Force A File Download Dialog Does Not Work In 5.5 Sp1

i am using the following code to force a file download dialog in asp

Response.ContentType = "application/"
response.AddHeader "content-disposition","attachment; filename=" &" &

Now the it works fine in ie5.5 sp2 but no ie5.5 sp1 it prompts the
user twice the open dialog box.

i found on microsoft site that it bug in ie 5.5 sp1 and it says to
upgrade to sp2.

but my users are not willing to ugrade there ie. can you please help me out how can work this in ie5.5 sp1 or anyu other way to force a file download...

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How To Force A File Download

How to force a file download

Is it possible to use ASP to create something like, the following webpage, where you click on the download Mozilla now and up pops the downloader.

I need to make it so that I can download a .WMV video file. because giving users the direct link doesn't work and I think its alot better than asking them to right click and save item as..

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Force Download Of Pdf File

How do i force a user to download from a hyperlink as adobe pdf file, it loads up in a new window and I need them to download it, or at least give them the choice to download it.

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File Download Dialog Box For Pdf

I want to get dialog box(open,save,cancel) for pdf file using asp(vbscript).
Presently when i click on pdf link on the site,the pdf document opens in
the browser.

I have used the below code(download.asp?file=filename):

Response.AddHeader "content-disposition", "attachment; filename=" &
Response.ContentType = "application/octet-stream"

This file resides in the same dir of pdf documents Code:

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File Download Dialog Box

I have coded a file upload process in ASP and the current way I allow files to be downloaded, which have been uploaded is by using the <a href> tag. This works but it normally opens the files for the user in a new browser window. What I would like to do is present the user with a download link which opens the Windows File Download dialog box.
I thought there might be an easy way to do this kind of like HTML provides for uploading a file… which is the input type=file (presents the user with the browse button). Is there an easy way to present the user with a Windows File Download dialog box?

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ASP Force Download Of File From Webserver

I am creating an asp application which is essentially a file management app. I am trying to get my head around a technically issue wonder if someone can offer some help.

I want to be able to force the download of the files are attached to a particular record.
The code which i use to force the download is:

strPath = "C:MyFiles"
Set Upload = Server.CreateObject("Persits.Upload")
' Build path to file
strPath = uploadfilepathactual
Path = strPath & "" & strFileName
Upload.SendBinary Path, True, "application/octet-binary", True

I want to be able to change the path to say something like

strPath = servernamec$myfiles

Is the above possible. Any other alternatives.

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Force Save As Dialog

Is there a way I can force a Save As dialog? I have a page with a bunch of files listed for download. Unfortunately, these files attempt to open directly in the browser. I need a way to force a Save As.

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Force A Download

how would i for a browser to download a file (specifically mpgs) i can get it to go for small 4mb files, but the larger ones if they do go, take bout 15 mins to even begin the download.

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Force Download

I'm trying to create mp3 downloader and force download instead open in explorer. it's ok if the song is at my server but what if songs are at another server. I try to split full path to file path and file name but doesn't work. Script don't work if is song at my server and path to song start with http://www...

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Force Download .pdf Files

I'm trying to force a file download using ASP but not getting very far... I want the browser to send .pdf files to the user rather than trying to open them within IE (or wotever browser). Does anyone know what code I should use for this?

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Force Download Of .pdf Files

The below code forces a prompt to the user to open or save the .pdf file file to their local machine. It seems to work great except I have one user who can not open any .pdfs using this prompting method. He gets an error that says "File could not be found". However, if we choose the 'save' option instead, we can save the file to his local machine. He can open .pdf files from normal links to .pdf files. It's just this prompting method that is causing a problem. So, I'm perplexed.

I did some digging and found that there is also an FSO (File System Object) method (which may or may not solve my problem), but I'm not sure how to impliment the FSO or if that will even help me with this.

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Download Dialog Appears Twice

I have an ASP page to download a CSV file using the following code

Response.AddHeader "Content-disposition", "attachment; filename=Report.csv
Response.Write strCS

When I run this, I get the download dialog displayed twice. Any ideas how to solve this.

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How To Force Pdf Download - Not Open In Browser Window

How do I force a pdf to be downloaded rather than opened in a browser window?

I've got the code below, which seems to work in Firefox, but in IE7 it spits out a huge page of wierd characters:

Response.ContentType = "application/pdf"
FPath = server.mappath("pdf/portfolio.pdf")
Response.AddHeader "Content-Disposition","attachment; filename=" & FPath
Set adoStream = CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
adoStream.Type = 1
Response.BinaryWrite adoStream.Read()
Set adoStream = Nothing

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How To Open A File Dialog And Get The Path Of The Selected File In ASP?

i am having a problem in how to create a Open File dialog to enable user to select a image file that will be stored into database. i just want the file path to be stored in database, not the image.

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To Force The Dowload File

i want to force the download of file . i am using a win nt (iis4).

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File Save As Dialog Box

i want to write an application in ASP,in this i want to generate an excel file,in which all records will save in that excel file as per i ve given the query after saving records in excel file ,immediately i should get save as dialog box so that i will save that file on my local drive.i don't want to save that file on web, whenever file gets created & records saved,it will show me save as dialog box.

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Dialog For Excel File

Can somebody loan me a lobe and give me a snippet of code that will:

a) Accept a file name (.xls extension)
b) Invoke the "Save as" dialog rather than displaying the Excel file in the browser.

