Forms And Posting Values

I have a page(1) with a form on and another page(2), from which (2) I want to post a value into a field of a form on the other page(1)! Clear?!?!?

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Posting Space Values From Forms

I am currently writing an online registration system for my work. When I collect data from users I ask them to submit there first and last names on different fields.

When I try to pass them as a value to our Verisign account it concatenates the names to look like this


I would Like them to look like this

John Smith
Jane Roe

Here is the line of code I use in my form. I am not sure how to put a space in between the values.

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Posting Values From Sp In Textboxes...

i need to get the values from the stored procedure below, basically the Name, Description, and is Active values and display them in two textboxes and a checkbox. How can i do this? Or can it be done with this stored procedure? I havent been able to find any good examples on the web... Code:

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Posting Unicode Form Values

I've encountered is in a UTF-8 test script. Here, the input - a single two-byte Cyrillic character (as reported by Javascript in the originating form) is posted to the receiving script, where IIS or IE has expanded that to a 4-byte field. -- while the display of that character is correct. What encoding is the latter?

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Retain Values On The Form When Posting Back To Itself

I have simple form where user enter the search criteria and the form is
posted back to itself and runs a query based on the values that are entered.

Everything is expect the values that the user enters disappears everytime
the form is refreshed when posting it to itself.

Is there anyway I can retain the values that were entered on the form?

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Automatically Posting Form Values When A Page Loads

is there a way in ASP to automatically submit a form and its values when a page loads ?

if not is there any way round this scenario. i want to have a drop down list of options depending on which is selected will depend on where the form is submitted to.

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Passing Mutidimensional Values To Forms

Is it possible to pass a multidimensional array values[retrieve form the database] back to a form and only display the first record. When a user click a button[left , right] , i will move through the array and display the values on texboxes using the button onclick event.

Problem ..

When a user enter "Ap" in a textbox, i will goto the database and retrieve a whole list of values[industry, address, postalcode, country .. etc] with Company name that begin with "Ap". I will store all the values in an multidimensional array and when user click a left/right button, i will move through he array and retrieve the values and display in textboxes.

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Validating Forms - Redirecting Form Values To Update Page

I have a form I am validating on a page. Currently I have the page call itself to check the form values for validity. I want to use the form post method to send the form values to the Update page but can't because I am using the "Response.Redirect" which doesn't post the form values to the next page.

What is a good way to validate a form values then direct it to an update page if values are valid. Should I use Client-Side or Server-side script?

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Posting To 2 Db's

I have a service request form in asp, which takes a bunch of data (name, id, etc). it then has 2 checkboxes, either or both of which can be checked to request a certain service. depending on which box is checked, the other data collected is inserted into a corresponding database. what is the best way to do this?

can i just use 2 IF statements (not nested) to open the connections to the databases?

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I'm building a wizard-type site and I have a form that has a fair amount of
information being posted page to page until it reaches the end where it has
all of the data from Page 1 - Page 5.
For future reference more than there a way to post all of the
data coming from a previous page to the next page? Basically I just wrote
out all of the values I received on each page into hidden variables and then
posted that to the next page every time. Is there a simpler way?

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If you have an SQL error, response.write your SQL including all variables to the browser.
If I had a dollar for every error that could be fixed in about 15 seconds after doing this, I'd have like at least 15 bucks.

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Posting To A Url

I have been left a set of instructions. One of them is to post an XML string to an address. I have my XML string, but how do I 'Post' it? I'm using ASP.

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Posting The Value Of A Cookie

Is it possible to post the value of a cookie through a hyperlink?

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Multiple Posting

i am trying to do Multiple Posting to different Server when
User post the Order form.
one to windows server
second to linux server
third to its own server

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Posting Data To An API

I'm working on a shopping cart that uses PayPal when the user submits their information 3 things need to happen on the same page:

1. User information gets saved in a database
2. An e-mail is sent out
3. Variables are transferred via a "POST" method to the PayPal API

I've successfully made it through the first 2 but the 3rd one is killing me. How do I do this? The only way I can think to do this is with the response.redirect but it can't be a GET it needs be a POST. Any thoughts?

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Posting One Form

My employer uses an onjline application for new hires. Currently they fill out a form which goes to ../cgi-bin/
Of course this then email the application to them.
Once they recieve it it looks fine but when the go to print they say it prints 4 or 5 pages of garbly gook.
I havent seen this yet but i was thinking that if i could post the form to two seperat files, the and an asp page to insert it into an access table to later view with another asp page they could view the apps online and just print form explorer if i designed the page right
i have never done anythig with pearl before. Can I post it to an asp page then to the instead of posting it to two pages.

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Posting Threads

I have a discussion forum that is working great, except that I just found out that if a person adds a reply to a thread, the thread just stays in place, weather or not if it's the first post or 7893th post. What I would like it to do is display the earliest thread, or the earliest thread with a reply at the top and work to the oldest thread. Right now it works only from earliest post to oldest post, not including the replies.

