How Can I Populate Many Fields By Selecting A Single Value From COMBO BOX

i should populate all the fields in the form just by selecting a single value in combo box. for example, my combo box contains client id s, and if i select an id, it should retreive the client name, address, coiuntry, city , fax etc.

how is this possible? if i use <select onchange="" > propety, i can change only a single value.

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Populate A Combo With An Array

I have an array - ListOfFiles - that i want use to populate an combo.

I've attempted to do it like this:

<select name="txtAvailable" rows="4" id="txtAvailable">
<Script Language = "vbscript" Runat = "Server">
For i = 0 to Count -1
Response.Write"<OPTION>" & ListOfFiles(i) & "</OPTION>"

I placed the vbscript in the approprate place in the body. But when i
open the page instead of writing the HTML where i placed the code, it
has appended it right at the bottom of the page. Does anyone know
where i'm going wrong or if there's a better way of doing this?

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Selecting Single Character From A String

I have a page that will display a list of locations from an SQL DB. Users need to be able to sort and/or search these locations by industry

Each location has a 4 character desgnation, the 3rd character of which indicates industry. How do I query the DB in an ASP page to recognize ONLY the third character in the string?

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Populate List Box Base On Combo Box Selection

how do i get a value from a combo box and populate a list box base on the selected value from a combo box? If possible can i get a sample coding.

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Populate Other Fields

I have an ASP web form that I want to populate fields based on the first
field choice. Example I have 4 fields item, price, delivery, availability. I
have all these items setup in an access table. When a user chooses an option
from the item drop down, the price, delivery, availability will then
populate. I have already made my connection to the database, and created the
drop down for field one from the choices. How do I now populate the
corresponding fields.

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Single Quotes In Text Fields

I have an events calendar on my site, allowing local people to post events there. Two problems have come up:1. In the details section, people will naturally want to include apostrophes (single quotes) from time to time. This fails, because VBScript sees them as delimiters. Is there any form of quote marks I can use to make sure this doesn't happen?

2. The same field is defined in the Access db as Memo, which normally gives up to 64K of text, as opposed to Text, which only allows 255. Despite this, text over 255 is ignored, leading to the text being truncated.

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How To Populate "chapter" Table Fieldname (MSAccess 2000) By Selecting Book From Drop

I have 2 dropdowns (or listboxes). 1 is for list of books called "book_title". I use a different recordType for value. Code:

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Auto Populate HTML Form Fields From Oracle Db

when the user clicks on the edit account_details link, a web-based form page opens with text fields like account_no, account_name, date, type etc.

the design i want to implement is when the user enters the account_no field on the form & goes to the next field, the remaining fields on the form should be auto populated with the respective data for that account_no from the Oracle database.

Next the user can edit any of the form fields & save it back to the db.

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Populate A Popup Window With Clickable Records From An Access DB And Upon Clicking, Populate A Selectbox On The Original Webpage With The Clicked Record

We have an ASP site that hits up an Access database of categories of
products and products. (e.g. Categories = Napkins, Tablecloths;
Products = 20x20 Napkins, 21x21 Napkins, 54x54 Tablecloths, 60x60

We currently have select boxes that when you select a category, it
populates the next select box with the proper list of products (i.e. I
select Napkins as a category, I get a listing of the Napkins)

We would like to put a clickable link before each of these select
boxes that would pull up a pop up with links from the records from the
proper table.

(e.g. I click the categories link and a popup with html
anchor tags of Napkins and Tablecloths appear) I click on the Napkins
anchor and it populates the Categories Select box with Categories and
Napkins being selected.

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Generating A Combo Box Depending On The Field Selected In A Former Combo Box

I 'm trying to display a combo box (which datas are coming from a database) depending on the select of another combo box in the same form. I think I should use the property onChange of JavaScript but don't know what to give in parameters.

In fact, I have an ASP function which generate a table containing the Strings obtained thanks to a request in a database. Then I'd like to put the Strings contained in the table, to a combo box. The combo box should refresh each time the user select another field in the former list. It must be developped dynamically.

