Embed Perl Code Inside Asp

I have 2 issues that i could not find a solution,

1) is it possible to convert a "cgi" code into asp page.
2) are there any tools to do this conversion,
is it possible to embed the cgi code inside , for example html, or jsp or asp.

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VBA Code Inside ASP

I have a front end with all the code and a backend with some tables. Want to convert this into website database. Most probably convert the frontend into ASP. Is this the only way? Can one use the VBA code inside ASP with translating the VBA into ASP?

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ASP.Net Inside ASP Code

I need to make a search to search our database that can be put on different customers websites. So I was planning on making the search a reusable asp.net control. But a lot of our customers websites are written is ASP. So Is it possible to call an asp.net control inside an asp page?

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Put Code Inside HTML Tag

How do you put an asp code inside an html tag?

This is not working:

<a href="contact.asp?subject=Question about group
<%=(Recordset1.Fields.Item("group_name").Value)%>">Send a message</a>

I am actually putting above info in an Access field. People would be able to send me email through a form in contact.asp and I want the subject line reflect which page they came from.

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Problem With Query Inside Asp Code

i have a query that runs fine in oracle, but when i try and run it through my code i get an error :

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80040e31'
[Oracle][ODBC][Ora]ORA-01013: user requested cancel of current operation

/test/WO_Metrics.asp, line 129

i know that it has to do with the way my query is coded, i think maybe with the nested query. because it worked fine before i put the nested query in. is there a special way to handle nested queries in aps? Code:

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Asp Vs Perl

can you please tell which is better. if neither is whats best in what ?

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Perl From ASP

I have a web site written in (VBscript) ASP with a SQL database. I would like to use a sub procedure in a Perl module (written by someone else) from within a VBscript ASP page. The sub takes several parameters and returns a result string. Is there a way to do this within a VBscript ASP page?

My alternative would be having to re-code my ASP page into a Perl page. While possible, I'd like to not have to learn Perl just for this one page. (Re-coding the Perl module into VBscript is not an option.).

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Perl Lingua

if any of you have any knowledge of the Perl Lingua::Identify module and submodules? Links to samples, code, reference?

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Off Perl Script From Asp Web Form

we have a perl script at work which we run manually from time to time to move files from our staging environment to our live environment. As part of an application I'm working on i'd like to incorporate a buttom on a web form which would kick off this perl script when neccessary. Is there any way to do this?

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Including PERL Files Within ASP

Does anyone know if its possible to include perl files in my CGI-BIN folder within an asp page?

I've written a forum program in perl (which is all run through the same file /cgi-bin/forum.pl) and I would like to include it within an ASP page.

Is it possible? If so how? Just using the Include Virtual string? By the way I'm on UNIX with ChilliASP installed.

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Use Html Tokparser In Perl

in perl if we need to get all the html links we use htmp Tokparser do we hv any thing in asp for same purpose.

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Perl And Microsoft On Same Server

I have a website that uses perl and switched to a different hosting company. After weeks of pulling teeth to get moved from a unix webserver to a microsoft one, I tell them that the extensive perl portion of my site isnt functioning. They said I need to use ASP instead.

I dont know anything about it and think it is unfair for me to have to completely redevelop my site becasue they dont want to put perl and microsoft on the same server. My last hosting company did it so I know it is possible. Meanwhile everytime somone clicks on this perl application nothing but script comes up (very unprofessional). Is it somthing really easy to implement or should I just forget about it?

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Can A Perl Script Be Changed With An .asp File?

I have an HTML header with a form in it that begins like this:

<form name="main" action="form_action.asp" method="GET" target="bot">

I also have a perl CGI script and I just need one part of that script to be altered by the action of the form. So the user would select from a drop-down menu and, depending on their choice, the perl script would be changed accordingly and then executed.

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Running A Perl Script From An ASP Page To Include QUERY_STRING

I am running IIS 6.0 on Windows 2003.

I would like to be able to run a perl script from a web page and
include the output.

I have tried doing it with an ssi:

<form action='docsearch.shtml' method='get'>
<!--#exec cgi="/cgi-bin/docsearch.pl-->

This correctly ran the script, but it was unable to include the
QUERY_STRING from the parent URL into the included perl script, and
there seems no work around to enable me to do that on IIS 6.0,
therefore on this thread:


I was recommended: "to a simple ASP page which will easily do exactly
what you want because it actually has the functionality you want, by
intention, and is supported." Code:

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Embed Images

I'm trying to generate word documents with ASP. I have no problem generating the wrd documents, but none of the images within the document are actually appearing the word file that you download. Does anyone have any insight, tips, pointers into how to go about embedding images in dynamically created word documents?
For reference - I'm using the response.contenttype ms/word to create the document on the fly.

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Embed Excel Into Asp

i want to have link on clicking to which I want an excel workbook to be
displayed... basically i think i will need to embed it into the table.
I also want that when i open the predefined excel template i dont get
the main menu (file, edit, view, insert,etc). My template has just 2
columns , data from one column is retrieved from the database and in the
2nd column is the quantity which user will enter and on clicking save i
will save in database.

