How I Can Auto Submit Form?

I want to auto submit form. After all the script in page run. Or after the specified time.

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Auto Submit Form Keeps Posting

When a visitor enters the basket section of my ecommerce application he has to press on a button “click to view basket”. The submit button posts the users IP address back to the form. Below is the code:

<form BOTID="0" METHOD="POST" action="ProducsTotalBasket.asp">

<input TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="Remote_computer_name" VALUE="<%=Request.Servervariables("REMOTE_ADDR")%>" size="20">


I have tried to automate the submit function by placing the following code into the body of the web page:

<BODY onLoad="window.document.postform.submit()">

This works, in that the records in the basket are displayed automatically without clicking on the submit button however the screen starts going berserk and the form keeps posting to itself i.e. the “ProducsTotalBasket.asp” page mentioned above. It simply won’t stop & keeps looping and posting over and over again.

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Send Mail And Auto Submit A Form?

I am working on a script and I have a form to a page to be submitted (POST-ed) to an external site.

I need that when the user submits the form, first step is to send an email using an asp script and only after that to post the information to the web site. I can send the email but I don't know how to post the form automatically after I send the email. I think I can use javascript, but maybe there is a better way of doing it?

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Auto Submit

i want to call another asp page from my aspx web page in the form load of aspx page and populate certain values in the aspx page based on the results returned from asp page.. I have to pass certain parameters like username and password to the asp page and the asp page should be submitted automatically . How to implement the form submission of asp page automatically from the aspx page. Based on the seach results, certain fields in the aspx page should be populated.

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Auto Submit To A Frame

There are two frames in an asp page.When a frame loads,I submit a form to the other frame in onload event.Sometimes the code works fine, but sometimes it will submit to a new window. Why does it happen? how to resolve it?

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Submit Form Data And Refresh Form

I have a series a forms that submit data to different tables in a database. As it stands, when a user completes FORM 1 and clicks the SUBMIT button, the FORM 1 data is submitted (action = form2.asp, method = post) to ASP code at the top of FORM 2 (request.form("form1 field name") etc...), and submitted to the database with SQL code, also at the top of FORM 2(INSERT into...). Hence the submit button on FORM 1 directs the user to FORM 2, and submits the data which is exaclty what I wanted. However, I now need the users to submit multiple sets of data with FORM 1, and direct them to FORM 2 once they have finished using FORM 1. Most importantly, I need to pass a few parameters from FORM 1 to FORM 2, and have these parameters submitted to the database.

My main problem is getting a fresh form1 after submiting the same form1, in preparation for anoter set of data using the same form. Basically, the database has 'one to many' relationship tables. Form1 and form2 are both populating the 'many' tables, so that each form needs to be filled-in several times while retaining the key field of the 'one' table. At the moment submiting form1 takes me to form2. Is is possible to submit the data to the database, get form1 back again to submit more data, as many times as required, then click another button to load form2 when the user is finished with form1?

Can anyone please give me some pointers? or at least explain the concept of what I need to do. I am a novice and it's taking me a while to get to this stage. Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Is it possible to post FORM1 to itself and insert the data (i.e. place the request.form at the top of FORM 1) If so, how do I direct users to FORM 2 while retaining my parameters?

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Looking For Auto Form Creator

I've done lots of sites in ASP and i'm still bored/tired of creating
Add/Edit/Delete form & processing pages for Product tables, Customer/User
tables, etc. I'm looking for a script/package that will make these types of
pages easily and automatcially given a table from my (access or otherwise)

Is there a script/package out there in ASP which will create such
forms quickly and easily with very little work on my part? these would be
pages i'd put in the administration side of the sites i create to manipulate
the data.

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Auto-Form Submissions

I am at wits end with this issue. I have several sites that have forms on them. For quite some time I was getting automated submissions with all types of jibberish in the form fields. Usually this contained html links. I did some server side scripting that prevented such things and for awhile it worked. Now they are back at it but only submitting stuff like the following.

