Entered Data

What I would like to know how to do is take entered data from a textbox on a form
and then use that typed in text as part of a SQL query. For instance I have a textbox
(lets call it txtDate), and say someone entered "04/27/2004" into the textbox. I would
like to then make a sql query call like: SELECT * from myDatabase WHERE scheduleDate
= "04/27/2004" (<- Data entered in textbox)

This seems like it should be very simple, I have my database connection working and I
can pull out all the tables and tables using Static Querys.

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Validating To See If Data Is Entered

I have this JavaScript code in my html file(search page) to check and see if any data is entered in the text field. If there is no data entered, there will be this box that 'pops up' to say ask the user to enter some data.

The problem is that when I enter some data into the textfield, it is suppossed to lead to the database which i have created. But in this case, when I enter some data into the textfield, instead of opening the .asp file, it just reloads the search page(html file).

How am I supposed to solve this problem?

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How To Ensure Data Is Entered

I have data being entered in a form and I would like to ensure that the fields are not left blank. How can I do it?

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Show Previously Entered Data

I have two pages in my Web system that works in such a manner:
1. Page A allows users to input data into the web form
2. Page B displays data from Page A and other additional info

Page A contains only data inputs of HTML types TEXT and SELECT.I'd like to have an "Edit" button in Page B where it allows users to be redirected to Page A to view all of the previously entered data (and edit the data from there).

Can I do this without using "Request.QueryString" or "Request.Form" commands? I can't use "history.back()" or "history.go(-1)" commands, because with them, Page A is shown with empty data in it.

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User Entered Form Data

I am storing user entered form data from an ASP page in a MSSQL 2000 database. I would like to give my administrators a way to download a tab file with the entries. Is writing an ASP page the best way to do this? And if so, how can I convert database records into a file that will download through the browser?

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Keyword Entered By User

i want to search a database containing the keyword entered by the user.
i tried this code:

myquery = "SELECT * FROM articles WHERE author LIKE '%" & Request.Form("keyword") & "%';"

but this one only searches the "author" field. i want asp to search the entire database regardless of the field.

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Entered Items To Inbox

i have 5 textboxes and 2 radio buttons in my form and one submit button.after filling datas in my form if i click submit button all the details has to go to my client mail inbox in the same format

for example

name :timmy
age :25
sex :male

in this format i will fill datas in my form and in the same format has to be shown for my client after sending mail this to my client.if my client open this mail he has to able to see entered datas in the same way i entered before sending.

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Text Field Equal To Entered Value

I need to make a text field equal to the entered value. Example: First time to the page nothing will show up in the field because nothing was entered. I enter a value and submit the form. The redirect is to the same page to add new inforation but this time the value entered in that one text field will be there. I tried <%=Request.Form("box")%as the value of the text field but to
no success.

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Checking For Nothing Entered In An Asp Form Post

How do you check for a empty value from a form?

lservice = request.form("pservice")

if not isnull(lservice) then <== this doesnt work.
tried "" empty string and it still didnt work.

I'm having problems with the fact the user didnt enter anything. The field is optional.

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Text To Appear On The Secont Textbox,while Entered On The First

i have a form in asp, with the following textboxes


how do i make whatever is entered in the username textbox to automatically appear on the username2 textbox before the form submission?

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Passing Entered Value To Multiple Pages

Is it possible to take a value entered on one page and access it on several different pages? For example, I want the user to enter their email on the first page, make a selection on the second page, and the third page will display a form based on their selection on the second page. I then want to submit all the data entered on the form on the thrid page along with their email address from the first page to a database.

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Check Entered Form Values And Insert Them To Db

I have this page set up at www.kevinhall.org/headcount/headcount.asp
what is the easiest way to check where the user has entered a value
and submit the row to the db. Maybe i'm going about the form wrong.
Each box has its one name but I was hoping i could get around using a
request.form on each one and useing the isEmpty. Its so tedious and
non efficient there has to be an easier way.. Maybe with .net possibly?

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Change Time Zone On Date Entered

how to either change the time zone or add three hours to the following?

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Pass Bill To Data To Ship To Data

I'm using DW MX 2004 to build an asp based eStore. I have a checkout page created with both the billing and shipping information in the same form. I'd like to add some code and a button to activate it to copy the code to the shipping info (but it can't submit form). Also the State choice is a drop down list based on a recordset. There are other behaviors attached.

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Data Type Mismatch When GETting Data From An Access DB

We are running into problems with the script below, whose purpose is to allow users to choose values from drop downs populated by an MS Access DB.

