How To Detect "user's Browsing History" In An Established Application

I am creating a web-based application with ASP and using frames. I wonder how we could trace user's browsing behaviours in this particular domain. That is, I need to know which pages the user has viewed and which pages the user has not yet visited, as this information is essential and will be used to assess their learning paths and progress.

Therefore, my question is that how to create a file which stores information about users' browsing history, i.e. the page the user visited, so that we could use these information to assess users' learning progress, or what is the right means to tackle this requirements?

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Detect Mac IE Users

Does any one know how to detect if a user is using IE on a Mac so i can route them to another page.I have tried the following:Code:

strUA = Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_USER_AGENT")

But how do i parse this info to determine whether they are a MAC IE user ?

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Detect If Users Have Disabled Javascript In Their Browser By Using ASP

And recently i have just encountered a problem. The problem's that how we can find out if users have disabled their browser's javascript support ability.

Most of my visitors are using Internet Explorer. so it means thier browser can already support Javascript. but when they disable javascript, is there anyway we can detect that in ASP?

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Detect The Users Window Media Version?

Im embedding a streaming .wmv file into a page, and for some reason windows media player 9 is having problems Im looking for some vbscript on how to determine: Code:

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Application Object :: Trying To Detect Multiple Logins

Im trying to detect multiple logins...

Im using a application object in my global.asa, for some reason it doesnt seem to work. here is my code

<script language="vbscript" runat="server">
Sub Session_OnStart
End Sub

sub Application_OnStart()
End sub

In my pages if i print the Application("Logged") value, it does not show....

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Find All Users Login In ASP Application

I need to find out the number of connections for ASP application and who is using it (i have it in Session(username))and need to broadcast a message whenever there is some maintenance work done on the applciation.

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Application Object :: How Many Users Logged In?

My asp application allows a number of users to log into it. Each user has a different type of access level (General User, Manager or Administrator). I want the administrator to be able to see how many other users are logged into the application at a particular time. How can I do this? Would the use of an application object work for this?

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Errors In Browsing ASP.NET

I've get a problem in browsing .aspx pages locally.
I'm using Windows 2000 Advanced Server with IIS enabled
and .NET framework SDK installed, as well as Visual
But when I browse .aspx pages locally, I.E. shows "Server
Application Unavailable" message. In the Event log, I find
error event of ASP.NET 1.0.3705.0 with the description :

aspnet_wp.exe could not be launched because the username
and/or password supplied in the processModel section of
the config file are invalid.

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File Browsing

i have an intranet page that i'm using to query a database for information on which design jobs relate to which images and their locations on the network drive.i want to include the ability to copy the files from the network drive to a cd, which i think i can do with the file system object,but i'm puzzled on an easy way for the user to pick the destination to the cd drive easily.

i know i can have them hardcode the information into a textbox, but i would like a more friendly way of doing it. in visual basic you can get file folder to popup and you can browse the directories on the local harddrive.does anyone know of a similiar way to do that in asp?

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Directory Browsing

it is possible to add ASP code in the page displayed during the directory browsing.This page is returned by windows and lists all the files and directories contained in the current directory.The page that I'm talking about is something like:

Server IP address - /current directory/

[link to parent directory]
day, month day, year hour size file name1
day, month day, year hour size file name2
day, month day, year hour size file name3

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Browsing Folders

How to adjust is so, that when an Word or xls link is clicked, that file will open in the right appl (Word or Excell) Code:

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How Many Visitors Currently Browsing ?

How I know in ASP that how many visitors are cuurently on a particular page or website.

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ASP Directory Browsing Page

I'm using the code found at called
Creating a Directory Browsing Page Using ASP.

The code works fine. I would like to find a way NOT to show hidden files or
folders. I don't know (if it's possible) how to test for the hidden
attrobute and create an IF condition that will allow only non-hidden files
and folders to show up.

Also, can anyone suggest how to add an "up directory" link (like you might
see in Windows Explorer) to this page?

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Browsing Files On The Web Server

I have an admin page for adding pictures to a stock list, currently it browses and uploads from a local pc to the server but can you browse, say,the images folder on the webserver?

