Enumerating Files In Folder

I know this is not an ASP question but it is a Vbscript question and thats why i post it here. It goes like this. I've been making a treeview in dhtml recently for an intranet. Now i was wondering if it would be possible to make this treeview on the fly with vbscript.

My page is pure html so no asp and should give me the content of the folder in wich the html page is located as well as all subfolders. I know microsoft script page has an example of vbscriptcode that can do this(the enumerating part), but for some unknown reason it doesnt seem to work.

Is there anyone out there who knows how to do this or has done so. (ps i know i can do it with iframes without the treeview, but i would like to make it nice and clean. So html and vbscript seem better).

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List Files In A Web Folder

I want to create a webpage which will list all the files in particular
folder and hyperlink to them to allow users to view the grpahics online
without having to send each file to them by email.

I got the following code but gives me a VBScript error. I have created a
folder called files under the home directory of this website and have added
the name of the folder

<%@ LANGUAGE=VBScript %>
Dim ofs,of
Dim fi
set ofs = createobject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
set of = ofs.getFolder("files") ' blieve this is the problem
For Each fi In of
Response.Write("<a href='" + fi.Name + "'>" + fi.Name + "<br>")
Next fi

Microsoft VBScript compilation error '800a0401'
Expected end of statement

/default.asp, line 13

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Getting A List Of Files In A Folder

I have a folder on the server with several thousand image files in it. I am using the following code to retrieve the image names associated with a given MLS number (this is for a real estate web site): Code:

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Acces The Files In A Folder

can anyone tell me how to access all the files inside a folder in asp

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List All Files Within A Folder

Does anyone knows how to list all files with a given folder?

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Defined Folder And Files

I am using aspload to allow users to upload three files - 2 pics and a word
doc. The files have standard names but I want the user to define the name of
the folder.

Is there and efficient way to make sure that the user does not choose
illegal characters for folder names? I am doing a series of replaces at the

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Way To Check The Files In A Folder

Is there a way to check the files in a specific folder, and then establish the links with the files on an asp page?

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Copy Files To A Web Folder

I have some files located in a file server and managed by a SQL database from a web based interface using ASP + VBSCRIPT technology. I need to automatically copy those files to a web folder.

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Delete Files In Folder

I need to create a script that deletes all pdf files in a folder that are over 1 day old. I know I need to use the file system object and datediff but can't for the life of me work it out. I am a bit of a newb when it comes to more complicated asp .

Does anyone have a script that does this or know of a tutorial that will teach me how to do it?

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Showing Files In A Folder

Am developing a website, thats only allows user with permission to acces certain file.

What I have is a webpage that list all different projects available. When a user clicks on a project, he is asked to enter username and password.

If succesful the user is then taken to a webpage displaying all files available to download for that particular project. Note: All the files asssociated with particular project are in necessary folder. So project London, has a folder called london with all its files in that folder.

How do I get all the files displayed on the webpage for that particular project?

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Automically Populate Files From A Folder

I need a ASP script that can automically populate what ever files are inside a folder and list them on a page so to be able to download them? Is there such a file?

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Automatically Include Files In Folder

how to automatically "include" all .asp files from a folder? Say I have an ASP page and there's a folder with 3 documents in it: /myfolder/file1.asp, /myfolder/file2.asp, /myfolder/file3.asp.

In my ASP page I want to automatically create server-side includes for all files in that folder so that if I ever add /myfolder/file4.asp, it'll automatically be included in whatever ASP page I have calling this function.

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Take Hostname, Look If Folder Exsist, If Not Create And Copy Files

what I need is is when a visitor comes to the site, I need it to check
the host name. if "www.hometowndigest.com" is the host, then check a
folder named "something" and if the folder does not exsist, create
folder "www" and then copy folder "temp" and its contents.

If the folder "www" is there, look in it, check to see if the files in
folder "temp" are in there, if not, copy the files that are not from
folder "temp" into folder "www". Code:

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Displaying Image From Database Saves Files To Temporary Internet Files

I have a website that we display images we have saved into a SQL Server 2000 database as binary BLOB. This is on a Windows 2003 Server. Just recently (a week ago) this website began to save the images it is displaying on the website as ASP pages in the Temporary Internet Files > IE.Content > Folder.

We have other websites where we use the exact same code and these do not save files on the server when they are displayed.

Here is the code to display the image:
Set rs = objConn.Execute( SQL )
Response.ContentType = "application/octet-stream"
Response.BinaryWrite rs("Product_Image")

SQL is the SQL String to get the image from database

When I add this code:

Response.ContentType = "image/jpeg"

The images still display on the website, but now are saved in the Temporary Internet Files folder as JPG's.

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Can Php Files Execute Inside Asp Files?

Can a php file be executed inside an asp file? I need to execute a php file in another asp file but i'm not so sure it's possible.
My server can run both asp and php and they run without any problems... I just need to find a way to include the execution results of the php file in the asp one.
Is it possible to use SSI and include the executed php file and then the executed asp file in a main ssi file?

