Function Sequence Error In ASP

In my application I get the error 'function sequence error' when i try to use RS.MoveFirst . This happens only in one screen but the same doesn't happen in another 2 screens where i am using RS.Movefirst. Code:

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ODBC Error: Function Sequence Error When Using .MoveFirst

This is the stubborn error I'm getting in my ASP code:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80004005'

[Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Function sequence error

It points to the line: lrsQuery.MoveFirst, as below Code:

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[ASP] Sequence Rows

In the table MYSQL I have this sequence of rows:


I like to see:


and query that counts for all rows like ASSI ...

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Collating Sequence

Error Type:
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80004005)
[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Selected collating sequence not supported by the operating system.

anyone knows wat's wrong with this?I am using asp, msaccess2003, using DSN, and winXP SP2

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Sequence Of Execution

In an asp file, the statements are like this,

1. HTML Tags
2. Javascript
3. VBScript
4. HTML Tags
5. asp coding
6. Javascript
7. VBScript
8. asp coding

tell me the sequece of execution in an asp file.

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More One Word In Sequence

I have an issue with the search functionality page, on my text search box, if I type "bought by" with quotes to search for these 2 words in sequence in my database for reports that contain these 2 words in sequence, I get an error on the results page.
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80004005'

[Oracle][ODBC][Ora]ORA-20000: Oracle Text error: DRG-51030: wildcard query expansion resulted in too many terms

/basic_results.asp, line 289

and my basic_results page code is attached as a txt file.

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Write A Sequence To A Table

looking for code to write a seuqence of numbers to a table in access. user selects quantity to populate, lets say 50 . so the table would need to be populated with the first number of trackid0001 up to trackid0050 through the script

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Change The Loop Sequence

I have a website where I present the price of some products. The products and its prices are stored in a database. I want to loop through the products and order them by the price, starting with te cheapest.
This is easy if I could use the price in the database. But some of the products have discounted prices. The discount is given on the website, so therefore I cant order the recordset by the price column, I have to set the looping sequence of the recordset in another way.

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Validating Forms In Sequence?

I am trying to sort out validation for a form to display the error message in sequence.
ie; when you click continue with blank form fields the first message should read: "Please enter your previous address (Line 1)" but instead it starts with PostCode then time at the address then town? Code:

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Load Page Out Of Sequence

I have a "Digital Dashboard" that basically has 4 IFrame sections.
The page flows in the following order: Messages, Stocks, Weather, User
Links. Please note that this order needs to stay that way.
Everything but the Stocks section is pulled from our dB. I am using
the server control InetCtls.Inet to obtain the stock data from Yahoo

The question I have is can I load the page using the dB driven sources
first and then the external source (e.g., Messages, Weather, Links,
Stocks). In other words, I need to page to render the Stock portion
last. What currently happens is the page loads, then "pauses" while
loading the stock information, and then finally loads the remaining
content. The pause is caused by the "screen scraping." If I can give
the appearance that the page has fully loaded, and then load the
stocks last, that would be perfect. I tried looking at script defer,
but I don't think that is what I want.

In summary, I have 1 asp page that contains 4 IFrames. I need to load
the page out of sequence. Is this possible? Any help would be much
appreciated. We are running IIS 5.0 w/ asp 3.0.

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Retrieving Sequence Numbers From Oracle

I seem to have a problem retrieving a sequence number from ASP using OO4O. Using ADODB, everything works correctly, however, using OO4O it seems to burn off an additional sequence number (ie it increments by 2 each time).

strSQL = "select sicontractnum.nextval as thenum from dual"
set rsContractNum = dbConn.CreateDynaset(strSQL,0)
response.write rsContractNum.Fields("thenum")
set rsContractNum = nothing

dbConn is a connection object created from the connection pool during session startup.

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Correct User, Password Sequence For DSN-Less DB Conn.?

