How To Make Dynamic ASP Pages More Readable?

How do you guys make listings such as product listings and their detail pages more crawler friendly, if they are genrated using dynamic asp pages.

If your ASP uses a format like this: to display detail pages, how can I apply SEO to this format??

I know unix hosts use the mod rewrite, but I do not have access to the server settings etc. BUt I can access a database etc.

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Trying To Make Secured Pages.

I got admin's pages and users pages. If I haven't logged in as an admin first and i'm either not logged in at all or logged in as an user then when I try to enter an address of an admin's page then it redirects the user to the main page.

I tried solving the next problem with cookies andor with session but neither of them worked. Code:

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How To Make A Dynamic Array

how do i create a array rs, not sure if the terminology is correct. but i don't want a obj rs i want a array.

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Should I Make My ASP Admin Pages Expire?

I've created an admin side for my ASP site and I use session vars to provide
page security.

Just as a bit of advice, I want to know if I should expire each admin page
so that others can't bring them up. I know the session var check will
bounce them back to the login page, but I'd rather they didn't even see this
page if they aren't authorised.

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Trying To Make Randomizer Script Dynamic

I have a random script I got online, and now I am trying to integrate it with a database, except I can only allow certain records to be random. Here is what i have so far, but I don't think it likes the RecordCount ...

dim limit, random, rs
Call ReturnRecordset(killChars("SELECT * from quote where quotetype = Finance"), rs)

' Sets the upper limit for the random number
limit = rs.RecordCount

' Redim allows for arrays to be setup by passing a numeric value
' rather than hardcoding the numeric value for the limit multiple times
redim image (limit)
redim text (limit)

' List of images and links
Dim i
i = i + 1

While Not rs.EOF

text(i)= rs("quote") & " - " & rs("company")


' produces the randome number from 1 to the value of limit

'Writes the randomly selected hyperlink and image to the browser
<p class="testimonial"><img src="<%= image(random) %>" border="0"></a><br />
<b style="font-size: 14px">What our Clients Say:</b><br /><br />
<%= text(random)%><br /><br />
<a href="finance-testimonials.asp?quoteID=<%=rsquote("quoteID")%>">Read Full Testimonial</a></p>
set rs = Nothing

What do you think?

I am getting this error message

Microsoft JET Database Engine error '80040e10'

No value given for one or more required parameters.

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ASP/VBScript - Make My Dynamic Dropdown SORTable?

I have a page pulling some data from an MS Access DB, one of my columns is a "Application" column.

I have a dynamic dropdown pulling various Application names from a separate "Application" table in my DB. What I'd like to do now is to be able to select one specific Application from that dropdown and click the GO button to have it only show records with that Application name in them. Code:

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Code To Make Dynamic Dropdown Boxes

I've been farting around with trying to make some dropdown boxes populate based on the value selected from the first drop down box..

I have 3 DropDowns..


the first one takes all the pump types from a database table called pumptypes and populates it

the second dropdown gets its values from an sql query to a second database table called pumpdata that puts all the manufacturers that have that have a pump that matches the type selected in the first dropdown.

the third box does essentially the same thing but looks for all the models based on the values of the first 2 dropdowns..

whats happening is when I select the pump type it goes to the next page without allowing me to select the other 2 boxes.

heres the code I have .....

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Dynamic Pages

I am going to setup a test shopping cart and am confused about dynamically created product pages. Lets say I had 20 items in my catelog/database and only want the pages to load 8 items per page. So the first page would create 8 files and the code would have to recognize the 1st page being full and create a 2nd page with the next 8 and so on. Is there any way to do somethig like this? Ive googled and yahoo'd enough for this week and I have come up with nothing.

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Dynamic Web Pages

This site has never let me down and I am hoping for the same results here. I have read so many articles on submitting webpages than are dynamic pages and how they cannot be index by the spiders.