Name: 8edr1urbkj
Telephone: bz94yishdt
Vehicle: tsf6kf582e nxbpthcqhq
Comment: pqrqamsnk8i k4sjrcxi1801 aklkm6jn7t7jj

Is there a tried and tested method to stop this from happening. I guess I could test the characters to see if they are numeric and kick it out if there are numbers in things like the name field, etc

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Form With Auto Response

I'm looking for a way to create a form that includes an auto response that sends a message to the user that "thanks them for their request".

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Auto Execute Form

is there some code i can use to automatically execute some HTML form code when a page is loaded ?

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Form Field Form Submit

I have a form that has approximately 7 text fields and 1 checkbox.
Generally when this form is submitted(to itself BTW) it works fine,
however, when the checkbox is only field that has been
modified/clicked the form doesn't always submit. When it does work, a
Stored procedure is passed form variables and updates to the db are
made. When it doesn't, its as if the form wasn't submitted, it
reloads and resets the page, but the stored procedure isn't triggered.

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Auto-Fill In Form From Database

I have a form that I want to auto fill in with database data. When the customer number is typed into a textbox and a button in clicked, the database will be queryed and pull back that record.

Once pulled from the database I would like the form text boxes to automatically fill in with the data brought back. Can this be done? If so, can someone show me a small example of the easiest way to do this?

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Auto Date From HTML Form To MS Access

I just recently created a html form and one of the fields required a date. I want to make it so it will insert the date when the form is being filled out. For example, if I fill out the form today I want today's date on it.

I am going to connect this form to a MS access database, the database also has a field "date". How would I like all these together? Also, I want to send a notice to a specific email whenever someone submits the form.

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Form Submit

I know I have done this but my mind is fried. I have a dynamic dropdown in
a form. I need to pull both the dynamic dropdown's ID and name listed in
the dropdown. Need a little help with grey matter tonight.

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Submit Form

I have a page with image, image has some image map, I want to submit
form when user mouseover that image map, my code is like this:

<img src="Images/floor4.jpg"usemap="#planetmap" id="IMG1">
<map id="planetmap" name="planetmap">

<area id=f4 shape="circle" coords="65, 93, 11" alt="CF4588"

And I write sub overf4() in vb script

sub overf4()
end sub

when mouse over that point form submit several times until mouse in on
the point I want to sumbit iust one time

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Submit Form

I am looking at putting a form on one of my pages that inserts data into my database (MySQL)it is possible to submit this form and then when the form is submitted fire an e-mail off to a member of staff to say that a new record has been added
Has anyone had any experience of doing, or trying to do, anything like this (or even know if it's possible)?

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Form Won't Submit

This is from a "back-end" page on my site, but have run into a problem I've not had before, first off the form is being generated with some dynamic capabilities. Simply meaning I'm building it based upon so many records from a database.

Now I've isolated the problem down to 1 particluar text field and somehow related to it's name. When the name is present the form refusses to submit, except when I simply delete a reference to the name it works fine. Below you'll see an example of the code:

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Submit A Form

I am successfully generating an HTML-formatted email using ASP and a NewMail object. It works great. The content of the email includes a simple HTML form that posts to an asp page.THE PROBLEM:

The form in the email functions properly (can be submitted, opens a
browser and redirects to the "post-to" asp page) but the form data is
not making it. the far end in the "post-to" asp page....
request.form("someField") is empty.I imagine it has to do with encryption but can't find any info on the subject.

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Submit Form

I know this may be too easy for most of you. I am new to ASP code and I am trying to create a form where you can submit via ASP.

I already created a page with asp but couldn't figure how to send the form to email address. It seems that it requires another page of code what ot do but I can't find anything on the site to show me how it works.

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Form Submit

Once the form is submitted from an ASP page, how can I direct the output to display at a new asp page? The output is a text variable.

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Submit A Form

i have got a very elaborate login page which has 1 form and more than 1 submit buttons.1 for login(preceeded by user name and password fields) and another for forgot password (preeceded by user name field).how can i submit the login details(i.e. user name and password) just by pressing enter in either of the 2 fields?

