Hotmail Spam Folder

I am using cdonts in my asp scripts to send emails to the users of my website.But every mail to i send to an hotmail account gets in de hotmail spam there anyway to prevent this from happening?

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Asp Mail Categorised As Spam In Yahoo And Hotmail

I found that the email i generated constantly categorised as spam mail in yahoo and hotmail. I havent tested other mailbox like gmail or aol.

the visitors of my site cann't get the email, i have to ask them to check on the junk folder

any idea how to get rid of this?

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The spam I am getting has a bunch of bogus links for viagra and other meds.The bot just fills out a questionnaire and send it.They're all filtered to my trash folder and I'm going to try to stop it with a server side asp validation but I wonder what they are trying to accomplish in the first place.

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Email And SPAM

I had a PHP script written to send email and it had a lot of SPAM issues.

With an ASP email script, what can I do to make the script secure from spammers?

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How To Stop Spam

We have many forms on our site that users can fill out and ask questions, request information etc. but somehow, we receive a lot of junk mails (more than two hundreds) within two weeks through these forms. I don't know hot to stop these junk emails.

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Form Spam

I have created a form where a user enters his/her details and hits submit.

The details are sent via email.

However, they are received as SPAM.

Why is this? How do I prevent this?

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Preventing SPAM

Is there a script that change email adrdresses to prevent SPAM.


I want it to appear like this on my webpage or something that look like this

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Guestbook Spam

Can anyone help me with a script to avoid people posting links in my guestbook ?

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Email Spam

Someone probably have asked this question already about this topic earlier but i am just unable find it or otherwise i am being lazy to dig into this forum. how to avoid spam while sending bulk of emails, i am trying to create a tool which would send emails to multiple recipients at one given time, It would nice to have your expertise comments on this topic. I just want to Avoid Email Filters that prevent responsible emails. is there any workable solution to this problem ?

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A Little Like Hotmail Deleting......

Ive run into a little trouble. I am sure all of you have used hotmail. Well you know when you select all items to delete, i would like to do something like that, however not delete, but update a field from no to yes.

I would like to add checkboxes to an asp table. So if the user selects say three items they then click on a button, say marked and for each item, it will go to the table and find each record in turn and update the corresponding field from a no to a yes.

Updating is no problem. The problem is, how do i add checkboxes to corresponding asp table. So that particular checkbox corresponds to that particular record. I don't know how to link them together.

Can someone help me out please?

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Hotmail Contacts XML

I know that hotmail has a service (may be XML) that allows you to retrieve the Hotmail/MSN contact list. I want to make a page with a form - [hotmail username] and [password] - and then generate another page with all the contacts list (like,,, or do).

For reference you can see: ....

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Form To Email SPAM Bot Protection

I've recently had my ASP site attacked by these stupid bots and have tried a captcha protection, but it doesn't help.

Here's the problem:
I have a form where people send an enquiry to a client from my database (over 5000). After hitting the submit button, an email is posted to the client, a copy is sent to us and the info is published to a database for record / stat keeping.

I have put the captcha protection in the form, but although the tests show that the captcha form works, the emails are still sent off, therefore allowing the bot attacks.

There must be a gap I can plug with the captcha before the email is posted off or info sent to the database.

I have a formchecker running which forces required fields, and that works fine. I'd like the captcha to work the same. Before the form goes to the confirmation page, it must validate the captcha.

What can I do?

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Web Based Email System Like Hotmail

I have been looking for some time now, for a web based email system like hotmail, where we can set it up on our LAN. Have found some but all are a bit expensive ,would like to find as free ASP script if possible.

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Retrieve MSN/Hotmail Contacts To Community

I run a small community and want to implement what other communties have, when I create an account I usually get the question if I want to recommend it to my friends etc.

And you can usually connect it to say hotmail, yahoo messenger and it will automatically send out email to my contacts that I joined a new site.

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Sending Htm Mail With Cdosys To Hotmail

When I send htm mail to hotmail using cdosys the links appear like this " javascriptl("news01.htm"); " without quotes, the images appears in the worng place and they shows as attached, but when I send the same mail to Outlook there is no problem, the links and images apeears in the right place, there is no problem with it jus in hotmail or free web based application mail. (yahoo, gmail, hotmail, etc...)

Somebody Knows why??

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Hotmail Blocks Dundas Mail

has anyone used dundas mailer? I notice hotmail either blocks it or what ? It does deliver to all others mailboxes i have used. What am i doing wrong or omitting ?

