Embed Asp In Html

i have a page that dynamically displays payment info for accounts. since
each account differs in the number of rows to display, i loop through my
recordset and use the following asp embedded html: Code:

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Embed Asp File In Html Page

I have a code in asp which counts the number of visitors visited the site, how do I call this file to the html page? Is it by using <!include ...> or is there any other way of doing it. I tried using the include method it is not working and also I tried using <script language="JavaScript" src="hitcounter.asp"></script>, that also does'nt work. When they open the index page it should automatically display the visitor's number. Can you please help me with this?

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Embed Image Within HTML Email (CDO Or CDONTS)

Usually, when I send HTML emails, I just SRC the image to my web server, but now I would like to consider embedding images for those instances when potential customers may view the email when offline.

Can this be done with CDO or is another component required?

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Embed Images

I'm trying to generate word documents with ASP. I have no problem generating the wrd documents, but none of the images within the document are actually appearing the word file that you download. Does anyone have any insight, tips, pointers into how to go about embedding images in dynamically created word documents?
For reference - I'm using the response.contenttype ms/word to create the document on the fly.

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Embed Excel Into Asp

i want to have link on clicking to which I want an excel workbook to be
displayed... basically i think i will need to embed it into the table.
I also want that when i open the predefined excel template i dont get
the main menu (file, edit, view, insert,etc). My template has just 2
columns , data from one column is retrieved from the database and in the
2nd column is the quantity which user will enter and on clicking save i
will save in database.

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Embed Htm File

I have an asp file that as a URL variable. The variable contains the url to another htm file. How can I embed the htm file within the body of the asp file?

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Embed Excel

Ive read a few posts on this topic on the web but nothing specific. Is there a way to embed excel onto an HTML document using asp?

This is my issue:

At our company we have one user that has to access a spreadsheet, and an employee at another company has to access that same spreadsheet. They will never access it at the same time. but when one user accesses the sheet then saves it.

The easiest way I figured to do this - is store the excel document in an SQL database, and embed excel into a webpage so that both users have access to. so they can update the sheet, and save it.

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Embed Image In CDOSYS Message

Is it possible to embed an image, like a company logo in a CDOSYS generated

If yes, I´ll apreciate some code sample. I´ve been able to format messages
in html the way I like, but I can't figure out how to embed an image.

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Embed Web Based Images In Email

I know there is AddEmbeddedImage but does this only work only for images on your hard drive - can it be used for images that are web based? If not is there a way to embed an image in an email on the fly before sending - all web based?

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Embed PDF Into ASP Page? Need To Make PDF Secure..

Any idea's on how to make a PDF secure? I don't want anybody to be able to type in the location to the pdf file in the browser and download it. Suggestions please!!!???

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Excel Export-embed Some Functions

I am populating a schedule using access db, then export that to an excel file using "content-disposition".... I need to add some excel formula while populating the data, how will i do that? any sample??

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How To Embed An Vb Activex Control In ASP Page

Could any one tell me hoe to embed a VB ActiveX control in ASP

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Embed Text In A Tiff File

I have a document management application written in classic ASP
(VBScript) on my company intranet which works fine by storing and
displaying scanned images as .tif files.

What I wish to do now to further enhance the application is to display/
embed the DB record ID as text into the image itself.
I am aware of a a way of doing this to jpeg images using ASP.NET but
this does not work with tif files and classic ASP.

Does anyone know of a component which can achieve this or of a way I
can achieve the results with classic ASP.

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Embed Perl Code Inside Asp

I have 2 issues that i could not find a solution,

1) is it possible to convert a "cgi" code into asp page.
2) are there any tools to do this conversion,
is it possible to embed the cgi code inside , for example html, or jsp or asp.

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ActiveX Control Embed Tutorial?

I need to write an ActiveX control, in VB6, that will be embedded in an IE-6 browser. I'm looking for a good tutorial and links to documentation, to make this as painless as possible.

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Embed An Explorer View Of Files

Is there a way to embed an explorer like view of files within a directory and have them be linkable like a tree function in asp. Like This. I want to use as include file too.

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Embed A SELECT CASE Statement In An IF Statment

i have a select case statement that checks for a couple of options e.g.

<%select case aParameters(0)
case 0 %>

.. some code

<%case 2 %>

however i would like to test for a certain condition within the select cases statment. To see if a session variable exists before implementing some code:

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Copy Part Of HTML Table To Another HTML Page

I have a table having 3 columns. There is a checkbox for each line. I
need to get those lines whose checkboxes are checked, and show those
lines to another webpage. Is there any way to do that? My concern is
that all information in the table are in <tb></tb> pairs without any
name tag. Any idea?

