First Part Till "-" Sign

equpID = "ABD-4-01" i have this string and want to cut the first part, means (ABD) by the way the first part may connsest of more that three letter , like "ABAT-2-01" .

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Printing The Part Till "@"

I am coding an archive section for Imail List Server, since it doesn't have one. In listing the mails, preventing the people and search engine spiders from collecting emails, I "only" print from.Name. But some people don't use from.Names, they just use

I thought that I can solve this problem just printing the email adres till @. for example, I want to print an actual email address like as someone. how can I print just this part of it?

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Truncate Till Decimal

I have files names like bcd.jpg, 1234567.mpg etc in my DB. I need only the file names. I know the truncate method but it's no good here. How do I cut away the extension part?

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Extract 'days' From Now Till Future Fixed Date

How would one extract the number of (days) from (today) and a (future fixed
date)- eg: February 12, 2003. ....where today will always be Date().


02/12/04 - Date(now) = 27 days.

Can anyone help me here?

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I am creating a little signup script and tus far i have run into problems with this line. This line inserts the users information that they entered from the form into the SQL database. Does anyone know what is wrong with this line?

myconn.execute("INSERT regfreeup set signup = '" & Now() & "' , firstname = '" & first & "' , lastname = '" & last & "' , email = '" & email & "' , ordernum = '" & order & "', username = '" & user & "' , pass = '" & pass & "' , site = '" & site & "';")

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Sign Up

i need to know how signing up works, the kind where you will fill in a form and then receive your password and username by email.

How do you generate the password and username, if you cant help please refer me to another site that i can check on.

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Different $ Sign

In some searches on our web site the items will come back with a different dollar sign than the US $ symbol why is that?

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SQL Syntax Near The = Sign

I am concatenating the firstname and lastname in the SQL query in the ASP page. I get the error:

Syntax error near =

This query works in Access.

<input type=hidden value="<%=strNetworkID%>" name=""networkid">

"SELECT" EmpID, FirstName + ' ' + LastName as Employee_Name, NetworkID FROM Employee WHERE networkID = " & Request.form("networkid")

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Sign A Form Using PDA Pen In ASP

I am developing a simple ASP that requires a user, after verfiying a checklist, to be able to actually sign the form using a PDA pen (The device is a PDA). My problem is that I do not have idea as to how to do this. Is there any API or any other method (say canvas?) that I can incorporate into the ASP so that the user can sign?

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Problems With # Sign...???

I'm linking from one page to another like so: page.asp?modelName=#1 Common Ash Wood.

On the next page I store that value in a variable so I can use it however I like. The problem is that if that # is there the value doesn't pass and is left blank. If I have something like 2.25 #2 Common Birch then only the 2.25 comes through.

I had a similar problem in the past with quotes and was told to use ASCII &#8221 and that solved the problem. Now, though, I'm doing a search for ASCII values and I'm finding a lot...but none of them seem to match up and work.

All the tables I'm finding say to use &#34 for quotes and then says to use &#35 for the # sign. When I try that for #, it does indeed switch and display a # in Dreamweaver, but still leaves the value blank when trying to use it in my application.

Where did you guys get the &#8221 from and why can't I find any charts that have that to use for quotes? Whatever chart that is, is probably the chart I need for #.

Hope I haven't confused you too much. Basically, I just need to know how to be able to use the # in a querystring without it blanking out everything after it.

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£ Sign Not ? Mark

I am using ("Microsoft.XMLHTTP") to grab content from a site and display it
on my site, the issue I have and have had for weeks now is that on the
original page the sign "£" exists and when I get it to my site it is
displayed as a "?".

If I find the ASC code for the ? and replace on that it still does not work

I have tryed all the usual method of fixing this with no success...

anybody had this issue or know where I might start to look to fix it ???

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Joker Sign

Anyone know how I can delete files from an asp page using filesystem and joker sign
I know how to delete one singel file, but I want to delete more than one file, only by
knowing the end of the filename, is there a joker sign I can use like "%" og "*"

I have tried something like this:

varFilename = * & "thefilename.txt"

fs.DeleteFile (server.mappath("files emp"& varFilename))

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Using XML For Single-sign On

I am looking to implement a single-sign on solution for my company's website which has many partner websites scattered around the globe.

I want the members to be inconvenienced as much as possible, so if they log into one website, they are logged into all of them. As each website exists on seperate web servers in different locations, this makes my options a little tricky.

Has anyone had any experiences of single-sign on? I only know a little of XML, but I understand that this kind of thing can be achieved using XML over SOAP.

