How Do I Reload The Page To Show New Info With Multiple Submit Buttons

i am new to asp and web designing, and was wondering how to reload a page so that a different set of images appear, depending on which submit button is pressed. Code:

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Submit Form Without Reload It

I want to be able to submit the form without refreshing or reload at all and keep the values. how it works?

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Retrieve Radio Buttons' Info

I got 2 radio buttons which has common name of division and value of --> yes and no.
How to retrieve information from radio buttons from the form.

like if my radio button --> yes is checked , I want it to show yes on my page when i have submitted my form. what do i have to use ... --> request.????? Do i need to use arrays to retrieve info?

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Handle More Than One Submit Buttons

how to handle more than one submit button's request in an asp page. ie........

multiple web pages are leading to a single asp
page atlast. i want to distinguish between the web pages that are posting.

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2 Submit Buttons On One Form

i have create a form i would like the user to be able to have 2 choices, one just submitting the form the other submitting the form and displaying the same blank form.

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How To Use Two Submit Buttons With No Names

i can select multiple users and approve them when there is single submit button titled approve but with no name because the multiple selection technique works only if no name is given to a submit button. i also want another submit button for declining users.

my process works fine if there is only one submit button.
but how to add another submit button and make it work without referring them with name attribute. Code:

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Show Info Only If Condition Is Met ?

I have set up a table of Ticket Types. Most of these only have a ticket number but one type also has a reference number.

I am trying to display the info in a table and show the ticket number for every type and only show the Ref number when it is applicable.

I'm guessing its a FOR ELSE statement but I can't get it working. Code:

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Email After User Submit Info. Online?

Currently I have online survey, which uses ASP and Access database. Now, I wanted a email send to the sender after they hit submit, what should I do? I don't know where to start! My server is running on WIN2000AdvanceServer.

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Multiple Buttons On Form

How can I implement multiple buttons for a form like - submit, cancel, logout etc.

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Multiple Values For Radio Buttons

I have a form on a web page with a number of radio buttons bound to
the same field. Is it possible to set up the form so that users can
select more than one radio button to submit multiple values to a field
in the way that you can, for example, in a drop down field?

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Multiple Radio Buttons/textboxes – Inserting Into The SQL DB?

I’ve a few radio buttons; few of them have input textboxes and dropdown list.
I use Select case to insert values (depend on which radio button that you've selected) into the sql db but it doesn’t work. Then I use if, elseif and else…the value of radio still doesn’t insert into the DB. In this case how can we insert the value(s) into the DB? Code:

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Multiple Form Buttons, How Can I Bind Image With Them

Well i have pictures in database and i display them all on the page. While i display them i put a button with them each. So that they can be deleted.

But the problem is that. as i put the button in a loop while displaying images. The name of the button is same and when i click the button to post the values to the next page where i should have the script to delete image. All the values of all the images go to the next page.

I want to bind that particular image with that button, so that when one specific button is clicked only the id of the picture binded with that will go to next page.

I can do the job by having a delete link with each image and posting the value to other page. But i have to use the BUTTON to do that. But dont know how to use it.

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Page Reload

on my site, things update alot, and someone might not know something's changed if they come back in an hour...because of the cache. is there a object or something that can clear the cache? a good object would be:Code:

Response.Cache = Erase

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Reload Page

How do I get a text link a href to create a session variable and then reload the current page?

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Reload The Page

How can I reload the page on click on the BACK button in browser? Or what's event happened on that click?

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Reload A Page

On my web page the user first views a list of items, then he goes to the next page and makes changes. Then he is sent back to the first page. But the page dose not show the changes unless the user reloads the page. Is there any way to force the page to be reloaded up on return? Either from the page that sends the user back or from the list page its self? Here is a sample of the code that sends the user back to the list page:

<input type="button" value=" Go back to listings "
OnClick="javascript: history.go(-1)">

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Reload Page

Im building a site which has a login field on top of every page. When the user logs in it is currently set up to go to the default.asp page

My issue is this: since the login is on every page I only want the page to reload when the user logs in. (it must reload to remove the login fields and replace them with the user account menu). I want the user to stay where they are when they login and not be sent to the default page

Right now in the Form field the action is set to:


<FORM ACTION="default.asp">

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Reload Part Of A Page.

is it possible to reload just one table row with out reloading the entire page? Or reloading just a table? i'm not thinking it's possible but if it is it's worth asking a qustion.

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Reload A Page From Its Iframe.

