Formatting Phone Numbers

I have seen other poster's solutions to this question, but cannot make heads or tails of it so I thought maybe someone could answer my question specifically. On an ASP Details page, I have dynamic text with a company's address, phone and fax numbers. I want the phone and fax numbers to be formatted like (###) ###-#### on the screen. They are entered in MS Access in 10-digits only with an input mask to format them in Access.

I am using DWMX 2004 and am not a programmer or coder by any means. I create my recordsets in DWMX in simple mode, so if you can help me, please be specific. My field names are MbrMainPhone and MbrFax if that helps.

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Distinct Phone Numbers With SQL

I will attach a zipped file with data in it. I want to pull distinct phone numbers from column B and column D (as some of the numbers will be the same). then rank by asc order based on TotalCashPrice. If they are the same, I want to compare the TotalCashPrice to TotalCashPrice2. Is that possible?

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Formatting A Phone Number

I've been messing around with this for a while now and can't figure it out. I'm trying to use this code to pull a person's phone number out of a database:

call GetAddrInfo ("BenPhone_v",datavalue)
if datavalue = TRUE then
<%call GetAddrInfo ("BenPhone",datavalue)%>
Phone Number: <%=datavalue%>
<%end if%>

What it returns is an unformatted phone number (ie: 5555555555) Nothing I've tried will format the number. I think the problem is the code that's being used to retrieve data from the database, but I'm not sure: Code:

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Formatting $'s And Phone Number

I have created an MS-Access DB that holds data items including phone number and currency. Utilzing the input mask function in MS-Access, and using Access to input data, keeps the data looking clean, i.e. $5,678.32 and (555) 555-1234. When I read this information from an ASP page into my repeatable region table (I'm using Dreamweaver btw), the data is displayed as 5678.32 and 5555551234. How can I format the data on my displayed ASP page to be formatted as currency and a proper phone number mask?

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Formatting A Phone Number

i am trying to format a telephone number (returned from the database as digits, no hyphens) to include hyphens. the database field is set as char with a length of 10. when i run the following code, i get a type mismatch error.

Private Sub formatDN(strTele)

'Changes a Telephone to a recognizable format
if Len(strTele) = 10 then
strFormatted = "(" & mid(strTele,1,3) & ") " & mid(strTele,4,3) & "-" & mid(strTele,7,4)
response.write strFormatted
response.write strTele
End if
End Sub

'section of code that calls the function
HTML = HTML & "" & adoRSWEBtest(0) & " (" & adoRSWEBtest(1) & ") <br>" & formatDN(adoRSWEBtest(2)) & "<br><br>"

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Formatting Phone Number

I have a database column that contains phone number information, but it has no delimeters (5555555555 instead of 555-555-5555). How can I add them?

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Regular Expression :: Phone Numbers

If I want my phone number like this...


([0-9]{3})[0-9]{3}-[0-9]{4} ....

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Formatting Numbers

how can I display numbers in ASP with the 1000 commas e.g. I want to display 1500000 as 1,500,000. I cannot seem to find a standard function that will do this.

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Reformat Numbers After Formatting

1. I have formatted a no using formatnumber(mynumber,2)
2. After formating it i display that no if a text box.
3. User has 2 options, keep the no as it is or change the value.
4. if user dont change that number then i have to convert that no format back to the original format and add to the database.

So help need how i can reformat the no which was formatted.

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English Numbers Into Arabic Numbers

I'm working on asp project, access 2000 at backend.I can write arabic text and arabic
numbers in textbox and save them in database.but if i see these records, arabic text and arabic numbers,it is ok,if my computer is arabicenable.

If my computer is not arabic enable then it show arabic number into english numbers.
how can i show arabic numbers instead of english numbers if my computer is not arabic
enable.i'm working on a project i have to complete it.How can i convert english numbers that are coming from database and convert that numbers in arabic for show.

I have use

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1256">
I shall be very thankful to you for this purpose.

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Phone Number

if someone enters phone number like this:


i want to change it to


but if someone has already entered the phone number in this way 720-908-0987

then dont make any changes

i am running into the problem to check in which way the phone number was entered 720-908-0987 any idea how i can check and make the change.

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Phone Number

Does anybody know if there is a function in ASP to display a phone number in this format xxx-xxx-xxxx ?

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Phone Number Lookups...

Our application tracks contact information. One of our clients, a car
dealership, has asked about being able to enter a lastname and phone number
and getting as much of the main form filled out as possible, "Hi, thanks for
stopping by Demaux Motors. Before we get started, can I get your phone
number, please? Oh, HI Joe, you still live on Gingerbread lane..?" etc etc
etc. Filling out the form is easy - sql query, javascript, blah blah blah -
getting the data is another. My question is three-fold:

1: I know that if you go to Google and type a phone number, you'll get a
query result back with address, city, state, etc. The documentation for the
Google APIs are written for .NET...anyone have any experience with those
APIs in classic ASP?

2: Is there some other service that provides this same functionality?

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Phone Number Manipulation

I run an eCommerce site and I have a checkout form that requests the customers phone number. I have it set up as one whole field, not broken up: 3,3,4 - too hard to re-work. Therefore a customer is free to enter anything:
(987) 555-1234

I want to format the phone number before it is saved to the database in the following format:

Basically, I need to strip the number of everything except the numbers and then add a "-" after the 3rd and 6th number?

