How To Assign Object Properties From XML Content?

Before there was XML my world was in order, I would once a year write some small ASP script, it would perhaps take me all weekend, but it was doable, now the devil has entered my life, in form of an XML file ... Code:

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Object Properties

Is there any way to list all the properties that an object has? For example if I do a CDO.Message object and call it NewMail. Is there anyway I can find the properties of that the object supports. IE NewMail.From, NewMail.To etc

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Using ASP To Replace Content But Not Tag Content In HTML Pages

Using ASP I'd like to modify a string that contains HTML. I need to modify the content (the bit that the users see) but not the stuff in the tags. For example, if I had the following string Code:

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Image Properties: How To Get,

I am wondering if it is possible to get more information on files then just
name, date, size etc..

Specific, I want to know what dimension (x and y pixels) an images has.

Can this be done by ASP. Do I need a component? Are there free components
out there?

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Retrieving Url Properties

Is there a way in asp to retrieve part of the URL and use it

say the url was


is there anyway of retrieving the word craig so to use it in the page

This is because i could have other addresses that are for example


where i need to retrieve the word jon

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Retrieving Properties

How to retrieve "Last modified" & "FileName" from all files in a specific folder (called MyDocs) and display on the ASP page?

eg. (in MyDocs folder)
- MikesWork.doc
- MyResume.xls
- HouseExpenses.xls

Let's assume that i just modified MyResume.xls file and save it today(10/30/2003) on my computer, then i upload it into the internet. On my asp page, i want to show all files Filename (Last Modified) in MyDocs folder.
Your Documents
1. MikesWork.doc (last modified 10/24/2003)
2. MyResume.xls (last modified 10/30/2003)
3. HouseExpenses.xls (last modified 9/15/2003)

I know it has to do with fso or something close to it... but totally have no idea (zero) of its logic or how it works. Please help me by giving me with full example.

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Field Properties

Can anyone help with the following:
I wrote an ASP script with allows me to select an MS Access database
from a folder, and it shows the tables in this database. If I click a
table, the fields are displayed. And then I have a button to create a
HTML form to suit this table.
My problem is, fields that are essential.I would like to mark
appropriate form fields as 'essential' . Is there any way I can get the
attributes of a field, so I know if it will accept null values?

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File Properties

I want to ask are there any other ways to get the file properties such as file name, path, date created... other than using 1. FileSystemObject or 2. file upload with encType="multipart/form-data".

For FileSystemObject, I can get it work in my local computer but not on the server(coz the server are not mapped to the network drive).

And for case 2, although I can use HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE to retrieve form values but I think I cannot use request.form("aa").count or request.form("aa").item(i) to get select option values.

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Page Properties

I ve probably a very simple question but i really can't find an answer. I d like to know in an ASP page what is the URL of the page, the full URL invoked by the client to get the page. I looked in the server object but i did not find.

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Excel Properties

I am in need of knowledge about how to control the properties. By properties, I mean font, hyperlink, and color information. I'd like the spreadsheet to have the same data as the HTML page it's getting the data from, but in a different format.

I have been searching in several places, including the Excel Help files, but cannot find any info on how to do this. I'm not asking anyone to tell me how to do this; just looking for where to find out how to do this.

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Transaction DDL Properties

According to Access my ADO connection has a value of 16 for the Transaction DDL property. Does anyone know what this equates to? I've found this page -

But it doesn't tell me which constant this relates too, and I haven't been able to find an answer at Google either.

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Assign Variable To Name

itemname = "select sw_item_itemid, sw_item_item , sw_item_lowquantity"
itemname = itemname & " from sw_item"
itemname = itemname & " where sw_itemcategory_catid = "&catid&""

set displayitem = objconn.execute(itemname)

if displayitem.bof and displayitem.eof then

counting = counting + 1
("countnotitem" & counting ) = filtercategory("sw_cat_catlabel")

how can I assign countnoitem with a digit ?

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I got a session variable for username. Now, i want to assign this value to the textbox.

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I Got 9 Rnd.#'s, Now How To Assign To Nine Variables?

I put in a request recently for a script which would return 9 random numbers between 1 and 30. I got a reply which gave me this script, which writes them out.

It works great, but in the loop that writes them out, instead I would like to assign each value to a variable, such as img1,img2,img3,img4, etc. in the for loop, is this possible, or should I write out 9 statement lines, each assigning a value to a variable. I intend to plug the values into a java applet which rotates images.

Come to think of it, I could just put each value of the array right into the img tag, no? <img src="images/<%=random_number(1)=>.jpg"> Code:

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Assign Variable

I have a code somewhat like this:

Dim screenSize

If Request.Form("resScreen") = "1024x768" Then
screenSize = "big"
screenSize = "small"
End If

this works fine, but when this page is reloaded, it doesn't
find this Request.Form("resScreen")
(this form is also on another page, which explains why) but can I store this variable "big" the first time it loads somehow?

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Assign Variable

For Each objitem in Request.Form
if request.form(objitem).count > 0 then
For intLoop = 1 to Request.Form(objitem).count
Objitem = request.form(objitem)
End if

server error in line of "end if"

I want to collect the values from the form and assign a variable to each value field

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Assign Sql Database

I am using Visual Studio I have created a website using HTML code and the pages look fine I now need to do the following.

