Giving Access Permission To Specific User

I want to create directory and set access permission to specific user.

i tried with wscript but it's not working, i used "cacls" command it's working only NTFS partition but i used to fat32 . how to set directory permission with asp script
on fat32 so anyone help me?

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Giving The User Option To Expand Sections

I would like to set up the following:

The web user does a search of a database and the results are returned in an
HTML table. I want to present the user with a table that just shows the
salient facts (brief item description, stock value, etc).

However, I'd like to give the user the opportunity to expand (and if they
wish to contract again) any one row of the table to display things like a
picture and an extended description of the row item, rather than have them
go to a separate page for this.

I'd also like to give them the option to expand all rows in the table (and
contract them again) if they wished.

What's the best way to achieve this? I'm not sure of the target audience,
so may have to support browsers using HTML4 (may even be Netscape...)

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Cache A User-specific Menu

My web application uses a custom-generated menu system which is tailored for each user individually when they log in, based on their permissions. I've got this working very quickly on the server using ASP, and the menus are just included into each page as it's served out.

The problem is that the menus take up a fair amount of bandwidth (about 12 seconds over 28.8 modem - not an uncommon dial-up speed in this part of the world). I can't really simplify the menus any further, so the only thing left to me is to somehow cache the menus on the client, but I can't figure out a way to do it.I've thought about getting the asp menu builder program to write out the menu item data to a .js script file and then build the menus on the client using the cached .js file, but this is clumsy, and if the user's machine is low-spec it could take longer to build the menus than download them.

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Session Cookies - Detecting Specific User-agent/IP?

I'm new to using session cookies and need just a bit of help. On the introduction page to my project, I'm setting:

<%@ Language=VBScript %>

Then, on subsequent pages, I'm checking for the cookie, and redirecting if it's not there:

<%@ Language=VBScript %>
If NOT request.cookies("user") = "authenticated" Then
response.redirect "http://somepage"
End If

What I need to do is incorporate an ignore element (by user-agent or IP) into where it checks for the cookie. For instance, if a user has an IP of, it ignores whether they have the cookie or not and lets them view the page.

The reason I'm doing this is I have a search engine that's crawling the site and it doesn't always go through the front page - therefore, it's getting redirected on most of the pages it sees. So what I'd like to do is have the script see that user-agent or IP, then ignore the cookie requirement.

Is that possible?

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How To Use Database To Check User Permission Level

i'm going to ask the way to use database to check user permission level in asp..

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Error :: Opened Exclusively By Another User, Or You Need Permission To View Its Data

I keep getting an error that says:

Error Type:
Microsoft JET Database Engine (0x80004005)
The Microsoft Jet database engine cannot open the file 'c:inetpubwwwrootannoneil\_databaseannoneil_AN D.mdb'. It is already opened exclusively by another user, or you need permission to view its data.
/annoneil/artist.asp, line 96

The code was working fine a few days ago but now I cannot figure this out.

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ASP With MS Access To Retrieve A Specific Data

Is there any way by using ASP with MS access to retrieve a specific data from a table and when i retrieve i want to show me the data without repeating the same data or duplicating data and i want instead of this to count for each item how many row is there in a the table ....... loooool i know that most of you will tell me to re-explain what i want to say again ... ?
For example i had three rows in the table ... and those rows are the same with 4 attributes ... what i need is to retrieve those rows in the website .. but instead of showing three rows it will show me one and next to this row i want to put 3 which is the number of the rows in the table that are the same and if i have any other rows it will do the same ...

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How To Restrict Access Level To Specific Web Page Using ASP

how can i retrict user to only access the web page iif and only if they have the username and password, they neeed to login before can access the certain pages. How is the coding for that web pages?

