Flat File Login

ive had a go at creating a flat file user login, ( flat file because its going on a companys server which dosent use databases. ) i have this code below but there is something wrong with it because the script just times out. im new to asp im a php man myself, so i would think its the loop making the script timeout. Code:

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Flat File Security

I would like to use flat file data storage instead of database. Since I
am new to it, I am wondering:
What text file extension is a safe one to store my data online and how
cost- and time-effective is this method (flat file data storage).

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CMS That Edits Flat Data

Anyone know of a CMS that edits publishes flat html files? I need one thats search engine friendly.

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Customer Login, How To With Txt File?

I am trying to make a client login system with asp. the users register and their details get written to clients.txt. per client there are 9 lines in this txt file (name, address, etc)

username and pw are on lines 4 and 5. at login.asp i capture username and pw into strUsr and strPwd - that works fine. im unsure as to how i should not authenticate those variables against clients.txt.

- should i loop through all entries of clients.txt and compare strUsr and strPwd to line 4 and 5 of each entry?

- should i first create an array with the contents of the whole txt file and then see if strUsr and strPwd match any of the 4th and 5th lines?

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The File '/Customer/Login.aspx

I have an asp.net 2.0 web application that I have pre-compiled and deployed to a Windows 2003 server. When I try to access the web application I get thefollowing message in my browser:

'The file '/Customer/Login.aspx' has not been pre-compiled, and cannot be

If I rename the folder containing the web app to something other than'Customer' then it works! I have tried deleting the folder and recreating it but I get the same problem. I have also copied the folder to another serverand it works without any problems.

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How To Protect A File Upload Page With A Login Username Cookie?

I have downloaded a nice upload script from the internet, it works great, but I would like to have it protected,so that only the admin user can use this upload page, I'm getting the following error:

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a01b6'

Object doesn't support this property or method: 'Request.Session'

If I change it in Request.Cookies, that won't work either.....

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XMLHTTP Through Login But After Requesting Next Page - Kicks Back To Login

I am building a website to pull data from a remote https site using xmlhttp. The data from the https site is behind a login screen. I can successfully get through the login screen with:

set objXMLHTTP = Server.CreateObject("Msxml2.ServerXMLHTTP")
objXMLHTTP.Open "POST", "https://website.com/validate-login2.asp", false
objXMLHTTP.SetRequestHeader "Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
objXMLHTTP.Send "Username=uname&password=pwd&company=O"

That works great - but then, when I try to go to the next page (where the data is that I want to pull) - I use the same process and I get kicked back out to the login screen? Could there be some cookies, referer, strings being passed normally that I am not including in my second request - How do i find out for sure?

I have used the software IETrace and it looks like some cookies being passed, but how do I know for sure if (and what exactly) it is using?

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Login To Page Requires Login

I want to login to a page using MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP.4.0 or an object like this, I must send the form variables needed to login when I try to login to the page. But the problem is, that the page looks like a exe file (not a asp file or php file or what ever). The name of the page I try to login is something like "/pw?/session/login", nothing more, without extension. I have tried the code with a normal asp file with session registration and login process and it worked, but not with this file.

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ASP Login

I have created a login and members page, and checked that it works, so that when you enter the correct username and password it logs you in.

But how can I have it redirect the user to their own personal page? Because I don't want to have different users going to the same page, I want them each to have their own personal members page.

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I've created a site where the user can register and then log in. However if a user registers, the data is entered into the database, but they cannot log in. But a username i entered directly into the database still works when logging in.

Does anyone have any ideas why this may happen?

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Last Login

I get an error like this:
Type mismatch: '[string: "UPDATE dbo.con_users"]'

With the following query code:
UPDATE dbo.con_users SET last_login = #" + nowDate + "# WHERE username = '" + Replace(userUSERNAME, "'", "''") + "' AND password = '" + Replace(userPASSWORD, "'", "''") + "'"

I've successfully tested the variables in it (nowDate, userUSERNAME, userPASSWORD). What is the mismatch?

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Login ..

I've already created a login page .. but how am i suppose to make sure that only those who login can access the member's areas and those who hasn't login will be redirected to login.asp ?? Is it possible to use cookies ???

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i am getting log in the application and woring with my some
windows.now keeping that other window open and now from that main window i am
logging out. so it throws me to the login page (as i am logged out). I
am also clearing and abandoning the session. also with the
now with that login page i am relogging with other persons login ID.
Now i am taking the other window which i had kept it aside and now
refreshing it, it is showing me with the rights of the previous User.
I want it to redirest to the login page as it was open by other user
and now that user is not a vlid user as he has logged out.

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ASP Login

Im new to ASP and im having trouble building a login script. I need an ASP login that reads the username and password from an XML page.

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I Have A Login

i have a login page and a page that validates it, if you log in succesfully i want to to display the name of the user on the admin page e.g i want to have "welcome and then the name of the user" how can i do this?

