Encrypted String

I would like to save my user's passwords as an encrypted sting.
Are their built in functions for doing this?
It's not financial data or anything, just to keep away prying eyes.

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Encrypted String In Url

I have a javascript code which take string and encrypt it since the encrypted string contains unsafe characters I am calling URLEncode ,but than the result string is much to long in order to pass in in the URL(i must use this method.

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Encrypted Webpage?

Has anyone implemented an encrypted ASP webpage? Any major pitfalls that one should be aware of?

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Encrypted Forms

If I have an asp form that generates an email and the email that is generated is unencrypted, how is that resolved.

Is it coding added to the form?

Is it the server security settings?

What dictates encryption?

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Encrypted File

i have a file that i should have access to that i need to edit that looks like the content is encrypted or something. any way i can get the code out of the file?

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Information Encrypted

I have a login page, which is not in SSL. However, the script that processes this information is. While that information passes to the login page to the page that processes this information, is this information encrypted?

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Insert Encrypted Password

If you have worked with php-mysql, you might have noticed that there is a featured to encrypt a password while inserting it in the database using the password() function.

I am looking for a similar feature as i am working with asp as frontend and mysql and ms sql server as my backend.

If you have not used php-mysql then ignore the above and tell me if there is any function to encrypt the password while inserting it to the database using ASP? (for both mysql and mssql).

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How To Decrypt Password, Encrypted By MDI?

with your kind support and using this code:

'Encrypt the password
Dim md5Hasher as New MD5CryptoServiceProvider()

Dim hashedBytes as Byte()
Dim encoder as New UTF8Encoding()

hashedBytes = md5Hasher.ComputeHash(encoder.GetBytes(txtPwd.Text))

Dim paramPwd as SqlParameter
paramPwd = New SqlParameter("@Password", SqlDbType.Binary, 16)
paramPwd.Value = hashedBytes

I have been able to Encrypt my password, but now I am struggling to Decrypt it and i need your suggestions again. Now how i can Decrypt the password that is stored in my DB as binary form.

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Encrypted Pages Using Request.form

I'm having a problem with a shared ssl cert from the host. I'm trying to pass 8 fields from an encrypted page to a redirect page that is encrypted and then to the final page which is also encrypted to store the data.

These page names are similar to the setup but are renamed here as: ....

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Showing Password In Encrypted Form In SQL

I have seen one table in which while selecting records from that table and viewing the resultset in Grid format the passwords was coming in encrypted form means suppose the password was 'super' but in the resultset set it seen as n or some other letter. But if the same resultset was viewed in Text format then the actual password was seen...

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Web Forms / HTTP File Upload / String.Split A StreamReader.ReadLine() String

I'm developing an Asp.NET system to take a CSV file uploaded via the web, parse it, and insert the values into an SQL database. My sticking point comes when I try to split() the string returned by readline() on the file.

The following code snippet works for me:
tokens = "one,two,three,four".Split(",")
for each token in tokens

However, if I take the next line in the CSV, read using StreamReader.ReadLine on the PostedFile.InputStream, I receive "Object reference not set to an instance of an object." which I have narrowed down to be my string holding the line. Further investigation reveals that no other string member functions work on my line (.ToCharArray, .ToString, etc).

I suspect that StreamReader.ReadLine is not correctly returning a string, even though Response.Write(line) displays what I would expect .....

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String Functions Run On Empty String

I have a form in which several elements are expected to be all digits. Some of those elements can be left empty, but if specified they must be all digits. I have this Sub to edit them: ....

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Text String To A Interger String

I am pulling info from a sql server By default the query pulls back the inforamtion as text.Therefore when I go to calculate some figures its giving me a type mismatch error.
Is there a function in can call to convert a text string to an integer string using

rstSearch.Fields("name").Value .To pull back the info in a for loop

Error Type:
Microsoft VBScript runtime (0x800A000D)
Type mismatch

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String Contains ?

If a visitor doesn't put anything in the "Search" text box I'd like them to
be redirected to where they came from before the search form forwarded them
to the search.asp page. Therefore I've put the following at the top of
search.asp to do this.

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ADO LIKE 'string'

I am trying to search my access database for a string using LIKE and a wildcard.


Dim con

con = "SELECT names.* WHERE name LIKE 'sam*'"

For some reason this gives me no results even though I verified there is entries with the word sam in them.

Also tried using % instead of *. Also took out wildcard. I can search for an integer without a problem though, when I try a string, regardless if there's relevant entries I get nothing back at all.

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SQL String

I am using an SQL statment with a LIKE clause. I am trying to print the actual SQL statement on the screen. However I cannot print a '%' character on the screen. I tried using Chr code and just % outright.

Random variables:
name, rank


sSQL = "SELECT * from myTable WHERE myField LIKE '" & name & "%'"

It just prints on the screen: (assume name=joe)

"SELECT * FROM myTable WHERE myField LIKE 'joe'"

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String To Int

i have an object which is a string, (objrs4("points")) how do i convert it into int numbers.

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String Value

i need requirement for the current assignment Im working on.Part of my assignment I have to saved updated data from a datagrid and put into database. I had everything working, but without option strict and explicit. When I put it on i'm having trouble getting the value out of it.

What I need is to get the value out of the textbox control of a datagrid in edit mode. The value is supposed to be in Item.cells(2).Controls(0) but I have no clue on how to get it out correctly. Ive tried everything but keep getting errors that it cannot be converted to a string.