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Permission Denied Error - MS Access

My ASP-MS Access application works fin in our local server and in our
hosting I get this errors, while adding/editing or deleteing.
When deleting a product: error

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a0046'
Permission denied
/webadmin/Products.asp, line 27
When deleting an image from a product: error
Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a0046'
Permission denied
/webadmin/modify_products.asp, line 21

My hosting company says that its my program error, But I do not think so as
its working very fine in local win 2003 server. Please help me to resolve
this. If this is permission error at the server, what should I do.

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Set File/User Permission With ASP/VBScript To A File

i would like to add a user and set file permission to a file with ASP.
(No component). is that possible ? do you have a link ? an example ?

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ASP Giving Errors

I have made a Dll in VB. I am trying to make a word document by using a word template and then inserting data into the word file from my MS Access (Office XP) database. It works fine when I use the reference of this Dll in a form added in VB.

But gives me errors when I compile it and use it, by creating its object in ASP. It gives error 5981 : Could not open macro storage.I tried searching on microsoft website but could not implement the solution.I get a feeling that if a word reference is used in a dll and compiled and then used in ASP it gives no output. I am confused and frustrated as I have got the dll ready but can't use it in ASP pages.

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MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP Not Giving Url

I have been using the following code to access a remote url, which works fine, but if the remote "geturl" does a redirect (as the page in this code does), I have know idea what the redirected url is. Page still displays, (including the html source code), but I cannot determine what the base href is (that is, I don't know the url of the page being displayed, since is is a redirected page).

geturl =""

dim objXML,displayText

Set objXML = Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP") "GET", geturl, False

displayText = objXML.responSetext
<pre><%= Server.HTMLEncode(displayText) %></pre>

<%= displayText%>

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Count Records Giving -1?

I'm trying to count the number of records in a database table but I keep getting the result of -1 which is incorrect. I'm sure this is a simple thing but I'd appreciate any ideas. The code is as follows:

set conn=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
conn.Open (Server.MapPath("..databasesphonebook.mdb"))
set rsCount=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") "RoleCodes", conn, adOpenStatic

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Abort Instead Of Giving Error

I have the following code setup Code:

'Set xml = Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP")
'xml.Open "POST", "" & PostData,False

What ends up happening, if the receiving server "" is down, the script will error out, but what i need to do is if the site is unreachable have it continue without erroring out.

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Server.createobject Giving Error

I'm getting this peculiar error while running my asp page :
Active Server Pages error 'ASP 0115'

Unexpected error


A trappable error (C0000005) occurred in an external object. The script cannot continue running.

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a01fb'

An exception occurred: 'createobject'

/mptender/mptenderall.asp, line 128

can't understand what's the problem

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Response.Redirect Giving 'Object Moved' Error!

I'm having a problem whenever i enter 2 response.redirects() in one funcion.. it's weird. What i'm trying to do is to display a simple error message underneath a login. But i'm trying to do it by sending the user back to the SAME page (not sure if that's even possible!) and passing a variable, notLogged, to test against. I hope this makes sense! Code:

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Restricting User Access

I'm trying to limit access to certain portions of our intranet application from certain user levels. For example, an admin user would have full access to the site while a data entry users could only access small portions of the site. What is the best way to restrict pages? I have a UserLevel field in the database for each user and have already added this value into a session variable. What about pages that should allow Admins and Managers, but not data entry users? I am using a SQL Server 2000 database .....

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Limit A User Access

I am developing a voting system. How to preventing a user votes continuously? Maybe cookie is useful here, but I don't know how to use it. Could you give me a example?

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User Database Access Rights

Is there any way to use asp to determine a users SQL Server database access rights.
I.e I have given a users data read only/ data write only in SQL server, how can I pick that up in an application so that only write only users can see a hyper link.
I know I could create a few more pages with a table in a database with various rights but I just want to read rights directly allocated from SQL Server.

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Application Object :: Allow Only One User To Access Form

I'm looking for a way to allow only one user to access my web form at a time. so that if there is a user using my web page / html form.. then the next user is directed to another page. So only one user is allowed access at any given time .I was hoping there is a way to do this with Application variables.

