Getobject + AD Question

Im trying to build a little intranet security tester to produce a list of usergroups that the currently logged on user is a member of. Now i did this before a good while back on an NT based system and it worked a treat. Heres the basic code:

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Using GetObject IIS 6.0

I am using a code in ASP that uses a Java class. I am
using GetObject("java:MyClass") to get the object of that
class. It was working fine, But now we have shifted to
Windows 2003 server with IIS 6.0. Here it doesn't works.
It gives me an error with code '800401e4'.

I've read
somewhere it has been restricted due to some security
problems. But I still want to enable this on my server.

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I have using java to write a simple class (test.class)
and placed in a folder d:/jobs.progess/temp
and set the classpath to that folder
then, my script here

dim tmpObj

set tmpObj = getObject ("java:test")

but it return

error '800401e5'
No object for moniker

/temp.asp, line 14

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Getobject() Problem

I have recently run into a problem using the getobject() function.

I have a fully functional script that is running on a Windows 2003 server. It makes the following call:

set adsUser = getobject("WinNT://" & replace(request.servervariables("remote_user"),"","/"))

We recently had to do some maintanence on the 2003 webserver so we had to temporarily move the script to a Windows 2000 server. To our dismay the script failed on that statement. None of us can figure out why, is there some obscure setting that we missed that enables the "remote_user" in the server variables? Is there a better way to get the remote user?

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Does GetObject Work With ASP?

I have not been working with ASP for too long at this time and am not real familiar with a lot of things about ASP. I have searched for articles on the following question but
not come up with any definite answers. Code:

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Getobject Permission Denied

We just moved a legacy asp application to a Win2003 server. The following
line of code:

set objUser = GetObject("WinNT://" & strDomain & "/" & strUserName &

Raises the following error:
Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a0046'
Permission denied: 'GetObject'

Any suggestions?

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Permission Denied: 'GetObject'

I'm building an ASP app that uses Windows Authentication (IWA).

I have an authentication routine that assesses if & how the user can use the
application (see code snippet below). Users of a particular group have full
permissions (configured via IIS) and all other users have read/execute

When I call the authentication page from the server on my own PC, everything
seems to work, but I guess this is not a respresentative test. So I
installed the page on my development server and called it again from my own
PC. This time a got an error: Permission denied: 'GetObject' .

The error occurs on the second GetObject call. It seems to point to a
permissions issue, but I'm not sure where to look.

Any ideas?

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Problem Using WinNT Provider And GetObject

single ASP page running on IIS 5 on a Native Windows 2000 AD:

<%Set usr = GetObject("WinNT://LONGWOOD/duffeyba,user")%>

(the IIS machine is a member server)

The page is running as the user 'duffeyba'.

I am getting this result:

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a0046'
Permission denied: 'GetObject'

/cyphir/auth/test4.asp, line 1

This code works fine our our test domain, but fails on our production

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Problems With GetObject When Embedding Vbs In An HTML Page

I have a vbs script that retrives some stuff from AD via LDAP. Works great, and does exactly what I want it to go. The 'guts' of the app is Code:

Set objOU = GetObject (strOU)

Where strOU is something like "LDAP://OU=Users,OU=OT...." etc. Like I say this works fine and generates a nice report.

However I have to (I don't know why, but it's an insist) that this script has to be an html page. A stand alone one at that (ie to be run form a users workstation).

I rewrote the code to output to the html page, emebeded it in <script language="VBscript"> etc but the GetObject bit isn't working. I get :


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Vbscript's Getobject To Retrieve System Info

I am trying to use the vbscript's getobject to retirive system info in my ASP site. But it is generating and error :

Error Type:

And I also found that microsoft does not recomand using getobject with ASP. Here is a bit from my code:

strComputer = "."
Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:" _
& "{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!" & strComputer & "
Set colSettings = objWMIService.ExecQuery _
("SELECT * FROM Win32_OperatingSystem")

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Access Denied Error Using GetObject("WinNT://"

I use the following code to check if a user is an admin in the login page of our intranet.

Set User = GetObject("WinNT://" & UserDomain & "/" & UserName & ",user"
For Each Group in User.Group
Select Case Group.Nam
Case "Domain Admins
Case "Domain Users
End Selec

The code works fine on IIS5 and Windows 2000. I have set up a test server with Windows 2003 and IIS6 and created the same application, however the second line of this code returns an error message

Active Directory Error '80070005
General access denied erro

It's obvioulsy a permission issue but I cannot figure out how to get around it.

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