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Convert ASP Files To Executable Files

I have installed PWS in windows 98 in each of the system at various places and put my Sales program files in the WWWROOT directory in all the branches. I'm afraid that the users may tamper my ASP files. Is there any way of converting .ASP files to .exe files so that the dont see my program.

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Cant Find Folder!

However, when i opened a page on my pc the database string was:

DBFolder = path & "..mysqldataformuladata

I cant find the folder in question. Even when ftping.

Any ideas where is could be lurking?

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Folder Copying

I got a folder name f1 in server. I need to copy same folder and paste it in same root dorectory. Can any one help with asp code for it ....

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Folder Permissions

Does anyone know of an asp script, online somewhere, that I can use to find
out the permissions of a folder? My ISP says these folders have full
permissions, but my programs say "permission denied". I don't know if it is
the programming, or if the folder don't really have the right permissions.

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Uploading A Folder

Is their any way of implementing an Upload section on my site that can upload a folder with images in them, insdead of just images..

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Looping Through Folder

I have a folder with about 40 swf training movies.
I want to loop through the folder and display the titles of the movies and make them links.I just need help getting pointed in the right direction to make this happen.

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Securing A Folder

I am wriging a web application which cosists of a main directory with all the main code, and a subdirectory with the administration features. althogh the two locations will share configuration resources, I need to protect the admin folder from unauthorised access. I know that in apache their is some kind of authentication (I think it is used through an ".htaccess" command or someting) and I'm wanting to do a similar thing in ASP.

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Deleting Folder

I have a script which allows a user to upload and delete files from the
server.Is it possible (and if so how) to do a check to see if the folder is empty
(ie if the last file in a particular folder is deleted by a user) and if it
is empty, delete the folder?

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Create New Folder

how can i create a new folder by using ASP??

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Creating Folder Using ASP

Is it possible to create a folder using a virtual path? This is for a site on a shared hosting server.

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Folder Path

im having a problem with folder path in include files. I have a solution, but there must be a way better one. The problem is when i have an include file... menu.inc in my root directory root/. This menu.inc references images in the root/images/ folder.
I also have an articles folder root/articles/. The menu.inc is included in files in the articles folder, however this messes up the image paths and files in the articles folder are looking for the images in root/articles/images/.
to combat this, in front of every image reference in my menu.inc file, i have a variable <%= pathVar %>. At the top of every file in the articles folder, i have the command <% pathVar = "../" %>. this will insert a ../ before the images folder in the reference therfore correcting the image reference. In the root folder I use <% pathVar = "" %> , so the <%= pathVar %> amounts to nothing leaving the paths correct.
This works, however means having to switch from HTML to ASP mode for every image in the include file, which is not efficient. Is there a better way around the path problem.

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Folder Listing

I've managed to get file listings, do textstreams, move around in the file system a bit, just wondering how I get folder listings as I would file listings...
Here's what I've tried, but it's not quite working:


Set objFile=objFSO.GetFile(strPhysicalPath)
Set objFolder=objFile.ParentFolder
Set objFolderFolders=objFolder.Folders

For Each objFolderItem in objFolderFolders
mess=mess & "<tr><td><a href=""" & objFileItem.Name & """>" & objFolderItem.Name & "</td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td></tr>"

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Choose A Folder With ASP.Net

I want to allow a user to select a windows folder for reading. I have tried
to work it out without success. Can anyone help me out or point me in the
right direction. I am an experienced VB6 programmer but this is my first
ASP.Net project.

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Download Mdb From Db Folder

how to download .mdb file from the db folder. I had written .asp file to download that .mdb file. By programming it to copy .mdb file from db folder to httpdocus folder,but say one error that is Permission Denied !

I had tried another way that is converting tables to .xml file and downloading it - Its Working When i tried convert .xml file to table - Here, I need coding for conversion.

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Folder Creation

I'm creating a folder...no problem there:

dim fso
set fso = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
fso.CreateFolder Server.mapPath("pictureskickoff")

but...how do I check if there allready is a folder there with the same name before creating one?

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Spaces In Folder Name

I use breadcrumbs for navigation
I have a folder called College Students in WWWRoot
in college students i have a page called mainpage.shtml
when i open the page like this
www.abc.com/college students/mainpage.shtml
i see the breadcrumbs like this
Home >> College%20Students >> Students List
but i want to see it like this
Home >>College Students >> Students List
Students List is the title of the page
Can someone tell me how to get rid of those %20 that i see when i have spaces in my folder name

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Folder Options From Asp

I need to know how to do the following..

Rename a folder

Check to see if folder exists and if it does return an error message.

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Sharing A Folder

I really need a coding help regarding sharing Folder Module to specific members through giving them rights for access while using Classic ASP....

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