Formatted Messages

My application saves variable length user-generated messages in an
ACCESS memo field. ASP writes these messages correctly retaining CR LF to
generate new paragraphs. (have checked this in the actual data base).

However , when I retrieve a message into another web page, the CR LF
characters are lost, and the message displays as one long sequence of
unformatted text. Anyone any idea how I can overcome this?

Using WIN XP/FP2000/IIS and the following code:-

set objconn = server.createobject ("ADODB.connection")
set objrec = server.createobject ("ADODB.recordset") "DSN=daters"
strsql = "SELECT messages.text FROM messages WHERE messid = 305 ;" strsql, objconn, adopenforwardonly, adlockoptimistic,adcmdtext


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Formatted Layout

I am currently migrating my MS Access Program to ASP. My only problem is I cannot migrate my report since the layout is different. Is there a way where I can use WYSIWYG format?

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Pre-formatted Text

I have been given some text that needs to be displayed on a web page. The text is pre-formatted (includes things like lists etc) and displays okay if I wrap it using the <pre/> tag. However, the font used is rather "naff" and looks too different to the rest of my web page.

I'm not sure how I can (or even whether I can) override the font used with the <pre/> tag. If not, is there another tag I can use to display pre-formatted text?

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Formatted Email Using CDONTS

I am using the following set of commands to send a formatted email:

"AllTopQuestions" actually pulls out formatted text (including all html tags and inverted commas). - - If this text is ascii and not formatted, the mail goes out fine. But, once the text in the database gets formatted, the outgoing mail contains no body at all. Code:

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Parsing <TAG> Formatted Data

I'm looking to grab data from an XML stream...and parse the information so that I can just take what is between the tags and add the information into a DB. Code:

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Formatted Display Of Memo Field

I am using access Memo field to store text of large size. If I use <%=memofield%> in simple display, it does not look like a formatted field and all text comes in a single line without any break.

Even If the text is same like what I am posting in this thread, out come will not have break in browser's display.

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Sending Formatted HTML Newsletter

I want to build a system that sends formated HTML newsletter. Like the one we recevive from microsoft. How do we include the whole page with the pictures and style in an e-mail

I am using CDOSY

Do those developers use HTMLBody property or something else

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Putting A Formatted Date In A Text Box

i need to put a date of the following format: 14 June 2003 into a text box. i have seen some samples but i can't get what i want. i tried the following: <%=FormatDateTime(todaysDate,0) %> and it only rendered 00:00:00 .

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Problem With CDO In Sending Formatted Text Mail

In my ASP application, i need to send a formatted text mail (i.e with newline characters).

here in my application i used a function in javascript which construts the mail body Code:

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MSN/ICQ Messages

Does anybody know if it's possible to send MSN/ICQ messages with ASP to registered MSN/ICQ users

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I have been searching high and low, but can't find what I want. I am looking for scripts or some guidance on building a web based messaging thing. where users can leave private messages for other users. Maybe i am using the wrong keywords.

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SMS Messages

how to send SMS messages via ASP? If so, please would someone post a couple of links or the relevant information that will help me achieve this?

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Writing Few Messages

I have the following code as a part of authenticating a system.
If Rs.eof Then
Session("Authenticated") = 0
Response.Write "Sorry, your userid or password did not match"
Response.Write "<BR>"
Response.Write "or you have not registered yet. Please register"
Session("Authenticated") = 1
Response.Redirect ("Welcome.asp")
End If
In the first if statement, I would like to display the above messages
before forcing the login.asp page to display. Is is possible to do both
message and contents of login.asp in the same page? Thanks

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ASP Error Messages

I'm running asp on MS Server 2000. Running Internet Explorer I used to get a
proper message with page and line number when there was a bug in my asp
code. Suddenly I'm not getting these any more, I just get the standard

HTTP 500 - Internal server error
Internet Explorer
page which is completely useless.

In Tools/Internet Options/Advanced neither "Disable Script Debugging" or
"Disable a notification about every script error" is checked, though I think
these only apply to scripts running in the client e.g. javascript.

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Error Messages In My IE

I'm using IIS from win xp pro and normally when my page doesn't work i get
the error message but not on my computer....
Someone told me that i had to check the option in my IE, i did that but i
still don't get the messages. In my IIS i told him to activate errormessages
on the client and server but nothing

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Error 500 Messages

I have inserted a free forum from into a website ( and although it works fine on my pws it keeps generating error 500 messages when on the net. Any attempt to write to the database returns this error (it reads from the DB fine).
Any ideas folks

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Sending SMS Messages

does anyone know whether it's possible to send an SMS message to a UK mobile phone through an asp script on a website?If so, do u know anything about whether you need to pay the network operator etc.

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Display Messages

i used to show eror messages in following fashion

if request.form("username")="" and request.form("password")="" then
response.redirect("login.asp?msg=You have to login in order to access this page")
end if
As a result of which the page is directed to login.asp and msg is displayed but the url becomes like this %20To%20Access%20This%20Page

which looks very bad when we look at it. i want to display the msg but want the url like

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Text Messages

I have recently created a mail site as a part of the local intranet. the problem is that as i insert textarea message into the database, everything goes on fine.. but if i try to insert a text with single quotes(eg apostrophes) like vivek's into the database, it gives an error message. i know this is happening because of unmatched quotes in the text.. but i am unable to debug it.

