How To Get Current Page As Attachment In Mailto Tag

i have a page and i have mailto tag in it. when i click on that i has to get that page (page containing mailto tag) in the outlook express body . or the URL of the current page in body of the mail.

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Send Asp Page Using Mailto

I have created simple .asp page and i would like to send my page as email using my outlook. is it possible to send form body as new email outlook body using mailto
command or any other way.

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Aspx Page With Mailto And French Characters

I've got an aspx page with a 'mailto' with accented characters in the
subject field, when the mail is created the accented characters aren't
displayed correctly.

The mailto looks like this:....

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Email The Same Html Page As Attachment After Submission

I have designed a form after submission of which an email is sent to a perticular e-mail id. Up to this it works fine but I need to send a complete filled html page in attachment too.

Can this be possible. If any way to do this please let me know. As mail sender am using CDO.

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Current Page

how to print or get the name of current page using ASP

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Using ASP To Get Current Page

I'm not sure if someone has requested in the past (I know I've looked for a solution for a while) but I've just developed a very neat way of getting the current page name in ASP:

url = request.ServerVariables("URL")
page = right(url, len(url) - instrrev(url, "/"))

I've finally found a use for the instrrev function

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Current Page Url

How can I retrieve the current page url(and parameters/arguments) using ASP code? The current page is an asp search results page so the url includes the page name and the criterion(sorry I don't know what they're called) I had the 'post' method tag on the end.

I need to get it and store it so I have an easy way of getting back to this page at a click of a button a few pages down the track. I've tried using location and history but I'd like to manage it myself.

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Get The Name Of The Current Page

is there a command in asp to get the name of the current page?

furthermore, is there a way to retrieve the name of the current page within
an 'included' file (not the name of the included page, but the name of the
page that is including the file)?

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URL Of Current Page

I am using an include for a navigation bar, This nav bar appears on many different pages and the help facility a button on the navigation barneeds to launch a help box relating to the page it is included in.

The help files are .html but the file names relate directly to the asp page in which the navbar is included. To get the javascript in the navbar to correctly display the correct help window, I need to get at the page name. I am using

dim thisPage
thisPage= request.ServerVariables("URL")

This will hopefully return me the full file path of the page that the navbar is included in. I then need to take the filename out of this URL and remove the .asp from the end so that i can use it in my javascript function to open the corresponding .html help file.

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Get Current Page

I'm just working on this big newsletterscript, wich will be working with templates (preformatted html code), stored in the database. I've already started but i'm still looking for suggestions or methods to do this more easily then i'm up to right now. So when you you chose another design your content will be loaded in this other template/ html design.

Right now i'm having troubles with the fact that i have a page; nice formatted with the right content! Generated from asp visual output in pure html in my browser. What i want to do now is to get this page structure/ content as it is shown in my browers (html output) INSERTED into MS Access.

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Printing Current Page And Another Page

Is there any way I can print the current page(page1.asp) and another
page(page2.asp)from the current page(page1.asp).

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Can't Get Current Page After Transfer

I'm trying to add logging to my web application, but I found a strange problem. Whenever I execute a Server.Redirect(Page1.asp) I can use the request.ServerVariables("SCRIPT_NAME") to get the current page name. However, if I use Server.Transfer(Page1.asp), the value of the server variable equals the refering page (In this case default.asp). How do I get the value of the working page regardless of the transfer method.

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Check Current Page

I want to check if the name of my current page is index.asp for example, to specify a certain css class but this doesn't work

<li <% if Request.ServerVariables("SCRIPT_NAME") = "index.asp" then Response.write "class=""here"""%>>

What's the proper method?

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Saving Current ASP Page

I would like to know how I can save my current ASP page
to the server side in html file format.
Then I would like to stream it back to the client side.

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Current Page Title

I am trying to display the current page that is being view with asp.The line i am tryng to add is "You are editing: CurrentPageName".I can't find any code examples to help with this.

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Request Current Page Name

i want to link to another page and include the current page as a querystring in the filename like .ASP Code:

<a href="newpage.asp?previous=currentpage.asp">my link</a>
which is a simple matter of explicitly writing it

however, if the script is #include d on every page (so i don't know which page is using it), how can i reference the current page and pass it to my link.

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Save Current Page

is there an easy way to save the current page in asp through code. for example if I dynamically created a page and then wanted to save it without requiring the user to do anything.

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Save Current Page

I want to be able to save a file created by an asp file somewhere. Or even email the file if possible. I've searched google extensively and only found people with the same problem but no answer. He solved the problem but didnt post the solution.

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Finding Out The Path Of Current Page

Is there an easy way to find out the path of the current asp page? When looking at http://localhost/images/listing.asp I want to be able to extract "http://localhost/"

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Send Email With Link To Current Page

How would I send an email to someone from a webpage with a link to the
current page? I've seen this where you can put in your email, the person's
email that you are sending teh page to, a subject for the email, and a
message along with the link.

