Dynamic Image Loading

i have an image on my page and on some user interaction i change the image but i cant reload it on the page since the image is already cached on client it shows the old image but if the user refresh the page he will get the updated image or if the user delete the cahed image from temp folder he will get the new image.

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Dynamic PDF Loading With FDF Toolkit

Using the toolkit and the following code to stuff values into the pdf. Staic field names are not a problem. Dynamic field names coming from an array does...

Getting an exception occurred error on
An exception occurred: 'objFDF.FDFSetValue'

Code: ....

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Binary Data(image) Loading

I have images stored in database how can display them in asp?

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Binary Data(image) Loading And Display In Asp

I have images stored in database how can display them in asp?

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Dynamic # Of Asp:Image Tags?

I have the following code:

while (sqlDR.Read())
lblImages.Text += "<a href="" + strCMSImageDir + sqlDR["picture_url"].ToString() + "">" +
"<img src="" + strCMSImageDir + sqlDR["picture_thumbnail_url"] + "" /></a>";
Which generates the following HTML:


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Dynamic Upload Image

I have a database with Image paths for a field (fldImagePath) How can I make an ASP script where if it CANNOT FIND the image at the specified path, that it uses a default image instead ("which will be a product image not available" image)
Do I have to use Error trapping?

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Dynamic ASP Image Slideshow

I have a slideshow tied into a website that as currently programmed works like this. When the page loads I make a connection to an Access database that has a table of images with fields for various aspects of each image, eg. title, file name, dimension, etc.

With the connection I create a recordset using the getrows() function. I then loop through the recordset but with a twist so to speak. When the images are displayed on the page I want them always to appear in a random order. You'll see how I've achieved this in my code below.

Right now I have this system working perfectly on my website - See Example. Here is what I would love to see happen. On the page where you see the 8 thumbnails I'd love to have a nice little navigation up there, something like "<< Gallery Navigation >>" The >> links would move to the next (or previous) set of 8 images.

I know this may be asking a lot for help on this but if someone is feeling generous it sure would be appreciated. Would I need two pages to pull this off? Would I need a session variable holding the recordset and some type of marker telling me where I am as I go page to page? Here is My code:

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Dynamic Image Creation

Can ASP VB create dynamic images of text? (ie. an image of a line of text)
If so does anyone have any examples I could take a look at please.

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Problem Outputting Dynamic Image

I have a script which stores an image to the server whilst at the same time stores the filename for the image in a database. I am now trying to output the image file contained on the server using the filename contained in the database.

Whilst I can retrieve the filename from the database and also obtain the correct filepath of the image, the image itself doesn't display on the screen!

Response.Write("Path to file: " & pathToFile & "<br><br>")
Response.Write("<img src=""" & pathToFile & """>")

pathToFile contains full path and filename of the image.

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Dynamic Image Checking/Rendering

I'm trying to use a database field value to show an image...

If image exists then
show it
show default image

..even though the image is on the server, the default image shows......

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Unable To Get Dynamic Image To Display

Hi, I am trying to output an image using a filename from a database.

My code:

Response.Write("<img src='uploaded/" & bannerRecordSet("Banner_Image_File") & "'>")

Response.Write("<img src='uploaded/homepage1.jpg'>")

The first example works but doesn't display the image
The second example works and always displays the image

I don't know what is wrong with my code as the images are definitely on the server.

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Dynamic Calendar, Need To Create Dynamic Array....

I code that creates a calendar for each month and then it displays events from that month that are stored in a db. I need to loop through my recordset and display all the events, but I can't quite figure out how to do it. I am thinking I need to do an array. But I am not really sure.... any ideas. Here is where you can view the calendar. Code:

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Display An Image From Access, Stored As Location Name Not Actual Image.

I have a client who has had a ASP site with an Access database for several years. It stores information for the used cars on his lot. I have stored text in the database that points to the location of the image for each record. Each record will have a thumb image that is supposed to display in a list of vehicles available then the user can select an item from this list and a new page displays with the information and the regular size image. So far everything has worked fine exept for the display of the images which are stored in a separate directory called veh-photos. All I get are image place holders. I am using Dreamweaver 2004 and and Access 2000 for the database.

Following is the code to list vehicles: ....

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Open Image In 'Kodak Image Edit Control' With Web Browser

1.I want to show a image file of type '.tif' in the browser window; for that I'm writting as ASP code page.

2.This '.tif' type image can be shown better with 'Kodak Image Control'.

3.To have this 'Kodak Image Control' on my code page I just add it's ..ocx to tool box and then drag it from 'Toolbox' to the page.

4.Now after dropping this control to the code it's type is getting changed to 'object' instead of type 'ImgEdit'(and I think this is the
reason I don't get correct result).

5.On one button's 'Onclick' event I'm calling a javascript function with which I'm setting a 'Path'and'Display' property of a control.

6.And want to show a image at location -- '..MFTDRCMF919685173-62.tif' which get shown in new browser window but could not get shown in that particular control. That means the path is correct, then what is the problem?

