Generate An HTML Table From A Database

I am using ASP to generate an HTML table from a database. I use FSO to output a file with an XLS extension then open it. I can set the column width and row height; I can set the font family, size, and weight. I know I can include formulas in a "cell".

What else can I do when I generate the table that will take effect when the file is opened in Excel? I'd like to do things like autofit and sorting. The client does allow Office Automation on the server so I can't write to Excel directly.

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Inserting/Updating Database From HTML Table

if it is possible to insert and update records in a database from the data that is in an HTML table? I have a program that converts data to an HTML table and would like to be able to insert/update records to the database on the webserver.

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Generate A Table With ASP

I need to create a table with 4 cols and X rows based on the number records
in my database. I dont know how this can be done, mabye with an array?

If I got for example 6 records in my database, a table with 4 cols and 2
rows should be generated, the last row will only have 2 cols with
information... Code:

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Generate HTML

I have a web page using frameset split into few pages. And I want to generate one page of HTML code and send it through email. My question is have to generate a HTML page using asp?

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Generate List Of Table Names

Anyone have any advice on getting a recordset of all tablenames in a database? I have an access database that I am constantly adding tables to.

I want to have code that will lookup all tables and populate a selectbox with the tablenames so that I can click to look at each table individually.

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Generate HTML Page In ASP

How can I generatea a HTML page which will have contents read from a local file on server.

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Generate Html File

how to create (generate) .html file by using asp. I am not sure if this possibility even exists... if not, is there any other way I could generate .html files? The thing is that I have to retrieve info from database and the generate .html file.

I know I could have it as .asp, but this woudl my index page and I would like to use it for search engine, which are not very happy with other extensions than .html.

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How To Generate .html File With Asp?

how to create (generate) .html file by using asp. I am not sure if this possibility even exists... if not, is there any other way to do it?

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Generate Dynamic HTML Control

I've project in asp, where we are using Database to create html controls. As per the current logic, we are creating one application variable on application_onstart event, it contain all records of table containing screen name, and other html control related information. Based on the screen user has requeted we get all those records from application variable and generate the screen.
As per my knowledge this application variable contain around 8000 records, and since it is eating much time to maintain, and reducing speed, we want to remove this concept from our three tier based project.I've gone through XML, and XSLT concept, but before proceeding further,

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Copy Part Of HTML Table To Another HTML Page

I have a table having 3 columns. There is a checkbox for each line. I
need to get those lines whose checkboxes are checked, and show those
lines to another webpage. Is there any way to do that? My concern is
that all information in the table are in <tb></tb> pairs without any
name tag. Any idea?

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Integrating Asp Into A Table To Auto Generate Rows From A Select Statement

Im running a select statement to a database and wish to display the relevant records into a table. For some reason, its not liking this - can someone see why, and or tell me an easier way to produce an 'automatically generating' table of results.

<% @language="vbscript" %>
<% Option Explicit %>
<% Response.Buffer=True %>
<title>Search Results</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">

<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" text="#000000">
<!-- #include file="dbConn.asp" -->
<!-- #include file=""-->
<h1>Your search results returned the following popup messages:</h1>
<% Dim msgtype, title, message, url

Dim adoDB, adors, strSQL
set adoDB = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
adoDB.Open strConnection
set adoRS = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet")
If msgtype <> "" then
strSQL=strSQL & "P_TYPE='" & msgtype & "' "
If title <> "" then
strSQL=strSQL & "OR P_TITLE LIKE '%" & title & "%' "
If message <> "" then
strSQL=strSQL & "OR P_MSG LIKE '%" & message & "%' "
If url <> "" then
strSQL=strSQL & "OR P_URL LIKE '%" & url & "%' "
End if
strSQL=strSQL & ")"

'response.write strSQL

adoRS.Open strSQL, adoDB
' Loop through the recordset to display the records
Do While Not adoRS.EOF
& " <tr> " &
& " <td> " & Response.Write adoRS.Fields("PID").Value & " </td> "
& " <td> " & Response.Write adoRS.Fields("P_TYPE").Value & " </td>"
& " <td> " & Response.Write adoRS.Fields("P_TITLE").Value & "</td>"
& " <td> " & Response.Write adoRS.Fields("P_MSG").Value & "</td>"
& " <td> " & Response.Write adoRS.Fields("P_URL").Value & "</td></tr>"
& " </table> " &

' Tidy up afterwards
Set adoRS = Nothing
Set adoDB = Nothing



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Automatically Generate Data To Fill HTML Form

Is it possible to use ASP +/ VBScript to automatically fill in certain fields of an HTML form with data generated from what the user typed in another field?

For example, the user needs to input 24 consecutive weeks worth of forecast data. If everything is done manually, they'll have to type in a date for each of the week. I would like the form to automatically fill in the following 23 dates (each one week later than the previous field) after the user fill in the first week's date. How do I do that?

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How To Transfer Records From One Table Of A Database To Another Table In Another Data

I have aproblem to transfer a data from table x to table y based on id. Its mean when 2 table have same id all data table x must move to table y. I don't know which command need to use is it insert into or update?

Dim conn
Dim rs

Set conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
Set cmd = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
conn.ConnectionString = "DSN=prmm;UID=administrator;pwd=sa"


MYSQL = "SELECT * FROM table_x where paymentdate between '" & tarikh1 & "' and '" & tarikh2 & "'" MYSQL,conn ....