I'm trying to access an access database by including the DB's password within the connection string. I try to connect to the DB, but I get and "Incorrect Password" error. What am I doing wrong?

set conn=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
conn.Provider="Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0"; uid=admin; pwd="pass"
set rsUpdateEntry = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.recordset")

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MID Function Error

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a0005'Invalid procedure call or argument: 'Mid' /uploaddoc.asp, line 15

Giving this error why??

Code is here:

Dim uploadsDirVar,pos,newpos,midstr
uploadsDirVar =request.QueryString("path")

Do while newpos>=0
midstr=midstr & "/"

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Error On Function ?

Microsoft VBScript compilation error '800a0414'

Cannot use parentheses when calling a Sub

/includes/adotest.asp, line 16

SaveTextDate(StrUrl,Chopper, ascii)

is the error i get, and my mind is blank due 2 working 2 long but help much appreciated, i am just messing but would like to save a binaryfile with ADO.


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VB Replace Function Error

I have this piece of code in an ASP page: replace (strRootDir, "", "/", -1) When I run the script I get:

Microsoft VBScript compilation (0x800A0414)
Cannot use parentheses when calling a Sub

II remove the parenthese then I get:
Microsoft VBScript compilation (0x800A0401)
Expected end of statement

Everthing that I found on the web (and in Studio help) indicates that "REPLACE (String, ToFind, With, Count)" is correct. What am I doing wrong?

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Error 4 GetDate() Function

sql="Select orderid From orderDelivery WHERE orderDate = DateAdd(d,-1,GetDate())"

tis is my sql statement.but IE complaint abt the undefined Getdate function. or can teach how to code.

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Replace Function - Error 80020009

I try to use the replace function with a very long text and I have this error :

error '80020009'
Exception occurred.

Do you have any idee to resolve this problem ?

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Instr Function Generates Error

My question is

I use:
dim strText,pos
strText = "This is a test!!"
pos = Instr(strText,"a",1)
response.write pos
and i get:

Type mismatch: '[string: "This is a test!!"]'

What's going on?

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Formatnumber Function Returns Error

The following code with formatnumber function returns me the following code. Why?

<td align="right"><Font

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a000d'

Type mismatch: 'formatNumber'

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Month Function Script Error

I'm having a problem with the Month function.this is a piece of code I use: Code:

dim getname
dim getmonth
dim getyear

response.write("month: "& getmonth)

I keep getting an error at the line in bold. It says some crap about "Type incompatible" and wont even print out the next line. What the hell is wrong with my code?

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IsNull Function Requires 2 Arguments Error

I used this to sum column with nulls and it worked fine but then when I tried to do the same with the next column over, I get "IsNull function requires 2 arguments error".

In my select statement:

Sum(IsNull([1st Qtr],0)) as Sum1QN

The one above worked fine, so I thought I would just do the same for the next column over like so:

Sum(IsNull([2nd Qtr]),0)) as Sum2QN

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007~ASP 0101~Unexpected Error~The Function Returned

Has anyone seen an error like this before? If so, what could it be? I don't use any stored procedures. (SQL2000 and ASP). 007~ASP 0101~Unexpected error~The function returned |.

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Database Lookup In A Javascript Function *before* Displaying The Error

Is it possible to do a database lookup in a javascript function *before* displaying the error alert?

We want to do a database table lookup first and get a BETTER error message based on the text field throwing the error.

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Error 0101 "Function Returned |"

Randomly I get an error "Function returned |" while trying
to upload a file in ASP application, use FileUp server-
side component from SoftWare Artisans ... can't find any
references to that error, any pointers will be highly

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Difference Between Private Function And Public Function?

What's the difference between private and public functions in ASP? When should I use either?

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How Can I Add Mail Function To That Post Function

I am using a simple guestbook /portal and i want script to send mail to the thread owner when someone reply his message.

this is the send message code ....

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Function Inside A Function

Can I define a function inside a function. e.g;

function abc()
function xyz()
....some code.....
End Function
End Function

I googled this but can't find any related topic.