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Fill Combo Box Based On Another Combo Box

There are many comboboxes. One of them is where a user can select a

Based on the state, I want to select a "County". The form should populate
only the counties that apply to that State

I know how to do the JOIN if needed, but not quite sure how to pass the
value of the "State" combobox to the query that will be populating "County"

FROM Census
WHERE County = (value of the combobox "State")

Here is the code from the combobox "State" Code:

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Selecting Info

I've got a WYSIWYG editor, that runs off a template page (i.e. template.htm) that gets opened in an iFrame for editing.
How can I get it setup so I cange the template at the click of a button? I've tried doing a form with radio buttons, but can't get it to work.
For example, the iframe source has been set to "strTemplate". My form processing was along the lines of:

If request.form "template" = "template1" then
strTemplate = "template1.htm"
strTemplate = "template.htm"

If request.form "template" = "template2" then
strTemplate = "template2.htm"
strTemplate = "template.htm"

End If
End If

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Selecting A Value From The List Box

I have a list box which has the following values:

bike and Boat

If I select "car" it is fine but when I select "bike and boat" it just takes bike
as the selection. It is taking the space as the end of the string. Is there a way I can
rectify this?

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Selecting Dropdown In ASP

My boss wanted me to add a dropdown to this form. I was able to add in the dropdown and it inserts into my database (Access) just fine. However, I have an edit page also and this is where my trouble comes in.

On the edit page, the dropdown does not "know" which specific option was selected. I tried to write an If statement but I think there is something wrong in my syntax. Code:

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Selecting Software

I have undertaken a website revision project after not programming for about 6 years. I am beginning to set up a work environment on my pc, and have questions about the software being used verses what could be the ideal software.

I am familiar with classic asp pages, not I am also familiar MS Interdev (but am unable to locate my copy and cannot find a torrent file - is this an archaic program now?). The last thing that I'll mentioned is that I prefer to have a debugging capabilities.So the current website uses Dreamweaver 8.0, IIS 6.0, and MSSQL 2000. Question.Given my background, what software would you use to set up a work station?

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Selecting Values

i need to display results that do not match those in the database.I have an excel file and i upload it,inserting the records in a temp table. han i compare the values in the original table and the temp table.All i want is the values that do not match

sql = "SELECT TempSerial.SerialNo "&_
"FROM TempSerial, Serial WHERE TempSerial.SerialNo <> Serial.SerialNo "&_
"OrderBY TempSerial.SerialNo;"
Set RS = objConn.Execute(sql)

i displayed the records with <%=RS("SerialNo")%> but i get all the records in the temp table displyed.

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Selecting Last Record

i need to extract some data from a table called accountantsBids. I want to select the last entry for every accountant based on the date descending.

entryid = Autonumber
Accountantid = FK

I've tried TOP 1 but that doesn't do it - it only gives one recordset. What would be the best way to get this working.

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Selecting * After Date()

I have a database with date of gigs in it and am trying to select * from the database the next gig basically, and am compariung against todays date and saying select * more than todays date. Is this right, cause it's not doing it? Code:

dateN = Date()
set conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
conn.Open "************"
set recsetS= server.createobject("ADODB.Recordset")
sql = "select * from admin where dated > "& dateN &" order by relevance DESC " sql,conn,3,3

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Selecting All Checkboxes Using ASP

I created a form for Deleting multiple records (from Access db )using checkboxes. However, I would like to add a link or button that would check mark all the checkboxes since I could have hundreds of records.

What is the best way to go about it. Does anyone knows of any samples other than Javascript.

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ASP & XML - Selecting Last Node??

I was wondering if anyone has a moment to look over some code I've written?

I'm involved in the maintenance of an old CMS system I wrote a number of years ago, when I was regularly coding in ASP. These days it takes a while to mobilise the grey matter when it comes to ASP.

Anyhow, basically I am trying to select a specific node and determine the id of the last child of the parent node.

At the moment, I am only returning the first childs id, despite my best efforts. Code:

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Selecting Ranges

On the online crm system i've built (using ASP) our customers can create a list of contacts and download/delete/add to this list when they want to and then go and view the list. It will display 20 on a page with forward/back buttons etc.

