Eval And Execute Functions

I basically want to check a multiple amount of form fields to see if these are empty, and if so, set them to "none", but it just doesn't seem to work. and I have tried so many different variants without any luck, mixing the execute command and as below with the eval command.

strChecks = "frm_tel|frm_email|frm_web|frm_infoes|frm_infode"
arrChecks = split(strChecks,"|")

for i = 0 to UBound(arrChecks)

if eval(arrChecks(i)) = "" then
eval(arrChecks(i)) = "none"
end if

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JScript Eval Bug

The eval function in JScript doesn't work according to
spec. Specifically, the function C() on page 73 of the
ECMA-262 spec doesn't return the function object
correctly under IIS 5. Binding the anonymous function to
a variable name and then evaluating that works as a
workaround, e.g.

function C() {
return eval("var x = (function (x) {return x*;}); x");

works. However, it should be possible to simply evaluate
a function without binding it to a name using the eval
function, especially since the spec has an explicit
example of this.

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Another JScript Eval Bug

According to MSDN: "new variables or types defined in the
eval statement are not visible to the enclosing program."

However, in some cases under IIS 5, this is not the case.
Try the following program:
eval("var z = 12; 5;");

According to the documentation this should be an error;
however, it prints "12".

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Equivalent To PHP Eval Function

Is there an equivalent function in ASP which does the same as PHP's eval function?

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Using Eval To Set Dynamic Object Names

I've ran into a little trouble with Eval, hoping someone can point it out to me. This code works :

var_ktml = "textarea2"
Set ktml_textarea2 = new ktml4
Eval("ktml_" & var_ktml).Init var_ktml

This code doesn't :

var_ktml = "textarea2"
Set Eval("ktml_" & var_ktml) = new ktml4
Eval("ktml_" & var_ktml).Init var_ktml

Can anyone point out the error of my ways ?

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Boolean Expression Not Being Eval'd Correctly?

I have some code that checks security permissions in a DB, and before my conditional statement that checks these permissions, I am writing out both values to see what the statement looks likebefore it is evaluated.

The problem is, it seems to disregard the condition and always returns True, even if the condition should be false...any ideas? I also did some testing to assure that the length of the two values I am comparing is 1, just in case they were possibly holding spaces, and I verified they are numeric as well. I am just stumped here...

Let me also preface this code snippet by saying, I am using this asp script to generate javascript menu choices...and I did include some commented debug statements so I can see what the javascript rendered.. Code:

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I've been doing some reading up on ASP.NET and have come across something that really scares me. One of ASP.NET's "big new things" are ASP.NET Controls. These seem to be shortcuts for developers so, for example, you can place a Validator object on the page and specify a few parameters and ASP.NET will write all of the html/javascript for you. The reason this scares me is it seems that Microsoft is taking ASP.NET the route of Frontpage, which liked to insert code that was not very cross-browser complient.

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Using Functions

I have a file i created
it contains several functions, and some other code to build a string based on diffrent vars.If i run this file standalone, it works absolutly fine. However the problem comes when i include it half way in another script.

I get the following..
VBScript Error 800a03ea
test4.asp, line 2 function encr..

This is line 2
Function Encrypt(Message, EncryptionKey)

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I am searching for a function that can separate a string var to some string vars and devide the string by "," marks, os this possible?

str1 = "2,34,1,54"
and I want "2","34","1" and "54" be devided and inserted into new vars, or an array var, is their a VBscript function for this?

I have made a function myself that does this using ths Instr and the Mid functions, but its quit messy and I don't wan't to have to insert it in every page I make, Any Ideas?
Another small thing, I want to learn how to use Classes in ASP, I don't know what to look for exactly, (vlince, I could use a link now...)

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<%= functionName(value1, value2) %>

Trying to call a function which returns the modulo of two numbers, can l simply whack the function name in and the value will be returned ?

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Functions In Asp

I've written the following function but somehow the output is not what I want it to be. Can someone explain to me what i'm doing wrong?

function fn_piping(inputWaarde)
outputwaarde = inputwaarde
Response.Write outputwaarde & "<BR>"
if i = 1 then
i = 2
call fn_piping("thisshouldbethefinaloutput")
fn_piping = outputwaarde
end if
end function

i = 1
figure = fn_piping("bla")
Response.Write "<BR>" & figure

So 'thisshouldbethefinaloutput' should be the final output, but it doesn't output anything?!

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Sub/Functions With FOR

I need a current record in the database for it to work but I have another page that uses this same code and it works fine on that and the only thing different in the coding is where the information is being pulled from in the database and when i first copied & edited the page it worked fine but now it doesn't and i've worked on it .....

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I would like to call a asp function when i click a button in a form. I'm using VB. I know in Javascript it the onclick event is there a similar handler in VB????

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Calling Functions...

Where's the best place for me to include all my functions that I want to call throughout different pages? Should I just put them all in one ASP file and include that page on every page? Or use global.asa somehow (how??)?

Anyways, I was just wondering because I didn't want to slow things down if I could help it (I didn't know if having another big file attached to every page when I'm just using a small portion of it was very effective or not)

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Date Functions

i am wondering how to actually get the month in letters..... i have used a

strMonth = Month(Date)

but it is returning a number of the month... i would like to make this the actual month such as January, August, etc.... how would i go abt doing this in ASP.....