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Function In The InStr Function

I want to use the instr function, but return results from it depending on surtain functions, I can't realy explain so I'll show my example:

I have a string in wich some word I want to find might be in diffrent Capital Letters order, I want the Instr function to return all the values of the place of that word (avcourse I'll run a for and increase the starting point of the Instr func until it returns 0). The instinct thought is to use the Lcase or the Ucase functions, but in this case I don't know how to use them. In the same Idea I wanted to use the Instr Func with the trim Func, But Its realy the same principle if I just understood how to do so.

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I Have A Error Called Microsoft VBScript Runtime Error- Error '800a000d'

I got an error saying

Microsoft VBScript runtime error- Error '800a000d'

Type mismatch

/briansforums/default.asp, line 923

also another error called Code:

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Error: HTTP 500.100 - Internal Server Error - ASP Error

# Error Type:

Server object, ASP 0177 (0x800401F3)

Invalid ProgID. For additional information specific to this message please visit the Microsoft Online Support site located at:
/CoxAxis/adminEditPage.asp, line 6

My code:

dim self, pid, i, c
self = Request.ServerVariables("URL")
pid = Request.Querystring("pid")
set Session("pageContent") = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
Set custObj = Server.CreateObject("NFIFunctions.ValidateField") Line 6
set psi = Session("pageContent")
set errDict = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
i = 1

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Error :: Provider Error '80004005' Unspecified Error

i'm getting

Provider error '80004005' Unspecified error

admin/, line 4

what this is, it only started happening after i did a recent upload of my database!, i 've tryed uploading it again but the error still appears.

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AspSmartMail.SendMail : Error 28 Error '8004001a', 504 Invalid Username Or Password

Let me start by saying I'm fairly new to Asp coding. That said...

My ISP only uses AspSmartMail. I've created an online form that uses fill out, which is then e-mailed to the collector of the information and CC-ed to the person who submitted the information.

The error I'm receiving is this:
aspSmartMail.SendMail : Error 28 error '8004001a'
504 Invalid Username or Password

In my script, I've Dimensioned several items, as you'll see below, passing the authenticating username/password to the smtp server, but it's not working. I tried not passing the information by entering in the actual info without it being passed by the diminsioned items. This didn't work either. I of course verified that the username/password I'm usine is correct.

Can someone plase tell me why I can't authenicate? I would really appreciate any help that might be out there.

Relavant Asp code below:
Dim smtpserver,youremail,yourpassword,yourusername,rem oteemail

'Edit these 3 values accordingly
smtpserver = ""
youremail = ""
yourpassword = "password"
yourusername = "yourusername"
remoteemail = "email_address_to_send_to"

Dim ObjSendMail
Set ObjSendMail = Server.CreateObject("AspSmartMail.SmartMail")

'Config remote SMTP server info.

ObjSendMail.Server = smtpserver
ObjSendMail.ServerTimeOut = 35
ObjSendMail.SenderAddress = youremail
ObjSendMail.Password = yourpassword
ObjSendMail.Username = yourusername

'End remote SMTP server config.

'Config E-mail.
ObjSendMail.Recipients.Add remoteemail
ObjSendMail.CCs.Add Request.Form("Confirm_Email")
ObjSendMail.Subject = "Email Subject"
ObjSendMail.SenderAddress = ""
ObjSendMail.SenderName = "SenderName"

ObjSendMail.ContentType = "text/html"
ObjSendMail.Body = strBody
'Note - strBody is Dimensioned elsewhere in my script to build the HTML message body.

'End Config E-mail.


if err.number <> 0 then

response.write("Error n° " & err.number - vbobjecterror & " = " & err.description & "<br>")


Response.Write "aspSmartMail has sent your message with this file as attachment : <br>"
'Response.Write ObjSendMail.Attachments.Item(1).FilePathName

end if

Set ObjSendMail = Nothing

End code

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Error :: Compiler Error Message: BC30002: Type 'ODBCConnection' Is Not Defined

i m getting this following error:

Compiler Error Message: BC30002: Type 'ODBCConnection' is not defined.

Following is my code: ...

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