I have a picture where if some one clicks on it it then needs to query an SQL database and return on a different page the results. How do I assign a sql database to my website and how do I connect to it ?

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Validate: Formobj Has No Properties

i am getting this error message when i validate my page and it is

Error: formobj has no properties
Source File: /sellgiftnum.asp?
Line: 55

and line 55 is this one
var obj = formobj.elements[fieldRequired[i]];

Can someone tell me whats wrong with it .....

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Gathering Image Properties

I've uploaded an image to the server and was wondering if there is any possible way to get the dimensions of the image through ASP.

dim iWidth, iHeight, iType
sub ImgDimension(img)
dim myImg, fs
Set fs= CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
if not fs.fileExists(img) then exit sub
set myImg = loadpicture(img)
iWidth = round(myImg.width / 26.4583)
iHeight = round(myImg.height / 26.4583)

but I keep getting problems with the loadpicture.

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Drawing Page Properties

Is it possible to grab the title of the page and echo it somewhere in your asp document? Does ASP have a premade variable to grab this?

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Retrieving Field Properties

How can I retrieve the default value and allowzerolength property of all the fields in my table? I'm using ADO.

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Excel Cell Properties

Is it possible to set a cell property in Excel from an ASP page. We have numerical data that is taken from a database and then displayed in Excel. I would like ideally all the data to be set at 2 decimal places, is there anyway of setting this from the ASP page?

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How To Assign A Variable And Store The Value Getting From XSL

I would like to ask izzit correct that assign a variable in asp and store the value select from XSL list at below: (in my asp page) Code:

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Screen Resolution Assign To Asp

I'm retrieving the screen resoltion with javascript code, but i can't assign the correct value to asp. the response.write is displaying zero (0) for screen res., although when i do a document.write in the javascript part, then my screen res. is 1004 ...

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Assign A Random Number

I have this simple application that I put together using ASP. It has an html form that submits to an access database through a simple ASP file. It’s a survey form basically. One of the departments here wants to get some feedback from their students and in return for filling out the survey they will be entered into a drawing for a gift certificate. The catch is that the survey is anonymous. What they want to happen is each person is given a unique number at the end of the survey and they will pick one of those numbers randomly to see who the winner is. How can I possibly do this? I am stuck.

I think I may know what I need to do:

Pull a unique number from a database and post it onto the HTML form near the submit button. Notate on the page that the user write the number down and when they hit submit it is inserted into the database along with the record. I have absolutely no idea how to do that.

The HTML form submits into the database using this "add.asp" file:

Code: ....

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Assign Javascript Variable Value

If I assign VBScript server side variable a to javascript variable x, it is fine.

Dim a, b
a = 10
var x = <%= a %>;

But if I do the other way around, then it has 500 error. any ideas??

<% b %> = x;

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Assignment Doesnt Assign

My ASP page contains the following VBScript code:

zipCode = Request.Form("zip")
%> <br>zip: <%= zipCode %>, rf: <%= Request.Form("zip") %>

When I enter "abc" into the "zip" field on the form, I get the
following output:

zip: , rf: abc

Why doesn't the first statement assign the "abc" string to the
variable "zipCode"? What am I not seeing?

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Assign The Title With The Help Of Tooltip

I'm setting the title attribute of an input box to assign a tooltip. If I assign title the value "Agent does not exist", when hovering over the textbox the tooltip will only display "Agent" it's the same with all my tooltips (only the first word is displayed).

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Assign CSV Data To Recordset Through URL

I'm having a bit of a problem and I was hoping someone could help me out. I'm trying to create an interface for manipulating historical stock prices obtained through I need to make a recordset contain the data of a CSV file that Yahoo returns, but the catch is that I want to pass the data along by pointing the recordset to the URL of the CSV files on the Yahoo server.

Yahoo creates its CSV files dynamically through the querystring of its URL (see below), and I would use inputs to my interface to manipulate the URL for specific ticker symbols, dates, etc. I guess the simplest example is that a user could input a ticker to my interface, the recordset would somehow "call" the URL for the correct data, and then that data would be in the recordset, where I could manipulate it, before returning the information back to the user.

I'm just stumped on how to get the CSV data into the recordset on the fly, just by calling the URL.

The following link is an example of what Yahoo does. Manipulating the querystring changes the ticker, date range, and level of detail. You can also change the table.csv to table.txt and return the actual data in one big text file. Code:

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Assign Session Variable

How can one 'assign' value of a session variable to a variable, something
like: temp = session("variable").

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Assign Var To Textbox From SQL Query

URLURLOn page load there is a variable called "id" it has already got the value (say 7170)

I have a query in a function that executes a dataset, the query is "select Col1, Col2 from persons where id = " & id

Therefore, on page load - how do I call the function. Assign the value of Col1 to textbox1 and the value of Col2 to textbox2.

In the text box I would use <%=var %>

But how do I assign the result of the query to the variable?

Would it be worth using a datareader instead?

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Accesing Office Document Properties With ASP

Does anyone know of a way to access the document properties of an office
document using ASP? I need to be able to read things like the Title,
Author, and Comments fields and pull that information into a web page.

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Setting Session Cookie's Properties

I want to set the asp session id path property. How can I do that?

I mean, asp session id is stored in a cookie and like any other cookie it should have properties (or attributes), how can I control it?

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