Field On A Web Page As A Sql Parameter

Im using Oracle 9i backend with a dreamweaver asp front end, what im doing is using a recordset to determine the data from the database that is required. Although what im currently trying to do is us a field on the web page which determines the parameters of the sql search. This is the sql code i have in place at the moment

WHERE PHOTO_ID = !!this is where i want the field from the web page to be.

the textfield name is Order_ID is this possible and if so how.

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Passing Parameter From ASP Web Page To Stored Procedure In SQL Server

I'm trying to pass parameters from an ASP (VBScript) web page to a Stored Procedure in SQL Server. I know how to do the Stored procedure but it's passing the parameter from the web page that is stumping me.

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How To Pass A Long Parameter String To A ASP Page Via Post Parameters

I have the following test.asp page which needs one parameter querystr
but my querystr is a very long string value. When I send a long value
the query string is getting truncated after some characters.

Can you please kindly share the code segment to workaround how to pass
such a long string value to a asp page. This is how I invoke the test

http://localhost/?querystr=select ............ from xxxxx



response.write("Hello World!")

response.write "<td><p></td>" & w


but part of my query string never gets passed to the asp page appears
asp as a limitation on max string length can you please provide me a
workaround how I can overcome and pass the right string to asp.

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Passing A Field Value To Page

What I want to do is pass a Field value directly from the URL to the webpage content, but it's getting stuck and sometimes no values get passed? For eg:

Suppose my site is

I want the 25 to be placed somewhere on the member.asp page when the above url is hit.

I have tried <% =id %>
I have also tried <% =Request.Form("id") %>

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Logon Field Embedded In Web Page

I have a logon field including user name and password, which is stored to an access DB. Many websites have a logon and password field integrated into the page. I want the field to always be there.

When successfully logged on, the user will have access to other pages that I designate.

I have a complete web page and I want to stick the code from the working logon field, etc in the page w/o redesigning it around the existing logon.asp page.

I am asking if this is something I can do with the skills that I currently possess? Remember, I'm a novice .asp programmer, but an experienced web designed. We're working on the "dynamic" in web page design.

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Problem With An .asp Page Displaying Data Based On A Form Field Value.

I have an asp page that displays informaton from an Access database. I want to create a form that allows users to display only data that matches their search criteria.

I have made many forms like this in Front Page with the Database results wizard, but I want to manually code it. Code:

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ASP Parameter

How can i pass parameter in ASP with hide
ex : default.asp?id=9
i wanna be : default.asp but the id still follow the page

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Get Parameter In Url

I would like to get parameter of ASP script in URL. example : /localhost/example.asp?parameter1 . How can i to get this parameter ?

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Add Parameter

I am trying to pass three parameters using this code in an asp page to an
xsl page. I keep getting the following error:

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a01a8'
Object required: ''

/account.asp, line 114

Any ideas what I am missing? Code:

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QueryString Parameter

A MS-Access database table has 2 columns - UserID (unique) of number data type & UserName (text) along with some other columns.When users come to a particular page, say, AllUsers.asp, all the UserNames are displayed to him as hyperlinks. Based on the UserName
clicked by a user, the next page (to which the user will be taken to when he clicks any of the UserNames) will display more information about that particular UserName (which the user had clicked).Assume that the page where more info is displayed is named UserInfo.asp.
(Note that the info will also be retrieved from the DB table).

UserInfo.asp will also display the UserName the user had just clciked in AllUsers.asp.
Now for UserInfo.asp to retrieve data about the UserName the user has just clicked, I can make the links in AllUsers.asp pass the UserID as well as the UserName as a querystring value. Now whcih one will be more efficient - sending the UserID as the querystrinng value or sending the UserName as the querystring value?

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Userdocument With Parameter

I can call a user document with a paramer in the IE Address bar eg:
C:Program FilesMicrosoft Visual StudioVB98docMyDocument.vbd?Parameter

I can call the Userdocument using these lines of code in ASP:

Sub Window_OnLoad
Navigate "docMyDocument.VBD"
End Sub

I have beed trying to pass it a parameter with the following syntax :
Navigate "docMyDocument.VBD?Parameter"

This does not seem to work. How do I call the userdocument in ASP with a parameter ?

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Pass Parameter

I am using Crystal v7. Main report and subreport are both based on the same stored procedure. How do I pass parameters to display the report and subreport in the Crystal viewer. I can display regular (non-sub) reports fine.

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Returning Parameter

I got a problem returning parameter. I am storing date using datepicker to choose my date. But when i want to delete it from the table because date is one of the primary key. it has problem when i retrieved it because it is recognized as datetime but when it display it's a text. i need 2 convert from text to date. how would declare my parameter then?

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Passing Parameter Value

I am using Ultradev to develop asp pages with Access database. With the help of some online friends & tutorials i am studying this. I need some help for the following. I am having 2 tables,

Table 1 with Company Name & Country Code
Table 2 with Country Code & Country Name.

When some one searches for a company, it should display me the Company Name along with the Country it belongs. Someone told me that it can be done by passing a parameter value from one recordset to another on the same page, but i dont know how to do this.

