Function To Stop The Remainder Of The Page From Executing

Is there a function in ASP that can stop the remainder of the page from executing?

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Modular Or Remainder Function

For example in Universe x = mod(116/10), x would = 6 the remainder of the division?

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Executing ASP Page

I have a file called Audit.asp that I want to execute via command line from a batch file (bulk.bat)How can I do this?

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Stop ASP Page On Error

How do you do the following?

response.write "There was a problem."

more code
more code
more code

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Stop Refreshing Page

I have an asp page which when loads, sends notification emails and adds data to a Mysql database.

What i want to stop happening is people refreshing the page or when navigating back to the page using the browser, this script is run again.

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Stop Page Scrolling

I have a page that pulls info from a SQL DB and displays it for the user. Everything is fine now 'cos I only have ten entries in my DB. When finished, there will thousands of records and what I see is an endless scroll or page down for the user. But what I want is to display a MAX of 15 records per page and have the others displayed on following pages.

So how do I get my pages to continue on page 2, 3, X XXX and have it so that clicking on any of the pages jumps to the corresponding page. You can actually see what I am looking for here at sitepoint. In their own case, they have it displayed within page ranges.

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Executing Stored Procedure In Asp Page

I have written a stored procedure and I am trying to execute it inside my ASP page. So here is my code. It wont work at all, like when I try and open the page It times outs.

dim sqlrs, rs2
set rs2 = server.createobject("ADODB.Recordset") SQLrs, CMS, 2, 2
%> Code:

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Option Explicit Cause Page To Stop Why

I'm trying to set up a Windows 2003 server using ASP, and I am find ASP
pages just STOP as if I had called Response.End whenever an undeclared
variable is found. If I turn off Option Explicit, it doesn't happen.
Clearly I can Dim the variable to solve the problem (I mention this in case
some smartaleck decided to propose it as the solution), but it is making
finding undeclared variables very hard! Anyone have any idea what I've
done wrong in my configuration?

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File Path Of Currently Executing Script/Page

Is there a way to determine the filepath of an ASP script being executed, like so? First file contains:

For Each x In arrNuggets
Server.Execute "/nuggets/" & x & "/default.asp"

The executed file, default.asp, needs to be able to figure out what it's parent folder name is.

Request.ServerVariables("SCRIPT_NAME") only returns the name of the first initial page loaded, and nothing about the page currently being executed.

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Executing SQL Stored Proc And Returning XML Through ADO In ASP Page ??

I need to return XML from a SQL Stored Procedure which I will execute through ASP ADO code. Stored Procedure as below:

@JobType int,
@CntryID int,
@JobTitle varchar(8000) OUTPUT
SELECT @JobTitle = ltrim(rtrim(JobTitle))
WHERE JobType = @JobType
AND CntryID = @CntryID

Now the output parameter (@JobTitle) cannot be assigned to FOR XML, so what must I do ??? My ASP code reads as: ....

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Prolems Executing Stored Procedure From ASP Page

I am trying to execute the following stored procedure from my asp page The asp page is passing a value "@Year" to the stored procedure ut seems to fall over with a declaration problem. Here is the stored procedure Code:

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Insert Statement Executing Repeateadly On The Page Refresh

i have a form that action is set to itself, on the same page i m having the insert statement, executed when i submit that form, but when the user refresh that page the query is executed and submit the null values in the table.

<form name=form1 action=form1.asp method=post>
<input type........
<input type.......

<input type=submit value....>
<input type=hidden name='insert' value=1>

if request.form("insert") = 1 then

Execute the insert query

End If


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Remainder Email

I have a database which content passport expiry date , I want to send a remainder email to user 30 day before the expiry date , How can I do that with ASP?

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.vbs Function In A Page?

can I include into an .asp page a script file?

My script file would have a bunch of functions written in VBScript, say, and my asp page also in VBScript.

I want to be able to write a few functions that can be accessed by an .asp page, and also by scripts that run on the web server (e.g. via scheduled tasks).

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How Do I Call A JavaScript Function From An ASP Page?

I have created a JavaScript function to validate values of a parameter. Let's say validate(parm). I have saved the entire file as and included in my ASP page as:
<!--#include virtual="/"-->

Now from an ASP page I want to call JavaScript validate function and pass on a parameter, X, to validate. How do I call a JavaScript function from an ASP page?

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Refresh/update Page When Using Time() Function

I have an asp page in which I use the �time() function but that just gives the time at the moment the page is loaded. I need to reload/refresh the page once every second so the seconds increase by one continuously.

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ASP Page As Remote Function Call From Javascript

I've been playing with the idea of just how to use an ASP page to provide a
remote function call. In an ideal world this would be a web service but how
can you do it if restricted to ASP 3.0 ?

