Forcing A Timeout

How do I test a "timeout" error when pulling an .asp page? How do I
raise a "timeout"? How do I "catch" a time out using VBScript with

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Session.Timeout And Timeout Directory

I have a site that utilizes online forms. The problem is people could easily spend well more than 20 minutes filling out the forms before submitting them. To avoid the default timeout of 20 minutes (or whatever) I added a Session.Timeout = 120 to the forms page. I also checked IIS and set the connection timeout property to 120 minutes as well.

sessions still seem to be timing out well short of the 120 minute cutoff. (I haven't yet tested to see if it's still 20 minute default or somewhere between 20 and 120).

Is there anywhere else this setting might be controlled? Is there any simple way to do some sort of "keep-alive" from the page so that the server thinks it's active?

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Forcing A Download

does anyone know how to force a download of a file? Like I have some PDF file which I want to call like: Code:
& then force a download of MyPDF-2.pdf file.

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Forcing A Reload

I've got a little shopping cart app which when you use all of the links on the pages, and buttons etc, things are good, the "shopping basket" on the left navigation updates and shows a sum of items and cost.

However, if you arrive at the home page for example, proceed to the products page, add an item and then click "back", you get a cached page.

I appreciate there are some lines of code I can use, both ASP and html to prevent the cachine, but what I dont want to incur instead is that error IE (and other browsers too I guess - how very Microsoft of me - shows when the page has expired, I think that would probably be worse than the cart not showing any items (or not showing the update) until a link was pressed.

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Forcing Option Select?

I am trying to force the last option selected in a drop down!, I basically have a page with a drop down box in which sends to itselfs when selected, the idea is
the selected value updates a postage amount depending on the country selected from the dropdown.

However when it returns to the page it defaults back to 'select country' and I would really like it to be able to display the option selected as this is part of the address form.

the relevant country is correct, and i am putting that into a request.querystring so this variable (destination) is available to test/compare against and maybe force select this way, but i just don;t know how to write the asp/html to make the select value go to either this variable or the last one selected. Code:

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Forcing Authentication With ADSI / ASP

First the brief: I'm currently developing an intranet at work. We have approximately 3000 users and they keep forgetting their passwords. We have 3 Tech-Support guys who keep having to reset them. The idea was to build a function in to the intranet to allow department heads to be able to reset other users passwords via asp.

All well and good. After a fair bit of reading, I've acquainted myself with the basics of talking to Active Directory and retrieving various objects, properties and values.

My problem is that when I try to update any of the objects (i'm focusing on the .description property at the moment 'cos when I break it - that's not gonna matter so much) But when I try and SetInfo, I get a General Access Error. My ServerVariables("LOGON_NAME") is empty. I was wondering if there was a way to force an asp page to run as the server administrator 'cos obviously when department heads login, we don't want all of them to be AD Admins. All they should be able to do is run my script to reset a password.

I'm not actually the server admin, and don't really know the specifics of IIS, but can I just tell it to run specific scripts as domainadmin? Or can I pass something in the asp headers to force it to authenticate as admin?

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Forcing A Line Break

How do i force a line break in a block of text that i want to store in variable?

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Forcing Asp To Read Whole Code

I have a page where browsers read code till the include file. then it stops there. How to force it to read the rest and display the complete page?

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Forcing Date Into 2 Digits

I am storing a datetime into SQL Server 2000 field in datetime format. For single-digit months and dates, it is leaving the 0 off, like this:


For reasons having to do with technical requirements, I need to have it put the 0 in when needed, and not do it when it already has 2 digits:


How can this be done? When I get the value of the date in the first place, it is using the Now() function. For some fields, I only need the date, not time, so I do a DateValue around the result of the Now. Is this solved with ASP? Or do I need to do something in SQL Server?

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Forcing A Div Element To Background

Are there any div attributes that could force a div element to stay in the
background? I have a .vbs calendar class that opens a small calendar.

Unfortunately, sometimes it opens above a form element like a combo box and
the combo box shows on top of my calendar.

The combo in question happens to be within div tags because it hides/appears
depending on another form choice.

Any got any good links on forcing div elements to the background?

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Forcing Excel To Open File

I have the following code at the top of my page. Is there a way to force Excel to open the spreadsheet? Presently, it opens within the browser window. I know it can be saved etc., but I would rather have Excel receive the data.