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Embed Htm File

I have an asp file that as a URL variable. The variable contains the url to another htm file. How can I embed the htm file within the body of the asp file?

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Embed Asp In Html

i have a page that dynamically displays payment info for accounts. since
each account differs in the number of rows to display, i loop through my
recordset and use the following asp embedded html: Code:

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Embed Excel

Ive read a few posts on this topic on the web but nothing specific. Is there a way to embed excel onto an HTML document using asp?

This is my issue:

At our company we have one user that has to access a spreadsheet, and an employee at another company has to access that same spreadsheet. They will never access it at the same time. but when one user accesses the sheet then saves it.

The easiest way I figured to do this - is store the excel document in an SQL database, and embed excel into a webpage so that both users have access to. so they can update the sheet, and save it.

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Embed Image In CDOSYS Message

Is it possible to embed an image, like a company logo in a CDOSYS generated

If yes, I´ll apreciate some code sample. I´ve been able to format messages
in html the way I like, but I can't figure out how to embed an image.

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Embed Web Based Images In Email

I know there is AddEmbeddedImage but does this only work only for images on your hard drive - can it be used for images that are web based? If not is there a way to embed an image in an email on the fly before sending - all web based?

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Embed PDF Into ASP Page? Need To Make PDF Secure..

Any idea's on how to make a PDF secure? I don't want anybody to be able to type in the location to the pdf file in the browser and download it. Suggestions please!!!???

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Excel Export-embed Some Functions

I am populating a schedule using access db, then export that to an excel file using "content-disposition".... I need to add some excel formula while populating the data, how will i do that? any sample??

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How To Embed An Vb Activex Control In ASP Page

Could any one tell me hoe to embed a VB ActiveX control in ASP

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Embed Text In A Tiff File

I have a document management application written in classic ASP
(VBScript) on my company intranet which works fine by storing and
displaying scanned images as .tif files.

What I wish to do now to further enhance the application is to display/
embed the DB record ID as text into the image itself.
I am aware of a a way of doing this to jpeg images using ASP.NET but
this does not work with tif files and classic ASP.

Does anyone know of a component which can achieve this or of a way I
can achieve the results with classic ASP.

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Embed Asp File In Html Page

I have a code in asp which counts the number of visitors visited the site, how do I call this file to the html page? Is it by using <!include ...> or is there any other way of doing it. I tried using the include method it is not working and also I tried using <script language="JavaScript" src="hitcounter.asp"></script>, that also does'nt work. When they open the index page it should automatically display the visitor's number. Can you please help me with this?

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ActiveX Control Embed Tutorial?

I need to write an ActiveX control, in VB6, that will be embedded in an IE-6 browser. I'm looking for a good tutorial and links to documentation, to make this as painless as possible.

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Embed An Explorer View Of Files

Is there a way to embed an explorer like view of files within a directory and have them be linkable like a tree function in asp. Like This. I want to use as include file too.

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Embed Image Within HTML Email (CDO Or CDONTS)

Usually, when I send HTML emails, I just SRC the image to my web server, but now I would like to consider embedding images for those instances when potential customers may view the email when offline.

Can this be done with CDO or is another component required?

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Embed A SELECT CASE Statement In An IF Statment

i have a select case statement that checks for a couple of options e.g.

<%select case aParameters(0)
case 0 %>

.. some code

<%case 2 %>

however i would like to test for a certain condition within the select cases statment. To see if a session variable exists before implementing some code:

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Do Inside An If-statement?

I need to do a loop with some criterias that depends on an earlier database
query. I tried to do it this way, but it seems not to accept that the do
is inside the if:

if not objrs.EOF then
Do until updatearray(0) < objrs("updated")
Do While not fso.AtEndOfStream
end if
Blabla my repeating script here...

I'm getting this error:

Microsoft VBScript compilation error '800a03fb'
Expected 'Loop'
/x.asp, line 46

It seems somehow that the do is "stronger" than the if statement, as it didn't
even help doing it this way: Code:

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Using ASP Inside An ASP.NET Page

I've inherited webmaster duties for a website done in ASP.NET. After much trial and error I've figured out the architecture of the site, and have a template for the area of the page that contains the content. I need to pop in a dropdown menu, nothing fancy, like the one on this Post New Thread page for "Category".

Does anyone know where I can get the syntax for one? Or does someone know ASP.NET and can write out a simple dropdown menu code for me?

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100% Height Of A Div Inside A TD

I've put a div red with some text inside a TD, but its height is less than 100% of TD height as you can see.

I've defined the following styles:

div.test { background-color:red; height:100%; width: 100%; }
table.test { border: 1px solid #CCCCCC; background-color:yellow; }
td.test { border: 1px solid #CCCCCC; }

does anyone know a solution ? Code:

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