I'm using getRows in two different SELECT stataments and want to know if it's possible to place the data in the two getRows into one array? Lets's say I have something like this:
Set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") strSQL = "Select test FROM Table WHERE id = "&id&"" rs.Open strSQL, Conn contentFirst = rs.GetRows
Set rs2 = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") strSQL2 = "Select id FROM Table WHERE id = "&id2&"" rs2.Open strSQL2, Conn contentSecond = rs2.GetRows
Now what I want is a variable that holds the content of contentFirst and contentSecond like this: content = contentFirst + contentSecond
I was reading a sample on ASP101 (i love them), and it was, I think, saying u could specify the record u want to start at...is that true? If so, I think EVERYONE should use it...it would be very cool.
Because, if u need the 6th record, u can just get it, but, using a recordset, it would be, i believe, impossible...right?, or is that wat bookmarks are for?
I tried to get the data in array by using getrows. Data will be display in the drop down list in the future. i call a function to get the data. It should be return 8 rows of the data. But it return 0 row of data ....
I'm using getrows to return the values from two columns in a MSSQL sql
database. Looping through them like so: dim irowloop, icolloop, i for irowloop = 0 to ubound(instances, 2) for icolloop = 0 to ubound(instances, 1) response.write("<option value=""VAL"">") 'get 2nd col val response.write(i(icolloop, irowloop)) response.write("</option>") next next
How can I get the value of the second column into the VALUE=""attribute in the drop down?
Since I never user .GetRow, (because arrays drive me crazy) I thought I'd give it a shot with something I had to do, unfortunately I get several errors. Code:
I built a recursive forum (tree) with ASP (VBS) and getRows and the DB Microsoft Access. When I tried to add a pages division (with ADO) it destroyed everything The relevant code:
The ADO pages devision:
rs.PageSize = MessagesNum rs.CacheSize = MessagesNum If Not rs.EOF Then PagesCount = rs.PageCount rs.AbsolutePage = Page arr = rs.getRows End If
dim app_ids, irowloop, icolloop app_ids = get_app_logins(session("stremail")) for irowloop = 0 to ubound(app_ids, 2) for icolloop = 0 to ubound(app_ids, 1) response.write(app_ids(icolloop, irowloop) & ",") next 'icolloop response.write("|") next 'irowloop
That returns:
0,0,bobsmith,pAssWord,|0,71,tom,tom,|0,71,tomf,pAs sWord,|1,5,tom,a1,| Is it possible to remove the final ',' before the '|' ??
I recently learned about the wonders of the getrows statement on a recordset (IE alldata=rstemp.getrows). It dumps a recordset into an array, that I get. Sounds great! My question is: Is there a way to support a SQL shape statement using the getrows statement? I'm guessing that if I try to throw that into a variable it may not like it.
I know that getstring or getrows increase performance but my question when to use this method. This is because what I know is this method will output all fields in a table and not just certain few.
<% ' Loop through the array holding the result set and display the data For iCounter= varC1Begin to varC1End Response.Write("<a href=prices.asp?manuf=" & arrResultSet(0,iCounter) & ">" & arrResultSet(0,iCounter) & "</a><br>") Next %>
In the above Response.Write statement arrResultSet(0,iCounter) displays the manufacturer just like it should.
However, within the hyperlink, if a manufacturer has 2,3, or more words, it will only show the first word. Anything after the first space is ignored. Why?
strQuery = "SELECT whoisserver.host, [domain].domainid, [domain].[domain]" & _ " FROM [domain] INNER JOIN [whoisserver] ON [domain].whoisserverid = whoisserver.whoisserverid"
Which works perfectly. when I use getRows to store the results in an array, the whoisserver.host field isn't in the array. Only the domain.* fields are in the array. Anyone know why this is, and how to solve it? I really need that whoisserver field.
I'm using getrows to speed up data access time, i wonder though if there is a better way. Each recordset returns up to or more than 500 records, this is still quite an overhead for the server when there are lots of people on the site.
Rather than reading all 500 records into the array and then paging the results is it possible to create the recordset with just 25 entries?
ie if you are on page 1 then only the first 25 records are retrieved from the database, page 2 - records 25 - 49 are retrieved etc
im developing a Product configurator (just like alienware use) where in my database i have (systems table) a list of PC systems
systemID (categories table) a list of PC product categories (ie. CPU, RAM...) categoryID (products table) a list of all products productID, catID (link table) sysID and prodID
Now before i put the code ive done so far, let me explain that the first page lists all systems wich then gives the systemID for the link table. Once this page loads it needs to go through each category then list the products available to that category where sysID = systemID. Now a query i put together to list all products for that sysID is:
select * from PRODUCTS inner join link on link.prodID = PRODUCTS.productID where link.sysID=systemID
Now this query works great and lists all of the products for that systemID, but what im unable to do is (using GetRows()) have the category name listed as a title then have each product under the respected category. Code:
I can't seem to get the getrows function of an ADO recordset to work or get a dictionary object to work. I've made them work on other servers before using the same code.
