Getting More "description" Room In My DB Tables..

Ok the kid who put together my shopping cart did a pretty good job. Each item is housed in a SQl db table, however I one problem..

The description field can only carry a max of 1024 char and is a NVARCHAR.

Should I...

A. just add three more fields to the db of the same type and add 3 more text boxes to my eidt product page and pull all 3 out when i build the page?

B. Change the current DB type to something other than NVARCHAR?

C. Find some other way to store my descriptions that I have not yet even realized could be done?

anyone have any ideas... Im no guru, but I know enough to get myself in trouble. heehee 1024 is not even close to enough room on some products. Some of them I need about triple that space easy.

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Web Open Room

I have problem i want created simple site
This site should epitomize table about organizer free or busy room in month
the rooms is 6 but people should mark

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Computer Room

we have 7 computers can access our web application.Is there a way I can use their computer names to identify which computer login?I use asp and javascript.

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Chat Room ?

I need help for making a chat room.

From past six month i am trying to make a chat room .

so far i have tried text chat, session / application chat, database chat, xml chat e.t.c

but all these chat are not fast ..
The message sending and receiving time is around 4 sec. and some time it is more than 7 sec.

I want to make a chat room in asp which will be very fast , can any one guide me ...

i am planning for socket chat in asp but still not able to find any thing in that.

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SQL Statement For Room Booking

I Am Creating A Room-Booking System. The Establishment I'm Making For Has 6 Periods Of Time A Day.
Any Examples Of A Statement I Could Use Whuch Searches A "Day" Field For 6 Identical Dates, And If It Does, Says "Fully Booked" Or Something?

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Room Reservation System

I'm creating a room reservation system. For some reason I can think of how I can track of Time so that there can NOT be double booking. I figure I should put it in the script but I just am having "writers block" and can't figure it out.

I thought of doing a start time and and end time. But how to I stop people from trying to book in between. Say a room is book from 8:00am till 1:00 pm but someone wants to book 1:30p but they accidently key in 10:30a (it's a stretch I know but work with me here). I want to stop them from booking that. They should get a error saying it is already booked at that time.You don't have to write out the code for me, unless you really want to. However help me get my thought process through the tunnel.

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Room Reservation Code

Does anyone know of any free ASP 2.0 room reservation code? I have been looking at and they have what i want but i don't want to pay the $80 for it per year.What it is, is a website to check to see if (in my case) there are rooms available in my bed and breakfast.

I am not looking for online payments I am just looking for the customer to be able to search and see if there are rooms available and then book/reserve them if the customer would like to.

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Design A Chat Room

I would like to create a chat room but I don't know where to start. for example:
Should I create a database for the user input and output. I never done this before.

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Using The Table Description

I have an Access database with a number of tables (who doesn't?)

I am planning to use the "Description" of a table for keeping track of some information at the Table level.

Would anyone know of some code to retrieve that information programmatically in ASP?

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Getting Error Description

in case of error i wrote:

Response.Redirect("/error.asp?error_id=" & err.number)

how can i get the error description, source etc

in error.asp , just by knowing the error number?

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Retreving Description

I set an Description to an Table in MsAccess Database, I Open the recordset of the table in the database in my asp file, now, how do I retrive the Description I set to that Table from asp?

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Sub-Description In A Search

If you were to Google "Sears," (or other big names), Sears' website pulls up first. Beneath the link is a description that Sears includes in the "description" META tag. That I understand and know how to do.

However, after the description are four other links: Baby, Clothing, For the Home, and Computers & Electronics. How would I modify HTML/ASP so that sub-descriptions to pull up in a search engine for my sites?

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Chat Room Using Mysql Database

I am working on developing a chat room using mysql database. the chat room has two frames one for the display text and the second frame for submit text from the user.

the two frames are:

what I need help with is when the user send a message how can I update the data with the new entry. Code:

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Extract Meta Description

Does anyone know how (using ASP & VBScript) how to extract the description from a webpage. I mean the meta description contained in the HTML (eg <meta name="description" content="description of website">).

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How To Retrieve Column Description From DB

I have a table whose field names are very wierd and difficult to udnerstand. And when users see those field names and text boxes to enter value... they become 8(

as my input form is displaying like this

for all fields in the table
RS.Fields(index).Name : <Input type=text>

I added description to each column in database(SQL Server) so that i can understand... is there any way so that i can show that description of column to the users. Code:

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Spaces Before The Description Line

How to keep the spaces before the description line in the following code? Right now, it displays like "Net Income", but I like to have spaces before the words like " Net Income". The database value is " Net Income".

<td align="right"><Font class=content4><%=ars.Fields("LINES")%></td> ...

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Image Upload With Description

I saw most of the image upload posted here but can't find one that can upload an image to a folder and make a link in the database and at the same time include description, name, etc. to the database on the same row.

I created this form to include the picture, name, price and description to be upload into a database. I know i need another script to perform the upload, so i name it upload.asp, so what shd i write in the script? Code:

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Creating Dynamic Tables In Dreamweaver To Display Tables

I know how to create dynamic tables in dreamweaver to display fields and records in a table of a database, but in my case I need to create a dynamic table that lists all the tables in the database, then to click on the one i want 2 edit the data in there.