I am the owner of a website called The dynamic pages are a co-brand that is done by Nextag inc. They provide the content to my site and I do not have control of the co-brand. Also, the pages are not hosted on my server, but by Nextag. However, I would like them index by the spiders because they are the back bone of Ask the Cameraman.

The post above seems like it might help. Could anyone spend a few minutes and look at the above URL and give me suggestions on how I can specifically do this with my site with examples. I know this is asking a fair bit, but I am a cameraman, not a programmer . I do not want a complicated solution since I do not have the knowledge to pull it off.

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Dynamic Pages

Does anyone know how to create new pages dynamicly? Just for some explination. I have an MS Access database (which works fine) backing a site of .asp pages. What I have is a page which has links to an indivual's page.

However, I cannot create the pages automaticly (so far) and dynamicly. Let's say I give each person their own ID number and make than a link to a new page, how would that new page be created automaticly using the database utilities?

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Semi Dynamic Web Pages

I would like to create a static html page from a dynamic html page. I read how to do it in chapter 10 of "Build your own database driven web site using PHP and MySQL".

And it work great on my personal server, but the site I am creating is on a computer with PHP. I have found the option to copy the file using the FileSystemObject, but that copies all of the asp code. I would like it to copy just the result of a dynamic page using ASP.

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Creating Semi-dynamic Pages

What I am trying to do would be useful to many sites that have product listings or archieved articles.

Instead of having server load and spider unfriendly dynamic asp pages, create semi-dynamic html pages by running an asp script which requests an asp page from a Local IIS server (or www server if need be) and writing the html text to a file and saving it as a filename.htm page. Code:

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Asp Pages Randomly Showing As Blank White Pages

Using IIS 5.0 and sometime some asp pages (absolutely
randomly) showing as blank white pages. So far only one
way of fixing it - restart whole server. Restarting IIS,
or specific web server not helping, only whole server.

I enable server side and client side debugging, but no
errors showing up...

In view source pages always look like this:
<META http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html;

Any idea why it can happened and how to fix?

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Dynamic Calendar, Need To Create Dynamic Array....

I code that creates a calendar for each month and then it displays events from that month that are stored in a db. I need to loop through my recordset and display all the events, but I can't quite figure out how to do it. I am thinking I need to do an array. But I am not really sure.... any ideas. Here is where you can view the calendar. Code:

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Make A DLL

How can I make a ASP-file to a .DLL? The idea is to protect the source from others who use the same IIS. Can I make a ASP-file that calls a .DLL - file with all functionality, or how does it work?

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Make A Form

Hi does anybody know if you can make a form
have two actions and how?

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How To Make 1000000 Looks Like 1,000,000 ?

how to format the table in order to show 23,567,987 instead of 23567987 , I mean it's very hard to read when there are more than 4 digits.

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Make Link

when you click on it to go to the off site the user name and password will be automaticly inserted to where the offsite is asking for the name and password.
My company deals with insurance companies and we would like to make it to where when our employees go to our intranet and click on a link to one of our carriers it will have the name and password in place for them. i heard its possible and old company did it but I am having so much trouble trying to figure this out.

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How To Make OCX Talks To ASP

Its the first time I use ocx on my asp pages. Say I have an ocx which is a dropdown with multiple columns. Before its displayed, I call a method to populate the pulldown, so how do I make the script block talk to the html?

'script block

dim myObject

set myObject=server.createObject("myObject.pulldown")


'HTML block
<OBJECT ID="MyObject1" CLASSID="CLSID:12345678-8AB4-4230-A65E-DA15A40F9900"></OBJECT>

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Make Match

I want to know how to make a match for a text , for I'm wan't to search for this in the db . the search i made search only for the exact text user inserted so if the user misspelled the word the search will give him zero result. So i want to seach for any part of the word or if it is aword in aphrase.

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Make The Pop Up Info Box

When you hover over one of the topic in this forum a box appear with the first few lines of the message in it. How is this created. What events area used to creat something similar and does anyone know of any good website where i can look at a tutorial for it.

