How To Get Server To Enable .aspx

i just installed .net framework 1.1 from microsoft because i have some .aspx files written. i have windows 2000 server. i can't get the .aspx files to be recognized i guess because they work on another server i tested them on.

Do i need to download anything else. What do i do to get my server to process .aspx files. when i try viewing the .aspx file in mozilla it wants to download the file. in explorer it just doesn't work.

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Does Anyone Know How To Enable ASPX On IIS6 ?

Does anyone know how to enable ASPX on IIS6?

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Aspx Pages Upload To Server

aspx page designed by contains text box, buttons, and labels viewed by browser in the localhost but when uploaded to the server only view the labels.

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Opening A Aspx Page Withing A Aspx Page

I have an page that I would like to open up another page within the first one. Like a parent - child relationship. I need to display a graph in the child on the parent.

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Enable ASP On A W2K3 Box

I hava a new Windows 2003 box running IIS.When I try and display an asp page it says page not found.but the page is there.I've checked the settings in IIS - I have execute
permissions script only.What do I have to do to allow ASP to run?

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Enable The HScroll Bar

I want to display a tool tip for each item in multi select box(list box) in a web page.i want to enable the horizondal scroll for the list box.if any genius knows the solution .

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Enable A Checkbox

I need to enable a checkbox if text is entered into a text box.My Html is .Code:

<INPUT NAME="txtTextBox" SIZE=8 MAXLENGTH=8 TITLE="Title of text box">

What I am unsure about is the code for the vbscript. I currently have the following which I know is wrong.Code:

<SCRIPT ID=clientEventHandlersVBS LANGUAGE=vbscript>
Sub txtTextBox_onclick
Document.form.chkCheckBox.enabled = True
End Sub

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Enable A Textbox

I have a form called form1, On this form i have 3 textboxes and 2 radio buttons.(called yes and no) If i load the page the 3 textboxes are disabled, Now comes my question. If i check radioButton(yes) i want to enable the 3 textboxes, does anyone nows how to do this?

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IIS5 SSL Enable

how to enable SSL in IIS5?

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Web Enable An MFC Application

I have developed an MFC application using VC++ 6.0. The
application has been properly packaged and installed in a
directory. e.g C:NMS

The directory consists of the main executable (NMS.exe)
and ceratin dependent executables (client.exe, server.exe


I have created a virtual directory for this C:NMS. I have
given a link to the main exe (NMS.exe) in an ASP document.
The main application runs fine, but when it calls
other .exe(s) nothing happens.

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ASP & COM+'s Enable Object Construction

I have a site that has been working for a few years now. the web site
is using a DB Access DLL written in VB. the DB's connection string is
passed to the DLL using the COM+ enable object construction option and
using CreateObject in the ASP code.

we are now trying to install this application on a new server and we
have a very strange problem:

Server info: Win2K SP4. the COM+ package is a server package with
identity set to be the administrator.

When the ASP page is trying to call createobject the call runs fine
even though it is not going through COM+ (if i look at the currently
running objects in my package, the count is 0) and the connection
string is empty since no construction string was passed to the DLL

if i run the same createobject call in a VBS file while logged in as
the administrator, it does go through COM+ and the connection string
is fine.

so obviously it is some kind of permissions problem but i do not know
where. i have tried setting the IIS's site to use the administrators
account for anonymous access but that did not solve the problem.

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How I Can Enable Or Configure Https

How I can enable or configure https on a certain page(file).

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Enable/Disable Combo Box

I have two option button and on combobox,in that combobox i added "all" statically. My need is if i select that first RADIO BUTTON that "all" in the combobox has to be enable and if i select that second RADIOBUTTON the "all" in the my combobox has to be disable.this is my need.
My first radiobutton name is all and second is select. tell me the coding and where i have to write that coding. please answer me becos i am new to this environment.

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I create a popup web page using:

newWin =

In the popup window I have href links. The popup takes a while to load and I don’t want the users to be able to click on a link until the popup information has finished loading. Does anyone know what Visual Basic Script commands I can use to disable then enable the display in the popup window while the text and hyperlinks are loading (preferable I would still be able to see the text in the popup while its disabled.

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ODBC Enable Database Connection

In IIS 5, there's seem to be no ODBC loading under the log file format dropdown option. SO if i want to use ODBC enable database connection to store session data how shall i proceed? ODBC connection to store session data able to reduce data traffic on web server?

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Enable A Textbox With A Radio Button

I have a form called form1, On this form i have 3 textboxes and 2 radio buttons.(called yes and no) If i load the page the 3 textboxes are disabled, If i check radioButton(yes) i want to enable the 3 textboxes, does anyone nows how to do this?

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Javascript To Enable Or Disable Controls In ASP Forms

I am trying to write javascript which will enable or disable a control on client side. I am writing a sample code here in VB but it will not work on client side, I need same kind of code in Java:

Function SetControl(ByVal ControlName As Control, ByVal strAction As integer)
If strAction = 0 Then
ControlName.Enabled = True
ControlName.Enabled = False
End If
End Function

this code will not work, it is just an example and I need this kind of script to place on the top of my page which I can use on client side.

