How I Include RSS Feed Into My Website

How I include RSS feed into my website using ASP?

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Feed Variable Into Include Statement

i'm trying to change the following include statement :

<div id="contents">
<!-- #include file="includes/main_page.asp" -->

on an ASP page into something that receives the file name as a variable :

<div id="contents">
<!-- #include file="<%=fileToInclude%>" -->

however, this doesn't seem to work, as i get the following error message :

The include file '<%=fileToInclude%>' was not found.

it obviously is trying to find a file named <%=fileToInclude%> instead of seeing the variable my question is : is it possible to feed a variable into an include statement ?
if yes, how should i go about it ? if not, are there any alternatives ?

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Checking For Errors Accross Website With Include File ?

Is there a general way of placing an 'error_check' include file into
my website, and put the include line onto all 'asp' pages. In the
event that any error occurs on any asp page or with the database,
instead of the user seeing the error on screen, they would be
redirected to a custom error page ?

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RSS Feed

today a client asked me for an RSS feed on their website. I've never done it before. Bascially i've just spend a while on google and worming my way around the web but just cant seem to get my head around how the heck I make this thing work.
I basically want to embed an rss feed on a website in a little section that will act like a news bar. Can anyone describe to me in the simplest possible terms how i do it. Thats an rss feed, as part of a website. Not a descktop application or anything, it needs to be embedded.Im thinking its the morning tierdness thats making me 'not get it'

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Rss Feed

I would like to create a RSS feed from my Access Database.
I have an Access table for news which has the article title, date, and
story in it. What I would like to do is pull the data from there into an
xml file to create the RSS feed, so when users upload a news story it
automatically updates in the xml file. Can this be done with asp? and where
should I look for more information.

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What Is RSS Feed?

i am new to this RSS. so can any body tell me wat is RSS feed? wat is the benifit?

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RSS Feed

I have this statement which produces data from an RSS feed. The statement works well but I'm confused on how to format the {DC:DATE}.The date currently displays like this: 2006-05-22T08:57:00-04:00. I might like something else ie May 22, 2005 or maybe time.

This statement is inside ASP Tags.

ItemTemplate = "&nbsp;<a class='rssLink1' href=" & """{LINK}""" & ">{TITLE}</a>&nbsp;{DC:DATE}<BR>"

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I want to put a BBC RSS Feed onto my site, and i dont want to link to a host, i want to link directly onto the bbc site.

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RSS Feed

where i can find a good explaination of RSS Feed and a example of it a working example of it. I searched google found some articles but it only tells me what RSS is an overview not in depth.

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RSS Feed

I am looking to set one up for the information on the following page (here ) in the "Forum - Recent Topics" box.

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RSS Feed - ASP

how to get news RSS feed in asp?

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Displaying RSS Feed

Firstly, I am not a programmer, so forgive my complete and utter ignorance of all things ASP related.I am trying to display an RSS feed on a website using some ASP which I found on this website -
I have downloaded the script and running it locally it works (kind of):-

However, when I put this page on my web server I get an error message:-

The ASP file is here:-

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Create RSS Feed

how to create the RSS for a static ASP site. I have used CMS before which has buitin feature of creating the RSS. I like to write own RSS for individual pages. The site in question is SIPLNET.COM

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Reading XML/RSS Feed With ASP

I could post the various bits of code that I've tried to use to get this to work... but it'd be kind of pointless as I haven't gotten very far with either of them (I've run across encoding problems, and problems where it works on the local machine, but not through ASP. I've tried using an XLT doc and without).

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Data Feed

I have access to a .csv data feed behind a password-protected ftp server. What I would like to do is access the server via code, execute queries against the .csv data feed, and return live results.

Is there a way to do this?

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Parsing A CSV Feed

I need to create an asp page to parse a slightly unusual data stream which is in CSV format with new records identified by carriage returns. how to start? Really I want to just tabulate some of the data and ignore other fields. It's a travel industry data feed - sample record:

1,JNY,1,050718,1943,S,AHL,051217,LGW,ALC,0645,1235 ,051224,LGW,7,R,154,154,0,-1,0,8888,8888,,,WAL2,0,0,0,0,0,0,

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RSS News Feed

Anyone know the code to retrieve and display an rss news feed ?

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RSS Feed To Email Via ASP

I would like to publish my RSS Feed to our blogger page via email. Can anyone direct me to an IIS-compatible solution so the blog could stay automatically updated? CDO would be the preferred mail component.

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RSS Feed Issue

i am trying to create my own rss feed.

I have got the xml to display in the browser. However, isn't an rss feed supposed to show the links and details in a list so when the user clicks on the link, it's supposed to go to that site? Code:

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Making Rss Feed

if I make an rss feed from my site and put the address into IE, it just flashes and nothing happens. However, if I go to another browser, nothing much happens, but I can view the source and it's proper.

