Formatting Of Text In Access

I have a text area within a form that collects user data and enters this
into access db. Later this text is pulled out and put onto a page.

What I want to achieve is some formatting options for the user but I only
want CR and strong and no other formatting options available.

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MS Access/ASP Text Formatting

I made a website using ASP and MS Access in the back-end. One of the functions of the website is to post some news by using a web based form. Copy, paste, submit and voila! It works fine, However, Since it is mainly text that is pasted on the form, I would like to be able to keep the original formatting of the text and not to have it displayed, as is now, all together without spaces. Can anyone tell me how to achieve that wonderfull thing. Is it an Access problem or an ASP thing?

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Formatting Text From Access Database

how to display data that I have in an Access Database to be formatted in paragraph style when I have it written to my asp page - but does anyone know how I can format text to display as bolded or to show http:// as a hyperlink?

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Text Box Formatting

I have an ASP site pulling from a SQL Server. When I pull a text field from the database into a text area, it keeps the formatting. If I pull the data from the database on a response.write, all of the formatting is lost. how can I prevent this from occuring?

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Text Formatting

I have been having problems with an ASP page that extracts a newsletter from an Access DB. The record in the database has the proper format, meaning that after a paragraph, you can see that the enter key was pressed twice.

Problem is that when the newsletter is shown on the internet, all of the paragraphs have been run together. I don't know why this is happening.

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Formatting Text

I am currently using a combination of classic ASP and Access for coming up with a ride reports system for my cycling club - I have a control panel on the website which allows admin members to update the database via forms boxes (especially multi-line boxes)

However, the only problem I am having is that when in the control panel when I include text (with line spaces), and submit this to my Access database (in a Memo field), the output doesn't include any paragraphing or line spaces and it comes out in one unwieldy block of text. way that I can include paragraph formatting within this method?

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ASP Text Formatting

I am new here and need some help in formating text stream coming out of MySQL database. Following is the row I have in MySql database.....

"one - two
Three four

My asp code reads this string as...

"one - tow Three four five"

For some reason I am losing all the carriage returns and line feed. Asp puts the whole string in one line. Is there any asp function that I can use to keep my original text formating that I have in the database? Code:

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Formatting Text Area With ASP

Can anyone help me format text in a text area using ASP? I am bringing in data from a database and need to format headers for the data. Is there anyway to format this in a text area using ASP?

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Text Area Formatting

I have an from that emails @ the mo But I have to insert e variables into the <boby>.

useing asp this works fine but the formatting is all over the shop I have looked on the net and can't seem to find anything that formats a textarea any ideas????

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Formatting Text From Database

I have a text field i am pulling from a database that uses vbcrlf to create line breaks.

I used the following code to replace them:

response.write Replace(rs_classes.Fields.Item("DESCRIPTION").Value, VbCrLf, "<br />")

But ran into the problem that when the field is blank, I get an error that shows a problem w/ the "replace" function.

So I tried the follwoing: Code:

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Formatting Of Text Inputed For Database

As i write this post i have a variety of options to format my post such as bold, changing font, font colour, font size, putting text into paragraphs etc.

I am able to then preview all of this by clicking on "Preview Post". When i click on "Submit New Thread", my post gets stored inside a database (fully intact with paragraphs.)

I would very much appreciate anyone that can point me to script (prefferably ASP and javascript) to be able to do all of this including storing all the text fully intact (paragraphs) inside an access 2000 database.

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Formatting Date Field From Access Database

I am pulling legislation information and expiry dates from an access database and posting to the web. The expiry dates in access are formatted as Month Day, Year (EG.. January 1, 2006) But when they are pulled from the database to the web, they come out as 01/01/06. I know that the format we have in access is simply a mask, however we require that format be carried through.

This is likely a simple solution, however I am new to ASP and can't seem to locate any information on this. I have searched the forum for related info on this but can't find anything that relates to my specific situation.

Here's the code we are using so far...


