How To Read IIS6's Smtp Logs

i need to parse smtp logs to check the delivery status. from previous experience with smtp logs, i was under the impression that the log file followed a very specific format:


in this case, however, i've got a log indicating commands being issued like this:


i have a separate list from a database of people i attempted to send emails to and need to try to look at each line in the smtp logs until i find a matching email address, then continue to read until i find a line that includes the string "+Queued+mail+for+delivery" or any of the other strings indicating the delivery status. however, given the odd sequence in which the mail commands are being issued, i don't seem to have any way of knowing if the delivery status notification line i'm reading really reflects delivery status info about the email address in question or if it's referring to one of the other delivery requests issued with another one of the EHLO commands. i've tried looking to see if there's something unique about the delivery status line to see if it's in some way associated with the RCPT line, but don't see any patterns:

2005-10-05 11:12:30 OutboundConnectionCommand SMTPSVC1 ACME -
25 RCPT - TO:<> 0 0 4 0 50 - - ......

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Iis 5.0 - Smtp Virtual Server - Smtp Problem

I am working on a listing for sending emails via CDONTS component...

I have installed SMTP service on my machine and tried running the sample code....No errors appear, yet no mail is sent in the long run...All necessary services are up and running (IIS Admin, WWW and SMTP).

Another thing is that i have checked to see if Default SMTP Virtual Server is listed under the Internet Services Manager pane tree, but nothing seems to be there except Default FTP Site and Default Web Site....

The question might seem silly i have to have a Mail Server installed.....?

How can i determine the cause that prevents the mail from being sent...Logs don't help much....Is there a way to detect the actual presence of the component...?

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IIS Logs

I've been examining IIS logs downloaded from my web host's server, and I noticed that entried that they should have been created by me going to my own site minutes before are not there. In fact, it seems the logs were way off timewise.

How does IIS write to logs? Does it keep a cache and then dumps it once in a while to the logs, or writes right away (the latter doesn't seem the case). I am concerned by this an other anomalies in which my hosting service seems involved.

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User Logs

I have five forms in my website, what I'm trying to accomplish is to track the users history. For an example if the user save their information on the first page and exit the system; Whenever that user logs back in I want them to be where they left off. I hope I'm clear on what I need help with. Does anyone know how to accomplish this task?
P.s I'm using Deamweaver to create my page.

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Logs The Datetime

I have a shopping cart that logs the datetime when a user logs in...

I want to run reports to see who all has been on in the last 90 minutes (or whatever my script specifies)

The problem is that I cant get the select statement down...

I would think it to be something like:

SELECT CompanyName, LastLoggedIn from LoginDB where LastLoggedIn > (LastLoggedIn -90m)

And obviosuly that doesnt work as the datetime field date is in the format:

1/21/2007 2:20:00 PM

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Remote Truncating Of Logs

Every so often my database log files fill up and i have to truncate the file.

BACKUP LOG [database_name_here]

Any idea how I could run this? From an asp page...?

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IIS Logs And Server.transfer

I am thinking of creating a custom 404 page which does a server.transfer to a variety of different pages. My question is what shows up in the log, which the web statistics are based on?

1. The non existent page, which is requested?
2. The custom 404 page?
3. The page it gets transfered to?

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Event Viewer Logs

how can I make a query in windows 2000 event viewer logs by asp?

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Session Retrieve Of Username Depending On Which User Logs Into The System?

I have my system set-up, where by when a user accesses the cms, a time stamp is added to the database. So we can keep check of when people accessed the system.

The added benefit of my addition, is that a session timeout is usable based on the inputted timestamp the user logged in. I added this functionaility because the system could be idle for some time and if so set the session to equal nothing or similar.

However what would be a nice feature of the cms is the display of the current user.

