Dynamic ASP Templates

I am looking for an example of dynamic ASP templates.

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ASP Templates

I'm trying to find information on applying CSS to asp Controls. However, all the searches I do relate to ASP.NET 2.0 but I am only using 1.1 (I can't switch to 2.0).

Does anyone have any information or good links to explain how to apply templates or CSS to asp 1.1 controls?

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How do they work?phpbb or what ever its called comes with 3 different templates for a user to chose from-they are all totally different with different colours/images/layouts for each style.So how is this done?

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ASP Templates

I'm looking for a templating system in a Classic ASP environment that works like HTML::Template in Perl. I've actually used HTML::Template with great success in Classic ASP by using the PerlScript engine. PerScript literally brings almost .NET capabilities to Classic ASP.

Unfortunately I am on an assignment right now that precludes the use
of PerlScript -- I have to use VBScript -- and I am sorely missing the templating power of Perl's HTML::Template which allows me to completely decouple ASP scripting and COM+ component coding from HTML output.

If you don't know what I mean by referring to Perl's HTML::Template templating system, then perhaps someone can point me to a free ASP HTML templating system with some power. I've seen some rather simplistic templating VBScript classes that are an improvement over
mixing ASP code and HTML in ASP pages but I've seen nothing that has the power I am looking for yet.

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Mail Templates

I'm developping a module to send an automatic feedback e-mail to customers. The old version in plain ASP just used an HTML-document and replaced certain fields with the right value. Like {name} for instance with the customer's name.

But I think that in ASP.Net, this is way old-fashioned. I want to use full Web Forms, for example:


Hello <span id="customername" runat="server" /><br />
Thank you for your feedback!

As you can see, this is a full page and so using a control is not a right solution in my eyes. After all, it is a page, so I want to use a System.Web.UI.Page.

The ThankYouForFeedBack.aspx page would then have to to something like this:

MailTemplate1 MT= new MailTemplate1();
MT.customername.innerText = strCustomerName; // this line will fail, see below
SendMail(strCustomerEmail, I'm developping a module to send an automatic feedback e-mail to customers. The old version in plain ASP just used an HTML-document and replaced certain fields with the right value. Like {name} for instance with the customer's name.

But I think that in ASP.Net, this is way old-fashioned. I want to use full Web Forms, for example:


Hello <span id="customername" runat="server" /><br />
Thank you for your feedback!

As you can see, this is a full page and so using a control is not a right solution in my eyes. After all, it is a page, so I want to use a System.Web.UI.Page.

The ThankYouForFeedBack.aspx page would then have to to something like this:

MailTemplate1 MT= new MailTemplate1();
MT.customername.innerText = strCustomerName; // this line will fail, see below
SendMail(strCustomerEmail, RenderContents(MT));

It's obvious that I'm looking for the dummy "RenderContents" function. I didn't manage to to it with the Page.Render method, since the page does NOT get loaded if you create a page dynamically like on the first line of code. (Output is thus an empty string) Because of this too, the second line of code WILL PRODUCE AN ERROR, since customername points to nothing because the page doensn't actually get loaded.

Does anyone have an idea?

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Form Templates

I am planning to implement some templates (around 30 templates). User will select this template from the drop down and click print. When it prints it should populate few fields from the form to template and print.

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Classic ASP And Excel Templates

I am a web developer writing a classic asp website that uses an excel document.

The way it works is that I have pre-filled out excel document sitting on the server that I would like to use as a template excel file.

What is to happen is that a visitor fills out a web form on the website and then the information from the web form is passed to the excel document and the blank spaces are filled in and the excel file is saved on the server.

I can create a blank basic excel document through asp no problems however I am not sure how to open an existing excel file, amend data to it and re save it again.

Also how do i access various cols & rows of the excel file through asp code. this will help me place the form data exactely where the data needs to go in the excel document.

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HTML Page Templates

Is this affective way using HTML Templates in ASP:

I have html template file with <<TAG1>> .. <<TAGN>> in places, where I want to insert some data then i generate this data in asp:

Dim d ' Create a variable.
Set d = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
d.Add "TAG1", "Athens" ' Add some keys and items.
d.Add "TAG2", "Belgrade"
d.Add "TAG3", "Cairo"

, open html template, replace each <<TAGx>> with generated data
(d.Item("TAGx") ),
and print it with Response.Write

Or there is any other usual methods to use templates?