Do While NOT Recordset.Eof 'i.e. carry on looping through while there are records
Response.write "<tr><td>"'open row and first cell
Response.write Recordset("Legislation")
Response.write "</td>"'close first cell
Response.write "<td>"'open second cell
Response.write Recordset("Repealed")
Response.write "&nbsp;"
Response.write Recordset("Expiry_Date")
Response.write "</td></tr>" 'close row
Recordset.MoveNext 'move on to the next record

I have also found and implemented the following code:



This lets me change the positions of the numbers, but I can't figure out how to make it display the full month name and full year.

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Text To Access

I have a text file from which i want to import data to access, does anybody know how i can go about this or where i can get information about this subject?

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Display Text From Ms Access

I got a form (textarea); user can input details of the property. And I am saving it in database. I need to display it in the site. text should be formatted. For example
Thi is how user enter details in texarea Code:

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Displaying Text On Asp Page From Access

I've created a db field with Memo type, and I have stored some text with
carriage returns (no html) So the 3 words start on a differnt line. In
access this displays correctly ( each word starts on a new line).
However when I display these on a web page all the words appear on the same

I need the words to be displayed on a seperate line.

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Passing Data In Text Box To Access Db.

i have 2 text box whom data are generated randomly, how can i get this data and pass it to a access database using ASP?

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ASP With Access Database (Input Text - Value Display)

I'm using Access Database with ASP. There is one particular thing that I
have issue with.

My purpose is for user to update their own profile. Their existing profile
information will be display in Edit Form format. The problem is if the field
has space, the second word will not display, when I display in input text

E.g if My first name "User_FirstName" in my table has entry, let say "David
Johnson" as FirstName, when I execute following code and do a input text, it
will display "David" only. Code:

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Import Text File Contains Emails Into Access Table

I copy my emails from microsoft inbox and save it into a textfile and try to read the information and save it into access table. But during i read the textfile i am stuck.

Dim fso, fil, ts, sContents
Set fso = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set fil = fso.getfile(server.mappath("myemails.txt"))
Set ts = fil.openastextstream(1)
sContents = ts.readall
aBuild = Split(sContents, "From:", 2)
sFrom = Split(aBuild(1), vbCrLf, 2)(0)
Set ts = nothing
Set fil = nothing
Set fso = nothing

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Import Text File Into MS Access DB Script Error

I have a MS Access DB that is used for a small web-based app. And I have an updated text file exported from the db on our local system.

I have got this import text file to access db asp script But it brings up a HTTP 500 Internal server error. site is running on Windows 2003 Server


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Display Japanese Text On Web Page From Access Database

I've got a simple template based ASP page which pulls information in one of several different languages from an Access database.

The copy I have in the database is fine. All languages - including the Japanese are displaying correctly when I look at them in Access. However, when I pull the Japanese text from the database, each character renders in the browser as '???????'.

I've tried different HTML encoding, but nothing seems to make a difference.

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Problem Importing Text In Access Memo Field

I'm using asp to retrieve data from a server and import that data in a client that uses MSAccess, into a memo field. The text hes line breaks 0D 0A (the usual DOS line breaks). However the client sees these line breaks as two squares!

The strange thing is that when I look at the exported text (yes, I also export text from the client to the server), it also contains the same line breaks. So the exported text from the memo field can look exactly the same as the imported text, and before the export the line breaks are correctly shown als line breaks, but after the import that same line breaks are shown as squares! I would like to see line breaks after the import and NO squares.

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Arabic / Russian Text In Asp/ie Built-in Editor/access

I am to develop a multi-lingual website / content management system. I will use ASP (IIS on swedish or english windows 2000), Access, and for the content editing i will use the built-in editor in IE (in an IFRAME). Primary languages/charsets, apart from the western languages (swedish, english etc) will be russian and arabic.

Does anyone know how (if) this works? What should my main concerns be, will it work and what will the likely problems be?

I've tried to insert arabic text in regular text-fields in existing applications, but when they reach the database the text has been alterd. Though I can paste the same text directly into the database. Why?

