like for all the drop down menus to say Please select one.

So if nothing is selected from that menu then when they INSERT the new record into the database it will store a Null value for that new field in that field.

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Select Item In Drop Down Menu

I am trying to find out how to select an item from a drop down menu after a query is executed. My drop down has 4 options, and what I am trying to do is if the record stored in the database is "option2" I need the drop down menu to have option2 is selected.

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Get The Server Side Value To Drop Down Menu

For the drop down box, how do we get the server side value
For example, the following won't work because it produce:

<select name="streetdirectional" value="E">. But we need

Example: Code:

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Drop Down Menu Include Data

I am currently working on a project and i need to have drop down menus on a form which include data from tables in a database. There will be a number of drop down menus on this form as well as text boxes. I'm struggling with the code and need to know how to code a drop down menu that would include all the records from a drop down menu.

Is it possible to use all the values in the form, including the drop down menus to insert the values into a relational database. I'm assuming i would have to use variables to pass the information into the database using an SQL insert, but i am once again unsure how to code this.

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Drop Down Menu Remembering Selected Item

Drop Down Menu as follows:

<select name="county" id="county" >
<option value=''> Select County</option>
<option value='Antrim'> Antrim</option>
<option value='Armagh'> Armagh</option>
<option value='Carlow'> Carlow</option>

Problem is when there is an error with one of the other fields and the press reloads the county is reset to Select County how can i remember this value.

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Drop Down Menu Auto Genrate From Database

I need to create a drop down list that will auto Generate numbers from 1-60.
So when they select the drop down list, it will display 1 thought to 60.

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Drop Down Menu Redirect To New File On Select

What would be the easiest way (JavaScript?) to have the attached form redirect a user to a sample business card on select from the drop down menu and response.write to the new file, carrying over the info the user inputs into the form? I want to change the response.write to the sample1.asp, sample2.asp etc.

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Sorting By Two Fields From Drop Down Menu - No Results

I am trying to create a page where someone can search an Association directoy by category. The results page should then pull up all the companies that fall under that category and sort the company names alphabetically. The search & results pages are loading, but show no results under all categories. Code:

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How Do You Change The Font Color Using A Drop-down Menu?

I have a design form where a user can select a quantity, layout and color of the text they would like on their business cards. When a user selects the ink color, I would like the font color to change when it displays the preview of the card.

Attached is the sample code. The response.write is probably incorrect. I have the information writing to the table that displays the users input and would like the text to show up in the preview with the color that the chose from the drop-down menu. Code:

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Dynamically Populate Drop Down Menu Option Value Problem

I have dynamcally populated a drop down menu with data from an access
database using ASP. The values seem fine, however when i pass them to
the next page (using form get method) the whitespaces in the values
are ignored.

For example with <option value=jim jones> then only "jim"
gets passed to the next page not "jim jones". I have viewed the source
created on the dynamic page and the values are populated fine, but
passing to the next page seems to be problematic...

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Sorting Data Based On Dynamically Created Drop Down Menu

i have a page which displays a list of events searched for by a particular date. we usually have a lot of events and i don't want the user to have scroll through all of them, especially if they're interested in a particular type of event.

i have created a dynamic drop down menu which consists of all the event types. how can i got about displaying the events returned by the query to a specific event for that date.

so for example, if some one searches for 03/08/2005, they will initially get a list of all events for that day. if they click on "Closed" from the drop down menu, it will display all the "Closed" events for 03/08/2005.

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