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How To Insert Image To Access Database From Form When The User Submits The Form?

my form contains two text fields(name, address) and two file field control where user can insert image(photo1 and photo2), i want to insert this data in to ms access when the user submits the form?

this is my code for insert text fields to access data base.but i have no idea about the code for image fields. In my access data base i set photo1 and photo2 as herf (binary data). Code:

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Specific Row

I was able to alternately change the rows colors, but this time lets say I have 10 records in a table taken from my database. How do i put colors on rows where value(certain value from a field) is lets say greater than 10?
Like for example I want to highlight only those student number greater than 10.

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Getting A Specific Date

I have a program that needs to rely on the date for Sundays on a given month. Here's an example:

Today is 3/18/2005 (Friday). When a user logs into my page, I need to grab the date that the past Sunday fell on (3/13/2005)

If the user logged in on 3/24/2005 (a thursday), I would need to grab 3/20/2005 (that sunday)

Any ideas in vbscript?

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Get Column Name And Value Of Specific Row

Ok let me explain what I am trying to do as easily as I can. I have a table in my access database that I am connecting to. I select a specific id number using my SQL statement. Now what I am trying to do is scroll through that records row and get the column name of that column along with the value of that cell. I hope that isn't to confusing. Now I'm not sure whether this would be done using ASP or done in my SQL statement. Code:

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Specific Field

I am working on a college project which has a user area and a page where only a user can access their information and no one elses.I am trying to do a select statment to read specific information from a field without reading any other users info.
The code below is for a drop down menu for payment months i have stored in a database...
Here is what i have got so far...

Set oRs = Conn.Execute("SELECT [Payment_Period] FROM wages WHERE [Staff_ID]=" & staffid" ORDER BY [fullname]")

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Grab Specific

I am looking to find out how to grab a specific content on a particular Website and put it on my Website. Of course, I will get permissions before doing so. Any ideas? I have found a sample ASP script that shows how to grab the entire page, but certain sections of the page.

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Specific Values

I need to execute different asp programs based on different values of a parameter. For example, if the user inputs ID of 1, program1 needs to be executed automatically, if user inputs ID=2, program2 needs to be executed in the background automatically. How do we do this in asp?

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Getting A Specific Date

I'm then going to use the answers in my select statement to pull data from the database.

Heres what i have now:
sql= "select * from assistancerequest where datein >= Date() - 7"

heres the problem with it:
it gives no errors but when it shows my output it shows wrong data.


this is some of what i get. as you can see it counts back 7 days, but its not working because this is from two different months! so it looks like its only checking for the days and not the month. does any of this make sense?

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Specific Reservation Id

i want to check item before insert new item. let say resID = 1052. before that, i have inserted item which is prodNumber = 100 for resID = 1052. then, still at resID = 1052, i insert another item, prodNumber = 100.

then an error message will come out. but if i insert item, prodNumber = 100 but for resID = 1047, suppose there is no an error message.

that means the sql conditions are at current resID and prodNumber.

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Specific Sql Roles

i need to connect to sql with different roles. is there any way for do that without passing users or passwords in the connection string?

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Specific Date

Does anyone know a way to find out the numeric value of a day of the week for a specific week, I am trying to display week periods from Mon-Sun. Ive toyed around with is but can seem to come up with anything.

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Insert Variable Into Specific Row

I have a feeling someone can answer this very quickly, but Im having problems. Basically Im trying to get the rate variable which will be either a 0 - 10 inserted into the appropriate row. I want the variable filename to match up with the matching filename in the database and then insert the rate variable into that filenames rate column. Hope I didnt confuse you to much.. Code:

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How Can I Get Data In A Specific Format

I want to get data in a specific format. For example i have 10 names in database and i want to show these 10 names in this format.

Name1 Name2
Name3 Name4
Name5 Name6
........ ........
....... .........

how it could be possible.

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