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Posting Acceptor

I was using Microsoft Posting Acceptor to upload file on
web server(IIS 5) but after reinstalling my web server.
when i try to upload file it give me error
Http 405 - Resource not allowed.
I checked permission on all the directories and tried
after giving full permission but result is same
Also i checked mime extentions and found entry for .dll

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Posting To Another Server And End Up There?

I have a login form on a page that should post the data to a non Windows
server and upon successful authentication, the browser needs to show the
secodn url.

I did the form post, got the successful results back but the browser is
still showing at the same url. Which method needs to be used so that the
browser shows the target url. In this case it's sURL in my code. sHTML is
the result from the successful result from posting the form to the non
Windows server.

As an example, imagine you want to put a Hotmail login form in your own
site, post the form using your code and the browser ends up inside
Hotmail showing a url.

Code Snippet:

Response.ContentType = "text/html";
Response.RedirectLocation = sURL;

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Data Posting

welll I'm using ASP 2.0 =)
I'm trying to do the automated form posting and submition.
What I got is Excel file with the data that I need to manually enter to
the form...
What should I use to maximumally automate it =)

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Posting From Two Different Buttons

I have a table showing a list of records.On each row is a check box and a details button'.In the table header is a button to post back the checked items for deletion.
The 'detailsbutton' posts to another page to show THAT row's details and needs to post THAT row's uniqueID.

How do i go about this?I have tried jS functions that change values in hidden fields, nested forms etc and all I can get is one button working and not the other.The main problem is the looped recordID which I can't seem to refer to in JS.

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Posting To Server

I have a problem and not quite how to go about solving it. I have a form written in asp. I wish to submit the form and have the server return back to the same page without actually refreshing the page.

I know I could write a form, submit it and go to another page. I've searched the web and I see something about HTTP Status code of 204 would return no content to the client browser. How would I incorporate this into my asp page? How do I detect a HTTP status codes in asp?

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Prevent Posting

How can I prevent posting of a form from any other site but the site the form lives on?

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Form Values With A File - Passing Values

I want to call a recordset so you can edit the details and then obviously pass the parameters onwards into the db. However, the user guide just says this:

To process other fields in the form, use the Form collection of the upload object the same way you would use the Form collection of the Request object. For example, if your form had a text element named UserName, your processing code would include: Code:

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How To Convert Escape Values In To Actual Values

i need to convert the escape values which are by mistake updated in DB.

this is a sample text string
is updated in DB as

here %20 is the space.

like wise there are many entries for :,'

is there way that i can update all this in a update statement?
or use asp to to update the records?

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Send Email After Posting?

I have the following script that posts a message to the guestbook database just fine. Now what I need it to do is send an email to my email address that would contain a link to my edit page where I can click to go edit it. The link should have the message_id included in it because that is how I want to choose the record through the edit page, now how do I change the below script to do this?

<%@ Language=VBScript %>
On Error Resume Next
    Dim oCat, strADOXTableName 
    call GetADOXConnection
    if mypage="" then _
    if myaction="" then myaction="add"
       if myaction="add" then _

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Posting Images From A Database

Dreamweaver, Access, IIS

Okay. Here is my goal: I have a database that contains a volume, a chapter, and file names in that chapter. I have a drop-down list that selects the volume (this works!) I have a drop-down list that is dynamically populated by the volume to select the chapter (this works!).

Now I want to have images corresponding to the filenames that correspond to the previous selections:

volume --> chapter --> file1, file2, file3, file4... (I have images named file1,file2,file3,file4)

My question is what is the best way to get the text name of the file stored in the database to become an image that will be posted on the screen. An array? Take it right from a recordset? Any ideas?

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Posting Data Using XMLHTTP

I am trying to post data using xmlhttp object.

The data Iam trying to send has "&" in it, like - xx.asp?part=tm7&t6

Somehow the data doe not reach to the page correectly.

I also tried -


But still it does not reach.

In my final page when I retrieve request.form("part") -

Iam getting only tm7.

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Posting Form Variables

I have created a form, which has hidden fields, which are to be passed to a payment gateway using the POST method.

My problem is that the variables in the hidden fields do not get passed on to the payment page when the form gets posted. The payment page comes up empty.

Does anyone know why this is happening? Code:

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Instalation Of Posting Acceptor

how to install posting acceptor on window2000 server.

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Stop Remote Posting

How can I stop some one from trying to post my form from a remote site.
I am getting some one cycling through usernames trying fpr passwords on a
web site.

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Automatic Form Posting

Posting variables from an HTML FORM, via
the Request.Form function on the receiving
ASP page is great.
But how can you POST a Form variable to
an ASP page -- without a human pushing a
Submit button?
An ASP page that can decide when to POST
and send the Form vaiables, but out without a
human in the loop.p.s. the reason I do not want to use a
Request.Querysting is because I do not
want the user to see the values at the
tail-end of the URL (?x=private).

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How Do I Find Out Who Is Posting To My Form?

I have a web page, where users fill out their name and address, and I send
them a free catalog.

The problem is that someone is filling my form out about 100 times a day
throughout the day with peoples information, who don't want the catalog!

I have tracked the ip address (all different) and the http referrer, which
doesn't really tell me much. and looked in the iis logs, which lists the

How can I find out who is posting to my form???

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