Dynamically Saving Html Files

I need to implement the following functionality in asp. I have got an asp page which renders some html onto the browser.Now instead of rendering the html to the browser i should save that as an html file in server itself. Please advise how i can accomplish this.

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Dynamically Creating Html Files On Server

I need to implement the following functionality in asp. I have got an asp page which renders some html onto the browser.Now instead of rendering the html to the browser i should save that as an html file in server itself.

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Saving Files To Acces DB

I have created an access DB with a few BLOBs in it to upload files to, all good and well this is working fine.

However found out I can not write the data directly to the BLOB as I have to upload the file first to the server and than read it with the ADODB.Stream object.

This is like a double action:
first I have to write the file to the server and only then I can read it to the DB...

Is there anyway to do this all at once, I.E. read a file from the client and as I am reading it to actually write it to the DB???

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Saving And Uploading Files

I have recently created a "page generator" for my website - it basically takes a form output and sticks in some html etc etc. and places it in a text area on the same page.
i was wondering if asp could be used to save the output to my server as a new file?

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Dynamically Add Html Tags

I have an asp email applciation that will be used to create a newsletter. I want to me able to enter a few lines of text into the textarea part of the form. Then if I want to add a hyper link to the textarea. I just want to click a buttom and add the html tags into the body of textarea along with the text I enter above the hyper link.

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Include Asp Files Dynamically

Can I include asp files dynamically? If the result is 1 then include file 1.asp, if the result is 2 then include file 2.asp, Can this be done?

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Dynamically Create Html From Word Docs

I'm trying to figure out how to run a script on my server which will go over a few folders of Word documents, and create html pages out of them which I can then serve to my users. Preferably I want to do this without installing anything else on the server, hopefully it's achievable with a scripting language like VBscript/ASP?

I am used to web programming in PHP,Perl, Java, but for this I need to use ASP, on IIS. I've Googled & Yahooed and not come up with much.

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Dynamically Obtain Include Files

I'm trying to build a part of an application that will use an include file based on a user's selection (still in ASP 3.0!). Their selection is stored in a database. I've tried using variables as either the entire include file or in parts of the include file, but nothing I've tried works - I.e.:

<!-- #include file="inc_<% response.write myTemplate %>.asp" -->

Is there any way to accomplish this?

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How To Get HTML Text String From Dynamically Built Control?

I have built dynamic HTMLTable. Now I want to attach it directly to the Email Body - it is already built, so why not to use a ready table. However, I cannot find the way of getting plain HTML text out of dynamically built control. I tried to put my table between div and read div.innerHTML then - HTTP exception has been thrown.

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Dynamically Setting Path For Include Files

I have two environments: DEV and PROD. In DEV I have two independent webs. In PROD one of the webs is the root and the other is a subweb of the root.

Each enviornment has a different file system configuration so I must manually change the file location references in my code when I post from DEV to PROD. Code:

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Getting HTML Content From One Server And Saving It On Another Server

I'm incharge of updating the stats on a chl hockey teams Web Site. I
would like to know if there is a way to be able to save
the content of the CHL Statistics WebPage on our Server and using it
to update our Microsoft Access 2000 database.

If it possible, then I would take the content of that page. Execute
some code that will take this information an place it in our
database on our server. By doing this, our Team WebSite would be
update automaticaly at a time that I specify on our server.

At this time, I have to open the CHL Statistics WebPage. Then Save the
HTML page as a txt file, upload it on our server via FTP, then execute
my my code that places it in our database.

Could you send your suggestions to Join Bytes!?

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Saving Images While Saving ASP Pages !

When I try to save any ASP page, I get the message that "The page will not save correctly". Even though I go ahead and when I go offline the space of images is blank.

I have this website also where I am using ASP pages and my users are facing the same problem. HTML page is created but images are not saved.

What changes are required in ASP code so that images are also saved.

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Searching 100's Of Html Files

Ok my site is made up of both Database(access) and about 200 or so html files.

Currently I have a script running just to search the database. How do I search all of the HTML files for speific text?

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Securing Html Files

My client has purchased 'software' - it really is just a series of html documents. I need to ensure that these pages are protected and only those who log in can view them.

I am building an asp/db based login front end to ensure that users have paid for the system. I just do not know how to protect the files from there because they are html. Converting them to asp is not an option.

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Incorporating Contents Of Text Files Onto A Html Page

im wondering if there is a method/command which can be used so that when an asp page is called, it can 'explode' content from a text file (.txt) onto a web page, thus enabling a n00b to alter the text within the file, rather than the web page itself?

Further more, if I wanted to incorporate the text which is exploded into a CSS to give it some style flava, how would I do this? Is it possible?

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How To Include Html Files In ASP (similar To Index.php?page=contact)

I'm building a site which runs on 4 templates, each a different colour. I would like to pull in different content into each template using ASP.NET, similar to the php version of index.php?page=content.

I've not programmed in ASP before so am hoping someone can either supply me with a script or point me in the right direction.