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Meta Description & Meta Keywords In Asp?

Where in an asp file do the meta name="description" content="description"
and meta name="keywords" content="key words " go?

Is it similar to where they're located in html? the top of my file looks like this (below), is it correct?

<% Response.Buffer = True %>
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0.11 Transitional//EN">
<script src="java.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<meta name="description" content="description" >
<meta name="keywords" content="key words " >
<link rel="STYLESHEET" type="text/css" href="styles.css">
<style type="text/css">

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Add Sql Tables

I want to be able to send two sql tables to access db at the same time

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Linked Tables

I have a database that has 2 tables linked into it from another database. I am having problems trying to pull in values from those 2 linked databases. One of the tables is tblClient. Code:

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SQL Statement Using Two Tables

I need some help with a SQL statement. I currently have which works:

strSQL = "SELECT * FROM mstJobs WHERE JobStatus = True"

I need to query against a second table but I am not sure of the
correct syntax of the statement for adding another table.. somthing
like this i would imagine... ????

strSQL = "SELECT * FROM mstJobs.pmdata WHERE JobStatus = True AND
WHERE WeekEnding IN tblSuperInput.pmdata = strThursday"

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Get Tables Names

Does anyone have some sample code on how to get all tables names in a MS Access database?

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HTML Tables In ASP

I have a form in my HTML page and I require a number of checkboxes. These are to be dynamically generated from an Access database. The code below will work but it will only create a single row. How can I include the <TR> tag inside the loop - I'd probably want 4 cells per row


Do until rstCategories.EOF = True

Response.Write "<TD width=200>"_
& rstCategories("strCategory")_
& "<input name=chkCategory type=checkbox value=" &rstCategories("lngID")>"_
& "</TD>"


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3 Tables, 1 Page

I am trying to list data from the DB from three different tables. The first table is creditors, the second is statements and the third is payments. I don't know much about inner joins and I'm not even sure that's what I need to do. The first section on the page is detailed information about the creditor.

Below that is a section for a summary of all statements from that creditor. Below the statements section is a section for listing payments from that creditor. The 'creditors' table has a field of "credID" as well as the tables "statements" and "payments".

The "statements" table has a "StatementID" field and the "payments" table has a field of payID. What is the best way to list the statements and payments from a particular creditor?

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Linked Tables

Ithe goalposts have been moved (yet again!) and the database that was one, may have to become many, being used on subdomains of the same server sharing some information but not all from a 'global' database.The solution I initially found was to used linked tables and developing it on pws - this was perfect. I linked local databases to the external table data in the 'global' database hey presto the application ran smoothly. There was only 1 connection to each local database and I could retrieve all the information I needed from the global one. However on uploading I have no idea how to set this via asp or sql as online the path of the linked tables is what was on my local machine and I have found no way of being able to edit this or indeed know if this is possible.

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SQL JOIN 3 Tables

I've got three tables:

Id (PK) | Event_Name

Id (PK) | Delegate_Name

Id (PK) | Event_Id (FK) | Delegate_Id (FK)

I need to retrieve a recordset with the following information:

Booking Id | Event_Name | Delegate_Name

Can anyone see how to do a SELECT statement to do this?

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Dynamic Tables

I dont even know if ASP is the right language to be doing this, but what I am basically trying to complete is a way for a dropdown box to come, and depending on what they select data will go into a table. For instance, the dropdown will what type of taxpayer they are and if they select individual, the offered services will appear in the table.

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How Can I Compare The SQL Of 2 Tables In ASP ?

I have an application that creates online quizzes, each quiz has a results table generated by ASP on MS SQL Sever.

What I want to do is compare the SQL structure / code of the table I am about to create with the SQL structure / code of an existing table (previously created in ASP) to see if they are the same.

So how can I get the SQL structure of a table that already exists in my database into an ASP page?

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Querying 2 Tables

I have a database with 2 tables in it.

Each table contains the fields: ID(autonumber),Title, Artist, Description, DiscNo, and TrackNo. The second of the two contains an additional field: Price.

How would I make an asp page in which a person enters DiscNo and Price into a form and the code would read all the fields of that record from table1 and then add those and the Price into table2?

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BackUp Tables

I am looking for code that will go through all tables in MYSQL db and transfer records into text or excel files.

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How Do I Inner Join 3 Tables?

strSQL = "SELECT x.CountryId, x.CountryName, y.SiteId, y.SiteName, z.LocationId, z.Level FROM TableCountry AS x"
strSQL = strSQL & " INNER JOIN TableSite AS y ON (x.CountryId = y.CountryId)"
strSQL = strSQL & " INNER JOIN TableLocation AS z ON (y.SiteId = z.SiteId)"

Error Type:

Microsoft JET Database Engine (0x80040E14)
Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression '(x.CountryId = y.CountryId) INNER JOIN TableLocation AS z ON (y.SiteId = z.SiteId)'.
/system1.asp, line 21

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Joining 3 Tables

i have an sql query that needs to join 3 tables to get the desired answercouldnt think of a better way )


INNER JOIN TempSerial ON Serial.SerialNo=TempSerial.SerialNo
ON Sold.SoldID=Serial.SoldID
WHERE Sold.CustomerCode='"&customer&"';"

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