How Do I Parse A Textbox Of Text Separated By Carriage Returns?

how do I parse a textbox of text separated by carriage returns?

I have a web form with a textbox, when the user presses submit I would like to process the text in the textbox line by line. How can I iterate through it line by line and do something on each line of text?

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Setting Carriage Returns In A Text Area

I have a form which contains a textarea input, when I request the value of this and display the contents in HTML the carriage returns are gone, so I am trying to find a way to re-insert any carrigage returns.

I have tried using a regular expression with the replace() method to search for a carriage return in a javascript string and replace it with a <br> - but no joy

I thought the following would work (code is in Javascript by the way): Code:

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Text Area Carriage Returns Don't Work With Sendmail Script.

I am using the asp sendmail script from brainjar. But I'm using a text area instead of input field for comments. Is there a function that I should run this thru in order to get it to recoginize carriage returns. Currently it won't send anything after the first carriage return.

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Carriage Returns

how I can keep the formatting (carriage returns) that the user enters into a memo field and then display that later. I figured I might be able to use:

'replace carriage returns with BRs
comment=Replace(comment, chr(13), "<br>")
but obviously net.!

The <pre> tag doesn't sem to help either as the embedded return is lost by the time you get past Request.Form

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Sql To Asp Formatting Carriage Returns

I am using asp to retrieve data from an SQL Server database and display it on a web page. The data in the database has been formatted using multiple carriage returns however, when the data is displayed on the page these carriage returns are lost.

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Removing Carriage Returns For DB

I have a form with a <textarea></textarea> to receive user input. This input is then stored in a database and sent by fax... I need to be able to remove the carriage returns (enter key... vbcrlf...) from the input so that somebody doesn't do something like fill the textarea with 100s of keypresses of the enter key and end up spitting out tonnes of
blank pages on the fax machine.

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Sql To Asp Format Carriage Returns

I am using asp to retrieve data from an SQL Server database and display it on a web page. The data in the database has been formatted using multiple carriage returns however, when the data is displayed on the page these carriage returns are lost. Does anyone know a way around this problem?

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Removing Carriage Returns

I have a text box that a user is allowed to enter what ever text they wish. I then take the text store it in a Database, and at a later time print it in a document. All that part I have done.
The problem I'm having is I have a client that hits return at the end of their last sentance. When this prints on the document, it sometimes causes an extra blank page to be produced to account for the last carriage return, depending on how much text they have entered.
What I'm looking to do is take out any whitespace or un-needed carriage returns at the end of the string.

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Removing Trailing Carriage Returns

If I want to remove x-amount of trailing carriage returns from a string in ASP (ie, someone has entered text into a text area and left a few carriage returns) - what's the easiest way to do this?

Trim() only removes white space

Also, I don't want to remove carriage returns within the main body of submitted text.

Any ideas if there's an easy way to do this?

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Textarea Carriage Returns Not Showing Up In Email

I have a textarea that is being sent to email using an asp code to process the form.

strBody = strBody & "<br><br><b>Resume: </b><br>" & Request.Form("resume")

I want to keep the carriage returns for the textarea. How can I do that using the Request.Form?

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Detect Carriage Returns In The Form And Apply Surrounding <p></p> Tags??

Is there a way to detect if the user has placed two returns in a form field for example as below:- This is a short paragraph This is the second paragraph

And automatically add the surrounding <p></p> tags on inserting this into the database. Same with the edit of pages. Rather than showing the <p></p> in the form is there a way to just apply the paragraphs for the user to visually see thus preventing code in the form window?

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Export Form Data To Tabbed Txt Remove Carriage Returns

I am using an HTML form and creating a tabbed text file with the .xls extention.
only problem remaining is when multi-line text area is used the user might press 'return' to create new line in the text area but this also creates a new row in Excel.

what's the best way to replace the 'return' in the form data with the little rectangle that Excel uses to create a carriage return inside a cell?

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Write Information Form A Comma Separated Text File Onto An ASP Pag

I have a text file that has two lines in it, the first line gives item
labels, my second line gives values for those labels. I would like to use
ASP to present this data on a web page. I also want the page to reload every
10 seconds so that any updates to the text file would be relfected on the web

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Read Text File By Line And Values Separated By Tabs

I have a log file from my email software program. Each entry is on a line and the values are seperated by tabs. How can I read through this text file such that I insert its contents into a database? Thanks. Tom

Here is one entry from that file:

11/30/06 00:00:21SMTP-IN25AA24076F2041D7B35E97EE7748D06C.MAI65284.244.91.208EHLOEHLO []250-home [], this server offers 4 extensions11922

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How Can I Parse A Text File As Asp?

I need to use asp code in a text file (.txt extension). But when i try to call the text file (with asp code inside) in a browser , it simply displays the asp code i have written on the file. I know that i can set options in IIS administrative panel so that my text file is parsed as asp. But assuming i have no access to the web server, how to do this?