Below is code I have inputted to give some idea of what I am doing

Session("ADID") = objRS("adminID")
objConn.Execute("UPDATE tblAdmin SET adminLastLogged=now() WHERE adminID=" & Session("ADID"))

Session.Timeout = 30 ' 30 = Minutes

SO does anyone know how I can retireve the adminUsername based on the session used when loggin into the system.

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Using External SMTP Server Vs. IIS SMTP Server

Our network administrator does not want to install the IIS SMTP server on
our intranet. He wants me to use our existing SMTP server
"". Can I do this with IIS?? Is this a setting in an
ASP if I'm not running the IIS SMTP server?

We are running on Windows 2000 SP4 with IIS5.

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I'm having a few problems with getting an SMTP server configured on my
Windows 2000 Server web server. My web server is co-located at my hosts and
i use VNC to remotely access the web server. Acting on advice from my host
IIS's SMTP server has been disabled by running the IIS lockdown Tool. I
have internal access to my hosts SMTP server where i can send mail from my
web site to my own domain email address only, i am not allowed to send email
external address.

Does anyone know of a SMTP server that i can use to send emails from my ASP

My host suggested Jmail for doing the job. I installed JMail on my web
server but i am getting the following error:

"The message was undeliverable. All servers failed to receive the message"

Can anyone tell me what this error is?
Can anyone tell me how to fix this problem?
I am correct in my understanding that JMail has its own SMTP server?
How can i test to see if JMail is working?
after installing JMail do i include my web server IP address as the SMTP

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I want to send email using asp
I' have tested with asp(CDONTS ),but it doesn't work.
For example i send it tosomeone@somedomain,but it doesn't
work.Should i make a configuration?The problem is i only can accept emails,
but i cannot send any.

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What Is SMTP

I need to insert my smtp in order to use my bulk mailing programming in order to mail my mailing list. What is my smtp and how do I find it or where ?

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My web app were sending emails and then emails were not being sent because the SMTP was down. Are there certain steps that need to be followed/implemented at the web-server before an web app can send emails to the end-users into their client email?
Please recommend where I can look into the IIS web-server if there is any place where permissions are set to allow the IIS to communicate with the SMTP mail server?

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What is object code for sending mail from CDO to another server SMTP.

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I'm trying to send and alert email via ASP page and it's getting stuck in c:InetpubmailrootQueue. Everything else is fine and I get no errors, this page redirects to the right place and everything. The mail just gets stuck in the queue. Go figure!

Here's the script I'm using or do you think my SMTP isn't set up right and if so where can I get some help on setting up the SMTP? Code:

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Using Asp With Smtp

i have an asp front end app on a win2k server and want it so that when form data is submitted and entered into the database, an email is generated concurrently with the details sent to an email address.

do is this done from asp (any examples) or can it be done with smtp ?

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I have an ASP page that sends email using CDOSYS. If there is any type of failure that causes the email not to be sent, I don't have any way of knowing it. Is there any email component that will notify me or log the failure?

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Mail Using ASP (POP And SMTP) Help!

I have a website and I need visitorst to be able to send emails to me from it by filling out a form (not mailto:).

I have Win2k3 server enterprise running with IIS and POP3 all setup. My provider blocks port 80 so i redirect using to another port. I tryed CDOSYS and other free third party mailers (currently I have Persits Software free ASPemail installed), but I can't get anything to work. I know by now that I need to set something up (maybe some redirect) on my server so this works.

Please, if anyone knows how to do it, tell me how. In particular, to send an email from my site to at least my local server, and at best to lets say

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I'm having problems getting CDO.Message to work with SMTP on my Windows 2000
Server. I keep getting the following error:

CDO.Message.1 error '80040213'

The transport failed to connect to the server.

/services/E-CommerceQuote_new.asp, line 2357

I am assuming that it is meaning it can't find the server i have specified
where the SMTP server is, which is the same PC. I have specified by IP and
domain name but i get same error. i know i haven't said much about the setup
im using so if needed i can provided more details.

Does anyone know how to fix this problem?