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Enable Permanent Cookies But Disable Session Cookies

Is it possible for a user to enable permanent cookies but disable session cookies.....this seems like a contradition yet this is what I appear to be
reading in online articles?

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ADSI - Trying To Enable A User - The User Add Works Very Well

I have written an ASP.NET 2.0 application that uses Active Directory or ADAM
to manage account users - the site has a page that allows people to create an
account (much like any site). The page populates the AD with all the
information and the user account but I am unable to enable the account.
Microsoft has information on how to do that here -->
(the sample is for Visual Basic) - and I am unable to complete the bottom
portion of the script. Can some one point me in the right direction - or can
you tell me how I can add a snippet of VBscript code to an ASP.NET page.

I am using the Active DS Type library - not sure why there are multiple ones
(System.DirectoryServices) but it is rather confusing - I seem to accomplish
one thing with one and another with the other (they did have trouble
co-existing however). Anyway my script works very well but I am not able to
access the properties required to enable the account.

Here is a simple version (no error checking) of the code.....

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Asp Or Aspx

I'm still new to server side languages, and have been going though asp 3.0 for beginners by wrox for about two weeks.Is it a waste of time to learn asp now since .net is supposed to be the future? Am I better off just learning php since it's so popular, and open source? I'm really lost, and kinda pissed off about the lack of backward ocmpatability for asp. I read .net is so completely different in all aspect, and it uses

At the moment I know the following:

tiny bit of vbscript/asp 3.0
adobe photoshop/image ready

What should I be focusing on learning. I'm scared i'll choose the wrong thing, and waste time on it.

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I have been using ASP for a few years now. For the most part I have been
able to make it do what I need for it to do. Is there a reason I might want
to be learning ASPX? Can someone point out some of the general differences
between ASP and ASPX?

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I got some code in ASPX format but I have no idea about how to make it work.. like, I did this . I created a virtual directory in IIS . Gave default.aspx as the default document . When i enter the URL in Internet Explorer, it displays only the code rahter than displaying the output

So, how do I do it?

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.aspx Files

I am having trouble publishing .aspx files in my Sharepoint Portal Server. I receive the message: "The page contains server script, which is not supported on this server", apparently due to the dual security of WSS and ASP. I have heard that there is a possibility of side-stepping this problem by publishing the files in the _layouts directory. Can someone please instruct me as to how to do this, or if there is a better way to get around this issue.

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ASPX Files

I have installed IIS on WINDOWS 2003 server.
IIS is working only if I type filename.aspx for .asp or any other file its
giving "HTTP Error 404 - File or directory not found.

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How To Include An Old-ASP Within My New-ASPX

I've got and old ASP script that works Ok, but I want now to include it within a new ASPX script I've just created with '.net'.

The process could be: Code:

<%@ Page Language="VB" %>
... aspx code ...

include my old ASP script

I'm newbie in ASP, and would be extremely obliged if anybody could tell me how I must write it. I've tried with:

<!-- #Include File="old-script.asp" -->

but it doesn't work.

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What's A .aspx Page?

never seen one of these extensions before. anyone know what it is?

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I've just taken a client who has a membership-based site served as aspx. Yhe relationship with his current host/developer is going south and I need to switch to new hosts and find someone to handle the backend stuff.
Much of the site appears to be poorly structured - needlessly complex and yet lacking certain features. From my own limited knowledge of what I've seen of it, I'd have suggested using a drupal and a bunch of php... but I know little and may be talking out of my butt.
I'm more comfortable with linux/apache... and I'm guessing that's incompat with the current work - or is it? The database is sql so is it viable to migrate away from aspx? Etc?

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ASPX Not Executed

I'm trying to execute ASPX page on a test IIS Server. Instead of executing it shows the ASPX file on screen.

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ASPx Code

I don't know ASPx at all, but I working with some simple code here that is supposed to display the date automatically at the bottom of a page. Here is the code:

<%=response.write("© " & year(now) & " Company Name")%>
But nothing shows up at all.

Same deal when taking out the equals sign.

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Cannot Run .aspx File

can any help me to figure out, what is happening? i cannot run my .aspx.i had properly setup the IIS and .NET framework 1.1

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Aspx To WorldPay

I am writing a script that requires two actions performed on the same page.upload pictures and store them on the server & 2) Send all of the variables from the WebForm to the WorldPay servers via the POST method. I am aware of the Server.Transfer and Response.Redirect methods but neither of these will do what I want.

Are there any soluitions out there in C# that I can used to do this easily( running out of time on this project!)?

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Calling ASPX

i am having examples to work with ASP,I came across a small ASPX module that I would like to call from the ASP module.How can I do this?

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Run ASP And ASPX On Same Site

if a .NET-built site is running on Windows 2000/IIS, can I put up some classic ASP pages? It will be under the same domain name, just on the aspx pages, they will have a hyperlink to my ASP pages, just like if they linked to any other web pages.

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