How To Convert Asp File Output (in Tabular Form) In Excel

how to convert asp file output in excel dynamically.

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ASP Output To A Excel File

I have a asp page which will get the data from multiple tables (with
functions and procedures)and display data in HTML tables <TABLE> on ASP
page.Is there any way we can create a excel file from the output of this ASP
file.I know how to export if this information on ASP page is coming from single
query from a database table.

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How To Display Images In Tabular Form From Db Query

just manged to get an image retireval search engine working. The ASP script works fine, my query results are filepaths of images.

i structured a query in within asp to obtain images which have similar textual values. It is more of a cosmetic issue. when i get my query results back, my script prints or displays the images from top to bottom. which means i have to scroll vertically up and down the asp page over 10-30 images. Code:

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Convert Excel File To Css File

I want to Convert Excel Files to CSV files using ASP code CanAny body help me out in this.

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Writing Form Output To File

I need to be able to write results from a form picklist to a file. I know I
can append the output at the end of the file but is there a way to add the
output to a certain place in the file. i.e Code:

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Output To Excel

When the output is in excel format for an ASP page, some of the values displayed get transformed to decimal numbers instead of their true values. How to solve this problem? When the output is in plain html, the values are displayed correctly. Note that the values to be displayed are in TIME format. How can i change the format of excel cells in asp?
For output in excel when the form method is POST, no parameter values get posted to the other page. But when it is GET the values get posted. Y? I even change use request.querystring for GET but the result is the same.

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Output To Excel Chart

I create an excel chart by using the asp, but due to my selected database is quite large until the chart shows the data in a messy way and it is too tight even the name for the unit also cannot see.
Is any way to seperate it? i mean show it in another way for eg show it for 10 data in a page and can click on a "next" to link another page, or create another drop down list to select for how many data to show in a page? and how to write that ?

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Save Output In Excel

I am developing my application in ASP and there is a requirement to save the output in Excel. One option is to use Content-Disposition header but it prompts user for saving. As per our requirement the output should get automatically saved.

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Transfering Output To MS Word Or Excel

The website sends users through a series of questions. When they are done they can view there results and open a printer friendly version, but my boss wants the user to have the option to send their answers to Word or Excel so they can either change their answers or the layout of whatever. Is there a way to do this?

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Resultset Output In Excel Format

I have written an ASP script that connects to a database and runs a stored procedure and displays the results in text format ...using the <TABLE> tag. But I would like to
have these results appear in a NEW Window in an Excel format. I used :

Response.ContentType = "application/"
Response.Buffer = true

This opens up Excel in the same window and usually does not refresh my data ...even though the stored procedure is actually running on the database server.

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ASP Forms Output To Email And Excel

I have a site that currently collects info from a form. The info is then emailed to an elected email address. It occurs to me that perhaps there is some way of collecting the information and sending to a spreadsheet that would keep updating. THe information is all word based (as in mostly yes or no answers).

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How To Send Output From Table To Ms Word Or Excel

i have created a quotation page where customer could view the quotation details and i just thinking to allow customer to print his/her quotation as a reference. all the data are fetched from db and displayed in the table.

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Export Excel Report From ASP Output (Dynamic Stage)

I have one problem, that is i design a ASP report getting data from MS SQL Server 2000 and displays it as a desinged format and also "one option to export this same format to MS EXCEL". Before i seen it, but i dont know its code:

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Convert Table To Excel

I have a table created from different queries and display in a asp page. Currently I have to highlight all the cells and copy and paste into a Excel sheet. Is there a way to automatically convert into a excel or csv file?

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Convert Excel Into Access

how to convert excel contain japanese text to access format, and allow the japanese text converted to access allow to display in the web browser? Because when i try to display the text inside my browser, all the japanese text become ?

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Print 3 Tabular Records Per Page

Is it possible to print multiple records wherein there should be 3 records per page.Once the supervisor logged-in, there's a link where he can print all the records of his subordinates. Currently I have a print.asp file which gets all the data and arranged in aparticular format.

I've created a tabular form(interface) with proper arrangement of data. How can I set such condition, wherein there's only 1 form, but it should be printed on the paper depends on the # of records (3 tabular form per page, where 3 tabular form = 3 records of different people)? Is it possible? Do I have to make 3 tabular forms? If I'm going to do this how will I select or use the recordset?

