How To Send Output From Table To Ms Word Or Excel

i have created a quotation page where customer could view the quotation details and i just thinking to allow customer to print his/her quotation as a reference. all the data are fetched from db and displayed in the table.

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Transfering Output To MS Word Or Excel

The website sends users through a series of questions. When they are done they can view there results and open a printer friendly version, but my boss wants the user to have the option to send their answers to Word or Excel so they can either change their answers or the layout of whatever. Is there a way to do this?

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Generate An Ms Word File For An Asp Output?

generate an ms word file for an asp output?


- is it possible for the date (code above) to be displayed on ms word?

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Output Dynamic User Information Into Word Document

I need to output dynamic user information into Word document
from Access database. Can I automatically output information of 100 users in the table into different word documents for each user and then print all of them just by pressing a button in ASP?

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Output To Excel

When the output is in excel format for an ASP page, some of the values displayed get transformed to decimal numbers instead of their true values. How to solve this problem? When the output is in plain html, the values are displayed correctly. Note that the values to be displayed are in TIME format. How can i change the format of excel cells in asp?
For output in excel when the form method is POST, no parameter values get posted to the other page. But when it is GET the values get posted. Y? I even change use request.querystring for GET but the result is the same.

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Output A Form And Append Into Table

I have created a form for a pre-entry(s) into a race. The problem I have is getting the entry information into a table where every enterance can be viewed without having to use a database. Is this possible and how.

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Output To Excel Chart

I create an excel chart by using the asp, but due to my selected database is quite large until the chart shows the data in a messy way and it is too tight even the name for the unit also cannot see.
Is any way to seperate it? i mean show it in another way for eg show it for 10 data in a page and can click on a "next" to link another page, or create another drop down list to select for how many data to show in a page? and how to write that ?

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ASP Output To A Excel File

I have a asp page which will get the data from multiple tables (with
functions and procedures)and display data in HTML tables <TABLE> on ASP
page.Is there any way we can create a excel file from the output of this ASP
file.I know how to export if this information on ASP page is coming from single
query from a database table.

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Save Output In Excel

I am developing my application in ASP and there is a requirement to save the output in Excel. One option is to use Content-Disposition header but it prompts user for saving. As per our requirement the output should get automatically saved.

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Resultset Output In Excel Format

I have written an ASP script that connects to a database and runs a stored procedure and displays the results in text format ...using the <TABLE> tag. But I would like to
have these results appear in a NEW Window in an Excel format. I used :

Response.ContentType = "application/"
Response.Buffer = true

This opens up Excel in the same window and usually does not refresh my data ...even though the stored procedure is actually running on the database server.

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ASP Forms Output To Email And Excel

I have a site that currently collects info from a form. The info is then emailed to an elected email address. It occurs to me that perhaps there is some way of collecting the information and sending to a spreadsheet that would keep updating. THe information is all word based (as in mostly yes or no answers).

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How To Convert Asp File Output (in Tabular Form) In Excel

how to convert asp file output in excel dynamically.

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Export Excel Report From ASP Output (Dynamic Stage)

I have one problem, that is i design a ASP report getting data from MS SQL Server 2000 and displays it as a desinged format and also "one option to export this same format to MS EXCEL". Before i seen it, but i dont know its code:

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Word/Excel From ASP

How can I open/push data to WORD/EXCEL which was installed in client machine? Is it possible without using thirdpaty components?

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Word/Excel With ASP

I have data in an oracle table. I want to use this data and allow visitors to my site create templated Word or Excel documents with ASP or ASP.NET.

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Word And Excel

I'm working on an intranet site and it would be great if I could create links on the page that would open Microsoft Word and Excel. Also I would like to be able to click on a link to open a windows directory.

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Browse Excel And Word

How can I make the Excel and Word files to be browsed in IE, instead of
download when click the Link?

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Search Word, Excel And PDF

Basically a client has a load of Word, Excel and PDF documents that he wants made available for viewing from the company website. However, he wants to have a search facility which can be used to look for keywords within the actual text of the documents. I've looked at the Indexing Service feature in IIS, but this only creates an index based on the information on the "Summary" tab when you right-click on a document to view it's properties. The Summary tab includes information such as Title, Subject, Category and Keywords (this being the important one of the lot). It's this information which the IIS Indexing Service looks at. Problem here is that none of the clients documents include anything in the Keywords. Is there any other way, or any components that anyone knows of, that will search through the text within a Word, Excel or PDF document?

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Open Excel/Word

is it possible to open word or excel from an asp page in the client side having word or excel installed only on the server side?if possible, can u post an example ?

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Creating Word/excel Document

We have an application where the user fills out many screens and when
they are done, we are supposed to display the text they entered in a
word or excel format. That is fairly easily accomplished by changing
the content type in the response object.