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ASP Apps And Functions

Over my years developing ASP applications and writing asp code in general I have created a library of nice little apps and functions that I use over and over again.

I was "thinking" about maybey setting up a site with all my useful functions, subroutines, and possibly applications for people to download and hopefully donate some money if they use them. Perhaps even have some apps for sale only.

The apps will mainly be my useful plugin developments such as guestbook, gallery, login system etc. My question however is do you think it would be worth the time and effort? Do you find yourself using plugins a lot?

I defo think the functions could be handy but again how many of you search for functions to help you out or indeed how many of you currently use functions you have gotten from other people? Would you donate something if you used them?

Mayby some of you have already done something like this and can let me know how you got on?

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Math Functions...

Didn't remember if anybody had started started like this, but I decided it would be cool to start it again. If you have a math function request ask it below, or if you have made one then add it:

I have a few cretegean plane (think thats how you spell it), calculations. One request I have is, does anybody have a short function for square root?

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Multiple Functions

I have some code I am working on. One function reads a file using fso, then
I have multiple functions using the string read from the file. Each
function splits the lines up and will return one value.
Is there a better way? Is handling this many array which are basically the
same going to cause some server distress

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Lack Of Functions

I know there is the function IsNumeric() in ASP and we have a SUM function in SQL, but why don't we have the following functions in ASP:



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Reusing Functions

I have been developping a webpage in ASP for about 4 weeks now and I have noticed that I am rewriting similar functions in pretty much every page i make. So I was wondering if there is a way to make some particular functions global so that you can use them in any page. The functions will depend on the session id, but I don't know if i can declare session functions or not.

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Functions Question

In this function i pass variables to it to find out if a record exists, what i want to do next is call this function and if a record does not exist pass a variable out like Statement = False and then pick up that value on the page that i call the function.

Can this be done? I was thinking perhaps using a Session? Code:

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NOW() And DATE() Functions

So i am inserting Now() or Date() (Either one will work for what i want), into one of my fields.

But it is returning the Server time, which is about 17 Hours behind of what i want. Is there anyway to insert Australian time, as in where i am situated?

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VBScript Functions

I'm a PHP programmer. That said, I recently began a job where a good third to half of the applications are written in ASP.NET. VBScript, to be precise. As I've done programming for years (C/C++, PHP, JavaScript, BASIC... the list goes on and on), picking this up hasn't been too difficult, but I now find myself facing a question that I simply cannot find an answer to anywhere:

Can one define a function that has optional parameters in VBScipt?
If not, can it be done in C#, and can C# code be easily integrated into pages written in VBScript?

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Best Way To Call Functions?

I have written a very complex web app for intranet use. It allows users to search a large database and then returns formatted results. I am currently employing a method as below: Code:

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Date Functions

if there was a function in ASP that checks a date to see if it is valid or not. I am aware of the IsDate function, but I think its not what I'm looking for. I want to run the following date through a function and have the function tell me that it is

invalid: 31-Feb-2003 (cos there is not 31 days in Feb).

Or a good way to make my own function?

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Functions Pass By

I have a function called GetRS which takes in a SQL string and returns a recordset object. Does this mean that a copy of the recordset is returned or is it passed by reference?Obviously this could have a large impact on performance for large recordsets.

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There is a chapter on SUBROUTINES, FUNCTIONS AND INCLUDES.what is the difference between SUBROUTINES and FUNCTIONS. If not mistaken, in VB, the SUBROUTINES return no value, but FUNCTIONS do have return value.Variable in ASP: global versus local.variable not in betweeb function is Global (what about subrountine, is it the same) and variable in between function is local, am I right?

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Date Functions

I have a column in my SQL server database table by name request_generated_date of datetime datattype and the default value set to it the server date by using the function getdate().

I am querying this table wherein I want to check that when a user submits a form then it should check the following: the submit date (column:request_generated_date in the tabel)should be less than the server date + 24 hours (or one day). When I am writing the query as

where request_generated_date ='"&dateadd('d',1,date())&"'"

but the result set is empty.Can I use the date() function in ASP or not. or should I try to remove the time factor from the server date and then query the column.

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Javascript Functions

I've got a page displayin a CV and want to have two buttons, one to display the page in printable format and show the print dialog box and the other as a Save As button to show the save as dialog box. does anyone know the two javascript functions.

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Replace Functions

I have a form that collects the following article information:

title (input type TEXT)
publication date (input type TEXT)
source (input type TEXT)
article text (TEXTAREA)

When I put something like the following sentence into the text area, it's screwy):
The dog's were the perfect "matched" perfectly. I'm using SQL Server 2000. how I would use replace functions to:

1. insert that into the db without errors
2. extract the information with single quotes and double quotes like it should be read.

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Generic Functions

I am getting into using functions and am trying to design generic functions which i can use throughout my site. Is is possible to store a + or - inside a variable so that i can make my function cope with subtraction and addition?

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Functions And Variables

I have a page that has 5 different functions, each function has it's own recordset and database connection object variable like this: Code:

for function 1

for function 2



is this even necessary? Do I need separate variables like this inside the function?

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Information About Some Functions

i'm starting at ASP now and I'm searching some information about it. For example, I need to know all about Application object. Some oficial documentation where I can find it?

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