How Can I Display UserID

I have the following page managerlogin.asp with a form and two fields: UserID and Password. After sending the form, login.asp is used to manage the login details Code:

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UserID Using ASP

within the intranet, all user are required to login.
How can I get the User ID and Domain in ASP page?

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Get UserID

In ASP page, does any one knows how to get user network login ID from user email address? In my company, we use win 2000 server with active directory. In my ASP page, when input an email address, I need search to find the user network login ID.

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Getting NT UserId From Asp Page

Is there any way I can get the logged in NT user ID from asp

I tried "Request.ServerVariables("LOGON_USER")" but no use.
Our IIS 5.0 settings are as follows:

Authentications methods:

1)Anonymus access checked

2)Authenticated access - Integrated windows
authentication checked.

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Collect The UserID

In my asp server page, I would like to collect the USERID, Client Machine Name, IP Address information and passing it back to the server for validation control. How can I achieve it in Jscript?

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Error Linking To UserID

I have got rs6 to display the Usernames but when i try and link the username with the userID it shows this error:

ADODB.Recordset error '800a0cc1'

Item cannot be found in the collection corresponding to the requested name or ordinal.

/viewpub.asp, line 121

set rs6 = objconn.execute ("SELECT * FROM favepub INNER JOIN members ON favepub.UserID = members.UserID WHERE PubID=" & PubID)

Pubbers: <% WHILE NOT rs6.EOF%>
<a href="viewmember.asp?UserID=<%=rs6("UserID")%>"><%=rs6("rsUser")%></a>,&nbsp;


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Request Userid And Pass

my page request userid and pass and after i login it loads to the main page but the problem is when i leave the page for 15-20 mins and comeback and click some links, i redirected to Page cannot displayed, and i wonder why?

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Retrieving UserID From Form

Im having a bit of a trouble with this piece of code , basically what it does is allow a user to register with the site , then their deatails are added to a database , now what i want to do is RETRIEVE THE USERID value so that it can be passed to other ASp pages. when i run the register page i get this error:

ADODB.Field error '80020009'

Either BOF or EOF is True, or the current record has been deleted. Requested operation requires a current record. Code:

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Retrieve UserID/Username From Email Address

I see it everywhere.... Forgot username? Enter your Email and we'll send it to you.

How is this accomplished?

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C# Session("USERID") = "NAME";

How do I add and get session defined variables?

when I do this Session("USERID") = "NAME"; I get
System.Web.UI.Page.Session' denotes a 'property' where a 'method' was expected.

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Display Top 3

I am in the middle of writing a system with 8 different entry form screens, at the end of the 8 forms (10 entry fields on each form, with pull down scores of 0 to 10) I want to do the following :

total up the results for each form/screen
sort the results
display the top 3, with additional text, and then add to the database

Now, I've got the 8 entry screens working fine, with verification, so I have the 80 available numbers. I have added these up to create 8 totals. Where I'm stuck now is the best way to sort these and display the results I require. I could do it with a messy, nested "if one > two then if one > three" etc etc approach, but wondered if anyone had a less stressful method to consider?

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Display Yes Or No

I am displaying info which are retrieved from database. How can I display "yes" or "no" if the field datatype is in bit?

<td>Pending Document</td>
<td><%if pen_doc = "True" then%> Yes <%else%> No <%end if%></td>

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How To Display 30 Or 31

could some one tell me how to display the date in an html form only up to 30 if April, June, September and November is selected, and 31 for all the rest?or even better, 28, 29 for February according to leap year or not?

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Asp Does Not Display

If I run a file called timetest.asp via my web browser then the current time is shown. I assume(d) that indicated that ASP was working OK

If Itry another file with an .asp extension then the browser shows the horrible page not found error.

If I rename that file to .html the page displays. Does this mean there is an error in the script?

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Display 2 Rec In One Row

i am working on image display program like displaying thumbnail. i want to display 2 records in one row. after every 2 record displayed table row must change and make new row.

row 1 1 img1 2 img2
row 2 3 img3 4 img4

how i can do this.

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I would like to display all logged in member on my webpage.example

3 Inlogged members :

Can you give me some hints? session collection or?

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Display Row

I need to be able to display a row and check to see if there are any other rows with a parent_id value of the original row and display them below. table is:

id, display fields......, parent_id

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Display Utf-8

how to display UTF-8 mail content by using CDONTS component? I have try to add the following code.

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Url Display

i have my code like this which displays the college name and url for college website. say for example there is college whose SI_Web_Site is like this in table. when i display it on web page and move my cursor on it . can someone tell me where the http:///# are coming from and thats the reason why it doesnt open up the college website.

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Display XML With XML DOM

I've got a very basic XML file: Code:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<GeteBayOfficialTimeResponse xmlns="urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents">

I'm trying to display the value of <Timestamp> to a page. I'm having trouble understanding XML DOM and I can't find a simple example of something like this. If anybody can show me right quick how to display it to the page.