Idea 1 was to write an ASP page that accepted arguments using the classic
?X=1&Y=2 type of strings and have the page return an ADO disconnected record
set containing the results of the action. This is call very well, and works,
but you do have to allow the browser to create an ADODB.RecordSet in which
to place the results which goes against some security principles. Code:

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How Do I Call A Function Defined In Html Script Tags From Asp Page?

i have this.asp page:

<script type="text/vbscript">
Function myFunc(val1ok, val2ok)
' do something ok
myFunc = " return something ok"
End Function

val1ok = something1
val2ok = something2
thenewVal = myFunc((val1ok), (val2ok))

i want to call and use the returned value of Function myFunc(val1ok,
val2ok) ,without omitting the html script tags and replacing them in <% %>,

(My Question is:) How do i call a function defined in html script tags from asp page?

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Executing .EXE

What is the preferred method of executing .bat or .exe via ASPs

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Executing ASP

Is it possible to make an ASP script that continues to run after the browser window is closed? I have a script that is going to run continuously for multiple days, and don't want to leave the browser window open. Maybe this can be achieved by executing a command for the system to run it?

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Executing A Command Using Asp

I am using the below command to restart a service on one of my web
boxes, this runs fine from the command prompt and also through a *.bat

"Server1Applist$BOBJCentralMSpsservice.exe" Server2 -u
eutee-ww02pUsername -p password restart BOBJCentralMS

I found this asp code in this forum but can not get it to work with my

Dim oShell, sCommand
sCommand = "MyCommand"
Set oShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
oShell.Run sCommand, , True
Set oShell = Nothing

I replace "MYCommand" with the command i wish to execute but the page
just hangs with the blue status bar halfway complete at the bottom,
when checking the services on the box it is not restarted.

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Executing Query

If I execute the following:

qSQL3="insert into eli_encomenda_linha (eli_enc_codigo, eli_codigo, eli_pro_codigo, eli_pro_designacao, eli_quantidade, eli_preco_unitario, eli_desconto, eli_imposto, eli_emb_codigo, eli_men_codigo) values (" & codigoEncomenda & ", " & lCiclo & ", '" & Session("idProduto" & lCiclo) & "', '" & Session("Descr" & lCiclo) & "', " & Session("qtdProduto" & lCiclo) & ", " & Session("preco" & lCiclo) & ", " & Session("Desconto" & lCiclo) & ", " & imposto & ", " & embCodigo & ", " & menCodigo & ")"


Everything is OK but, if i put the same in an do while, loop then, the following error appears:

-2147217900 - [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Syntax error in INSERT INTO statement.

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Executing VBS File From ASP

I've tried instantiating the Windows Script Host shell object in ASP,
and I'm trying to run this command: "cscript.exe myvbs.vbs parameter1
parameter2"; however, the server runs cscript.exe very briefly, and the
task ends. Note, it runs fine from a command prompt. Do I need to give
the anonymous user any special permissions in order to do this?

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Getting The Results From Executing An Exe

Is there any sample about getting the results from executing an exe using

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Executing WSH Scripts

I have a WSH script that I usually run using the server scheduler but want to be able to execute it from an ASP page to generate reports spontaneously. The WSH Script performs correctly from the server system and the scheduler but when I try it from my ASP (please see below) nothing happens, no errors, no reports, no nothing.Code:

Dim objWSH : Set objWSH = Server.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

objWSH.Run("d:scriptsmailreport.vbs weekly")

Set objWSH = Nothing

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Executing An API Call

I have a VB DLL which I've created that I call from an ASP page I also created. The DLL makes a call to the API (FindWindow), but always returns 0 instead of an HWND. I'm guessing that IIS is designed to disallow its own processes from discerning any information about outside (non-IIS) processes (for security reasons).

i read into low, medium, and high "security" settings (ie. being created as an IIS process, pooled, or an outside process), but that didn't seem to help. Any suggestions as to how I can make this API call succeed (and/or any similar API calls?

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Executing A Db Command

when i want to do an action to the database i am using the command

Set myConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
myConn.Open = "DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)}; DBQ=" &
Server.MapPath("photoalbum.mdb") & ""
Set RS1 = myConn.Execute(SQL1)

is there something else i can use if it is only an INSERT statement in the sql because i dont actually need to create a recordset ?

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Executing A VBS File

I used to be able to Execute '.VBS' files from ASP pages. I think the facility stopped in IIS6. Security feature I guess - any work arounds available ?

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Executing C# Code

How do I execute an C# code from a website for my sql.

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Executing A Dll In Asp Site

I have downloaded a Imager.dll for image resizing. This was working well in our local mechine but have problems in our server domain. Installation Instructions for Imager Resizer .Upload Imager.dll to any directory with "Scripts and Executables" permission on your webserver. but we can only set the below permission in our server domain (Read, Web, Browse, Write, Reset).

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Executing .exe's On The Server

how to do it despite looking. Essentially I'd like to call a 'sed' script i wrote (using the executable 'sed.exe').

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ASP Scripts Not Executing

I've got a computer with XP Pro and IIS 5.1 and can't get the vbscripts to run in my ASP pages. I set up a new virtual directory and turned all permissions on, on the virtual directory and the web site.

Example code :

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Stop Errros

How can i detect if a database already has a primary key value that i want to insert. ie. i want to insert 5 into a database that already has a primary key set to 5.

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