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Html Table

Can someone explain to me or give me an example of how I would insert a row into an html table.

I will explain more so you understand what I am talking about.

I'm a newbie working on a dynamic website using asp.

I want to insert records dynamically. There is a command button insert when this is selected I would like a row added to my html table so the administrator can add his records.

The records will also be automatically updated to the original mysql table.

How would I add this row to my html table when the insert button is selected

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Recordset/HTML Table

On the first ASP page I have a form (checkbox) with 20+ different categories. After the user clicks on a few of them, they all have to be transfered on the second ASP page in HTML table. My problem:

If user selects only three categories, they should represent themselves in three differenst columns in my html table(something like Column-Name). If he selects 4, - four differesnt columns in the same table, etc.

So the table has to be 'dynamic'. It should have the same number of categories that the user selected on the first page. Could it be done? After that I should populate every category from a recordset and I know now how to do that.

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Exporting HTML Table

I am planning to export data from SQL that generates HTML table. Instead of selecting the table and then copy then paste to word, I need a script(JS or VB) that will automatically export or open the Query to word.

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Edit An HTML Table

I have a dynamic html table. I want to write the code to edit rows in the table. Right now I can't change anything in the table. How do I make the rows so they can be selected and changed.

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Display Txt Into Html Table

i want to convert my txt file into a html table for display . But i dun want it to go through db .

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Printing A Html Table

We have a report in html Table form. When he gives print, say the table would take 5 papers to print, he wants the table headers in all pages. Is this possible? I calculated a A4 paper would be of 1090 pixels.

I thought if I could find the height of one table row, then I could do the paging easily. Could it be possible to find the height of a table row.

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Edit HTML Table With Asp

I have tried to edit table in html page with asp, but I havent succeeded in it. The pupose was to check with "if" function that does the variable fit into certain number array. For example:

if data1 < 100 then
"change the colour in a certain cell in a HTML table
end if

Is it possible to change with asp the properties in a html table? The purpose was to change the colour in a certain cell if the condition in the if function does not match. And if it is possible.. how I can point to a certain cell and change the colour in it.

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Create Html Table From Rs

how do i create a td for each field in my rs, with out labeling them. this is what i have, not sure if i'm heading in the right direction or not.


<%Do while not rs.eof%>
<%= rs ('insert rs name'<<<<???)%>

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Exporting HTML Table To Excel?

Is this possible? I am planning to export data from SQL that generates HTML
table. Instead of selecting the table and then copy then paste to excel, is
ther a script(JS or VB) that will automatically export or open the Query to

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ASP Auto Updating An HTML Table

I need to create a webpage with an HTML table that keeps track of certain data. I have created the table and hardcoded all the nonchanging cells.

The problem is the data I need to update the table with is FTP'd to a webshare in a .txt format. I need to take this file, parse it and update the table every morning at 745.

I have found ways to do it if the webpage receives a hit, but I still need it to do it on weekends and holidays when we are not in the office, because this file will be overwritten with the new data file the next day.

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List Documents In A Html Table

I currently have a set of documents in a directory that i need to list in a html table. Is there any way to generate the table with the documents listed instead of having to update the table manually everytime a new document is added to the list.

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Export Html Table To Text File

How do I export an HTML table to a text file? tab delimited, comma delimited... just another note, I create the table using ASP.

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HTML Table In Excel With Line Feed In Cell

I an using ASP to read a database table and generate an HTML table
which is save via FSO with a file extension of .xls which opens up
in MS-Excel. I am inserting several lines of text into a cell and would
like to force a line break between them.

I recorded an MS-Excel macro so see how Alt-Enter was captured
which turned out to be Chr(10) which is the same as vbLf (right?)

I tried inserting that in character in the text but it didn't show up as
a line break in MS-Excel.

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ASP Database Table

I want to make an asp table for my database. I have two tables, one with peoples details and the other with their orders. I have done a one to many relationship between these.

What i would like to be able to do is a heading with the customer details, and under that all of what that person has ordered. Then another heading with a different customer and so on..

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Table In Database

How can i check if my table is already exist in the database?

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Database Table

Is there an

If no results found in database table
print results in table (made table and such)
repsonse.write("No Results Found")

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Query Database Table

I have this code that retrieves the logged in users info. What I also need it to do is to display other records in the database that match the logged in users custnumber. Code:

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Search More Than 1 Database Table At Once

Im looking for a means to allow the search criteria provided by a user to be checked against fields in more than one recordset table in a ms access database.

Is there a means within asp to check multiple tables at the same time using one set of criteria? So far the only solutions i've seen to this includes the usage of a list box which dictates which recordset is opened. I would like to avoid this.

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How To Tell If A Database Table Exists?

You'd think this would be the most basic sql query in the world but noooooo!
I've tried this:

on error resume next
strsql = "SELECT * FROM " & session("TablePrefix") & CurrentTable
SET rs = conn.execute(strsql)

tableExists = 0

if (Err.number = 0) then
tableExists = 1
end if

But it doesn't return an error if the table doesn't exist. I'm searching on
the internet and hitting these long complicatred solutions involving the
database "shema". Surely there is a simple way of telling with one line of
sql if a table exists or not?

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Backup A Database Table

I need to be able to add a button on my site that will backup an SQL table (not the whole database) - does anyone know how to do that?

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