Find Text In Database

i am building a search form by word from text field in a table. for example the table has

1. ID
2. Price
3. Note

the Note field of a record could have sentence that contains words or jargon. What sort of method or approach can i use to solve the problem? can we use sql statement? if yes what sort of?

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Regular Expressions To Find URL's In Text

I am working on an ASP page that parses text using the VBScript.RegExp
regular expression object. My reg expression right now is as follows:


And if find URL's no problem like:,, etc.

But I need to also find any URL, like these:

Some URL with a deeper path than if that makes
sense. Any ideas?

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Database Connection :: Could Not Find Installable ISAM

I am trying to connect to my database on a server, but am getting the following error: Could not find installable ISAM.

What is the problem here?

Code: ....

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Error '80040e37' - Page Can't Find The Appropriate Database?

I have a bunch of .dbf files stored in a folder called dbf. My index.asp page is one level above that (let's call it the root). My asp page uses the following function to retrieve all of the .dbf files: ....

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Microsoft JET Database Engine :: Could Not Find Installable ISAM

I am encountering the same old error,

"Microsoft JET Database Engine (0x80004005) Could not find installable ISAM."
when i try to open an Access file and export the data into it from a table.
Have updated MDAC2.7 and even then its not working. My code looks like

Set tdf = Server.CreateObject("ADOX.Table")
Set cat = Server.CreateObject("ADOX.Catalog")
tdf.Name = ltablename
cat.Create "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" & _
"Data Source=" & lFilepath & ";Jet OLEDB:Engine Type=4;"

What should be done.Provide some solutions.

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Text For Database

I want o create a small site and I dont see the need for a database. So I want to use a text file for this site but I don't know how!
I know I can use Mysql or Access, but I don't want to. I simply want to use a flat file as it is called.
My site is an ASP site, so can anyone guide me on how to use "flat files" for databases

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Format Database Value Into Text

how can i format text so it can be read by a database? for example, for numbers i do cint(whatever). whats the equivalent for text?

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Get Data Into Text Box From The Database.

I have 2 textboxes. In first text box i need to enter name, the second text box shud be automatically filled with the person'd id.

Both the name and id is coming from database. I tried using this code, but i'm getting error saying System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at line 1 Code:

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Format Text From Database

Is it possible to store html tags in a database field so that when data is retrieved from this field the formating is retained? For example I have an address field in my database, which I return using:


However they are times where I may want to have my city, state etc on seperate lines by using <br>, but right now if I store a <br> in my database it does not affect the formating of my displayed address.

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Formatting Text From Database

I have a text field i am pulling from a database that uses vbcrlf to create line breaks.

I used the following code to replace them:

response.write Replace(rs_classes.Fields.Item("DESCRIPTION").Value, VbCrLf, "<br />")

But ran into the problem that when the field is blank, I get an error that shows a problem w/ the "replace" function.

So I tried the follwoing: Code:

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Text Or Include File Vs. Using Database

Question about the performance of using an include file or reading from a text file compared to hitting the database.

I set up a client's web site so they can post a weekly message and also post a "of special interest" message on their home page. Originally these messages were stored in and retrieved from an Access 2000 database. I decided to try writing the messages to a text file then retrieving it through include file and also tried the text streaming object.

I used to gauge the download times for all three methods on a 56K modem. According to the results, using the database was around 4 seconds quicker. Does this sound right? The site is on a shared hosting package using Win2000.

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Cleaning Up Text For Database Insertion

I'm trying to write a page that will accept form POST method variables from another page and save them to an Access database via a DSN connection. I'm using code like this:

SQL = "INSERT INTO myTable (postVar1,postVar2,postVar3)"
SQL = SQL & " VALUES ('" & request.form("postVar1") & "','" & request.form("postVar2") & "','" & request.form("postVar3") & "')"


I'd like to make sure that I clean up the text that the user inputs before trying to send it to the database. Can someone please give me an example of what ASP code I need use to get rid of quotes, slashes, and anything else a user could enter that might mess up the SQL insert?

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Inserting Messy Text Into Database?

I'm trying to put some text into the database using ADODB.Command object. Seems like a reasonable thing to do and I can do it. But in this instance my text is an HTML code which contains many quotes. But i have to save it as is into the database field.

I use:

INSERT INTO (f1, f2) VALUES (v1, v2) comand. But since my v2 contains some quotes in it, (many quotes), I get an error. (it works otherwise). Is there any way ?

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Formatting Of Text Inputed For Database

As i write this post i have a variety of options to format my post such as bold, changing font, font colour, font size, putting text into paragraphs etc.

I am able to then preview all of this by clicking on "Preview Post". When i click on "Submit New Thread", my post gets stored inside a database (fully intact with paragraphs.)

I would very much appreciate anyone that can point me to script (prefferably ASP and javascript) to be able to do all of this including storing all the text fully intact (paragraphs) inside an access 2000 database.

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Formatting Text From Access Database

how to display data that I have in an Access Database to be formatted in paragraph style when I have it written to my asp page - but does anyone know how I can format text to display as bolded or to show http:// as a hyperlink?

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Open/read A Text Database

I have a database that was originally in Excel. After modifying it, I have saved it with .txt and another one with .csv format. DB.txt (Text (Tabl delimited)(*.txt)
DB.csv (Text Comma Separated Value) (*.csv). What is the command/statement in oppening database record for these formats?

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Adding Text To Database Via Browser

I am trying to make a guestbook, wich should be accessable through a executable exe. I think, the easyest way to do this, is through your browser. I am looking how to add text to a database without entering text in a form, but only text in the address bar of your browser.

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Large Piece Of Text In Database?

I am looking for a script in which I can replace any word in one table
(which corresponds) to other table with a link....