On one of the screens where they enter data, they also have the
ability to upload a word document containing additional information.
This is also not a problem, and is working fine.

Now they have decided that when we create the document with all of the
text fields in it, they want to embed the word document that they
uploaded. Is this possible? I have been trying to find a way to do
this and so far haven't come up with anything.

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Read And Write To Excel And Word On Client

I'm converting a VB6/SQL Server application to a web application. I need to
read data to and from Excel and Word. I'm not allowed to install Excel and
Word on the server, only on the client. Is there a way to use client side
scripts to read from and write to Excel/Word files?

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Email With Attachment Of Excel Spreadsheet And Word Document

I have a 2000 server running IIS 5. I need to send approximately 10000 emails to recipients from an excel spreadsheet with a small word document. These are requested emails, no spamming. I don't have a clue as to where/how to start this.

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Convert Table To Excel

I have a table created from different queries and display in a asp page. Currently I have to highlight all the cells and copy and paste into a Excel sheet. Is there a way to automatically convert into a excel or csv file?

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Exporting HTML Table To Excel?

Is this possible? I am planning to export data from SQL that generates HTML
table. Instead of selecting the table and then copy then paste to excel, is
ther a script(JS or VB) that will automatically export or open the Query to

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ASP-Excel :External Table Is Not In The Expected Format

My program exported a excel file by using

Response.ContentType = "application/";after downloading the same when i import it back to my system using Microsoft Excel driver, i got an error.

External table is not in the expected format. Do anyone know how to solve it?

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Uploading Excel Sheet Into Oracle Db Table

i'm tryin to develop a webpage using classic ASP wherein the user can upload an excel sheet into an Oracle db table with the excel columns correspondin wit the oracle table columns.

i hv come across many ready made libraries/solutions that almost serve the purpose but they didnt work for me since most solutions wud populate the entire excel data into one column of the table. I wud like to know if anyone has a solution tht im lookin for specifically.

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Populate Table From XML Or Excel Sheet On ASP Page?

Does anyone know where I can find an easy example of how to read an Excel or XML file and automatically populate a table on a ASP page?

I want to create an asp page that has a table on it that reads from a XML or Excel file so I can update the file and the table information changes accordingly. I know this has to be somewhat simple but I cant seem to find any exmaples. I probably am not searching the right keywords or something.

Any suggestions on where to find an example script to do this?

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HTML Table In Excel With Line Feed In Cell

I an using ASP to read a database table and generate an HTML table
which is save via FSO with a file extension of .xls which opens up
in MS-Excel. I am inserting several lines of text into a cell and would
like to force a line break between them.

I recorded an MS-Excel macro so see how Alt-Enter was captured
which turned out to be Chr(10) which is the same as vbLf (right?)

I tried inserting that in character in the text but it didn't show up as
a line break in MS-Excel.

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Parses And Excel File And Inserts The Data In An Access Table

I have created a script that parses and excel file and inserts the data in an Access table. The script works perfectly fine, however I also need to extract a column comments via my script.Column comment is like a tool tip for any given column and therefore it occurs only on mouse hover, not in the actual column data.

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Get Data From Form, Send To A Html File And Send A Mail

i am trying harder to mix this 2 solutions... but without success... the below on seen to be grabing a template and replace the data with the values posted in a form Code:

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How To Transfer Records From One Table Of A Database To Another Table In Another Data

I have aproblem to transfer a data from table x to table y based on id. Its mean when 2 table have same id all data table x must move to table y. I don't know which command need to use is it insert into or update?

Dim conn
Dim rs

Set conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
Set cmd = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
conn.ConnectionString = "DSN=prmm;UID=administrator;pwd=sa"


MYSQL = "SELECT * FROM table_x where paymentdate between '" & tarikh1 & "' and '" & tarikh2 & "'" MYSQL,conn ....

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How To Open A Recordset For A Table Has Space In The Table NAME?

I am trying to display the content of a Table called

'Order Detail' directly from the database (e.g., Northwind.mdb). I have the following commands:

Set tableSet = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")

tableSet.Open table_name, DB_name, adOpenForwardOnly, _
adLockOptimistic, adCmdTable

where, table_name = ''Order Detail" Or
table_name = 'Order Detail' Or different variations.

I always get error on the second command with the following message:
Syntax error in query. Incomplete query clause

which I believe because of space in the Table Name. How can I resolve this issue? (working with file or table name with space)?

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Table Inside A Table Update To DB

I have a table with many txt boxes which i have inside a form with a submit button to an update page which adds all the details to a db. The problem is i have a another table inside the first e.g. table 2. i want to be able to update table2 by clicking a second submit button that would update it. Is it possible to have a form within a form or how can i do it??

Also i need to update the entire table in one go. For exampple if i have 3 records in table2 i want to be able to update them all by clicking the one update button. Code:

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