(returns a blank page with only HTML Titles)

(you may notice this is a modified sample script): Code:

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Data Update To Data Base

Dreamweaver created code to update to data base. But when testing on website i get the following message. I have no clue what it might be.
Microsoft JET Database Engine error '80040e14'
Syntax error in UPDATE statement.
/admin/update.asp, line 111
line 11 is strName.execute
I read it might be forbiden characters in the data base field names or spaces...
but i don't have that. the names are userName, userLevel, ID, Password.

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Data Grid Or Data Matrix...

This seems a very complicated task, so I welcome any
input. My boss wants a data grid or matrix of the top 6
orders with ordered items, and products, for a particular
customer and he wants to see it like this:

products down the left side
orders across the top
number of items under the respective order number column
across from the corresponding product.

I hope that makes sense.
I have three tables. Products, Orders, Orderitems. I
don't even know where to start. Many thanks in advance
for any input offered.

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How To Get Data From The User In One Page And Display Related Data In A New Page

how do i get data from a user on one page and display the result on the other page
actually i have written a prgoram that displays a set of checkboxes and based on the checkboxes selected the related data is displayed .but the problem is the data is displayed on the same page below the list of check boxes. Code:

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Passing Form Data Using ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data"

I have a form that has the option to upload a file at the bottom. If you select a file it works fine but if you leave file selection blank the forms bombs. This is not how I want it to work. On the form you need to use ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data" in the form tag.

On the processing page I need to use Set to assign a variable to the form data. I tried using IF on the variable assigned to the file path but it bombs out telling me "This function is not supported". Is there any other way I can check to see if curQes has a value assigned to it?

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Using Csv Data

how to call a csv file into a data array. I was told I can use :

csvArr = split(csvLine, ",")

So long as I have no embedded commas in any field. what Im not clear on is the syntax.

how do I call the csv into the script (so the script knows to use the csv)

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Add Data

I only want to input the following information if it is not a zero length string. Any
ideas on how to do it?

Crate&Barrel = Request.Form("Crate&Barrel")
Crate&Barreladdress = Request.Form("Crate&Barreladdress")

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XML Data

How can I display data from an XML file in ASP?I want to use an XML file instead of an Access or SQL database and would like to display this information the same as I would if I were using Access or SQL as the datasource.

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Data From

Can You Grab Data From Multiple Recordsets?I want to build a search page, but I have data in about 6 databases.

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Add New Data

how to add new data. i need to add new data after display the record from database. i click new button and the textbox will be empty. Wat is the code for add new data?

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Getting Different Data

i'm trying to figure out how to use the same page to get different output using .asp?id=.

I have a db table with 5 records & want to on my page to be able to with a listbox/menu be able to switch between these 5 records using the same page.

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Get Data From Xml

I had write an asp file to get data from an xml named "data.xml" and below is the coding:

Dim xml
Set xml = Server.CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")
xml.async = False
xml.load (Server.MapPath("data.xml"))
Dim fText1, fText2
fText1 = xml.documentElement.childNodes(0).text
fText2 = xml.documentElement.childNodes(1).text
Set xml = Nothing

It's all Ok and can run. But my problem here is I want to call an xml file that I don't know its name (not "data.xml"). The xml file pass by the user who call my asp file. The user can pass the xml via anything for example asp or VB component. So I will not know exactly what the name of the xml file.

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Add Data, DSN Is Specified

the actual question is as follows:

i have setup a DSN called "pro"
now i have tables in this database
i m running oracle
if i were using MS Access i know how to insert new fields by using the

RS.Mode = adModeReadWrite

how do i do it for oracle? not just inserting data into tables but also what r the commands that i have to give in the asp code page so that i can even update( edit ) and delete records.

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Getting Certain Data Frm DB

I have a DB called users.mdb and it has the tables:

(fields) ID Name Password DOB Date joined

(fields) ID Mailto Mailfrom Subject Content Postdate

I am trying to develop inbox.asp, how do i get it to display the mail for each articular user, and no one elses mail?

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Raw Data

some way to access to the content of the HTTP POST? Perhaps throw the request object or something similar to the $HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA gobal variable available in PHP.

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Data To PDF

I am having a lot of problems with this, I am trying to create a pdf file from data submitted by the user via a form.

Once the details are in the PDF the file needs moving into the secure area of the site.

Anyone have a clue how to do this?

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Get Xml Data

i am trying to use AJAX to get XML data from 3rd party site and display on my site. it works in IE, but does not work in Mozilla. i want to find a method where i can do that.

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ADO Data Into Web Excel?

Is it possible to write out the contents of a database into an exel-type
spreadsheet within an asp page?

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How To Read Data From Mdb

I got a database with user and email in it. Now I want when a user logs into my page that it automaticly fills in the email into a email form. How can I do that in Asp.

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