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Save File Dialog Window From A Web Page

What is the appropriate control or code to pop a "save as" dialog window to
allow the user of a web page to save a document after they click on a link?
All of the CommonDialog controls obviously are to be used on WinForms, so not
sure how to accomplish this from an aspx page.

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Separate File Does Not Work.

i have this css file.


#navcontainer ul
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
list-style-type: none;

when i put both codes at 1 file, everything are ok, but when i separeted them into different files, nothing happened. what's wrong with the code?

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File Upload Does Not Work

I'm using FileUPload from softartisans (not my choice, but my company's), and in our testing environment, the anyonymous web user can successfully upload and delete files to the server (iis 5.0/win2000).
However, in our production environment (same software/hardware setups), the web user can only delete a file, the file upload doesn't work. I've set if Err's do a response.write after each and ever step...and no errors are written out. i can do a generic response.write("Test") at the top, middle and bottom of the script and it prints on the page. The IUSR_xxxxxxx internet guest account has modify access for the directories (identical to the testing environment).

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Non-file Fields Don't Work

I have a form that has the user fill in a date, title, & browse for a file to upload. If I comment out the file upload & ONLY have them fill in the date & title using the default form encryption (application/x-www-form-urlencoded), everything works fine. If I comment out the date & title and change the form encryption to multipart/form-data, the file uploads fine.

BUT, if I leave the encryption type as multipart/form-data and UNcomment the date & title, I get an error. They both come through as empty strings. Why is this? And is there any way around it aside from breaking the form into two pages?

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CDOnts.newmail Attachfile Don't Work When File Is Large

I am using the CDONTS.newmail object to send file as an attachment so I
used attachfile method. it seems the attach file wont work if the file size
more than 100 KB , does anybody know if there is a size limit or where to
change it I am using the SMTP server included with IIS 5.0.

PS when file is sent, it will show on the EMAIL as an attachment only with 0

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File System Object Doesn't Work In Virtual Path?

I have a virtual path setup in order to give my web server access
to a file on my app server. I am using the file system object to check
for the existance of the file and if it exists, it has to validate the
file date.

The problem is I can't seem to find the file. I can successfully check
for the existance of a file on the web server, but once I enter the
virtual path it can't find anything. All three of these calls return


However these two calls work, so I assume I am referencing the file

Response.Redirect "http://server/localfolder/virtualfolder/test.txt"
Response.Redirect "/localfolder/virtualfolder/test.txt"

Am I doing something wrong here? The virtual path is setup with an id
that has full access to the folder.

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File Download Box

Downloaded the sendMail.htm and sendMail.asp sample files
from technet onto my IIS 4.0 server. The first 2-3 times
I tested all went well. Subsequent tests, with no server
changes, gave/gives me the "File Download" dialogue box
when the sendMail.asp file should be executing. Why does
sendMail.asp give a "File Download" box instead of just

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Download A File

I need to have script that automatic download files (open a "save file
dialog box") based on a variable (value in the URL).


files.asp?file=1 shall automaticly download file1.mp3 (open a dialogbox for
saving file1.mp3)

files.asp?file=2 shall automaticly download file2.mp3 (open a dialogbox for
saving file2.mp3)

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Download File

I want to be able to let users download movies from my site, but when they click on the link it opens automatically with windows media player. Of course, they could right click and save target as, but the majority of users don't realise this.

Is there a way to tell a page to send the file to the browser as an attachment and force them to save it to disk i.e. not open automatically.

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Download File

I have to write a code for download file in asp.

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Download File

i just want to find out how do i make a file downloadable, like when it gives an option to save or open the file not only open it.

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Download CSV File

How can i download a CSV file the same way a i could with a Excel XLS file using teh below at the top of the page: Code:

response.contentType = "application/"

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Download Txt File

can't use filesystemobject to create txt file on my C: drive. gives me access denied error.

I used same object to create file in the directory on the web server but how can I download txt file using something like a simple hyperlink to the exe file. a hyperlink to a text file simply opens that file in a browser.

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File Download

I want the MP3 audio files to be able to download by users only. Even I set the pages validated by session, anyone still can type the download url to get my files without access of the pages where download URL provided. How can I do in order to prevent everyone from downloading without a user account?

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Prevent File Download

Currently i am doing a file management project where user are able to create folder and upload files to it. The file ownner would be able to set permission (from database linking to the file path) if a user able to download it or not.

*each file info will be stored into a table e.g. fileid, filename, path, access.

Now i am facing a problem where if a user does not have permission to click on the link to download, the user can guess the path and the file name and directly type the path on the address bar to download the file.

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File Download Stream

i want to be able to write an function to download files.

For example, hosting service has a COM component that allows a stream of binary data to the client from the server so that the client will be prompted to download the file.

here is the syntax:

Set Upload = Server.CreateObject("Persits.Upload")

Dim SysFilePath
SysFilePath = Request.QueryString("filePath")

' Parmeters:
' 1. Path to file to download
' 2. Yes, build content-xxx headers
' 3. Use this value for Content-Type header
' 4. Include the word "attachment;" to Content-Disposition to force download

Upload.SendBinary "premfs3sitespremium8jaydakissx22webrootmyFile.txt, True, "application/octet-binary", True

How can I do this in without using the "Persits.Upload" COM object?

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