To for example when the name Bill Clinton is in a large piece of text in
TABLE1 and Bill Clinton is a row in TABLE2 then I want Bill Clinton in the
text to display as a link leading to a page where there's more info on Bill
Clinton from TABLE2

I was thinking something allong the way of: Code:

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Handling Text Input To Database

how do i allow the user to add in a value that has a ' in it (e.g int'l) in the form. apperantly if i do that there will be an error... how do i go about this?

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Populate Dropdown With Image AND Text From The Database?

I have two columns in my microsoft access database.

1st column is company_logo (jpg image)
2nd column is company_name (text)

I want to build a form, a dropdown box which I would populate with the help of a sql statement from my database. The both columns from up there are associated.

When the user clicks on that dropdown box, I need that company_logo and company_name to be shown one beside another. It should list all the companies availible (taken from that sql statement or recordset).

Does anyone knows if this could be done?

Maybe I should stick just with the textual part?

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ASP With Access Database (Input Text - Value Display)

I'm using Access Database with ASP. There is one particular thing that I
have issue with.

My purpose is for user to update their own profile. Their existing profile
information will be display in Edit Form format. The problem is if the field
has space, the second word will not display, when I display in input text

E.g if My first name "User_FirstName" in my table has entry, let say "David
Johnson" as FirstName, when I execute following code and do a input text, it
will display "David" only. Code:

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To Transfer The Data From Database To The Text Boxes In ASP

I need some ideas in this if you can please help me.The folllowing is the scenerio:

I have a form which is the normal html with some validations and scripting done in javascript and i have a text box by name ticket no when the user enters a ticket no which exists in my database I need to update all my other form textboxes and textboxes with the data in the database else I need to show a alert that this doent exist in the database.

usually the event handling is done in javascript but now i have to call server side connection I have no clue how to do this.

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Searching Database With Multiple Text Boxes?

The user can search the database when they put in a date, that works fine, but when i put in another text box to search the database for a certain date range Code:

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Parse Csv Text File Using ASP And Insert It Into Database

I am trying to create an application feature for an inventory database and I am
wondering about the most efficient way to process the updates. Here's the background information: Code:

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Inserting Dynamic Text Box Data Into A Database

Does anyone know how I can insert daynamic text box data into a SQL Server database? I have text boxes that are being generated dynamically and I want each of those values inserted into the database that hold the results. I'm not sure how to write my loop statement.

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Display Japanese Text On Web Page From Access Database

I've got a simple template based ASP page which pulls information in one of several different languages from an Access database.

The copy I have in the database is fine. All languages - including the Japanese are displaying correctly when I look at them in Access. However, when I pull the Japanese text from the database, each character renders in the browser as '???????'.

I've tried different HTML encoding, but nothing seems to make a difference.

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Cannot Insert Large Text Into Database Memo Field

I'm trying to insert this text into a memo field:

Set cnn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
str = Server.MapPath("database/alumni.mdb")
strDB = "Provider=MICROSOFT.JET.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & str
cnn.Open strDB
Set rst = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")

sql = "INSERT INTO tblMessage (MessageID, UserID, PostTypeID, Subject,
DatePosted, MessageText, Active) Values ('" & vMessageID & "','" &
vUser & "', " & vPostType & ",'" & vSubject & "','" & vDatePosted &
"','" & vMessageText & "',0)"

rst.Open sql, cnn, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic

vMessageText = "This is a test just to see if it will blow up on a
large comment. Just testing again. Don't mind me."

Can I put this into my database field or is it too much and if not,
how do I solve this issue. I need to be able to post messages and
input for large fields.

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Write Data From A Database Field Into A Text File On The Server

Is there away to write data from a database field into a text file on the server.

The data would be more than one line.....

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Carriage Return Before Inserting Text Into Acess Database File. How To Do It?

how to replace carriage return upon extracting text from Access file.

However I think it will be smarter to do it before (during) inserting text into acess file.

It might be primitive question, but I started my ASP learning just last week and many things are confusing me on this stage.


What should I change in my ASP file code (file inserted data from the HTML form file into database file) to replace all carriage returns and line brakes during inserting text into field GuestSory? Code:

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Controlling Text In A Text Area Or Text

I have this problem in controlling a the text in a Text Area. How can I do
that for example the field size is 200, when it reaches 50 it automatically
goes to the next line. Bcoz im having problem when viewing it in my report,
it continuesly views in a strieght line and im having problem in printing.

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Cant Find Folder!

However, when i opened a page on my pc the database string was:

DBFolder = path & "..mysqldataformuladata

I cant find the folder in question. Even when ftping.

Any ideas where is could be lurking?

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Cannot Find DWG Files

I am trying to locate a file using the following code

Set objXMLHTTP = Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP")

strURL = "http://server/ApprovedAutoCAD/140-00007-01.dwg"
objXMLHTTP.Open "GET", strURL, False, "login", "password"

strReturn = objXMLHTTP.status

I get a 404 status back indicating that the file is not found, which is incorrect. I am able to locate XLS and DOC files on the same directory. Any ideas why I cannot find a DWG (Drawing) file?

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Find And Replace

I am not sure if this is a question for this forum or the IIS forum but here goes. I have a dedicated server on which I am hosting about 80 websites at the moment, all of which have been created by copying a template site. All of these sites have an identical structure and are located in the same directory on the server, C:Inetpubvhosts. Several times when I have needed to make an adjustment to the sites I have to go into the remote desktop connection to the server and go site by site, copying and pasting files. For example, as each site has the same pages, ie., map.asp, sometimes I make a change to that page and have to copy it to every site. Could I write some sort of script using the FSO and execute it from one site and have it loop through each site on the server making the neccessary change(s)?

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