How To Get Variable = To Loop Statement

I need this variable = to a loop statement

Here is my str

form_bcc = Cstr(If Not objRS.EOF Then objRS.MoveFirst Do While Not objRS.EOF objRS.Fields("Email") Response.Write ";" objRS.MoveNext Loop End If)

And help on how to get this to work?

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If Statement In Loop

Is there something that prevents an if statement from being inside a loop. I keep gettting an error I put an if statement in my loop. Here's my code:

Do While Not categoryRS.EOF

response.write "<a href='away100.asp?playcategory=" & categoryRS("catname") &"&timer="& timer&"'><big><strong>"
if categoryRS("catname")=playcategory then
response.write "<font color='red'>" & categoryRS("catname") & "</font>"
response.write categoryRS("catname")
response.write "</strong></big></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<br>"
'Move to the next row in the lists table

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Change Variable Name In Loop

Is it possible to change a variable name? I need to store some information to be displayed to the users in a variable but I need to change the name of this variable. So what I need to do is read some info from the db, create a recordset and then read the first row of the recordset and store the result in a variable named Answer_1, read the next line and store the result in the variable Answer_2, is it possible?

I tried the following code:

Answer_"" & Counter & "" = "" & rsResult("Answer") & ""

Then I'll print it in the HTML part like this:

<% Response.Write "<INPUT TYPE=""text"" NAME=""QID_2"" VALUE=""" & Answer_2 & """>" %>

Is it possible to change the name of the varialb in a loop?

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Build DB Insert Statement Dynamically - Loop Form Elements

When you submit the form you can see I am trying to get the each row of the form elements into a format such that I can build multiple insert statements. Here is what I am working with:

Dim x
For x = 1 to Request.Form.Count
Response.Write Request.Form.Item(x)

Would I use some type of Mod operator on the value of x to determine my line breaks?

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Declaring The Output From A Loop As A Variable

I need the the results from the loop, in the Response.Write objFile.Name & "<br>" bit to be declared as a variable and then I could:


Does anyone know how I go about doing this? Or is there an alternative Code:

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Creating Dynamic Variable Names In A Loop

I'm having a brain fart at the moment. Can someone tell me how to dynamically create variable names based on a loop counter?

for i = 1 to Num_Cart_Items
Item_Name & i = Request.Form("item_name" & i)
Item_Number & i = Request.Form("item_number" & i)
Desired result:

Item_Name1 = Test Product
Item_Number1 = 1234
Item_Name2 = Test Product 2
Item_Number2 = 2345

The problem is with the Item_Name & i..I used to know how to do this, but I can't remember or find any code that I did this with.

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Variable In SQL Statement

I need to add the following variable into an SQL statement and not sure how to do it. strGCID needs to be inserted into the following statement:

SQL = "SELECT tblContacts.* FROM tblContacts INNER JOIN tblGC ON
tblContacts.GCID = tblGC.gcID WHERE (((tblContacts.GCID)=strGCID))"

i am just not sure of the proper syntax.

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How Do I Put A Variable And A Non Variable In A From Statement?

sql = "SELECT * FROM & console &'news'"

I got that right now but i want the variable, console to be placed along with news so when it selects from the db it selects from gcnnews or whatever variable it's on. How do I do that?

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Pass Variable To Sql Statement

I have created a hyperlink in one page (all.asp) using this code:

<a href="cat.asp"><%= rsProds("category")%></a>

How do I create the sql statement in cat.asp to show only the categories listed by the link in all.asp?

I have this in cat.asp so far:

strQuery = "SELECT * FROM biz WHERE category = ' " & strVariable & " ' ORDER BY bizname ASC"

which shows nothing since the string variable had not been passed.

How do I get the hyperlink category name into cat.asp sql query as a variable?

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If Statement Comparing Variable

I'm trying to use a variable of retrieved via request from a form to select records.I'm pretty sure I am having a basic syntax error or something else basic. I retrieve the variable from a prevous form:

section_id = request("section_id")

I then retrieve some records and run the compare, if i use the actual value it works:
if rsArticles("tbl_articles.section_id") = "1" then

however if I substitute the variable section_id which equals 1 , it fails the compare and moves on to the else:

if rsArticles("tbl_articles.section_id") = section_id then

if I call the section_id value elsewhere it shows that it is set to 1, so I know it's being passed, <%=section_id%> returns 1 . What am I missing?

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Feed Variable Into Include Statement

i'm trying to change the following include statement :

<div id="contents">
<!-- #include file="includes/main_page.asp" -->

on an ASP page into something that receives the file name as a variable :

<div id="contents">
<!-- #include file="<%=fileToInclude%>" -->

however, this doesn't seem to work, as i get the following error message :

The include file '<%=fileToInclude%>' was not found.

it obviously is trying to find a file named <%=fileToInclude%> instead of seeing the variable my question is : is it possible to feed a variable into an include statement ?
if yes, how should i go about it ? if not, are there any alternatives ?

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Setting Result Of Sql Statement Equal To A Variable For Further Use

I'm trying to calculate the total time using values from database I run a select statement to find the timein column in my database.

Now how do i assign the result to a variable so that it can be used? There is only going to be one result because i'm checking it against an autonumber field. that is used as time 1. Code:

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Form Passing Variable -SQL Statement - Matching Data Type

I have a page that calls itself using a form. The form has two select elements. In the sql statement I am attempting to match the values of the select element to populate a recordset.

The two fields in teh Access db are of type Text and of type Integer. What baffles me is that one sql statement works fine and the other returns nothing. I am having the issue matching on the bedrooms.