I cant get around this. Im working on a job interview scheduling system, and i wanna set my recordset to all the interviews scheduled from "tomorrow" and on....
so far I've got this query. Code:


this half works, since i dont get the dates from "today" but i do get results from "yesterday" or the day "yesterday" any suggestions?

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How To In A ASP Page, Load, Pause And Reload

How do I via an ASP, load the page, pause for 30 seconds
and reload/refrest the page with no user intervention?

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Shdoclc.dll Error When Trying To Reload A Page

I am getting the following error when I try to reload a pop-up page


in the URL path. This page calls for a javascript from which values are loaded and binded to a dropdown on the page. The code works fine in development environment but it is not working in the production environment. What I want to know is should there be some sort of a command that I should run for the first time for the scripts to load.

There are other similar pop-ups that work fine.Could someone tell me where to look at in solving this error.

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Creating An Automatic Reload Page

How can I create an automatic reload page, depending on a timer in ASP code?

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Forced Page Reload On Load

I used to have thios bit of code and I have totally forgotton what is was. It set either an expiry for the page forcing the browser to download it from the server or it abandoned something. Anyway I want the page to always check its data and refresh from the server and not use the cache

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Passing Info From Multiple Pages

If I have a DB table which spans multiple pages, and if the check box is selected next to the item after all pages are view the user then selects done I need it to pass everything they selected to one page so they can view it and verify that is what they want. Then it is passed to a DB and also sent to me and the user in email.. I know it is alot, but it is what I need.. any suggestions or directions??

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Insert The Same Record Using Two Different "submit" Buttons

I'm using DreamWeaver MX 2004. I'm wondering is there a way to have 2 (or 3) submit buttons in the one form, each one to insert the record & then redirect to different pages, depending on which button is clicked?

I'm thinking about submitting all forms to one page & have that redirect based on a URL/ Form parameter. Just curious as to other methods.

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Changing Data On The Form Without Page Reload

On a heavily used page that pulls a lot of data from the SQL server and XMl files we would like to implement refresh of only one data grid control in order to improve performance.

Is there a way to refresh data grid control without (post back) reload of the hole page. Data refresh can be done on regular time intervals or on click on the button. Environment (ASP.NET and SQL Server 2000).

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Graphics Reload EVERY Time The Page Reloads

My problem is that the left and right panels of my website are exactly the same on every page so I made them into an include file. Yet, everytime a person clicks a link to another page, those images have to reload all over again....

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How Do I Reload The Parent Page When I Close The Pop Up Window?

I have a datagrid displaying data. There's an "edit" button, which I use Javascript to create a popup window where I can change the information. There's a "save" button on the pop up window.

Currently, I have to click the save button, and the the close button to close the pop-up window, go back to the calling page and refresh it before the information is updated in the calling page.

I would like to be able to use the "save" button on the pop-up window to close the pop-up AND reload the parent page. Is that possible?

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Send Form Info To Multiple Database Emails?

I have two forms, one on each page. The user fills the first, then the second, then on the third page all the information is displayed for the user to make sure thats what they want to send.

Then they click submit on the third page and it goes through a database and depending on which category, state and county the user selected it will email all the information displayed on that third page to all the emails in the Email field in the database.

Now, I already have the first and second pages(easy enough) and the third page I can get it to display all the info how I want it and now I need to know how to go about emailing that info to the emails that match the specific fields? Right now all I have it doing on the third page, instead of submitting it for emailing, it just displays the info from the forms AND emails that match from the database. Code:

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Show Only One Instance Of Multiple Identical Items?

If I have 30 of the same cmpycd in the column, it brings it all up. I think this is one of those IF/THEN things, but not sure how to impliment it in the code.

All I want to do is show one instance of each unique item that exists in the cmpycd column. If it exists 300 times, I just want to show it once. Then also show the compFN that is also in the same row.

I can make it count and show how many are of each, but I cannot seem to get it to display just one of each. Code:

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Submit Items From Select Multiple

I want to submit items from <select multiple> list into database.Should I use arrays?

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Update Multiple Records With One Submit

I have a list of registrants and I want to use a check box after each record
to show those who attend and then post all with one submit button.

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How To Submit All Items From A Multiple Select Control

I have a form with two multiple select control (I named the first as cbo_source and the second as cbo_target). Once the form is loaded, the cbo_source loads all items from an MS Access database. Once i click the button >>, all the selected fields from the cbo_source should be transferred on the cbo_target control.

Well, I'm done with that using javascript, my problem is how am i going to get all the items from the cbo_target control once i submitted the form to an asp page(add_new_sched.asp)? I can only get items that are selected on the cbo_target, but what i need is to get all items from the cbo_target regardless if it's selected or not. Code:

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