Frame Concept

i want to know abt implementing the concept of frames in because i am in need to present my works in separate files with the help of frames.

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How Reload Left Frame When A Form Is Submited On The Righ Frame?

I got a asp page that has right and left site frame. I got a form in the right side frame and i want it reload the left frame when the it got submited .The left side frame displays that content of newly sumitted form.I be happy if some one help reload this left page when a form got submitted in right side frame with out using any auto refresh.

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is there any arrays concept in asp

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PostBack Concept

I want to know if the PostBack concept applies to HTML web-based forms, regardless of what programming technologies we use: For example, ASP, ASP.NET, Java, CGI, etc

PostBack means to send the HTML form to the web server Since most of the time I heard this term in ASP.NET circle, thats why I raise this question.

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Submit The Form Concept

I want to clarify the concept of submitting the form to the web server.pHP is just an example here, it applies to any web programming languages.

On page1.php,
<form name="myform" action="otherpage.php" method="post">

means 2 steps here:
1) submit the form called "myform" on page1.php to the web server using
HTTP POST method.
2) open otherpage.php

Also, otherpage.php can be page1.php itself, that means post the page
to itself, or this is called POST BACK.Is that correct? Please advise & comment.

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Submit Form Data Concept

When people say submit the form data, does it mean the form data are submitted to web browser using either HTTP GET or POST method, and then it will redirect to another page.

For example, this is page1.aspx

<form action="page2.aspx" method="post">

means it will submit the page1.aspx form data to the web server, and then redirect from page1.aspxto page2.aspx?

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Paging Concept Question/pointing The Right Article

So I have that huge database, with a lot of article from different poeple on the same subject. Listing all the articles is too big so I decided to add paging to my pages. So far so good, its working real fine exept for one thing and its here I need help as to how I could configure my things.

For each people with an article a user page is create and in that page are listed their article with the link to them. So how can I specify the link so it knows that the article of that person is at the page=2 or 3 or 4 ... of the paging?

Before paging it was quite simple I was just using an HTML anchor with the reference numberID of the record like this : <a name="<%=RsCritique("refID")%>"></a>

Any idea?

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Update Frame From Another Frame Using ASP?

Is it possible to update one frame from another with ASP code? If so, how do I write the code?

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How To Redirect From 3 Frame Page To Single Page Frame?

I built some Web site that includes 3 frames page. After a user
sign-off I want to redirect him/her to a single frame page. When I use
Response.Redirect command, I am getting the redirected page as a frame
and I still see 2 other frames.

How to get rid of other frames and display only a single frame?

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Another Frame

I have two files index1.asp and index2.asp (Both contains html 3frames)
index2.asp have fame name like this(top,middle,bottom)
[B](in middle frame I'm showing grid1.asp file.)[/B]
I'm showing asp files in these 3 frames.
I'm getting database records and i want to pass "ID" of these database records in index2.asp(middle frame, grid1.asp)
And i want to get this "ID" in middle frame in index2.asp
How can i get?
this is the code

this is index1.asp
<%response.Write("<a href=""grid1.asp?strID="&rs.Fields("ID")&"""target=middle>"& a &"</a>")%>

and getting values of this ID
this is grid1.aspstrID=Request.Querystring("strID")
s = "SELECT * FROM Alphabit where ID="& strID
set rs = conn.execute(s)
it is showing me an error
"Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression 'ID='.

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Target Frame On ASP

I have a page with 2 frames, F1 and F2. On F2, I have 2 more subframes, F2A
and F2B. If I click a button on F2A, I want to open the page on the whole
F2. I use parent.frames.F2.location.href but it doesn't work.

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Link Out Of A Frame?

If you have a webpage with frames, say a footer frame that contains links,
how can you get out of the frame if you click on a link in the footer. The
it works now, is if I click on a link, the page loads inside the small
footer frame. I'd like it to just get rid of the frames completely when I
clickon the link. Any clue?

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Frame With Javascript

I have a program created by Autodesk that uses alot of ASP & Javascript. The program uses an Ajax Viewer to pass a selection set through several files eventually making it to a file called "propertyctrl.aspx", inside that file, it passes to a file called "propertyctrl.templ", which once inside of it, just appears to be Javascripting. So, here is what it is supposed to do:

A user clicks a polygon inside of the ajax viewer. Once clicked the property dialogue box populates the "Name" field, and "Value" field from the properties of the object that was clicked. It looks a little like this: ....

The problem i have is the property dialogue box leaves alot to be desired. Its very basic, what i would like to do is somehow pass the values to another place and rework it so it looks more like this: ...

I have a feeling all i have to do is intercept the code at the property box window and change them to variables that i can then use in HTML, but i am not sure. Below you will find the code for both the propertyctrl.aspx and the propertyctrl.templ file...

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Target Frame

Is there a way in ASP to figure out if a page that is being loaded is being loaded into a frameset? I know I can code this in javascript,but I would prefer to only inject a chunk of 'onload' code in the body tag if infact the page is being loaded in a specific frameset.

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Resize A Frame

i have A page that show List of many field from database and i have frames : Top , Left and Main Page. I think it's tired to see the fiel with horizontal scrolliong too long. I wonder that the left frame can be resize to Left(Close to left) then i can open it again. But I have no idea to doing that.

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Refresh Another Frame

a way to redirect another frame like "response.redirect" in VBScript?

