Getting Data Out Of This Xml File

i want to store the currency exchange rates out from this document into an access database. anyone know how to do it (all the tutorials ive found are in php.

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Retrieve All Data From A .msg Or .eml File.

I'm working with JMailBox app. This is an asp web based pop3 client.

The application has a inconsistency: when forwarded mail arrives, the
system transforms the message into a .msg and .eml file, but this cannot
be displayed on an ASP page. Some times the forwarded message contains
attached files (.doc .xml .pps .pdf .html .zip etc.). These attachments are
those that interest to me to recover.

Hopefully that somebody can help me to find the solution to recover the
content of a .msg or .eml file, including attachments with pure ASP.

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PUT Data Into A UNICODE File

I have to "PUT" data to a Unicode file... a file that has the "FF FE"
mark at the beginning of the file.

How do i do that. What HTTP header do i need to send so that the data
is stored in the Unicode file. Right now when i "PUT" the data it sores

it in a regular file. Code:

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How To Get Data From An Excel File

If there are any tutorials out there or websites that can explain more about this? How to get data from an excel file(or any other file like a .txt) and inserting them into a database using asp? can this be done in asp?

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Upload File & Get Data

i'm trying to upload a file & get data from the form at the same time no problem with the upload section only with the data that is in binary style.

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Append Data To A File

I am creating a feedback section on the page. Is there a way I can take the user entered text and append a word file or in any other format?

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Form Data Not Going Into Text File

I currently am trying to get a form to send its data to a text file. I use the code I have found in tutorial/help sites around the web, but when I try the code out, nothing happens.

When I click the "Submit" button on my form, I am sent to the .asp file and the code in that file is displayed in the browser. There is nothing written to the text file either.

The code I have in my test.asp file is:

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Extract Image Data In An XML File Using ASP

I have an XML file containing this: ....

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File Upload And Submission Of Data

I'm creating a page with a form where you can select a file from your hard drive, fill out a couple of text areas and then you can upload the file to my server.

I can make the page show the picture and the submitted text at the end, once it's been submitted, but I would also like to receive an e-mail that delivers that information. I don't need the file to be attached on the e-mail, I just need the info that the user typed in the fields and the name of the file that was uploaded. Code:

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Write Data To Binary File

I have one EXE file that customer need to download from my website. But I
have one text file of Max 250 bytes of text in in that I want to append to
the END of the Binary EXE file and give that for download to user. How can I
do that. Please suggest. I think we need to go for some BinaryWrite kind of
procedure using ADO Stream.

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Writing Data To Output File

I am using PWS/IIS5.0 on W2000 and trying to write to a
file outside the directorytree of Inetpub.

The file is created with

Every time I execute the ASP I end up with 403.9

I am not sure what the permissions on the directory I
should have??
Or could it be something else be wrong in my setup??

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Exporting Data Into MS Excel .xls File Using ASP

I am writing a web-based information portal and one of the requested features is that some data be outputted not to the screen, but to an MS Excel file.

I could not find much information on this topic, but I'm sure there's a way. All the database searching is in place, the recordset has been built, I just need an interface to send data into Excel as opposed to a text file, or to the screen. Code:

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Exporting Data In Text File

I am trying to pull data from a DB an export it to the user in a comma delimited text file.I found this.Do I need to save the actual textfile or is it possible to stream the text file out to the browser? If the answer is yes, how do I stream it after it is saved and delete it once it is saved by the user?

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Export Data To Excel File

how can i export the result of query in a excel file(.xls) in asp page.

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Fill Data In PDF File Through Programming

I have a pdf editor software which opens pdf files in edit mode. I am opening a pdf file through this software in my code. The code is as follows:

Process.Start(Application.StartupPath.Substring(0, Application.StartupPath.ToString().IndexOf("Eviction")) + "PDF Editor 2PDFEdit.exe", "F:Covenant.pdf");

But, I want to pass some data to be displayed in the pdf file. This software allows to insert some textboxes(with name given to each textbox) in the pdf file and save them.
So, when I open this pdf file through my code, I want some values to be displayed in these textboxes.

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Data From MS Access 2000 Into XML File

what I want to be able to do it take data from one of my Access 2000 queries and automatically export that to an XML file. then that XML file is going to be loaded with Google Maps API for use. What options do I have in exporting the data in access automatically? would it be just implemented everytime i call the function, lets say an ASP page?

to give a little more (hopefully helpful) information, I want users to go to my site which has the Google Maps API implemented, and it will show them the rainfall and lake level data in my area. I figured XML would be best as I have seen someone implement a similar design in Canada using an XML file, however, I need to be able to get the
information from the query in Access so it can be loaded onto the map for people to see recent data. Again, I'm guessing ASP would be the best bet in accessing the data from the database.

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Parse .mdb Data To A Com Object [.dll] File

Im trying to parse data from a .mdb file to a com object [.dll] file. how to i get this.?
Then the .dll file perfoms the required calculations/conversion on the data parsed and displays the result to an ASP page.