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Asp Login

i couldnt find this around the site anywhere.
i'm very new to asp
i am trying to have users be able to register, so they
need to be able to change the users.mdb file

adoCon.Open "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & Server.MapPath("users.mdb")

they web browser says that i need to change that line of code so
it sends the password to the database so i can get access to it.

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i want to make a login session for 40 misnutes.so, what should i do.

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NT Login

How to get a user's name and email from
his/her NT login? I know that in .net, we can user System.DirectoryServices
to do so, but not sure if there's a corresponding mechanism to get info from
active directory.

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is there a way to limit a login, so that if a user "log's in" that username and password cannot be used until the user "log's out". peace.

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Im in the process of making a login script. I was thinking of doing
something like session("User") = rs("Username")

but how do I check if a user is already logged in or not ? I mean, if the
user isnt' logged in then the session variable isnt created and I would get
an variable error of some kind. Just looking for some input.

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Web Login

I have a web based login form for secure login to access a member's area. Is there a way to pass a variable to ASP from the login window. I attatched a image of the login window.

The login form uses a text file to varify users. I do not wish to use ASP/Session for the login process.

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Login With In 14 Min

I have a page where users enter information into a site and i have noticed a problem where some users take a long time entering the information. I have a timeout on logins of about 14 minutes but i need to extend this or get it to make the system think the user is still active while they are on this one page.

I have been thinking of using an AJAX solution to the problem, the reason for using AJAX is the logins are tracked in the database in an active users table and each time they change page the last seen time is updated. If the last seen is not updated they will be removed from the active users table and the system sees them as logged out.

could anyone tell me if using AJAX would this keep the browser session alive as if they were navigating through the site in a normal manner, rather than the session timing out or would i have to extend the browser session as well as updating the active users table in the database.

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I have a header section and the login.asp is included. When I click login I want the current page refresh. As the login fields are in an include this file is the one that refreshes. So if youre on default.asp and you login it opens up login.asp (which detects the session varriable and only displays the login fields if the user is logged out)

I want to know how to make this work. I know it can be done as Ive done it before (albeit many moons ago). All I really need is for the current page to refresh (if you are on default.asp and login it will reload default.asp, if youre on Contact.asp it will reload contact.asp)

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Asp Login

can any one please give me simple login through database.

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I have a login page that asks for a usrname and password if this data exists in the database it creates a session variable for each then redirects to another page, this page checks the user sesion for a value and if it is not empty it displays the page or
redirects you back to the login page if the session is empty.

When I log in it displays the redirected page correctly but if I follow a subsequent link to another page (all pages run the same check)it redirects me back to the login page even though the two sessions are valid (I did a response.write to confirm the values) however if I log in again it lets me view all the pages correctly, what would be the reason that the first login seems to lose the session values but by logging in
again allows me to continue?

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how I could go about doing this? Also is there a way to export all the users and there passwords in Active Directory into a *.csv file or something silmilar that I could just put in a database and pull from?

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Login Question

Can someone explain the how I can make it so that a login ( username )
can only be logged in once to a website if it is possible.

What I would like to do is have it so that if dwaldman is logged in
that login can't login again with another session until the old
session is terminated ( logged out )

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Function-Last Login

i want to display the last login time and date in my portal.asp but however i search thr w3school.com and try out but still unable to do.

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Login Without Cookies

I have created a website that uses cookies to check to make sure that someone is logged in on secure pages, but some people have e-mailed me saying that they cannot get in. It is because they do not have cookies enabled. A NEED TO FIND A WAY TO CHECK THE LOGIN ON SECURED PAGES WITHOUT USING COOKIES. It would be nice to also be able to know who is online and where they have been - maybe an activity log.

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Login Without Cookies

Does anyone know how to create a login system with ASP that does not use cookies? I am finding that more and more users seem to be setting their privacy settings to high, thus not accepting cookies.

What I am thinking about is to have some type of server side session that when a user logs in, I write the session ID to a database as well as the user ID so that I can keep track of the users that are loged in.

I have played with regular sessions, but if a user does not have cookies enabled, the session do not seem to maintain state and are basically useless.

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Login Not Validating

I got this login script and I edited it all and it seems to
run fine...IE it listens to the script as far as permissions go when I
place a restriction on a page and when you login it redirects. But
first it doesn't tell you that you're logged in and doesn't provide a
logout feature.

And most importantly if I type in a random username and password not
listed in the database it doesn't seem to matter it still "lets me

I think it may have something to do with my database connection. I
am using an SQL database/server ADO connection. But I don't know if
I entered it right in the code. Code:

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Simple Login

A user logs in, then based on their account (username/pass), they are redirected to a specific web address.
I only need 3 different accounts.
Can this be done with Javascript? Or do I need to use a database?
If you can point me to some script that will achieve this I would love it!

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Secure Login

I'd like to create a secure login from an ASP page to a specific SQL Server
2000 Db. Is there an accepted methodology for doing this? Are there any
resourses that show how this can be done?

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