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Select And Display

I would like to select from drop down menu and depending on the selection display 1-3 radio buttons next to the selection box. I have tried some different code and nothing is working. What is the best way to do this?

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Display Or Echo

I want to echo by using ASP like for example

when you go to link with the keyword in the address url browser

PHP Code:

<% = keyword %> 

but this code above didn't show "blahblah" in the result page.

i know the php code works fine, PHP Code:

<?=$keyword?> or <?PHP echo $keyword ?>

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Display XML Element In ASP

I'm trying to write a piece of ASP that will allow me to display only one
element of a XML file. I am new to XML and wanted to find out what I am
doing wrong. I think it may be to do with the nodes ? When this is currently
run it comes up with the error "Overflow" ('800a0006').

Any pointers or solutions ? Code:

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Display The Current URL

I'd like to know how to display the current URL on the web page as a footer. This seems to be a fairly simple task, but everything i've found on the internet either doesn't work for some reason, or is specific....

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When Clicking Asp, Display Another Asp

I'm the project manager on a new calendar site wide for our school. The calendar is in asp and has been implemented on the site. I've gotten two complaints. One isn't my fault (database didn't have enough info, I just converted the database, I never entered the events) and two they would like to click to view the events off the front page.

Now, right now I'm using Code:

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Image Display From DB URL

I have some error in displaying Image in the fields here is the Code:

<tr class="productListing-<%=even%>">
<td class="productListing-data">&nbsp;<img src=""" & <%=rsProducts("product_image")%> & """ width=""20"" height=""20""/><br /></td>
<td class="productListing-data">&nbsp;<a href="?mod=product&cat_id=<%=cat_id%>&product_id=<%=rsProducts("product_id")%>"><%=rsProducts("product_name")%></a></td>
<td class="productListing-data">&nbsp;<%=rsProducts("manufacturer_name")%></td>
<td class="productListing-data">&nbsp;<%=strCurrency%>&nbsp;<%=RoundNumber(rsProducts("product_price"))%></td>

Where is the error ....

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Format Display Rss.xml With Asp

I've looked over the last 2000 posts for info on incorportating an RSS feed on a web page using ASP to control the display - especially which elements are shown and how many items are shown. I found a free ASP script that I hoped would do the job >>>

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How To Display Image

I've been creating a page in asp which displays records from an access database. I have limited the number of records displayed to 5 per page. If there are more than 5 records then the user can click next to view the next 5 and so on.

My Image field in the database has a data type of "text" and then i put the path to the image. However when i run my asp page it displays the path as text and im not so sure were im going wrong.

Here is a section of the code used to display the recordset.

For intRec=1 To rs.PageSize
If Not rs.EOF Then
Response.Write "<tr>"
For Each fldF in rs.Fields
Response.Write "<td>" & fldF.Value & "</td>"
Response.Write "<tr>"
End If
Response.Write "</tbody></table><p>"

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Display Pics

The codes below have some prob.It works well when the link as shown with the highlighted green is click as it passes the id to file.asp to show the pic in a new window.I now want it to show it in the same window itself.I mean i dun have to click the link to show the picture.It just will show the pic as shown in highlighted red.But all it comes out is the binary form. Code:

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How To Display Message Box In ASP

I want to display message box with ok,cancel buttons. If i click on Ok then i want to execute some ASP functionality,how can i manage both,If i gave runat=server then the messagebox will not displayed.If i use runat=client,then ASP function was not worked.

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ASP Dates Display

I store dates in my table as

FDate TDate NoDays

Where Fdate is From Date
TDate is To Date
NoDays is number of days.

We use this to record holidays for our employees.

I would like to write a SQL query which will display all the records where
Fdate or Tdate are within the current month. Not very good at writing SQL
hence need some help.

Some sample data can be like this

Fdate TDate NoDays
15/05/04 18/5/04 4
29/04/04 2/5/04 5
29/5/04 3/06/04 4

If that was the data in the my table and running this query I would expect
it include all the three records when searching for month of "May" as all
three records have atleast one day which falls in the month of May.

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How To Display The Value In Words?

I'm having a problem in displaying a selected option from the drop down list in words. But after I selected an option, nothing is being displayed, I think the value can't be passed at all. Please let me know how to fix it.

<td align=center width=20%>Fruit:
<select name=""FruitName">
" If not myRS.eof Then
while not myRS.eof
<option value="<%=myRS.fields("ID")%>"<%If FId = myRS.fields("ID") Then response.write "selected"%>><%=myRS.fields("FName")%></option>

<p>The fruit you have selected is <%=FruitName%></p>

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Display Counting

i have to display the count and it always says 0 even when the count is 3 or 4

any ideas here is the code:

Set rscheck = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet")
strcheck="select Count(*) from tblpdf where pdf_id='" & pdfid & "'"
rscheck.Open strcheck, Conn,2,2

Response.write counting.

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