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Trouble With URL To Microsoft Templates

I want a URL links to .dot and .xlt files on my websites. But when users try
to save them it triggers built in template functionallity to save it as .doc
or .xls instead.

How can I publish MS templates and make sure the users get the .dot files
instead of doc files?

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Dynamic Calendar, Need To Create Dynamic Array....

I code that creates a calendar for each month and then it displays events from that month that are stored in a db. I need to loop through my recordset and display all the events, but I can't quite figure out how to do it. I am thinking I need to do an array. But I am not really sure.... any ideas. Here is where you can view the calendar. Code:

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Templates For DB-contents And Non-DB-contents

This thread is not so much a big problem, but more to receive comments on my approach. You may have some other tips or advices of where to go or where absolutely not to go with my attempts. Code:

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Dynamic Dynamic Text

Ok, I have a Javascript ASP and in it I have a dynamic repeating table with certain attributes to people. If one of these attributes is old or invalid, i want to change the color of the text (and maybe make it flash, blink, change size, something) so that it's easy to read.

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Dim A Dynamic Name

I want to create textboxes dynamically but with dynamic names also.

i am retrieveing a load of values from a table in SQL into a DataReader.
Then i want to create textboxes from those variables. I want to dim various
textboxes with different names depending on what I retrieve from SQL. I
tried the following:

dim dtrcondet.item("contact_detail_description") as new textbox()

but this does not work

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Dynamic SSI

I am trying to create a site that has dynamic page generated based on if a value is present.

I want to be able to show a certain dynamic page if a certain value equals to true. The page should be able to generate values from a db
e.g. <%=aspscript%>

And if the value equals to false, then the page should not appear at all.
I tried using SSI (Server side inlcudes) but cant append variable names to it or use them with if then statements

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Dynamic IF THEN

I would like to have some text appear in a different color if it matches a result in a database. I am not sure how the syntax would work, this is what I have come up with so far. Not sure how to insert it.

If <%=(Picks.Fields.Item("Pick1").Value)%> = <%=(Results.Fields.Item("Pick1").Value)%> then class="style1"

Is this possible? and if it is does it have to be entered for each occurance of the dynamic text or can it be added to css?

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Dynamic Css

i want o make the images on my website depending on who is logged in. I have all of the Images names stored into my database, which i have uploaded there using the Pure ASP upload 2.09 add on for dreamweaver, and that all works fine and my image is stored in the correct folder and the name of that image is stored into the database as imagename.gif which is exactly what i want, but i dont know how i need to declare that value from the database into my style sheet. Code:

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Dynamic CSS

I need to create a bunch of sites with slightly dynamic CSS. Basically,
all the image paths in the CSS need to be dynamic, depending on the
values of certain ASP variables.
I can think of 3 ways to do this:
1. Write a script to create a semi-dynamic CSS file, which will be run
whenever we need to make changes to the ASP variables controlling the
image paths.
2. Have an ASP script generate the CSS on the fly:

<link href="dynamiccss.asp" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">

3. Put all static CSS in a normal CSS file, and have a special dynamic
style sheet for only those rules that require variability. We could
either use method 2 above to generate a second style sheet, or place
dynamic rules directly in the actual asp pages.

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Dynamic QS

I have a form element and the name is dynamic


i now need to do this but it's telling me that it needs an to be a string.

JobsToUpdate = Split(request.QueryString(cnum),",")

and what would be ideal is the value of Jobstoupdate will be
This Cnum ->cnum=Split(request.QueryString("staticcnum"),",")

Hopefully I explained it well enough.

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Dynamic Dim

is there a way to make a dynamic dim, or am i looking at this all wrong

Dim A & request.form("") & B

A & request.form("") & B = Request.form("")


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Dynamic XML

how to dynamically build an XML document with IIS6 and 404 error custom handler?
At the moment if I dinamically create an XML page with Response.Write(xml code here) I cannot remove header "404 errorpagepath" that IIS adds automatically. How to remove that header from Response object?

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Dynamic Wml Using Asp

i think my code is correct.but it still can't work when i run in the nokia mobile browser,i had run my wap gateway and internet service server(ISS) also.

can anyone help me to solve this problem? The attaches file is the wml,asp and database for this program.

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Dynamic Navigation

i want to have a dynamic navigation that will look at a database and then fill the navigation side. I want to have a category, then a sub- category also. Can this be done?