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Stop Spam In The Text Input Field

I have a website with a Guessbook section. Lately I noticed someone copy and pasted a long http address to promote viagra.. I believe he simply copy and paste the whole link into the text input field and submit several times. It created multiple entries in my guessbook.

How can I prevent this? I was thinking if it is possible for me to write some code to disable people using the control-p to paste text in my text input field.. Can I really do that? What other options do I have?

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Import Email Address From Yahoo/hotmail Using Asp

i was wondering if there's a way i could import email address from your yahoo/hotmail account into your .asp address book.

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Hotmail Blocks Emails Sent W/ CDONTS/CDOSYS?

For some reason, the email scripts on my web site can't send emails to
Hotmail accounts. No error is generated, but no email is sent either. I've
done some searching on this matter, and it appears as though I'm not the
only one having this problem, but I have yet to find a solution :(

Below is my CDOSYS script that was *supposed to* resolve the problem by
passing the SMTP server's along with the email, but it doesn't work :(

Have any of you had success with sending emails to Hotmail accounts via CDO?
I don't have control over the server's setup because it's a hosted account...

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Check Free Email Accounts (hotmail..)

Anybody knows any ASP site or code to check if an user inserts a free email account (, detect it?

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Newsletter Submit Field Not Working With Hotmail

I am sending a newsletter and within newsletter I am inserting data into database.
The email works fine with yahoo mail and outlook but in the hotmail I am facing
problem which is:

I am clicking on the submit button but it is not doing anything.

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Import Address Book From Gmail/hotmail/yahoo

if it is possible to import address book from gmail/hotmail/yahoo using asp?

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ASP Code - Anti Spam Verification Code

I'm looking for sample code that will require a use to enter a code from a scued image format.

I'm sure you've seen them before where the image is barely readable by a human and the user has to enter the code correctly to submit the form.

I'm looking for ASP code and NOT ASP.NET code as I am supporting a legacy site.

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Cant Find Folder!

However, when i opened a page on my pc the database string was:

DBFolder = path & "..mysqldataformuladata

I cant find the folder in question. Even when ftping.

Any ideas where is could be lurking?

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Folder Copying

I got a folder name f1 in server. I need to copy same folder and paste it in same root dorectory. Can any one help with asp code for it ....

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Folder Permissions

Does anyone know of an asp script, online somewhere, that I can use to find
out the permissions of a folder? My ISP says these folders have full
permissions, but my programs say "permission denied". I don't know if it is
the programming, or if the folder don't really have the right permissions.

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Uploading A Folder

Is their any way of implementing an Upload section on my site that can upload a folder with images in them, insdead of just images..

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Looping Through Folder

I have a folder with about 40 swf training movies.
I want to loop through the folder and display the titles of the movies and make them links.I just need help getting pointed in the right direction to make this happen.

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Securing A Folder

I am wriging a web application which cosists of a main directory with all the main code, and a subdirectory with the administration features. althogh the two locations will share configuration resources, I need to protect the admin folder from unauthorised access. I know that in apache their is some kind of authentication (I think it is used through an ".htaccess" command or someting) and I'm wanting to do a similar thing in ASP.

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Deleting Folder

I have a script which allows a user to upload and delete files from the
server.Is it possible (and if so how) to do a check to see if the folder is empty
(ie if the last file in a particular folder is deleted by a user) and if it
is empty, delete the folder?

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Create New Folder

how can i create a new folder by using ASP??

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Creating Folder Using ASP

Is it possible to create a folder using a virtual path? This is for a site on a shared hosting server.

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Folder Path

im having a problem with folder path in include files. I have a solution, but there must be a way better one. The problem is when i have an include file... in my root directory root/. This references images in the root/images/ folder.
I also have an articles folder root/articles/. The is included in files in the articles folder, however this messes up the image paths and files in the articles folder are looking for the images in root/articles/images/.
to combat this, in front of every image reference in my file, i have a variable <%= pathVar %>. At the top of every file in the articles folder, i have the command <% pathVar = "../" %>. this will insert a ../ before the images folder in the reference therfore correcting the image reference. In the root folder I use <% pathVar = "" %> , so the <%= pathVar %> amounts to nothing leaving the paths correct.
This works, however means having to switch from HTML to ASP mode for every image in the include file, which is not efficient. Is there a better way around the path problem.

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