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Carriage Return Before Inserting Text Into Acess Database File. How To Do It?

how to replace carriage return upon extracting text from Access file.

However I think it will be smarter to do it before (during) inserting text into acess file.

It might be primitive question, but I started my ASP learning just last week and many things are confusing me on this stage.


What should I change in my ASP file code (file inserted data from the HTML form file into database file) to replace all carriage returns and line brakes during inserting text into field GuestSory? Code:

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Parse Csv Text File Using ASP And Insert It Into Database

I am trying to create an application feature for an inventory database and I am
wondering about the most efficient way to process the updates. Here's the background information: Code:

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Text To Textbox

does any1 know a how i could make it so that when i click some text, it will turn into a textbox, and when i press enter in updates mysql database.

this is the kind of thing im looking for...
where you can click a field and edit it
(URL address blocked: See forum rules)

does any1 know any good tutorials on how to do it? or show me how?

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Display Text In Textbox

I have a search page, after search returns value I want to display fields in text box instead of table.

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Textbox.text Property

On my webpage I have a textbox. I would like to be able to change the text in the textbox and via a pushbutton have the value in the textbox written to the .text property so that next time the page is viewed the new value will be displayed.

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Text To Appear On The Secont Textbox,while Entered On The First

i have a form in asp, with the following textboxes


how do i make whatever is entered in the username textbox to automatically appear on the username2 textbox before the form submission?

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Tick Box Duplicate Text From One Textbox To Another

i have a form on my page..

i have one textbox called


and another one called 'customername'

and a tick box called 'tickme'

the user fills in the booker name first..
they then move through the form..

they then get to the customername textbox..

basically when the user ticks the tickbox.. i want the name currently in the bookername textbox to be placed in the customername textbox..

i am guessing that this feature will probably need to be coded in javascript.. but seeing as you guys must deal a lot with forms.. someone will probably have done this before..

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Comma-separated List

I have a post-form that holds a listbox with mulitple selected items. When
the form is posted to the server ASP file, I want to loop through the
selected items, to insert each of them into a table. How do I do that?
If I execute the line:
I get the list of selected values, separated by commas.

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Searching A Comma Separated List

I have an Access database which contains a Table of
Books, and in that table their a field called 'KeyWords' which
is a comma separated list of keywords.

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Carriage Return

am trying to make a carriage return of the following:

Mailer.BodyText = "From: " & Request.Form("FRM") & VbCrLf & VbCrLf & "Message: " & Request.Form("MSG")

but it doesnt work.

when i received the email on my mailbox, the format is all in one line, like this:

From: John Message: Test message only

but i would like the "Message:" to appear in the second line.

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Carriage Return

This code doesn't give me a carriage return.Why?

strEmailMess= "Name: " & strName &vbCrLf
strEmailMess= strEmailMess & "Email Address: " & strEmailUser &vbCrLf

Also this code takes user to aspemail.asp page.I want it to go to a page of my chosing, like

If MyMail.Send Then
Response.Write("Message Sent With ASPEMail.<br />")
Response.Write("Message Not Sent With ASPEMail.<br />")
End If

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Carriage Return In Output

how can i get this to work? trying to get carridge returns display in the output:

strBody = strBody & "<td width=550><font class='data3'>" & Request.Form("subject"),VBCrLf, "<br />"

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Parsing Data On Carriage

I am attempting to pull data out of a sql database and then parse it so that i only send the data after the last carriage return to the actual page.example

blah bla 1 ( carriage return )
blah bla 2 ( carriage return )
blah bla 3 ( carriage return )
blah bla 4 ( carriage return )
blah bla 5 ( carriage return )
blah blah blah 6

my code should return blah blah 6

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Carriage Return / Line Feed

I want to send an Email using ASP (I know how to to this) The body of the Email contains several variabels How do I concat string values and separate them by carriage returns/ Line

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Carriage Return In Response.Write UploadMessage

I have some aspUpload code running that validates and uploads files beautifully to my web server. It uploads upto 3 files at a time and produces a message for each whether it be successful or not. The problem I have is that the 3 messages come out in one long line. I'd like to put each on a new line. Below is my code.....

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Xml Parse

I'm retrieving an XML document posted to my page using 3 simple lines
set xmldoc = Server.CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")
I know there is data being sent but when i run

Response.write xmldoc.parseError.reason
It's consistantly telling me No data is available for the requested resource. Does anyone know why this message would appear when the request "should" have some data in it.

Also is there anyway I can view the raw results in "request"?

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How To Parse UTF-8 In ASP

I'm trying to put records in msAccess with cyrylic encoding and when I parse them in HTML the are parsed like this ?

so, my question is how can I parse them in HTML with cyrylic encoding from the database with ASP?

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if it is possible to parse the contents of a folder into a html page. So that the html page would display a form with a list of the filenames found in the folder and a radio button for each.

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