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Displaying The HTML Code In HTML

I'm doing a content management system, whereby the user can enter the HTML code for a currency symbol, eg &pound; for £.y . when I bring this data backup, say they want to edit the settings, then my ASP/HTML page is rendering the HTML code, eg £, rather than showing the original value, eg &pound;.

If for example I put a space between the '&' and the 'pound;', eg & pound; then this will cause me problems because the user will think that they have to a put a space in or they file it with the space, which means the HTML code won't work any more. Is there a way round this?

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Html Inside Another Html

i need to include the html inside another html, though it might appear simple, the catch is this, my one html is in one server and my another html is in another server.I cannot read the html and stream it as it has images and their path gets changed when i do that.

More over i donot have any control over the html which i am going to include all i have is a url http:abcxx.htm whose content i want to show in another asp page. The technology is ASP (vbscript and javascript).

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I've created a form, using ASP to pull through first and last names from a database into another database. I cannot get it to put a space between the names it pulls through!!! Can anyone suggest what a put between the two to get a space!!

<%= rsGetStaff.Fields("FirstName").Value %><%= rsGetStaff.Fields("LastName").Value %>

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Html To Asp

I have an asp file that I made and I want to have it when you come to my site, the index.html redirects you to the .asp file, what is the code to do this?

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ASP is server-side technology.All it does is process data sent from a
client in a Request and generate html to be sent to the client via Response.
You'll probably get a quicker response by posting to a relevant newsgroup.

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What is the difference between HTML and ASP?
Apart from this,i know that ASP can display data from the text file of the server.Can HTML do such thing too?

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Getting HTML

I need to make a javascript include file using asp. I know how to make the include file with a .asp extention, but I am haveing other truobles
How can I make the < in html code be displayed as < not hidden and executed as normal code? Ex. <body><font color="red">this is text</font></body> would be displayed as that not this is text (but colored red). There's some function... ...can't think of it... ...I kind of does replace(pghtml,">","&gt;"), etc...
since I am getting the data from a database, I need it ALL to go on one line when I response.write it, how would I do this?

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I have an index.asp which consists of frameset and frames. The sub-frames
also consists of frameset and frames. This way, I can set the layout of my

In one of the frames, I load Login.asp. When it is submitted to
doLogin.asp, I validate the login information. When I validate the password
successfully, I want the whole webpage (the index.asp and down) to reload
because it has to re-draw the menus on top. When the login is failed, it
redirects to Login.asp.

I am having a hard time doing this from my ASP page right after I validate
the login information.

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Get The Name Of A HTML Tag

I'am new to the ASP and I have a question about how do I get the name of the form?

<form name="zoekbedrijven" id="zoekbedrijven" method="post" action="form_lijst_bedrijfseenheden_bdrf.asp">

How do I get the form name with ASP like in javascript:


But this doesn't work but how should I do this?

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I have a PSD layout and I would like it coded in HTML (well ASP - ie basic, header/footer/middle - ASP not totally necessary) and table-less CSS.

PSD contains a few links up top which would require use of some image rollover technique.

Payment would be via PayPal. Please PM if interested and include experience you have with CSS.

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If this is the wrong group, please post a more relevant group. My problem is that I have a .hex file (basically a text file) shown on a web page for download. If one left clicks on the link for this file, the text content is displayed. Someone in my organization wants to prevent this display. Any ideas on how to do this? I hope this is not an ignorant question but I am not a web developer, ... yet.

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I have to pass the valut of an HTML text box through POST method but for some reason i m unable to get that value through Response.Form of asp I have to get the value by response.querystring but for that i need to send that value through parameter in URL i dont know how to pass that value of textbox through parameter by post method.

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I'm trying to set default value for input type file.

<input type="File" name="tx_pdffile" accept="*.pdf"
class="boxText" value="abc.pdf">

but this value (abc.pdf) doesnt appear in the text box.Whats the solution?

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I'm proficient with HTML. Been using it for many years now. I haven't had time to learn any of the newer languages but for what I need, I don't think I have to. I'm hoping someone can point me in the right direction of a tutorial or chunk of code I can simply paste into my existing page.

I've got a website I'm working on which requires *many* new pages within the same site. What I need to know is how to keep my navigational menu, header, logos, etc. in place while only refreshing the body of the text when links are clicked.

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.html To .doc / .rtf

I got an ASP application and we need to figure out how to deal with this problem. Users sees text and images via his/her browser and he/she should have a possibility to create a .doc or .rtf file out of what he/she sees. So practically .html page should be converted to .doc or .rtf.

a) converting to .pdf is easier I know, but that's another story
b) opening .html -file inside word is not what I want

For example: user could view certain changing data, and then convert it to .doc/.rtf and save to his/her computer and view/change it offline. ASP component would be nice, but practically anything goes that can be attached to a www-application. It doesn't need to be free.

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