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I have an ASP page that uses CDOSYS to send a simple HTML format email with a
PDF attachment. When I open the PDF attached to the email it shows up as a
blank page. I log into the web server console and open the same PDF in the
source directory and it opens fine. I run a binary comparison of the source
and attached files and there's a difference: one byte, x'2E' is missing at
offset x'0231'. If I save the attached file and use a hex editor to insert
the x'2E' the file opens just like the original

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Cdo Smtp Relay

Iīm facing problems while trying to send e-mails by CDO.Message...
The error happens when some of the recipients arenīt real (working) e-mails...
The error code is 0x8004020F, and the code simply donīt work when some of the e-mail in the list isnīt real, not sending to the rest of the list either.

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SMTP Problem

I'm trying to send emails through my SMTP on my IIS in windows 2000 server ....
everything seems to be fine except I can not send anything to hotmail ....
so basically hotmail is blocking my emails .... and I have had the same problem
with different domains .......

and also yahoo sends my emails to BULK folder ...
I'm using exchange server 2000 and Mdeamon and same problem on both .... but
if somebody sends me an email from HOTMAIL and I reply the message then hotmail
will accept it .....

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I'm having problems getting the virtual SMTP server (in IIS) from
sending an email message that was created from an ASP script. The messages
are stored in the InetspbmailrootQueue directory but the computer isn't
sending these messages to the Internet.

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SMTP Service

How do you change the port in which CDONTS will look for Microsoft SMTP
server? I have Imail running on port 25, and I have SMTP service running on
port 26. Any help you can provide me would be excellent.

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Virtual SMTP

My server has POP but only has SMTP if sending to my domain, and not other domains (such as hotmail). I'm therefore wondering, if anyone knows of any scripts etc, that will allow me to have a sort of "virtual" SMTP server on my site?. (I really can't afford to use a third party SMTP mailer).

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Create .eml For SMTP

Does anyone have an example of how to programmatically create a .eml?

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Secure SMTP App?

I have a client with their own W2k server and their IT guy refuses to turn on the SMTP service for fear of it becoming hijacked by spammers.

However, they also want their web site to perform some emailing functions I would normally use CDOSYS for.

I'm having them look into alternate SMTP servers to use with CDOSYS, but I was wondering if anyone here can recommend a 3rd-party ASP-based SMTP app that might be more secure than IIS' built-in service?

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SMTP Settings

I'm trying to send mails from asp page.Its showing error.Permission denied.When I checked the IIS settings SMTP server showing unnknown. I cannot start the SMTP server. Wat shall ido to start the smtp server.

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I get the permission denied error, so I know its a permissions problem on the mailroot folder.

My question is then, if my site is being hosted, would it matter what the permissions
of the folder on my local computer are? Or would I have to call my host and ask him to make the appropriate permission changes?

And if you could tell me what exactly I need to ask/tell the host, if that is the case,
so that I don't have to call a million times.

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SMTP Server

Another newbie's questions

How do I find my STMP server ( I need it to use AspSmartMail)?

My web site is being hosted on a .com , do I have to ask them? Or can I find it by myself.

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I have an application written in ASP, originally for a Windows environment, but now has been ported to Sun Solaris running Sun One ASP. One of my pages includes a form that sends data to several people via e-mail. Sun One ASP uses ChilliMail the is similar to CDONTS.

Sending to addresses hosted by my ISP works fine, but I need to send to other addresses as well, which fails because my ISP uses SMTP-AUTH.I need to send a connection string including an identifier and a password.which tag it should be attached to? .HOST, or . FROM

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Windows NT And SMTP

I want to know if SMTP can be installed on Windows NT Workstation . I asked my system administrator to install smtp, but he is telling that smtp can be installed only on Windows NT SERVER .

The problem is my web host has windows 2000 and iis 5, but i have Windows NT workstation and iis 4 [with latest NT Option Pack]. I had read sometime before that SMTP comes with IIS installation kit. I am thinking of using this to design a feedback form.

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