<% Response.contenttype = "application/" %>
<% Response.AddHeader "Content-Disposition", "filename=" &
Request.Form("FileName") & ".xls" %>

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Forcing Location For A Download File

if i have a link that allow user to download an application from an server, is like Code:

<a href="wss1/daemon tools.exe"></a>

after i clicked this link, i will be link to an pop up windows to specified the save path location.How do i set the save path location to a dedicated destination or file?is like when i click on the link then it will automatic without pop up and then save into that dedicated location?

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Forcing Email Read Receipts

how do u check if users read email and Forcing Email Read-Receipts? where can i find sample code.

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ASP Auto Generated List Forcing Page To Push Out

I output a list of towns from a database via a normal recordset loop into a normal paragraph with links - BUT for some reason it is totally pushing the page out... is there any reason for this? I also placed trim() on the town name in case there were lots of mistaken spaces, etc. Code:

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ASP Timeout?

I have an asp page that is producing a report via some heavy SQL queries with
dynamically chosen parameters from the users of the page. I can run it on my
development server (takes about 35 minutes to produce) , however when it is
run on the production server it will execute for about 3 minutes, then bring
me to a Page Cannot Be Displayed.

I think this might be some sort of
timeout, but I have no idea as to how to stop it. I've changed the timeout
property of the Server, I have even put in a buffer flush if the client

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I am using sql server 2000. From the asp page i am calling a stored procedure that does all the processing that includes:

1. create the query dynemically according to the selections made by the user.
2. run query
3. if records found, create a comma delimited list
4. pust that file on a file server, from where the user can then download the file

it return -1 if an error has accoured, 0 if no records are found, or file id if the records are found and file is written and moved to its location successfully.

i have increased the script timeout time to 800 ...

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Timeout In Asp

the default timeout for inactivity is 20mins, but in my application the clients are asking that if they are half way through an 'add a new record' page and disappear for 30 mins, when they come back the screen doesn't tell them they have timed out but lets them continue typing and its only when they hit 'submit' do they find out they have timed out. This then screws up the insert into dB type query and the data is lost.
So what I am trying to figure out is a way (using asp if possible) to count the timeout inactivity and 19 mins in to go to another page (timeout.asp) which tells them that the session has timed out and that any data has been lost etc etc, this will then provide a link to the login page.
The way the system is set up at the moment is that each page has a login script attached but is only shown if the session is valid, which has been working well.
Does anyone have any bright ideas/links/tutorials etc

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Timeout Value

I support several intranet sites one of which had NO STATE. Even though content has ASP extensions, it was all rendered HTML. Site had NO session or
application variables being managed. Site had no global.asa. IIS Manager
had site timeout set to 20 minutes.We had to add an ASP include to pages, and that ASP include contained our first session variable. Users then started complaining of timeouts and being edirected to logout pages because session variable evaporated. Users requested a 4 hour - 240 minute timeout. This was set in IIS Manager on site, and it didn't work. We added global.asa with timeout set in session on_start routine, and even though we could display the timeout variable at 240 minutes, if we wait 30 minutes and pressed refresh on page displayed, it took logic path indicating session variable no longer set.

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i have first name and id of the user
i am trying to see how many times he logs on
so when he logs on i get his Loggedon count and add one to it

but the code times out when the second query is fired
any idea why Code:

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SQL Timeout

I need run a few large queries for one time only. But I get scripttimeout.So I set up server.ScriptTimeout value. It works fine.But for one query, system gives me the following error:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server (0x80040E31)
Timeout expired

No matter how much I increase ScriptTimeout value, I still have the same there a setting for SQL server timeout value?

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IE Timeout

I am having some trouble with internet explorer timing out. I have an asp page that writes all members email addresses to a second table and then I am using CDO to send them emails. I am using a function that waits 1 second between emails and then the page deletes that record.

I am sending close to 10,000 emails and everything is working fine, but when the emails are done the page is supposed to redirect. It does not and about half way through the emails it gives me a "page could not be displayed" error.

I have the script timeout set very high, do I think it is an IE setting, but have no clue and have not been able to find anything on this topic.

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ASP TimeOut

I'm using the following server:
IIS5 Windows 2000 SP4 2 Processor Hyper thread enabled.

When creating HTML files with FileSystemObject the ASP page often times out
(not every time though) and gives this error:

"The maximum amount of time for a script to execute was exceeded. You can
change this limit by specifying a new value for the property
Server.ScriptTimeout or by changing the value in the IIS administration

There are no loops on the ASP page. When IIS is restarted the problem
disappears for a few hours then starts again.