In the first statement I took out all other doo-doo and just matched bedrooms = request("bedrooms"). On the other one I used p.bedrooms but it keeps turning up empty. Code:

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Parameter Not Passed From For Loop To While Loop

I'm trying to pass a parameter from a for loop to the nested while loop
but only the first counter is passed. Here is the code:

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Nesting One Loop Within Another, Using 1st Loop As Criteria For 2nd

I have a recordset that I loop through all of the data within a table, within the same loop, I am trying to add another loops that pulls information from the first recordset to base the second recordset off of: Code:

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Calling Com + Object Variable Or With Block Variable Not Set

I'm turning my application into a "DLL". Everything worked fine untill I try to do a "While" in my asp code. Then I recieve an error like this:

"Object variable or With block variable not set"

My vb code look like this.....

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Passing Data From Javascript Variable To Asp Variable.

is there any way of passing a javascript variable over to a asp variable so
i can write it to my database.

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Convert ASP Variable To Javascript Variable

How do I convert an ASP variable to a Javascript variable?

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Do While Loop?

I have a case statment like

select case code
case "01"
ups_desc = "OPTION1."
case "02"
ups_desc = "OPTION2."
case "03"
ups_desc = "OPTION3"
case "07"
ups_desc = "OPTION4"
case "08"
ups_desc = "OPTION5 "
case "11"
ups_desc = "OPTION6"
case "12"
ups_desc = "OPTION7"
end select

I then have table called "users" which has the following

now the trick

I want to loop through the recordset of the user tables and populate a drop down where the code from the case and the user table are the same.

Something like

do while rs("code") = code
<option> This then is populated based upon the loop(I have this code)</option>

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Do While Loop

I need to insert recordes into a db based upon a number returned in a form
Somerthing like

AddRecords = Request.Form("NumberOfRecords")

Count = 0

if Count < AddRecords Then
Do while Count.eof

SQL Code....

Count = Count + 1

Count.move next
End If

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How To Loop

i have 2 tables (A & B) with date records
now i loop table A and then table B, the output will be table A in the front
and table B in the can i make the output show by date in both tables altogether?
do i need to combine tables before but the number of records is over 100K
which may spend a lot of processing power?

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Asp Loop

on my classifieds site i would like to create a simple ads system. i currently have the ads site made but need some advice.

on my classifieds site i would like to display the ads down the left hand side.

however i dont want to over display ads.

if there is not many items listed i only want a small amount of adverts shown on the left hand side. however if there is lots listed
i would like quite a few adverts listed.

otherwise i would have a big list of adverts and only a small number of items listed making a big blank space on my page.

i am guessing this would have to be a loop or something.

the code i am using to show the text links is <%=adurl%>

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For Loop

I am using a for loop in one of my asp page. Could someone let me know if I can do the for loop as follow:

[code]<% for i = 1 to 5 %>
my html code
my html code
my html code
<% Next i %>
instead of
for i = 1 to 5
Response.Write "<input name = 'id'"&i&" type='text' value = "&id& ">"
Next i

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More Than 1 Do Loop

I am using ASP and need a DO LOOP to get some info back from the db. but the asp reads the first do loop but does not read the second one ......

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While Loop

is there any function or statements that work the same as the 'break' statement in C++ language?

for example:

While Not rs.EOF
If rs("LoginID") = userId Then
break 'what shd i use for ASP???


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Loop Within A Loop

im writing some script to add records to my db. but if a value thats about to be added exists, then dont add that record.for example: if i want to add 7 records to my db with the values 1 - 7, but the db already has 3, 5 and 7, then it should only add 4 new records (1, 2, 4 and 6).

i have a record returning all records form my db, and an array with the values i want to add. i want to loop through my recordset of all existing entries, then for each loop, start another loop to see if the value exists, and if it doesnt , then add a new record.

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For Loop Or Do While Loop

How to use the for loop or do while loop to create the age range from 10 -100 to let the user to select from the form object - list/menu by using asp? The coding below is just a concept. For example

Response.Write("<select name=""select"">")

for (a=0; a<101; a++)
Response.Write("<option value=""" & age & """>" & age & "</option>")


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If Then Else Loop

I'm trying to create a page where images are displayed based on an id in a sql table (basically its an unlit candle until a value in the id field exists). I'm not getting an error with my code below - but its not working right either. Code:

<% If rs("my_id")="2" Then Response.Write "<img src=""images/07.jpg"" width=""56"" height=""97"" alt="lit candle">"Else Response.Write "<img src=""images/UNLIT_07.jpg"" width=""56"" height=""97"" alt=""unlit candle"">" End If %> ...

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Sub And For Next Loop

I have a SUB which has input variables. If I run it once its okay, but I need to include it in a loop. Can this be done ?

for i=0 to 100
call mySub(arr(0,i))

sub mySub(var)
end sub

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RS Loop

I am getting this error:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80004005'
[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver]Numeric value out of range
/database/data_entry.asp, line 90

Line 90 is shown below...

// count the total records by iterating through the recordset
for (rsProducts_total=0; !rsProducts.EOF; rsProducts.MoveNext())
{ <---- Line 90

This is an access database, connected to via a DSN. Any help will be muchly appreciated! I'm stuck on this one.

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For Next Loop

I'm using three loops on a page and would like to set the loops individually to start at either 0 or -1 based on a condition. As an example, I would want the loop to start at either -1 as shown or 0.

Dim r
For r = --1 to Session("TotalRowsF")



Or, based on the condition it could be

Dim r
For r = 0 to Session("TotalRowsF")



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ASP Loop

I can display some text 5 times using a loop and i want to pass those printed
values to another page when i clicked send button.

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Loop D Loop

I'm trying to give the variable sStart a new name on each loo

sStart1 = value1
sStart2 = value

however the following piece of code doesn't work

set oNodes=xml.selectNodes("/Project/Tasks/Task/Start"
for each oNode in oNode
for i=0 to 10

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