I have written a routine which queries the MS SQL 2000 database and retrieves all the IDs of the contacts. It will then work out the page it is on and display the appropriate records by reading through the 20 IDs for that page and query the data from each ID it needs to display on the screen.

This works fine for lists of up to 1000-2000 but when it gets to 5000, 10000 records it becomes an issue of performance as it will hold in a variable all of those 5000 or 10000 IDs. There has to be another way of doing this.

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Populate Tb St

I want my asp code(recordset) to populate a table structure like below...How will I do that ? I have the corresponding day(monday,tuesday,etc) stored in my db...This is a weekly schedule for all drivers..A sample db table output would be : Code:

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Selecting Count(distinct Value)

I want to select just one field to display using sql and I want to have another variable that counts how many fields of the same value there are. My code looks something like this but i'm getting an error...

ADODB.Recordset error '800a0cc1'

Item cannot be found in the collection corresponding to the requested name or ordinal. Code:

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Selecting Random Images

Is it possible to select random images from a directory without creating a "library"

As in I want to have a directory with 25 or so images and want to randomly select an image without having to change the txt document when I add new images.

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Selecting Which Page To View .ASP.

This is my page that displays a certain players games played below. It sorts by games played and excludes all records that = 0. Now with 9 different grades to show i did not want 9 different pages, so i added in 'strSortGames' so that they can select which grade to view and only one page is needed.

I used a menu (list field) on a previous page to do this, do you no a better way to do this? e.g Text links or some other way? or is a list field a fairly good way? Code:

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Selecting DB Results Where First Letter = ?

What query would I have to use to select entries from a database where there first letter is a letter of the alphabet? ie. Select all entries starting with an A etc.

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Selecting Distinct Intervals

I need help programming a search function. I want to narrow down a search function regarding time. I figure the best way to do this is to select a higher interval and a lower interval, and then have an sql function that grabs the times from within that range.Code:

sql = "SELECT DISTINCT place, time FROM bussystem WHERE time >= '"&timey&"'"
Set rscurrent = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
rscurrent.Open sql, conn, 3, 3

sql = "SELECT DISTINCT place, time FROM bussystem WHERE time <= '"&timey&"'"
Set rsrecent = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
rsrecent.Open sql, conn, 3, 3

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Selecting All12 Months

Is it possible to select all twelve months in one select query either from a single field name or through an alias name?
I have a field name that conatins dates, and I would like to arrange the value of each month in a grid, jan-dec, monday-saturday. can I accomplish this with one select statement using an access db?

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Inserting And Selecting Image From DB

I need Help in inserting the user image in my data base. but
unfortunatly I don't know how.I'm using asp with sql server. I tried to
insert the image and i geuss it worked.for the field in the db in not
null and it have this value <Binary> . but when i try to select it in
gives me this error "An unhandled data type was encountered".
this is my code :

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Selecting Values That Do Not Match

hi there i need to display results that do not match those in the database. I have an excel file and i upload it, inserting the records in a temp table. Than i compare the values in the original table and the temp table. All i want is the values that do not match..i did this:Code:

sql = "SELECT TempSerial.SerialNo "&_
"FROM TempSerial, Serial WHERE TempSerial.SerialNo <> Serial.SerialNo "&_
"OrderBY TempSerial.SerialNo;"
Set RS = objConn.Execute(sql)

i displayed the records with <%=RS("SerialNo")%> but i get all the records in the temp table displyed.

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Selecting Drop Down Options

I am trying to set up a component that will allow events that are date sensitive. From this date to that date. What I am trying to do is use drop down menus for selecting the dates, and I am having a hard time finding out how to build these drop downs so when someone is editing an event, the existing dates are pre-selected in the drop downs. But I need to seperate year, month and day for both and then have it change the value of the correct option to selected.What is the easiest way to do this?

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Selecting Random Records

i want to select some records from my database by random. i want also to set a limit (limit=9).

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Selecting Correct Details

Im trying to make a client area on my website and an not sure on how to go about editing clients details.When the client logs in they are brought to a menu where they can update there record. How can i get the appropriate record from the database so they can update there details?

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