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Error Messages

I am running a website on a IIS 5.0. I recently noticed that whenever I test an asp page, if there's an error in my ASP code, I do not see any details as to why the error occurred, but rather just a generic http 500 page...Before, it used to tell me for instance that a variable was not declared and also indicated the line number etc. but not anymore.

why is this and what do I need to change in IIS to get these detailed error messages back.

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Displaying Messages

I want to display a message if my sql statement in my record set doesnt not return any thing. So if there are no records to display Code:


SQL = "SELECT account, name,segment, cust_id,Profileclass,number_of_transactions,userid , adjamount FROM CC_WO_Account_Details_Segment where segment = '03. Global Mail'"
set RS = server.createobject("ADODB.Recordset") SQL, CMS, 2, 2


if the above query doesnt return anything I want to say "no Write-offs for this segment".
how to do that?

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SOAP Messages

what i am reading isn't all that helpfull into sending these SOAP messages... Does anyone have a *real* usefull tutorial somewhere where i clearly shows how SOAP works? as in sending recieving...Google, isn't always kind, and ends up giving horrible confusing results.

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EventLog Messages

I have an ASP (not ASP.Net) application which was migrated to Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Web Edition. the ASP application uses a COM object which adds messages
to the Application EventLog. For some reason the message aren't showing up when I moved it to the new server. They showed up fine on the old server.

Is this a new security limitation which Microsoft imposes on their new servers? Anyone know how I can give my COM object access to the Application EventLog?

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Faxing Of Messages

I have found a few through web searches but not many... Anybody know of a com object or anything that interfaces with ASP to allow the faxing of messages and web pages from a web page.

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No Error Messages?

I have a little gripe with my ASP pages, for some reason I am not getting error messages I would expect and don't know if it's an ASP thing, browser thing or IIS problem.

I use option explicit to ensure I define every variable. When I have forgotten to define one the error page just dislays the 500.100 error screen. I have ensured that in my IE 6 that 'show friendly http error messages' is unchecked but have the problem still.

I would have expected it to display some output and then state the error later in the page. How can I achieve this as I am totally stumped now.

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Messages For The Current Week

I have a db with the fields Day, Month, Year and Message. How can I select all of the messages for the current week starting with sunday and return the results as a list.

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Sending Instant Messages

I've looked all over the www for an answer to this, but all I have found was an example on 4guys to send IM's. The problem is that they use Application variables. Is there a way to connect to existing IM services such as MSN and send IMs?What I want to do is send our CSRs an IM when their manager assigns a job to them through a management console I built.

I saw some stuff on Toast pop-ups with .NET on windows messenger service, but that's a little too deep for me. I would love to implement something like this, but I suspect that sending IM's through the Internet isn't going to be an option because of the spam implications. You can get server software like sharepoint to handle this type of stuff, but cost is a limitation.If there is an alternative solution, I would love to hear it. I am also open to .NET options as well.

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Custom Asp Error Messages

On windows xp we can modify 500-100.asp file for custom asp error messages. How can we do this on a windows NT 4.0 and IIS.or what is the similar file on NT and IIS?

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Error Messages Nested

When an HTTP 500.100 occure in IIS 5.0, I was getting redirected to a HTTP 500.100 -'page cannot be displayed' error page when there was an error, but now in IIS 6.0, I get 'Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a01c2' ' nested within the page.

I'm trying to create my own error messages so it will re-direct to my own error page and send me an email. I used to be able to do this in IIS 5.0 but I can't seem to get it going in IIS 6.0 as it doesn't re-direct to a default error to get IIS 6.0 to work like IIS 5.0, or is there another way of doing it, or is this not even an IIS problem.

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How To Display Error Messages

I've got an app I'm working on that sometimes will give me an error message and sometimes it won't. When it doesn't it just displays "Page cannot be displayed". Is there a code that will allow asp to display the error messages?

Here's the code I was using:

dim objComm
set objComm = Server.createObject ("adodb.command")
objComm.activeconnection = MM_dbConn_STRING
objcomm.commandText = "dbo.aIssue"
objComm.commandtype = "adCmdStoredProc"

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Not Receiving Error Messages

I am testing my ASP page and when I click on the link to open up my new asp page I get "page cannot be displayed". When another person clicks on the she gets a descriptive error message about a Type Mismatch on a COM function call in whih I am passing a parameter. I see that I do have an error, but why am I NOT getting the same message the other person is?

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Duplicate Email Messages

I'm running into a problem where in code I'm definitely only saying jmail.execute one time, but am receiving two emails. The time stamps and content are identical, but the message id is different.

It does not happen everytime. Is this a known bug with jmail? Has anyone run into this? The message id being different should be enough proof that it's not a problem with the mail server.

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Avoiding IE Warning Messages

I pages that run on an intranet IIS server. Some op the pages use
XLM DOM doc.Load(sPath) to open and parse a XML file. Every time the
doc.Load(sPath) executes in IE6 a warning message comes up
"This page is accessing information that is not under it's control. . . "

How can I avoid this message. It is a great anoyance to the users. Do I
need to create some time of certificate to pass...

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