I dont even know what they are called so dont know what to search for even on the web as if i write pop up i get something else which i dont think is what i really want to use, or maybe it is.

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How To Make The Session

how to make the session timeout. and where should i put the session timeout.

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Make Support ASP

I have Windows 2000 Server. Running IIS 5. I created a ASP file that connects to a database and when i go to view it, It either says that there is a error in the code on like 106.

Which is only an "End If" command, Or it will say that this page needs to be posted on a web server that supports ASP. Well.. I have indexing service running, And I know for a fact that the code in the page is correct because it works on other 2000 server.

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Make ASP Page

I have a webapp. that holds a lot of documents. Some of the documents needs to be produced from a database on-the-fly, some are static documents like PDF, Word documents, etc... In the end, a user can do a request to produce a large amount of documents as one huge PDF document. Today the creation of documents is working, but all code is done in ASP.

In Visual Basic, I was thinking about making an ActiveX EXE server that generates the PDF document. The ASP page will be polling until the file is generated. When this is done, the file will be displayed. I have only written down my thoughts on the subject. Is there a good way to do this?

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Make Html Off

how to off the html in the textarea or text box. so if user write an html code in textbox or textarea , would.nt make the page changes. like this add thread how about if i wrote an html like </table>, it will make the display page change.

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Is It Possible To Make A Cookie NEVER Expire?

Is it possible to make a cookie NEVER expire? or not?

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How To Make Checkboxes From Database

How to use asp to populate checkboxes from a column in an Access table? I want them to be updated when the table is updated.

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How Do You Make If.then.else Do Two Stuff On One Line?

is it possible to do a insert, add, and a redirect all on the same page?

for example... signup.asp. there's a text box labeled Acctid. If you don't have an acctid please enter "0000" otherwise enter one. This box is used to see if they have an existing account in the database by using an UPDATE query and if they don't it does an INSERT query with acctid = 0000 for all non customers. What I want the if.then.else statement to do is to

If acctid = "0000" then
conn.execute acct_add
(and if sucessful to response.redirect "/yay.asp"
Else if NOT acctid = "0000" then
conn.execute acct_update

(but I want it to return an error if the update wasn't sucessful either because the acount doesn't exist or watever and if the update was sucessful to response.redirect "/yay.asp") END IF

Do ya get it?

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To Make Hyperlink Clickable

i have this

Response.Write Replace(Rs("Event_Details") & " ", vbCrLf, "<BR>") & vbCrLf

coming from access db.

how can i get that to make a hyperlink clickable as well??

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Make Access Forms Available On The WEB

I am looking to make my company's access database (forms, reports, etc) available through a web server. Any idea what type of programming will be needed (ASP, JSP, PHP)? If there is anyone that can help me with this please let me know. I am willing to compensate them for their time and help. It should be a fun project.

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Where Do I Start When I Want To Make My First ASP Database?

I would like to make a database that contains Picture, Name Job description, gender and web address. The database should be able to hold at least 1000 profiles.

What program would you sugest? Where do I get it? Are there any online tutorials you would suggest?

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How To Make A Page Look Like It Is On Another Site

I am developing an ASP page for clients. I will host the page on my
server, but it must appear on the clients' websites. That means that
the user should not be redirected to my site, but instead should remain
on the client's site. Or at least appear that they are remaining on the
client's site.

One thing that would be acceptable is to host the page on the client's
site, but have it hit my site to get the data. I have looked into
XMLHTTP and also just having the ASP page hit a remote SQL Server
instead of a local one, but haven't made any decisions yet.

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Make Timer! ASP & Javascript

i know little about javascript and i am trying to make a timer for some exam. i know how to take the value from the table but i dont know how to show that in the form and make it move from the time eg. 00:10:00 until 00:00:00 and stop the exam and go to a different page which will have the results. i just need to know how to populate the time in

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