Server is running Windows Powered and IIS 5.0I can provide code, but you must believe this code has worked on other servers.
I was bored this weekend and after reading a couple articles and posts about GetRows() being WAY better than the usual way, I thought I would try and make a class to make it similar to using a recordset.
It's far from finished but I thought I would throw it up here and see what everyone thought. Am I wasting my time? I have no real way of benchmarking the possible improvements but I haven't been able to notice a difference yet. Anyway, you can download it here. The zip includes the class file and an example asp file.
INSERT INTO table (field) VALUES (value) SELECT @@IDENTITY AS NewIdent;
If I run it through a command prompt (osql.exe) it works fine - it inserts the data and returns the new identity. However, when I try to pass this through my nifty GetRows() function the stupid thing chokes (it acts like a normal INSERT statement has been passed - "ADODB.Recordset (0x800A0E78) Operation is not allowed when the object is closed." on the line where I try to execute GetRows).
I've looked through my ADO documentation and don't see any reason why this should be happening (since it does return data). Due to the small amount of data, I'm going to just use a plain old RecordSet object, but for my own piece of mind does anyone know why it won't treat the returned @@IDENTITY variable like normal data?
if there is anyone knows if its possible to put a database columns' value such as ( Title, Name, IP, Phone, Address, etc... ) into array then retrieve them to be displayed on page via Access in ASP using getrows but utilize something similar to rs("Title"), rs("Name"), rs("IP"), etc., or create temperay new variables such as rs(vTitle), rs(vName), rs(vIP), instead of using the rs( row, column ).
The reason I am asking is that when a table has many fields, its gets hard to track down the right array number instead of simply using its column or field name.I have written paging scripts based on ADO method of getting rs("FIELDNAME") to display datas, and I am trying to convert it to utilize getrows() method, but having trouble with the array column sequence.
I'm using .getRows() with a local var array instead of doing a recursive loop so that I'm being a good ASP newvbie and closing my object i/o's (the recordset in this case) as quick as possible.
My problem is that I can't seem to use this to complete good effect because the IsArray statement doesn't seem to work with a local var array that has or has not been populated with the .getRows() property.
To explain, I used to do the following recursive loop (simplified to show a concise example): Code:
I have an asp page that uploads a text file, with SQL Statements inside. After I upload the file, I want to execute the statements and then delete the file from the server. The problem is: when I read the first Sql statement, it gives an error when I try to execute it I get a "Identifier that starts with 'INTO blah blah' is to long. Maximum length is 128. But when I response.write the variable it shows the whole string, all +-600 chars of it. So is this a DB Problem? (I'm using SQL Server 2000) And how would I change it, if it was?
I believe that it's possiblte to set the length of time that a visitor to a site can be inactive before their session time's out, but I don't know what the coding is or where it's placed. have never had to bother with this, but I've just started with a host, whose server seems to time-out my session after like 4 or 5 minutes
in my asp code i have a part that selects 10 products at random, and then displays in a right hand menu as links. however long titles tend to run over 2 lines, and dont look right clever. I was wondering if i can add a length to my sql for instance select * from products where prodname.length < 10 how do i do that, PS i am on mysql server
I think an url variable could be limited, maybe someone know the maximum length I can use ? (I try to send an html code with the get method, maybe some symbols could not be accepted in url).Is this length limited for a variable or for the url string ?
I have a webpage with a form and i am saving the webpage using name value pairs. So i can give the users a link which they can click on and the form will open up prepopulated.
The problem i am having is that these forms can get exteremely long (hence the prepopulation facility) e.g test.asp?name=value?name1=value1?name2=value2
is there any way to increase the url in a browser or if you know of any other way i can accomplish this id appreciate ure feedback more detail regarding the above: I am allowing useers to save their forms with the data, also save multiple versions of the form (same form with diff data).
I have a question about the Max Referer length. By default this is 256. I am not fully sure I understand this property. It this a header that is sent back to the Server by a client and is it part of the URL.
While testing our Secure IIS I ahd the error come up I increased the value to 1080 and the error did not repeat!. But through my search the Max Referer lenght is always 256. SO I am trying to get feel for what the Referer really is, is it part of the HTTP 1.1 protocol?
i have a webpage containing a textbox (textbox1) and a label(label1).As the user is typing into the textbox i want the label to show the amount of characters they have typed. How do i go about doing this?