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Parameter And Value Of Clients

myGetImage.asp is suppose to create a temporary file in the client side, and display in on the client web browser. myGetImage.asp needs to know the clients web browser temporary system path, in order to create the temp file. How do I get the parameter and value of clients web browser temporary system path?

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Getting A CDONT Parameter

My website sends automatic emails from many (25) different places. I want to
send a second email by reading the parameters of the first one. I don't want
to have to repeat and maintain the assignment of the second email
From,To,Subject fields so I am just using an include at each point in the
code where I send an email: Code:

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Passing Parameter To COM

If a com is being used at two diff places and it requires same number of inputs how can we pass inputs if number of inputs are not same on every page.

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Checking For URL Parameter

Is it possible to do a quick check to see if you were refered to the page with URL parameters and if so perform an action?

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Parameter Names

I 'd like to print out all posted parameter names and values. I'm able to print all the posted request values, but not the parameter names.

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How To Pass Parameter To Script

I am trying to pass some paramters from a VBScript function to a script that writes the parameters to a text file. I have not been able to do it. Code:

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ADO Parameter Of The Wrong Type

I've taken over the development of a web app written in ASP. It's not
very well coded. In the live environment it's fine, but on my local
machine it falls over whenever it tries to pass a date to a SQL Server
sproc. No idea why the person before me's been doing all this string
formatting with his dates, but anyway, the error is:

Application uses a value of the wrong type for the current operation.

The dates throughout are in mmddyyyy format, and presumably ADO
running on my local machine wants ddmmyyyy. I'm rebuilding the whole
app in C#.Net anyway so I don't think it's worth me running through
and making this jumble of code international date friendly, so my
question is, where exactly is the date format for ADO defined?
Windows? SQL Server?

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I am new to ASP.NET 2.0 and I am developing a small application which
originally consists of 2 pages. The first page displays a GridView Control
loaded with data from a sqlDataSouce. Such a GridView has a field that is a
hyperlink to the second page which is supposed to display the detail of the

What I want to do is to send a QueryString Parameter to the second
page with the key to retrieve the record selected and show the information in
detail (a long description, a picture of a product, comments, price, etc.).
I have not written a single line of code (code-behind) for the first page.
How can I get the second page and send the querystring parameter?

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Server.transfer Url W/ Parameter Help

This works:


This does not


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Server.transfer Second Parameter

I read somewhere that server.transfer had a 2nd parameter so control and input values were 'passed' to the transferred to page, but it's giving me an error of wrong number of parameters. I have IIS5, is that the problem? or is it that it's an ASP page (not ASPX)

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Send Parameter To A Access DB

I have a problem that I wasn't thinking of when I did this snapshot reporting in asp. Ok here it goes. I have a Access database that has my queries and reports.

I have some queries in access that have a parameter in them, like enter first date and enter second date to give me the range of record and total for the reports. Well, this asp that I have for doing the reporting does it server side. Code:

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Command OUTPUT Parameter

I developed a store proc that returns a ResultSet (as a result of a SELECT statement) and an INT value (as a result of a SELECT COUNT(pKey) ... statement)

Now the problem I'm facing is with the front-end application. I'm using ASP and I wrote this code just to test what version of the output parameter works OK:

'The Connection and Command objects are created succefully, since I can display the records, and the store proc works OK too because I tested it from Query Analyzer displaying the expected results.


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Pass Parameter With Querystring

I am passing a text parameter with querystring like


How do I pass a parameter which itself contains the "=" character?Eg if parameter ="a=b" then the code will interpret is as a parameter named "a" with a value "b", where as I need "a=b" being the value.

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Passing A Parameter To SQL MIN() Function

From ASP I run a query using MIN(some_field/parameter) Now I need to pass this parameter to the query from ASP code. How do I do that?

Syntax like
MIN([some_field] / [])
does not work

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Username And Password Parameter

After i enter the username and password, the site show me all the relevant content. The authentication of the site is control by window.

From there i click another link go to another page, this page also require authentication.

But the authentication is made by myself and is not control by window.After i complete key in the username and password, the next page cannot receive the username and password parameter which i keyed in.

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Optional Parameter In Javascript

I want to create a optional parameter in javascript function. How i create optional paramter with javascript function and how to use this function?

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Function With Optional Parameter

how can i declare a function that will accept an optional parameter?

something like:

function newFunc(strValue1, strValue2) --where strValue2 is optional.

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Url Parameter To Auto Authentication

How can I pass a username and password from a logged-in user to an external authentication form that open's in a frame.

I'm trying to acess external webmail directly in a frame without the user having to authenticate. Code:

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Putting Variable In Parameter

Is it possible to put a variable in parameter for a URL? I'm looking to have a page with an input box and a link. When someone puts in a value in the input box and clicks the link it will take the value and pass it through the link to an asp page.


Employee Name <input type="text" name="Tname" size="20">
<a href="emp_info.asp?e_num= Tname.value">Employee Info </a>

How can I get this to work?

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