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VBasic Text Field (phone Number) Calculating Data Before Inserting Into Access

I have a text field in a web page I am working on that seems to be calculating phone numbers before inserting them into an Access database. i.e., 867-5309 will result as -4442 in the Access text field. My guess is that the webserver or client is processing it before inserting it. Is there any way to stop this other than using a validation script?

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How To Access Variables (form Text Box Values) On Same Form?

I have a form on an ASP page that has 5 text boxes, for data entry. I am trying to get data from the text box, and pass it to a hidden text box on the form.

The hidden text box is called "MyDateTime" (a SQL date and time value). I am attempting to concatenate data from two other textboxes (one for date and one for time) to give a string like : "8/8/2004 8:00 AM" I am trying to use the following: Code:

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Controlling Text In A Text Area Or Text

I have this problem in controlling a the text in a Text Area. How can I do
that for example the field size is 200, when it reaches 50 it automatically
goes to the next line. Bcoz im having problem when viewing it in my report,
it continuesly views in a strieght line and im having problem in printing.

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XML Formatting

I’m having an issue saving/reading an xml file.The source of this file is a the parameter of an object. Through the UI the user can change the value (xml string) of this parameter.

The problem is that the parameter needs the xml with > , < , and " instead of the > , < , " chars. However when I save it, the xml dom and even the fso save it with the actual xml chars. Other than a literal search, is there an easy way to convert the file to have the special chars?

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ASP Formatting

Im looking for an online site that I can format or tidy ASP pages. If any one also knows of a software application that can format asp /html pages id be greatfull of that link too.

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Tag And Formatting

I'm having users enter a message into a textarea, but I'm having problems with the formatting. How do I add " " characters where they have pressed enter?

This is being entered into a MySQL database, so I have already replaced the ' with '.

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Formatting Variables

I am requesting a variable for the users' network username:


This returns the following:


Instead I would like it to return J.Bloggs on it's own with out the "NETWORK" bit so basically I am saying how do I cut out the first 8 characters of a variable.

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Report Formatting

I have users typing in information into a text box. Sometimes this information can be lengthy and contain simple formatting such as spacess between lines and line numbering. For example:

1. List item number one

2. List item number two

I then have a report page that prints out this information. Unfortunately, the line spacing doesn't show up in the report. It's just all jumbled together. I'm just using <%= Notes %> to show the db field. Is there a way that I can show the formatting that was originally entered or do I need to use some kind of word processor like I am using to type this post?

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Form Formatting In Asp

I would like to know how to format phone numbers and ssn numbers in textbox. That is when I enter the phone number, it is going to the database as 000,000,0000. I want to have it as either 0000000000 or 000-000-0000. Likewise, for ssn also. I am really fed up with javascript, somehow, it doesn't work well for me. Always, get page errors and it is not that easy to find out the errors in javascript.....

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Date Formatting

i have a date in the following format: 12/1/2003

how do i reference just the 'day' portion of this date - in other words '1'

if the date was 12/10/2003, then i would just want the '10'

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Time Formatting In ASP

I'm developing in ASP/VBScript using DreamweaberMX, w/ an Access 2000 DB as the
data source. The source of the data is coming from a third party, which I get as
a CSV and import into the database, updating it weekly.

Since I have no control over how the data is collected, I'm not sure how to fix
this problem, but here it is.

This is a database of movies and among the many fields I import is one for the
movie's length, expressed in HH:MM:SS. This comes into the Access DB as a
Date/Time format, which means all the dates, displayed raw in the DB, look like
"12:09:52 AM". Through data formatting, however, displaying it to the client as
HH:MM:SS is no problem. (Display "12:36:00 AM" as military time (00:36:00) tells
me the movie is 0 hrs, 36 minutes, 0 seconds long. Follow?)

But in an update form, which we'll use to correct errors (and there always seem
to be errors in the running times of movies), I can't figure out how to display
it in the HH:MM:SS format in an INPUT field and have it submit without throwing
a data type mismatch error. It seems to want to display as "12:36:00 AM"

Converting the field to a text type is out of the question at this point, so I
know I need to do some type of string manipulation prior to update. However, I'm
lost ...

Any ideas?

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