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SQL Timeout

I have an asp script that insert information into a SQL 2003 db table. The script works for about the first 3000 entries and then give me a.....

DBNETLIB][ConnectionOpen (Connect()).]SQL Server does not exist or
access denied.

Obviously the server is there, since this is working for the first 3000 entries. I can then do a "where id> 3000" and run it again and it'll run about another 3000 then same error. What can I do to stop this error and have the entire process run?

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SQL Delete Timeout

I'm getting an error from something that seems too easy to cause
trouble. Here's the scenario. User fills out a form. User saves. On
submit, an asp script attempts to save the data. it deletes all of
existing child records, and then re-inserts new child records.

Heres the chunk of code thats bombing out with a 'Microsoft OLE DB
Provider for SQL Server error '80040e31' ':

'delete all children for this Parent record
strSQL = "DELETE FROM qcspec_is_tasks WHERE parentID = " & nRecID
debugPrint strSQL
cn.Execute strSQL

The print statement yeilds the following, before the Execute statement

DELETE FROM qcspec_is_tasks WHERE parentID = 20

If I run the above in query analyzer, it executes instantly.

Incidentally, at this point in time, the table is tiny. Its only 50
rows or so, at the moment.

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Server Timeout

I have a problem with sessions timing out while a student is taking a
test. This is a really bad thing, because the session times out and
then the student completes the test, but his answers aren't saved
because the server no longer knows who he is.

I know that if I lag too long at my bank website a window pops up and
tells me that I'm about to time out and to press a key if I want to

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Database Timeout

I have a database that stores our banner ads. When the connection times out (it can't connect to the database), the whole website errors out. How can I set it so that if it can't connect to the database, then display an alternate image, so that at least the website loads?

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Timeout Expired

Having some problems updating a recordset, despite the fact that I've used the bulk of the code sucessfully in other projects. I seem to be able to add records no problem, but when I try to update them I get Code:

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ASP Script Timeout

Using WinXP Pro / IIS. I want to change the ASP script timeout value in IIS.

I go into MMC and then add the IIS snap-in, I navigate to my ASP
applications directory, then right-click and go into properties.

I click on the configuration button, BUT NOTHING HAPPENS !

It used to bring up the next screen for changing the timeout value.

Whats happened ? How can I get it to work again ?

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Timeout Error

How can we solve this?

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server error '80004005'

Timeout expired

/sale.asp, line 377

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Connection Timeout

My database server in another location. When I try to connect the database from my pc using asp page it connect successfully. But when I upload asp page to web it display connection timeout. eg: (web ulr as

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ASP Login Timeout

I have a session timing out after 10 minutes.If the user clicks a
submit button to post some form data after the timeout has expired, they
are redirected to a login page...
Whats the standard practice for discovering what page they were
headed to and how can I make sure that the form data is posted to that
page so that no data is lost???
My assumption here is that the mechanism i'm using to redirect the user
to the login page, needs to pass the original destination as well as the
form data to the Login Form, and then the login form, once a proper
authentication is performed, would redirect to the original destination
allowing me to process the form data

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Script Timeout

I've been researching this issue with little luck. Here's the situation:
We have a few users on slow dialup connections who are posting data from
forms. Frequently, they get script timeout errors. We've gotten timeouts
from users with faster connections as well, so I suspected that the overall
load is overtaxing the server. But it does seem to be more frequent with
dialup users posting relatively large (>10K) worth of data from forms. The
Script Timeout value for the site is 20 seconds. IMO, it's seems quite odd
that connection speed could influence a server-side script timeout, but...
Question: When form data is posted, does the server begin processing upon
receipt of the first packet with the post request, or does it wait until all
packets have arrived?
Question 2: Is 20 seconds too short, or are there potential problems with
increasing it to, say, 30, 45, or even 60 seconds?

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FaxServer Timeout

I've installed Fax Modem on My Windows 2000 Serer and Fax Service is running
I can send Fax via notepad
but when I tried to send fax from ASP
I got nothing but a timeout error
the ASP code as shown

dim FS
dim FD

Set FS = Server.CreateObject("FaxServer.FaxServer")
FS.Connect ("MachineName")
Set FD = FaxServer.CreateDocument("c: empFax.txt")
With FD
.SendCoverpage = 0
.FaxNumber = "123 4 567890"
End With

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