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Error Reading Data From CSV File

i am not able to read alphabet data from csv file using VBscript. In the following it gives error when i try to read the first record itself.

it gives the following error.
Run-time error '-2147467259(80004005)'
[Microsoft][ODBC Text Driver] Numeric field Overflow.

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How To Get Data From An Excel File And Inserting Them Into A Database Using Asp?

I would like to know if there are any tutorials out there or websites that can explain more about this? can this be done in asp?

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File System Object And Displaying Data

I used to have some static htm files which used to display data. There is a
calling asp file which used to do something like below

if Request.QueryString("PageName").count = 0 then
strPageNameHtm = "toc.htm"
strPageNameInc = ""
strPageNameHtm = Request.QueryString("PageName") & ".htm"
strPageNameInc = Request.QueryString("PageName") & ".inc"
end if
strPageNameHtm = server.mapPath(strPageNameHtm)

strPageNameInc = server.mapPath(strPageNameInc)
set fs = server.createobject("scripting.fileSystemObject")
set f = fs.openTextFile(strPageNameHtm)
strSPDHtml = f.readall

The strSPDHTML info used to be displayed using a response.write(strSPDHTML).
This allowed the static content to be loaded up.

I switched the static pages to be asp pages having the content come from a
database. I would still like to maintain the controlling page logic. Can I
modify the above section of code in anyways to access the asp page content

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Import Data From Excel File To Mdb Database Using Asp

I have excel file,from which the all data to store the .mdb database. Any one give an idea.

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Include Text File Data In Coding

I'm trying to include a value from a text file for the txRate variable in the code below. I tried using the include function as shown, but the double quotes are of course killing it. I don't want to use a data base to get this value, I just want the info from a text file. Can anyone suggest a solution? Code:

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Fetching Xml File Data From Remote Server

We are working on a real estate web site which lists real estate listings from different affiliated realtors.

Our client wants to have a system where it display real estate listings from affiliated realtors without having to enter listing information into our database.

Affiliated realtor will provide a link to xml file containing listings information and we have to fetch the data from it and display it into our web site. The xml file will be on some other server.

Is this possible?

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Include Text File Data In Coding

I'm trying to include the data from a text file for cSalesTaxRate, cStateFullName and cStateAbbreviation values in the code below. I don't want to use a data base to get this value, I just want the info from a text file. Can anyone suggest a solution? ....

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Reading Data From Table Which Is In Pdf File And Compare It

I am writing a asp code that can take values from user in html form, process it and display it back in some kind of report.

the problem i m encountering is that I have a field which is numeric and I want to compare it with tax-table like for example:

if value in field is 6 then I have to look into table in pdf file (tax table form 1040ez) to compare it with the value and then write it to appropriate field. the problem i m facing is that it's in pdf and also the data is so large (4 pages in pdf) that i don;t know how tocompare it .....

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Display HTML Data In Excel File

I am displaying the data into HTML table into a EXcel file using the REsponse.header and content type, The data retrieved from the database is sucessfully displayed and I am able to open Excel application and save it. But in One of my TD tag I have a image <IMG> tag which should disply the image, but in the excel application the image is not loaded, If I open the table in web browser the image is visible.

Also if I select the save open form the file download box, there is a blank browser window still open, I open this file with functionality. Can somebody suggest how to close the blank window when the excel file is saved on the client PC instead of opening.

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Write Unicode Data From SQL To Text File

I have a problem

DB:SQL Server

Field type is varchar and some data is unicode like this "•õ" It is a chinese. How do I transfer the data I retrive from DB and then I can write it into an text file with its proper chinese word using FileSystemObject. Or any other way ?

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Validating An Uploaded File Before Inserting Data In To Database

I am uploading a file using ASP code. After the user uploads the file, I would like to be able to open the file and check if the data is in a given format (comma separated) and also has all the data elements needed (i.e. all fields are there).

Is there a parse routine in asp that would allow me to do this. The user can upload any type of file as long as I am able to parse it and determine if the data is of the aforemention type.

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POSTing A Binary File Using Multipart/form-data

I'm trying to setup an ASP page to POST an image across to another page- essentially simulating what a browser does when you use <input type=file> in a HTML form.

I'm able to correctly setup the headers etc and do the POST, but I'm unable to include the binary data of the image.

The only way i've been able to do it is if I base64 encode the image. I'm using MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP to do the POST, and I can't seem to do the .send with a form body that includes the binary data of the image. Code:

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Read Data In An Excel File And Than Write It In The Format Of XML?

How can I use ASP to read data in an Excel file and than write it in the format of XML?

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How To Save Data From A Word Document File Into SQL Database!!!

I have gotta a page in which a user can upload his profile (saved in word format). Is there any way that this profile can be stored into the database and not in the web directory. I tried using Scripting.Dictionary.

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Write Data From A Database Field Into A Text File On The Server

Is there away to write data from a database field into a text file on the server.

The data would be more than one line.....

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Parses And Excel File And Inserts The Data In An Access Table

I have created a script that parses and excel file and inserts the data in an Access table. The script works perfectly fine, however I also need to extract a column comments via my script.Column comment is like a tool tip for any given column and therefore it occurs only on mouse hover, not in the actual column data.

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