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Output A Form And Append Into Table

I have created a form for a pre-entry(s) into a race. The problem I have is getting the entry information into a table where every enterance can be viewed without having to use a database. Is this possible and how.

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Output Js File To Be Saved

I used this in my php:

header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="rhythmFile.js")

Could" someone please translate it into ASP.

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Create Output In PDF File

I'm generating one report using ASP file in MS-Excel file. How to take the same report in PDF format.

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Writing Data To Output File

I am using PWS/IIS5.0 on W2000 and trying to write to a
file outside the directorytree of Inetpub.

The file is created with

Every time I execute the ASP I end up with 403.9

I am not sure what the permissions on the directory I
should have??
Or could it be something else be wrong in my setup??

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Generate An Ms Word File For An Asp Output?

generate an ms word file for an asp output?


- is it possible for the date (code above) to be displayed on ms word?

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Convert ASP Form To Word Doc

Is it possible to convert a ASP form to a word document including passing over the fields

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Emailing Output Of Uploaded File Field

I have the following code which dumps out the location of an uploaded file and the name of the person that uploaded the file. That works correctly. Now I am trying to email the file location and name and I am at a loss. How do I pull the results into an email?

SaveFiles = ""
ks = Upload.UploadedFiles.keys ......

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Convert Email (online Form) To Fax

has anybody implemented the functionality for users to fax an online form instead of emailing? Do I need to go through a third party (software or company) to get it faxed or is there some code out there which can do the conversion?

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Convert A File From Unix To DOS

In my pages i have to read a text file which is created in Unix format through my asp code. The problem is that the readline command reads the whole file and not line by line as the file is in Unix format. Is there a way to convert it using asp code and then read it or any other solution to this problem?

As the file is created by an application not controlled by myself it is impossible to force the application developer to do this job so i have to do it during runtime. So what are your suggestions?

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Convert Html File To Tab

I want to know, How to extract the content of an html file to Tab Delimited text file by ASP
(I want the code that do this)

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Convert .aspx File

How can i convert .aspx file in .exe file so that it can run on any

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How To Convert XML Or HTML To Pdf File ?

How to convert XML or HTML to pdf file ? Where can I find free pdf generator ?

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Code To Convert File Sizes

i have the following code that converts a file size into a readable format (10MB for example) to show to the user Code:

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Convert Fxm File Format To MicroSoft Word

How can i convert the .fxm(fax) file format to any of editable file formats such as Microsoft word or excel.

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How To Find Excel File Width And File Version

It works if the file in on the server side, how to use the component (DSOleFile) with the file on the client side? Also how can I calculate the width of the file. (Page set up - Landscape or porrait). Code:

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Convert A Physical File Path To A URL For Hypertext Links

I have a Physical path that I need to convert on the FLY I thought using Replace would be a good idea, and it almost works

function MapURL(path)

dim url2
'Convert a physical file path to a URL for hypertext links.
url2 = (path)
MapURL = Replace(url2, "", "/")
MapURL = Replace (url2,"E:","http://myscs/docLibraryDocs")
MapURL = Replace (url2, "IntranetLibrary", "")

end function %>

- Is it possible to have multiple replace on the same variable ?
- am I doing it the right way ? or is it possible to concatenate those replace in one go ?

Is there a limit on how many Replace one can use for one variable ?

The problem I have is that it takes the first two Replace in consideration but not the third one. If I remove or comment the second one then the First and the third one works fine. For some reason, it doesn't like to have the three in the same time.

by the way, the link I try to change is as follow: Code:

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Combine Phpbb FetchAll Mod With Asp Page: Convert One Php File To Asp?

I've got a site managed in Frontpage and a forum in phpBB/MySQL. I'd like to grab the most recent posts from the Announcements Forum and embed them in the site's homepage. I got the idea from . All of their homepage posts are fed from their FrontPage Archive Forums.

Right now, I'm using a phpBB mod called FetchAll to do the job. It works great except for one thing: I have to do it via an inline frame because I can't include a PHP file in an ASP page, and I have to use ASP because the site is in Frontpage (project requirement; FP is essential to the non-forum part of the site). Code:

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