I then copy that source into a whatever.xml file and then upload it. Put that address into IE - and it looks like every other .xml file. The rss feed does validate as well.
So - here's my q: is there any way to get this to show in a friendly manner if clicked on? I'd like to just provide the link to the rss file on my site for people to use (without having to provide instruction of what's inside it).

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Read XML Feed From Yahoo In ASP

I have been struggling with this for ages and have seen nothing but brick walls! This is what I'm trying to do:

1. Read the information from this Yahoo weather feed:
(i changed the http etc as it wouldn't let me post the link)

2. Pluck out selected info like weather status and temperature etc and display it using my own formatted text/icons on my website.

It seems so simple, I just cannot get it to work. Please can anyone help me with the parsing function? and then how to display the info?

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Import Data Via Csv Feed

I need to find a way to import a csv file into a sql database via classic asp or if easy .net to update a table. Every time this is imported i would like to overwrite the existing data in the database.

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Carriage Return / Line Feed

I want to send an Email using ASP (I know how to to this) The body of the Email contains several variabels How do I concat string values and separate them by carriage returns/ Line

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Parse An XML Feed Which Has An .asp Extension On The Output

Basically I want to parse an XML feed - the problem being the XML data itself has a .asp extension and a few query strings.

I can currently parse the same xml data if I save it with a .xml extension, just not with the .asp extension and query strings. Code:

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ASP/javascript Content Feed Problems

I can get the content feed to work with a simple javascript but once I add ASP the whole thing strangely fails. Code:

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Replacing Text From RSS Feed In ASP Page

I have a rss feed that I am pulling into an ASP page. In the rss there is a url with the text 'SITEID' that I need to change to my actual id '456456'. Does anyone know how I can have the ASP page replace the text in the URL? I am pretty green on all this. Here is the asp page code I am working with: Code:

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HTML Table In Excel With Line Feed In Cell

I an using ASP to read a database table and generate an HTML table
which is save via FSO with a file extension of .xls which opens up
in MS-Excel. I am inserting several lines of text into a cell and would
like to force a line break between them.

I recorded an MS-Excel macro so see how Alt-Enter was captured
which turned out to be Chr(10) which is the same as vbLf (right?)

I tried inserting that in character in the text but it didn't show up as
a line break in MS-Excel.

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Fetching A RSS Feed Through A Proxy Server And Displaying It On ASP Page

I need to display the contents of an external XML/RSS feed in an ASP page. I have found a couple of scripts that seem to do the trick at:

(URL address blocked: See forum rules)
(URL address blocked: See forum rules)/ow.asp?ASP_Based_RSS_Reader

(any good alternatives will be much welcome)

However, my problem is that the ASP page is part of an Intranet site, so it can only access the Internet (in order to fetch the RSS) via a proxy server.

Can somebody tell me how can I modify the above scripts (or any other that does the same) so the IP/port/login/password parameters can be passed along with the feed URL?

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Data Feed Called By Javascript From Affiliate's Server

This is a mix of technologies so I hope I've put this in the right place.

I have a system where people can sign up to a data feed. They place a single line of Javascript on their web page and a formatted banner of products is displayed based on the options they have chosen in their affiliate account.

<script language="Javascript" src=""></script>

The original system was built by our developer 3 or 4 years ago, and worked fine. However, he built the system using two ASP files - feed.asp which looks like this:


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Include More Than 1 Include File

I want to be to call my menu from another file onto my page so that i dont have to add it to every page of my website. The problem is when i try to add it using the include method it says that only one include file is allowed on an ASP. The other include file is my connection string so i cant really take that out of the page because then nothing else will work!

How can i get the menu page included as well as the connecting string?

Have added the code below, i have highlighted the 2 include files that i want to use in blue, i have also left the div tag in for where i currently have the menu which is what i want to take out and have ther include file there instead, if that makes sense. Basically the bit in red i want to be able to remove from all of my pages and add the blue file above the red code in instead, but i dont know how!!!!! Code:

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Website On A CD

I want to create a dynamic website hosted on a CD. It would be based on ASP and have a database. Is this possible? How would I approach such a thing?

I'm sure I could by a runtime version of Access and build an application, but could that be implemented within the website? Any thoughts? I don't want the user to install anything on their hardrive if possible.

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ASP Website On A CD-ROM?

I have a asp website and am wondering is it possible to place the website on a cd-rom?

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ASP Website

I have a little website which works great on the local machine
but I cannot seem to access it from a remote machine. It is not a
connection problem because my remote machine (which is on the network)
has a share on the local machine using name resolution. The message I
get on the remote machine's explorer is the classic "Page cannot be
displayed". It seems I have looked every where on the net for
possibilites without succes. Both machines have XP SP2, firewall turned
off. The remote machine runs IIS 5.1. Both machines are under the same
workgroup. Any help highly appreciated, will send french chocolates if
you sort my problem out. I have also tried creating a simple "Hello
World" html page. Same think. Workd locally but not remotely.

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