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Inline Frame

I have a simple web app that consists of an index.asp page that contains in inline frame and several supporting .asp pages. none of the asp pages really include any asp code.

I am trying to set the session.timeout value in my global.asa under the session_onload sub. I am trying to set the timeout value to 1 minute just for testing purposes. In the end I would like the user to be redirected to a timeout page when he/she clicks on any of the links after the 1 minute timeout has been reached.

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Reload Frame

The page has Top frame (input) and bottom frame (result). The input html page send input to asp to generate result to bottom frame. The page works. But i wish to refresh bottom frame once i click the submit button to see the result by the java function

<script language =javascript>
function button1_onclick()

But the bottom frame does not reload. is my logic wrong? is it conflicted with form action or method?

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Redirect In A Different Frame

I am trying to redirect in a different frame when my users are logging in. I used this code, but this doesn't work properly. Well, the asp works fine but just don't display in the frame I want it to. Code:

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Asp In Frontpage Frame

i am trying to make user login and password then when it log in it is go to diffrent page in the website this page is frame page whitch contain three frame

when i put the index page " the main page " in the
server.execute("index.asp") it is dispaly nothing

how can i make it dispale the frame

but when i put single page to the
server.execute("student.asp")' go to student page

it exucute right.

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Image Over Frame

I want to make a small (around 200x180) window that I can put somewhere on my site that reloads a website inside it, each time some one visits my site just like Iframe - infact you may even end up recomending Iframe. I also think I frame is the best way to do it, I found a great Iframe generator here.

After the window is made I want to cover the window with an image of the same size, so that people don't see the website underneath, inside the window but the image. How can I do this?At another forum, they kept asking me why I want to do this etc.

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ASP Page Is Not Loading In Frame

I have made this frameset for my site, 4 frames in it, and each one holds a html page. The mainframe however holds an asp page. Each time I try and load the frameset and preview it, in the mainframe I see all the asp code of the page, not the compilation of it. When I try and open the asp page separately, I can see the compilation just fine, tables and everything.

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Auto Submit To A Frame

There are two frames in an asp page.When a frame loads,I submit a form to the other frame in onload event.Sometimes the code works fine, but sometimes it will submit to a new window. Why does it happen? how to resolve it?

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Server.Transfer Into A Frame

I'm trying to pass 2 simple values (an integer and a string) from a start page (start.aspx) to an aspx contained within a frameset (say destpage.aspx).

I can server.transfer the values directly to destpage.aspx but I'm struggling to work out how pass the form values to destpage.aspx when it is contained in a frameset.

Is there an easier way? Is it possible to pass the values to an aspx that defines the frameset then pass to destpage.aspx?

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Refresh Parent From Frame

I have a page(1) inside a frameset. The frameset opens from another page(2). I want when I change something on page 1(inside the frameset), the page 1 to be reloaded.

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Use Recordset Across The Frame Page

I'm trying to build a page which has two frame, one is hidden and the other main. The hidden frame will have all the neccessary recordset and variables.

and main has forms and functions which should retreive data from hidden frame to use it on the form. I noticed it's possible using javascript but i'm building page with vbscript and have not found a way to do it.

The reason I'm trying to do this is to reduce down the server traffic. The page will get local variable rather than accessing database everytime user request some values.

If this is not possible, can someone tell me how to store recordset into session variable? so it can be used across the page.

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Website Inside Frame

We need to display certain websites inside a frame on our website and I use the response.redirect command in VBScript.
The problem is that some websites take over the whole browser, how can I stop this and force a website to be loaded inside a frame?

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Refreshing A Page In A Frame

I have an application that displays messages that are stored in SQL server
The application uses frames

In the vertical frame along the left side of the page, I enumerate the
current messages. This frame is named "SELECT"
Clicking on a message subject causes

In the main frame, named "BODY" I display the message that is retrieved from
SQL Server in a textarea.

When a message is displayed, I also display a prompt ro delete the message.

The delete prompt works just fine except that I need a way to update the
enumeration of messages in the "SELECT" frame.

Is there a practical way to force the page in the select frame to refresh
itself when I delete a record?

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How Do I Refresh A Frame In Another Page?

I have a pop-up window that allows editing of items displayed in a frame on the parent page. When the user edits or deletes an item in the pop-up window, I'd like it to automatically refresh the frame in the parent page so that the change is more real time and the user doesn't have to refresh to see their changes. Any ideas on how to accomplish this?

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Frame Refresh From ASP Page

Is there a way that I can refresh a particular frame on the ASP page from the server side ...

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Change A Frame Content

I have a restricted access, and 2 frames top and main.When I check that the user as access to the menu.asp, I use this code.Code:


to change the content of the main frame, but I would like at the same time to chnage the content of my top frame, to make it become "topadmin.htm".I browsed the Internet, but I found nothing, Do someone knows how to do that?

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Redirect To _parent Frame

how to redirect my asp page, from a _top frame to the _parent frame?

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Writing URL In Parent Frame

What do I need to do to write the URLs of the two identical iFrames in the textarea of the parent frame? Well, the iFrames are the same asp file, but the three listboxes in each iFrame make their URLs different. The problem is that upon selecting both iFrames listboxes, the 2nd iFrame cancels out the URL of the first iFrame written on the parent's frame.

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