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How To Open Large HTML FILES IN EXCEL In Quick Time

i am using the following code to generate a xls file using the content type now when the user opnes the file at his pc it takes long time to open..if the no of records in file is large does the use of html tags has slow down the process of opening in excel. Code:

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Saving As ASP

I recieved an FTP address and found no files in html, but in asp. The source code of the site looks like normal html and I updated it locally but don't know how to save it to .asp and replace the file on the server. I can't open the .asp file. What do I need to do this?

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Saving XML As UTF-8?

How do I load and save a UTF-8 document in XML in ASP/VBS?

Well, the loading* is not the problem actually -- the file is in UTF-8,
and understood correctly -- but once saved, the UTF-8 is replaced by
what seems to be iso-8859-1 (which Flash doesn't understand, but that's
another problem).

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Saving CSV Format In Asp

i am encountering some problems in converting some data into CSV format..i have alreadi retrieve the data however i do not knoe of ani methods of converting to CSV...is there ani method to save the directory to .csv

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XML DOM And Saving Formatting?

I'm currently doing some work with ASP and XML DOM.

Is there any way when saving XML to get ASP to save it in a formatted way? Similar to PHP's formatOutput setting? At the moment my xml is being appended on line e.g

Is there a setting to get ASP to save XML like:


The XML document I'm working on is fairly large and its proving very difficult to read through the xml at the moment.

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Image Saving

I am using this :

<IMG SRC="calendar.gif" Align="center" Border="0" onMousedown="alert('Please! Do not download this image. Thanks!')">

Now what this thing does is that it displays a dialog saying "Plz DO ..." ...
What should i do if i want that NOTHING should happen when a User right clicks on IMAGE ..absolutely nothing should happen ...


Another thing ... When the MOUSE moves over the image a FLOATING TOOLBOX kind of thing appears which has buttons likes SAVE,PRINT,EMAIL and things like that ... so what should i do so that NOTHING happens when the mouse moves over the IMAGE ...

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Saving To Another Server

i can't seem to think of a way around, this maybe more of a security question but htought i'd give this forum a shot first.

I have server A and server B

IIS on A but not on B

I have a webapplication that needs to save a file on server B. I can't set up a virtual directory with B since it doens't have iis i believe. If i were to do shortcuts or mapped drives those i think would use the credentials of the internet user i believe which won't have access to the directory, at least that's why i think it won't access them.

Can any one think of a clever workaround this? Can i just set the permissions to allow internet users to write to a folder on server B and it'll save that way?

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Image Saving

I am using the following:

<IMG SRC="calendar.gif" Align="center" Border="0" onMousedown="alert('Please! Do not download this image. Thanks!')">

Now what this thing does is that it displays a dialog saying "Plz DO ..." ...
What should i do if i want that NOTHING should happen when a User right clicks on IMAGE ..absolutely nothing should happen ...

Is It POSSIBLE ?????

Another thing ... When the MOUSE moves over the image a FLOATING TOOLBOX kind of thing appears which has buttons likes SAVE,PRINT,EMAIL and things like that ... so what should i do so that NOTHING happens when the mouse moves over the IMAGE ...

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Saving Date

ive got a feature on my site where i need to save the time and date into a database i woud like it to be written like Friday 6th August 2004 13:34:02

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Saving Cart

Is it possible to remove just the session.sessionID, I have other session variables that I would like to keep?I use this for saving cart information but it needs to be different each time.

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Saving Unicode In SQL Using ASP

I have an asp application that should allow the user to enter Unicode characters.

The characters appear correctly in the browser. When saved in sql 2000 thought they are converted to question marks

When I enter the characters directly in SQL (using enterprise manager),
they appear correctly in sql as well as in the browser when the asp
page retrieves them.

As soon as I hit save they get overwritten in sql incorrectly.

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Saving A Webpage

does anyone know if there is a way to save a webpage to file after the user presses a button?

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Saving A File

I am using IIS as a remote configuration tool to modify an XML config
file on the server. So I pull my XML config file through XSLT to give me
an HTML file with forms on. Something like this: Code:

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Error Saving

Forme time to time, when attempting to save a webpage in IE6, I see the
Error saving web page
The web page cannot be saved to the selectged location
It would not save on any other location.
What is the reason for this error?

Is this a code (server side or client side) to prevent a page from being

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Saving Passwords

I made a website for my work and we have it secure to where you have to login when you come to the site. But for some reason when you use the check box to SAVE PASSWORD it will not save the password.

So each time a client comes back to the site they have to put thier password in (and they arent happy about it) Just wondering if there is a setting I can turn off or turn on to enable the passwords to be saved.

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ASP/SQL Date Saving

I live in the UK and thus our standard date format is:


In my ASP page, when i try to save a date value to a date field in my MS ACCESS database, it will switch the day and month around if the day value is less than the month value. EXAMPLE:

Try to save the 1st of February 2004 as 01/02/2004. When this is saved in to the database, it is saved as 02/01/2004. This plays havoc with my search pages as they cannot find that date since half of it has been swapped around. Ive tried saving it as a string in to a text field and it still does the same.

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Saving Data

i have been trying to save data collected from a form to a access db. The problem is that whenever the page refreshes the asp script to save the data is executing. how
can i make sure that the insert statement is executed only if the button is clicked.

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