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Form Submit

what was the best way to have a use submit a form. I have a form of mine here. I bassicly just want to get a hold of the information when they submit it.

Whether it will be e-mailed to me or written to a file on my server thats OK. But I want it to link to the ASP file which proccessed it. Could somebody atleast give me an example of how to do this?

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Submit Form

Can somebody clarify if/how/when a simple form is submitted when the <Enter> key is pressed? As I understood it, if you have a form with a single submit button, if enter is pressed, the form should be submitted as if the button is pressed. Is this correct?

Does this behaviour vary across browsers?

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Form Submit

Some help in creating a form the gets some of it information from an Access database. I am building a website for a company that wants to run conference that you can sign up for on the internet. What they want is a form that can be e-mail to one of its employees and then processed at the office, well here is where I get stuck.
There is going to be among other form fields one for the Name, Company, Company Address…(so one) and a field for the name of the conference, data, time and location of the conference. What we want to have happen is a drop down form menu that you can select the conference from and via that selection the data, time and location field will be filled out for you. Can any one help me with this?

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Submit Form

how to do the asp step by step from basic.

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Form Submit

I'm trying to submit the values in a form and put them into a string using the following

for each objField in Request.Form
str = str & objField & ": " & Request.Form(objField) & "<br>"

This is the problem: let's say that my form has the following fields (in that order): Code:

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Submit A Form

I have a form that I want to submit to the server using SSL encryption (preferably 128 bits). Is there anyway I can accomplish that on my own, or do I have to involve a company to get some certificate/ID? If so, do you have any ideas on what the average prices for this kind of service is?

If the 128 bit encryption is not possible without outside help. Is there anyway I can encrypt form submissions on my own?

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Submit Form

On one of my pages I have a form that you can submit some comments. When you submit your comments it takes you back to the same page and shows your comment. However, if you click refresh again. the same comments are submitted again.

Is there anything to do about this?I am not sure when to use this whole 'somthing'.Close() function. Any clarification about that would be great.

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Auto Populate HTML Form Fields From Oracle Db

when the user clicks on the edit account_details link, a web-based form page opens with text fields like account_no, account_name, date, type etc.

the design i want to implement is when the user enters the account_no field on the form & goes to the next field, the remaining fields on the form should be auto populated with the respective data for that account_no from the Oracle database.

Next the user can edit any of the form fields & save it back to the db.

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Submit Form Via E-mail?

I have made an html form which I would like to send by e-mail. When the recipient receives the e-mail form, I would like them to be able to fill it out and click the Submit button which will submit to an ASP page. This ASP page contains the code to submit the form data to a database. The page works fine when viewed through a browser, but the form will not submit in Outlook 2002 (I haven't tried other mail programs).....

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Submit Order Form

I have online order form that consists of textarea, textbox, radio button, check buttons and etc.. after that, click to submit via email with order form details to someone..

so i need to know what codings to do this to email to someone with order form details need for db so can u please kindly show me how to do it?

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Using An Image To Submit A Form

I have four images, lets just call them A, B, C,D

I have a hidden value called "area"

When the asp page loads, it gets the value of area (the form submits to itself)

What I want to do is:

when you click on a image A

area = "A"
submit form to itself

Is this possible?

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Submit Form + AutoRedirect

I have three pages


index.asp is an form that people fill out
submit.asp is where it re-displays the form values, and after the user navigates to print.asp where the values from submit.asp are displayed so the user can print them.

In submit.asp the user clicks "next step" and that takes them to print.asp, the "next step" calls

<form name="print_form" action="print.asp" method="post" >
<input type="image" src="../img/button_print.gif" >&nbsp;&nbsp;
Click here to print the Running Start application form you just submitted online.
<input type="hidden" name="reg_date" value="<%=queryRegDate%>">
<input type="hidden" name="lname" value="<%=queryLname%>">
<input type="hidden" name="fname" value="<%=queryFname%></form>

What I need to do is redirect, or skip submit.asp and go to the print page, the problem is that i need the values from submit.asp to be sent over to print.asp How can this be done?

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