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Update Phone Field

i have a phone field in one of my tables. the data is pretty ate up. there's some numbers with .,- and extra spaces among other things. how can i do a mass update i would like to have all the phone numbers formated like this 555-555-5555 .

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Send Email To Nextel Phone

I'm looking for a way to send a text message to a nextel phone using asp. I tried some of my scripts,in the recipient field I included my email ("") and ("").

the messsge was successfullysent to my email but failed in the nextel email. Also when I send the message through groupwise (our mailing system) the message to nextel goes through with no problem.

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Validate A Required Phone Field

I got this so far.But I need the user to be able to enter a space, a () and a dash into the field. ASP Code:

if studentphone="" or not IsNumeric(studentphone) then
        lvstudentphone="<font color='#CC0000'>"&lvstudentphone&"</font>"
    end if

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Open Client Phone Dialer

I need to open client phone dialer from my asp page that contains phone number and fill phone number automatically when dialing. What should I need to start about this?

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Anyone Know How To Send A Message To A Cell Phone?

I have a situation where I need to send a text message to a cell phone. Any ideas?

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Mblog / Upload Camera Phone Images To Website

Anyone attempted this one yet using ASP? I've found a few PHP scripts, but nothing in ASP. Basically looking for this:

1. User takes a picture on their cell phone
2. User emails picture to statis email address on my site
3. Image is uploaded to my server
4. Image is displayed for others to see

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VBasic Text Field (phone Number) Calculating Data Before Inserting Into Access

I have a text field in a web page I am working on that seems to be calculating phone numbers before inserting them into an Access database. i.e., 867-5309 will result as -4442 in the Access text field. My guess is that the webserver or client is processing it before inserting it. Is there any way to stop this other than using a validation script?

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Getting Two Numbers

Just started learning ASP about ten minutes ago.
Currently experimenting with forms.
could someone please tell me what is wrong with this code:Code:

Resonse.Write Request.Form("myform") + Request.Form("myform2") & "<br />"

Im trying to get two numbers to add together from a form.
I get this error when i use that code:
Quote: Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a01a8'

Object required: ''

/Jaynesh/asptest.asp, line 14

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Even Numbers

how can i check if a variable is an even number

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Add Two Numbers

i want to add two numbers in server script with VB script. how to do it.

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Add Numbers Using Checkboxes

I Have this form in page1:

<form method="post" action="page2.asp">
<input type="checkbox" name="numb" value="10">
<input type="checkbox" name="numb" value="20">
<input type="checkbox" name="numb" value="30">
<input type="checkbox" name="numb" value="40">

Now what I want is to add the checked values in page2.

For example :

if checkbox1 and checkbox3 gets checked I want to add the values in the
checkboxes which in this case is 10 + 30 and get the total sum (40).
Hope this makes sense?

So how do I retrive the checked values and then add the checked values
with eachother to get the total?

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Ordering Numbers?

i need to oredr a set of numbers. the numbers are "06/9","95/1","95/6","06/3" and so on. the thing is that these need to be ordered form the second number, so it shoudl be ordered thus: "95/1","06/3","95/6","06/9". how can i do this? at the moment just as an attempt im splitting the number either side of the "/" like this:

var regNo = "12/09"
var yearStart = 0
var yearEnd = regNo.indexOf("/")
var year = regNo.substring(yearStart, yearEnd)
var itemStart = regNo.indexOf("/") + 1
var itemEnd = regNo.length
var itemNo = regNo.substring(itemStart, itemEnd)

but where do i go form here?

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Trim Numbers

I am converting bites to Megabytes in an operation. How would I trim the result to only go to 2 decimal places?ex:

Response.Write(file.FileName & " (" & (file.Size/1048576) & "Mb)<BR>")

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Check This Numbers

i know how to code it in javascript but failed to do it in asp. there are 12 digits of number. exmple like this 871205106599. i want to check every single digit when user clicks Submit button.

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Round Numbers To 0

I want to round numbers to include a 0 at the end.

response.write "<td bgcolor=white align=center class=menuText>" & 100 - Round(CTASCAvail,2) & "%</td>"
response.write "<td bgcolor=white align=center class=menuText>" & 100 - Round(Avail,2) & "%</td>"

the following code will round the numbers 2 decimal places but if it is a 0 it will not display it.

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Addition Of Two Numbers

how to add two numbers from two different textboxes and display it in the third box.

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Ensure Only Numbers

I believe this is possible using Regular Expressions (which I have never used), but I am unsure of any other way to do it.
Either method would be acceptable for me - I need to learn how to use Regular Expressions some day
How do you ensure that only numbers are entered into an input field.
I need to know this for things like postcodes, phone numbers etc. and a few other things and I've never come across an easy way to do it

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Encrypt Numbers

Can RSA encrypt a sequence of numbers and letters intermingled together.
I was told that RSA can only encrypt letters,i'm not so sure. So can it bge done

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Listing Numbers

I have 2 textboxes - "from" & "to".

Assume I enter number 1 in "from" and 10 in "to" - I want the ASP to return:
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 and insert this into an Access database over 10 rows
into the 'number' field.

Anyone got any ideas how to do this?

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