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Form Mailto Vs CDO?

What are the advantages/disadvantages of using this form submission approach as opposed to eg: Cdo, aspEmail - it appears to harness the MS standard mailto capability?:

<FORM ENCTYPE="text/plain" NAME="test" METHOD='POST'
ACTION='' onSubmit="return

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Mailto - Question

I have to use mailto so the pages opens up the users default client. I need
to format the body of the email in HTML format so I can show some the text
in bold, italics and underlined? Is this possible to do? if so how?

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Add Body To Mailto

I'm just learning ASP. I have a mailto and I have a lot of text that I want to display in the body. Is there a way to store that text in a variable & then add it to the mailto tag?

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Function For Mailto

This may be a daft question, but if I wanted to use a simple mailto, i.e Code:

<a href=""></a>

Is this wise? from a spamming point of view. I am aware of encoders out there that basically make jargon from an email address which fools the robots, am i talking rubbish or what? Basically! Is it wise to use standard mailto links or is there a better way?

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Too Long Mailto: Link?

ok I have a page that displays all of the 3000+ records of people, phone numbers, and email addresses. on this page I have added a link that combines all of the e-mail addresses into one mailto: link so that we can mass notify these people of upcoming projects. the problem is that i think the link is too big for the browser to handle. the view source shows that everything is there but i cannot click the link. i have tried both IE and FireFox to no avail. The code is below just in case i have a typo or something...

sql = "Select * from people WHERE (IsNull(m_idstatus) OR m_idstatus <> 'id2') AND (m_email Like '%@%')"

y = 0
do while not rs.eof
If (rs("m_email") = "" OR IsNull(rs("m_email"))) Then
e_email = e_email
e_email = e_email & rs("m_first_name") & "&nbsp;" & rs("m_last_name") & "(" & rs("m_email") & "); "
y = y + 1
End If

<a href="mailto:?bcc=<%= e_email %>">E-MAIL ALL</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;|&nbsp;&nbsp;

I have also tried changing the format of the link by adding before the ?bcc= but get the same results on both browsers. Like I said in the beginning I assume that the link is just too big for the browser; does anyone have any ideas besides making a mail form in the page? I would prefer to stick with a mailto link so that we can keep internal Outlook features.

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MailTo With Microdoft Outlook

I am using
<a href="mailto:....@....."> it opens the Outlook express but I want it to open the Microsoft Outlook how can I do this

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A Href Mailto From String

I have an asp page that is pulling data from a access database. The data will always be a complete email address. I am trying to make the email address on the page a simple hyperlink that opens the default email program upon click. I cannot make it work for the life of me!

<TD align=left><FONT face=Gautami size=2><%=addrRS.Fields("E_Mail")%></font></TD>

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Recordset To Only Contain Current Items (i.e. If Date Of Item Is Past Current Date)

I have a noticeboard that the user inputs items into. One of those is the date of an event. Once that event has passed I want it to disappear from the page.

So I need to do a comparison with current date to the date in the "datestarted" field. My table is called "notices." Using Access and ASP VBscript.

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Displaying Mailto Link In A Database

I am developing a simple little application for a client that allows them to do an employee lookup. This small Access database contains only a few fields such as name, job, email address etc.

However, when the data is pulled from the database, I would like my ASP pages to create the email as a mailto command when pressed. I'm not sure how to go about this.

I tried creating a mailto: link on the dynamic text but that hasn't worked.

Can anyone assist?

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Mailto: Get Email Address Form Field?

In my page, i have 6 textbox field:

name, id, email address, age and bookingStatus, bookingMessage.

when i click a button in the page(mailto), the ms outlook will opened, and all the information in the field(name, id, email address, bookingStatus, and bookingMessage) will be displayed in the ms outlook in the message part before i send the email.

I want to use the "mailto" code!

The form will be emailed to the user according to the email field, that means, the "mailto" address will come from the form "email address field" in the form

The subject of the email will be: fixed as "BOOKING STATUS"

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Encoded Mailto-link In Combination With Outlook

We have a customer who uses utf-8 encoded websites and wants mailto-link on some websites with integrated subject/content.

Website is written in ASP (.NET is not available at customer site).

So according to RFC (as far as I could interpret it), we created a mailto-link like this: ....

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I wonder if you can help me. I want the functionality to Automatically get attachment from email and upload it to server for viewing.
So when someone sends in an email to a specificied address, it get the file from the email and uploads it somewhere.
How can this be done?I would think that you would have an automated email address. It would proabably be running on a windows server.

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I have created on form where i have field like Job title, Company name, Job Discription and Apply button. Also i have one hidden input for email address.
When any one click on Apply button there one form will open for mail his resume.
In that form i have Name, Mail address of applier, Cover letter(textarea), and select box and Attachment textbox and Send button.
At backend this programe mail me his information through mail with his keyed info with attachment of his CV. In CC he takes hiden value of email which i maintion in hidden text.

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