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Single Sign On

point me to resources that will tell me more about enabling a web application to tegrate with windows security for single sign on

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SQL Update With ' Sign

I had successfully programed a running Update ASP Page. While troubleshooting the pages, I discovered a error when I input something with ' For example: (john) is okay, (john') will give me error message. How can I do so the applicant can input ' in the update page?

The following is SQL code in my update page: .....

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Currency Sign

I have a problem with an ASP page pulling data from a SQL2000 server. Expected behaviour is that when prices are displayed they are displayed in pounds as this is the default locale of the server. However they are displayed in dollars.

I've checked the default locale and the user locale of the (windows 2000) server and these are both British english. The language for the SQL user is also British english. Are there any other setting that could affect this?

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Sign-up Form

I have a sign up form where a person is signing up for several events,names and signup info goes into an access database.

I need to have it cut off when the events get full and prevent futher signups. Different events have different capacities, so some events could close and others still be open for sign up.

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Single Sign-on W/ASP

I'm building a few web sites that will use distinct domain names but will reside on the same server, at the same IP address, in the same application space, and will share a database. They will each provide different content depending on the domain name, but will share some core functionality behind the scenes.

What I'd like to be able to do is have one site serve as the primary site. If a visitor comes to one of the secondary sites and wishes to perform a function that requires them to be logged in, I'd like them to be able to log in only once and then be able to visit any of the sites without having to login again. Does anyone know of a pure ASP script-based single sign-on system?

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+ Sign Where The Spaces

I have the following:


which would show something like:
555 Home Rd

What can I add that will put a + sign where the spaces are so that it looks like:

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Code For Sign Out Option

I want to make sign out option in my website as like yahoo and hotmail.

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Single Sign On Function

i need when a user is logged in, his or her account is locked and no other ppl can login by using these account.

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Prevent Double Sign In

How can i prevent double sign in with same account?

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Insert Data Into DB For New Sign Up

i wanted to do a sign up page using vbsript for new pple to register as member, but therr is also error: too few parameters, expected 2. Code:

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Checking An Email Length And @ Sign

Just a thought, the code below checks to see that an email address submitted from a form check to see if that there is an @ sign and if the length of the email address is greater than 0.

If InStr(request.form("email"), "@") > 0 then
sSender = request.form("email")

I can assume then that the code about makes the LEN function redundant?

If len(InStr(request.form("email"), "@") > 0) then
sSender = request.form("email")

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Passing Percent Sign In Querystring

I am passing a sql string thru my querystring for the next page to

example: * from table where name
like '%doe%'

Passing a basic string works fine. But, when I use the LIKE statement it
does not work. I know it's because of the % sign, so how do I translate
this thru, so that the following page picks up the percent sign?

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Querystring :: Separating A String By Either A Space Or + Sign

is there anyway of separating a string by either a space or + sign,I have an sms.asp page that receives a string in this format below

the last part text=I need to split into 2 parts I need to read the first part 19 and match that to the db and then deal with the name David,I have tried everything, is there anyway of doing this even if the string read text=19+david if there was a way of separating the two.

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strSQL = "SELECT user_name, password FROM [tblLogin] WHERE user_name = '" & Request.Form("user_name") & "' AND password = '" & Request.Form("password") & "';"

Is using AND the correct way to use 2 comparisons in the WHERE part of the SQL??

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Sort By Part

I have a database table, that I need to sort by PART of the contents of a field (named rFieldName in the table):sample contents of this field are:Code:

qid_6_question_2I need to sort his field by the value that appears AFTER the 3rd underscore, and if applicable BEFORE the 4th underscore
Is this possible - can you help please - I have no idea where to start on this as I've never had to try to do something like this before.

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Use Only Part Of Field

I would like to use the last 10 characters of a Session object. Is this possible in active server pages. I am familiar with the user of Right$ in visual basic but I after trying serveral conatations I have had to give up.

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Reg Exp To Remove Part Of String

how do I get a reg exp to remove part of a string? -

I have: '/page/txtonly/index.asp' and I want to remove the '/txtonly' to end up with: '/bobby/index.asp'.

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Reload Part Of A Page.

is it possible to reload just one table row with out reloading the entire page? Or reloading just a table? i'm not thinking it's possible but if it is it's worth asking a qustion.

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Display Part Of A Record

I need to limit how much of a record is printed to screen. I just want text up to the first full stop.

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Remove Part Of String

Following java script code to get subscriber ID, its value is like, I want to leave number there and cut starting _ part, does anybody know how to remove the character starting underscore "_"? the final value is 975683678-28.
subsciberID = Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_X_UP_SUBNO") ;

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