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Logging Users :: Transactions My Users Perform

I want to be able to log in a database any transactions my users perform. For example logging in, requesting a page, downloading a resource, logging out etc.

What is the most practical way to code this? I was thinking of trying to use an include file which would have a function to add a log in the database for each page on the site or when a particular action is performed.

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IIS Stuck In Processing Directory Browsing

I'm running ASP on IIS 5.1 on Windows XP, the same thing works on Windows 98 with PWS.

The function below stuck the IIS - draws only frame with nothing inside and wait for infinite. All other requests to IIS are stuck. I presume that it is some permission thing, but what? Is there some log or something that I can check? Code:

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I have a login page,login.asp

Documentation page,Documentation.htm
And a asp page Show.asp which show files.

Now after executing Show.asp I want to return to Documentation.htm but it goes to login.asp when pressing the explorer's back button.

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History -1

I need to make a response.redirect that will take the user back 2 pages after they login. How can i implement this into response.redirect?

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Is there a way to prevent the urls of my site from being saved in the clients browser history?

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if Request.Form("url")<>"" Then
End if

but when is url="" it is doesn´t work .

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I have a form that contains many fields for the user to enter. After
entering the data the user can click a link to open a new window, the
new window contains six columns (pull down menu) and 30 rows to allow
user choose their options. Code:

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Login History

how do i grab login history from my database?

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Delete A Page From The History

How do you delete a page from the browser history when a user has logged out, it worries me that when a user of mine signs out all you have to do is hit back on the browser and you can see what the user was doing.
I've seen this done befor on the likes of banking websites.
Is it a javascript?
I know the response.expires but that won't delete it from the history.

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I use this code to go back one step but i try to change it to go back two steps and it didn't worked. Is this possible?

Response.Write(" history.go(-1);")

Response.Write(" history.go(-2);")

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Replace In Navigation History

The navigate2() browser function has a parameter to replace current page in history with new URL. Can IIS achieve the same task by sending a browser appropriate headers or something?

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Clear The Back Button History?

The back button that appears on every browser has a list that allows moving back to a specific page quickly, I'm sure you all know the one I mean. Is there a means of clearing said list? perhaps some DHTML method or the like?

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Stopping Secure Pages Appearing In History

I know this probably sounds like a newbie question, but I was under the impression that secure pages (https) don't appear in the history/address bar history list - this appears to be incorrect?

Should I really be putting some form of expiry command at the head of each of these pages if I don't want casual users to see them? I use Classic ASP so is it better to use a command via this lang or the old META methods?

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How To Save Page Address In Browser History

i want to force the web page address to be saved in browser history using asp vbscript.

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Can Asp Detect The Url

Is there a way for asp to know what url is in the address window? I have a function that is included in every one of my pages and I want it to write out different things depending on the page the visitor is on.

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How To Detect Router Ip

Can anyone tell me how to detect a ip address behind a router?
I know that using ASP, we can detect the actual ip and the proxy ip, but what if the visitor is using a router that dynamically assigns a ip.

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How To Detect An Object

I am using a stored procedure that outputs multiple recordsets.
I use <% SET rsDisplay = rsDisplay.NextRecordset() %to step to the
next recordset.

In one particular condition the final recordset is not passed to the
page, so I need to detect that the object is empty.

I did just try <% If NOT rsDisplay.EOF Then %but I get:

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a01a8'

Object required

Any ideas how I can trap this error? I just want the area on the ASP
page not to display when there isn't a final recordset.

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Detect When Drop Down Less Than X

What I need is a field that is a drop down and when selected if less than four it needs to show a new field to select.

Once the total of the drop downs adds up to 4 or above then no more are created. This would be in the middle of a bigger form. Code:

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Detect Pic Widths?

I'm working on an app to upload pictures to my Web page.
As part of it, I need to know the dimensions of the
images - how many pixels wide by how many pixels high. Is
there any way, as part of the upload or immediately after,
that I can detect that?

Also, though the solution isn't exactly appropriate to
this NG, I would also accept a client-side solution to
this problem.

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