For better understanding of problem I'm pasting a following code which I've tried up till now......
<%@ Language=VBScript %>

<META NAME="GENERATOR" Content="Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0">

<SCRIPT LANGUAGE=javascript>
function showpic()
var path;
path = document.frmtif.path.value;
document.frmtif.ImgEdit1.Image =path;


<BODY bgColor=#ffe4e1>
<form name="frmtif">
The Image
<OBJECT id=ImgEdit1 style="WIDTH: 409px; HEIGHT: 218px" type="ImgEdit"
border=1 classid=clsid:6D940280-9F11-11CE-83FD-02608C3EC08A

<input type="hidden" name="path"
<input type="button" name="show" value="Show" onclick="showpic();">



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Displaying Alternate Image When Image Source Not Found

I am creating a dynamic ASP VBScript page, which gets data from an Access database.

In the database, there is a field which holds a URL to an image. I can get the image to display fine, but where there is no file that matches the URL (i.e. a missing image) I want to display an alternative, default image (e.g. one that says "Awaiting Image"). The field is never blank, but the image file may not exist for all records in the database.

I think what I am trying to get to is the following:

If file exists (using URL from database to get location of image file) then
display image using the url from the database as the image source
display default image - hardcoded in program

I have had a go and come up with the attached but I get an error with my if statement...

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Not Loading Asp

We have a web server running IIS 5.0 that will not load
any file with an .asp file extension. The server
loads .html just fine, but all links to an .asp file end
up timing out.

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Loading Bar

Is it possible to create a loading bar with ASP? I am thinking of displaying the loading bar while my customers' requests are being processed (databse update).

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Loading .txt

I have a an ASP page on which i wish to load dynamic text by way of a dot text file.
It would be great if something like.-

<txt scr = "MyTextFile.txt">

existed but life aint that simple, or is it?

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Loading Id From DB

i want to load an id from a table in the db how do i do that?I am scripting in asp?
i tried this but it wont work.

SQL = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE id=Request("id")"

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before displaying any page i want to show message pls wait page is loading. its written on browser. i think meta tag will do this?

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Page Loading

I have an asp page which takes approx 1 min to load over the network due to how much data it has to deal with.
If someone was to press stop on the browser i assume it doesnt close the connection to the database is there anyway to ensure it does?

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Loading Frames

I've got an asp page that is set up in with two frames. The problem in question pertains to the main frame which contains a simple 'response.redirect' line that redirects the visitor to a different location. Other than this line, everything else are tags and no asp-oriented code.

I've tested this on a couple of computers, and it works fine. However, there are a few other computers in my office where the redirect just hangs and doesn't load the redirected page (i.e. the status bar states 'Open http://someurl.com' and stays like that)

Is this a problem with using the asp line, or is it a computer setting/browser setting I'm overlooking?

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Loading Time

I have an ASP file that eastablishes two connections to a SQL Server and produces two Record Set objects. I am using IIS to develop and the SQL Server database is on the same computer.What I am developing is a message board, so there is a form on which information is submitted. The first connection and recordset puts information from the form into the database table, and the second connection and recordset pulls out 10 records from that same table and should write out some information from the recordset.
The problem is when the form is submitted, it takes forever for the next page to load. I am not even sure how long it takes, because the longest I waited was about 5-10 minutes for it to load, and it still would not load so I closed the browser.
Are the two connections or two recordsets too much for the server to handle, or am I doing something else wrong?

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Loading Pages Into A Div

is there a way of loading pages into a div i have created a review server where people can upload folders of work the create a start file, ie an index page on a microsite..

i then want to show this page within my page.,,, i dont want to use frames or i frames, can this be done by loading the page into a div?

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Loading A File

im not sure if this is possible, but how do you load a file in asp? Basically i want the user to choose a .mdb file from their file system and then set that file as the "master databse" to be used in the website!

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ASP Script Loading

Is there a way of while the ASP script runs some text is in its place saying Script Loading

user click
Script Loading
Message Shown
Script done
Message Dissappear
Script Appear

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Loading An ActiveX DLL

Why would the following code execute in VB6 but hang indefinately when
exectuted in an ASP 3.0 page?

Set VLReceive = CreateObject("VLCTI.VLReceive")

This line is invoked in the following context:
Dim VLReceive
Set VLReceive = CreateObject("VLCTI.VLReceive")
Set VLReceive = Nothing

Is it the setup of the virtual directory or something?

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Loading Page

did anyone know how to do the loading page when the page are not load complete?

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Loading Times

I have a asp page which pulls alot of data back from a SQL database, is thier any way to show the page while its loading.

I did some diging and found this:


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Loading Too Slow

in what condition will lead the the ASP page run too slowing.

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Loading Page

Would like a loading page to appear for asp searchs/form submitions similar to the sheddev search, whilst the results are being returned you go to a different page saying "please wait whilst page is loading" and when the results are returned you are directed back.

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Page Not Loading

I have put together a logon page and successfully tested it on localhost, but once uploaded, it ceases to behave normally. Instead of displaying the page, Internet Explorer puts up a download file box, asking if I want to Open or Save it. If you'd like to this in action, go to www.bpfe.org.uk/mtdlogon.asp. I'm sure I've seen this before but I can't remember what causes it.

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Self Loading Page

What I would like to do is having a page on the server that automaticaly load itself every X hours. Is there anyway of doing this? I need this in order to update my database and execute some asp code.

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