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Dynamic Link

I would like to build a dynamic link based upon a value returned from a db

There is data in the db because objRS("Description") returns a value.

something like


if objRS.EOF then
<a href="/somepage.asp?id="<% objRS("Id") %> "><%response.write(objRS("Description"))%></a>
end if

I get


Nothing else at the end.

What am i doing wrong?

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Dynamic Form

it's a dynamic form which should show which option is selected. I've made zillions of these before, and this should work no problem, but there's a bug that I just can't see somewhere... Can anyone see what in god's name I'm missing? Code:

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Asp Dynamic Menu

I have been searching for tutorials everywhere on how I could make a menu that is multi levels but that can be updated dynamically through asp...so basically when I add a link in the database it will update the menu...now I know how to pretty much pull links from the database for a basic menu...but lets say there is a link called about us and under about us there is more options to choose from.

How would i code this so the menu would know which ones were parents and which ones where childs? And does anyone know of a good tutorial, or of an example. and basically I want this because I would like to create a content manager...but I don't understand how the menu would work when pulling data from a database.

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Dynamic Includes From URL

Is there any way to dynamically generate an include file based on a variable passed to the asp page via a url ?- so for example:

Person x clicks on a url - that ur directs them to template.asp (template.asp has no code in it other than page title etc and <!--#include file="<%variable%>" --> )

Once in template.asp the page loads the include file that is relevant to the companies website that the link was clicked from.

In that include file will be the correct form and stylesheet setting for that company.

What we are trying to do is achieve a global template file which multiple customers can direct peo[ple through and all the data is therefore stored in one central repository.

The file displayed when they reach template.asp will depend on the url they clicked. Basically how can i get the url to pass the variable which the include file will then load??

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Dynamic Checkbox

I have a table in ASP page which displays records and it has a checkbox whose name is ChkBox<%= intRecID %>

<%= intRecID %> is the ID of that record. Now how should I chck whether check box is not checked.

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Dynamic Content In ASP

I am having to make sites accessible where images are dynamically generated.

'Display the graphical hit count

Response.Write("<img src=""counter_images/")
Response.Write(Mid(lngVisitorNumber, intWriteDigitLoopCount, 1) & ".gif""")
Response.Write("alt=""" & Mid(lngVisitorNumber, intWriteDigitLoopCount, 1) & """>")
How do I include the width and height attributes in this code?

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Dynamic Form

I currently have a form with 5 rows of textboxes (one textbox on each row). I would like when user keyed in something in the last textbox (textbox at 5th row), it will automatically create another row of texbox below it. Can someone please advise me on how I can do that?

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SE-friendly Dynamic URL

For some of my pages I currently have part of the URL as being 'ourservices.asp?ID=1' (its got nothing to do with sessions) and I am currently changing part of it so its more SE-friendly - i.e. 'ourservices.asp?services=website-marketing'. However following Googles guidlines regarding dynamic URL's,. it says that some search engines don't crawl pages which have a '?' in them for fear of them being a session URL (which mine isn't).
My question is- is there any alternative that I can use to replace the '?' with another character for my dynamic URL. Or, is this the only way I can have this dynamic URL?

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Dynamic Arrays

i want to create a dynamic list or array in asp as we have arraylist in asp.net. what i want is that i want to hold the values selected by the user in a list and in advance i dont know that how much values the user will select. i also tried to use array with redim but that did not work as we can create array with only constant integer parameter.

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Dynamic Access

I've been writing a website for dynamic access, meaning any customer can login to their website (I run a website business) and edit pages. However I'm having a delima of how I should write this part, I'm storing everything in a Access database and accessing it using SQL. The user can create a link, and then select the page it links to using a dropdown list to create links on the navigation menu. Now they need to create the page, and I'm wondering how I should store this. Should I store ALL the code (including the ASP?) into a Memo field inside access, or should I create a 'first half' asp page and a 'second half' asp page and then have my system store all the content and stuff into the access field? So basically the page would be assembled somehow:
ASP Part 1 - Starting Code
Content grabbed from Access Field
ASP Part 2 - Closing Code
and then just store the Content inside the field? If so, should I create 2 include files and then tell my system to make a new page, include part1, store the content, then include part2?

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Dynamic File Name

I have a variable called section. I'm trying to include the value of "section" in a server.execute so I can dynamically include a particular file based on that value.

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