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Getting Url From String

the subject that i need to filter the URL from a memo field that having lots of URL in it, like when we post a message with URL www.websourceinfo.com it will become a base url link with click

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String Contain

I searched google for this (probably easy to solve) problem, but all answerd there did not work hop someone can help me out.In an asp I want to check whether a string contains a " if so the response should be that the "-sign is not allowed.

Elseif InStr(1, username, """) > 0 then Response.Write "-sign is not allowed in the username."

Tried char(34) and /" and """ but none of these options seem to work.

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Cut Something From A String

I guess this is easy, but I ask anyway.How can I cut 'www.' and '.no' or '.com' from a string?

example input:


I want this output:


How can I do this?

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String Within Other String

splitted from this thread, I need to dosomething similar i need comare 2 variables. one of them conaints the other variable but have more information

i need compare
a= "red car"
b= "red"

and then i need ask if is b in A then c=b but i dont know how.

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Hex To String

converting string to hex like so:

for x = 1 to len(source)
target = target & hex(ascw(mid(source,x,1)))

How to convert it back to a string?

I got as far as:

for x = 1 to len(source) step 2
target = target & chr("&H" & mid(source,x,2))

but this fails with the pound sign (£ - &pound;)

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This seems like it should be so simple. I would like to create a conditional statement based on the length of a string. The string is a memo field from an Access database. I would like to handle long memos differently from short ones. I'm starting out just by trying to write out the length of the string:

memo = RS("Idea_Note")
Response.Write Len(memo)

I can response.write the memo without trouble, but I get nothing for the length of the memo.

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I have a drop down list of ssn and text box to input ssn to view the info in the next page. I am having a problem with displaying and when I debugged the code, I am getting a comma next to the ssn. Here is my code the dropdown and input type:ssn is text field. Code:

<Select name=ssn >
<%response.write("<option value=""" & RS("ssn") & """>" & RS("ssn") & "</option>" & vbcrlf)%></td>
<td><input type=text name=ssn value="">

In next page when I response.write ssn, I am getting the ssn as: 123456789, why am I getting a comma next to the ssn?

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DB String

I got this huge query string that works well if I put something like this:

"select * from table"

in the table, there is a field called result wich is a varchar

so if I write "select * from table where result=" & result it says:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server error '80040e07'
Conversion failed when converting the varchar value 'E' to data type int.

/backoffice/ac_medica/operadores.asp, line 82

I'm gonna need the same for dates later... Can anyone tell me how?

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Breaking Up A String

I am wondering if any body can guide me on how to break up a string so that i can use the first letter as a querystring.

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Can't Get Connection String

I need to create some .asp pages to publish data from our manufacturing lines...but I can't figure out how to establish the connection string and print the data. I've been stuck on this all day and about to start pulling my hair out!!!

As an example, can someone create the most basic code necessary to build a web page that does the following:

a) connect to a SQL version of the Northwind db (assume I have a functioning ODBC connection called 'Northwind_ODBC' on a server called 'ProductionServer')

b) Loop through the records in the [Shippers] table and paste the values in a HTML table (using SELECT * FROM SHIPPERS)

I know it sounds simple but I'm looking through some books and can't find a solution that works on my server.

NOTE: I'm running Server 2003 (with IIS), SQL Server 2000, and I have proven ASP does work on this machine...unfortunately, just not with the code I'm trying to build!!!

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Creating A String

Im trying to create a string from checkboxes that have been checked, but for some reason its not working

strNumbers = ""
for each key in request.form("chkFacility")
strNumbers = strNumbers + "" & key & ","
intCount = intcount + 1

So I want to end up with a string like this '3,12,7.' Instead Im just getting a single number. Am I doing this the right way. Any help wud be just fantastic!!

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Search String

I am passing the following variables....

City - name of city
RentLow - low range of rent
RentHigh - high range of rent
myquery - keywords

The following is the start of my query string but I am having issues with the City portion already and I have not gotten to the rent yet

I know the SQLquery portion right below is fine - it tested perfectly, along with the rest of the query, it was when I added in the request city string that gives me No value given for one or more required parameters. even though one is passed in the string.

SQLquery = "(" &parsethis(strText ,words ,wCount, 3) & ")"
SQLquery = Replace(SQLquery, "<FIELD1>", "title")
SQLquery = Replace(SQLquery, "<FIELD2>", "description")
SQLquery = Replace(SQLquery, "<FIELD3>", "comments")
SQLstr = "SELECT * FROM links WHERE " & SQLquery & " AND city = " & Request.QueryString("city") & " AND linktype = 2 AND active = " & myTrue & " " & SortSQL & ";"
end if

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Parsing A String

Lets say I have a string like "www.ssss.com/images/theimage.jpg"

I want to parse the string and just return the image: theimage.jpg

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Connect String

I'm trying to create a connect string, but I might have a unique situtation. When connecting to Query Analyzer, I connect using RUNAS specifying domain and username. Is it possible to create a connect string given the above requirements? Here's what I'm trying to use:

Set demoConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
demoPath="DRIVER={SQL Server};" & _
"SERVER=myserver;UID=username;" & _
demoConn.open demoPath

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String From ASP To JavaScript

I created this easy function to modify an ASP string and send the value to javascript:

Function ReplaceJS(str)
str = Replace(str,""",""")
str = Replace(str,"'","'")
ReplaceJS = Replace(str,"","")
End Function

Why I always get "empty string"? Where I'm wrong?

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