How To Update And Retrieve Ntext Fields

how to update and retrieve ntext fields in my asp code:

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Retrieve All Form Fields

I can get all fields, but how do I not get the button in the loop

Dim FormFields
Set FormFields = request.form
Dim Field
if request.form("Button2") = "Update Order" then
For each Field in FormFields
response.write Field & " = " & Request.Form(Field) & "<br>"
end if

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Retrieve Looped Form Fields

I have some code in my form as follows, to display 1 to 20 additional sets of fields to enter guest information. I am not sure how to retrieve these guests info so that I can post the info on an email such as:

Additional Guest 1
First Name =
Last Name =

Additional Guest 2
First Name =
Last Name =

i.e. The 'First Name' for guest 1 is name="AG_fn<%=x%>" The code loops through depending how many sets of fields were completed.

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How To Retrieve Last Update Time For Access Database?

I would like to indicate in my ASP page when the Access database was last updated.

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I'm trying to update my database fields Employee, Status and Location with values from a form. Is this going to work?

Dim strEmployee, strStatus, strLocation

strEmployee= request.form("Employee")
strStatus = Request.Form("Status")
strLocation = Request.Form("Location")

SQLstmt = "UPDATE Table SET "

SQLstmt = SQLstmt & "RS("Employee")= strEmployee"
SQLstmt = SQLstmt & "RS("Status")= strStatus"
SQLstmt = SQLstmt & "RS("Location")= strLocation"

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Update Fields In Form

I am creating a form that uses a postcode lookup that opens in another window to confirm an address how would I pass back the address and populate the form?

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Sql Update Multiple Fields

Is it possible to do an update on a recordset like this?display all the fields in a form and let the user pick which ones to update? What happens if they pick, say, two of the total to update, and leave the rest of the form fields blank? Would that update the chosen records and leave the rest of them blank or null?

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Update Hidden Fields


in a routine.

I have declared a Hidden field called Update in my form. I have checked before the submit that the value does actually get set, but after Submission the value of Update is empty. I have checked everywhere and this is the only place in the page that this value is set.

Does anybody have any idea why my value is being lost on submit. My form is declared :
<FORM NAME="myForm" action="AgentDetail.asp" method="post">

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1 Value 2 Fields Inserted On Form Update

Without writing a bible on what I'm trying to do I'll see if someone
can answer a quick question.

I have a form that the user writes a value in a test field. I need to
put a hidden value that will take the same number the user inputs and
insert it in a form.

Basically, I need ...

<input name="hdndkqty" type="hidden" id="hdndkqty" value = ??? />

the value of the hidden field to = <input name="num" type="text"
id="num2" />

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.update Creates New Record But All Fields Null

I have made several Access-based CMSs but now I am using SQL Server. I can read the records but my first attempts at writing are resulting in new records (with new ID) but all the fields are null.

I am posting the data from a form to the same page and an if /then statement catches the flag in the URL and runs the update script below. All the field names are correct. Code:

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NText Datatype

I m updating a table which contains a field with datatype=ntext.
I use a stored procedure to insert/update data in it.
SP's parameter's data type is ntext.
Following is the code in which i created the parameter.

SET objParam1 = objComm.CreateParameter("@xmltempSrc",adLongVarChar,adParamInput,1073741823,txtXmlConte nt)
objComm.Parameters.Append objParam1

when i execute it, it give error as :
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80040e07'
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Error converting data type text to ntext.

I m using Sql server and ASP.

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Ntext Cannot Be Displayed

Because I needed to store more than 4,000 characters, I decided to convert one field in SQL Server Database from nvarchar to the field holds many more characters without a problem as I examined in my online manager.

But when I tried to display it on my asp page with


, nothing showed up, and there is no error message. It cannot be null because i checked in the manager...

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Use Ntext Field Once

I am converting an Access Database system to SQL Server. I am experiencing the following with an ntext field. It was converted to this from memo using the upsizing wizard. SQL, cnn, adOpenForwardOnly, adLockReadOnly, adCmdText


The second Write displays nothing.

If I change from adOpenForwardOnly to adOpenStatic it works fine and both writes show the contents of the ntext field. Can anyone give me some insight into this?

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Ntext Field To VarChar

If I have a SQL 2000 database with a table that is using 2 Ntext fields with a lot of data in them, can I convert them to VarChar(8000) fields safely? Will there be data loss? Would it best be done through Enterprise Manager?

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Ntext Doesnt Work With ASP

I'm using SQL Server and I decided to convert one of the fields from nvarchar to ntext. The transition in the manager was all right, but my ASP pages wouldn't display the ntext and there is no error message. I use Code:


to display the ntext...and there is nothing.

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Response.Write Ntext Data From MS SQL Database

Upon retrieving a recordset from a MS SQL database I can't Response.Write those columns that are of the data type text or ntext.

I'm using the shorthand: <%= oRS("COLUMN_NAME") %>

Other fields work fine, so I know the query is returing at least one row.

Any ideas on this?

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Database Update On Fields With ""

im trying to build a custom webBlog interface with asp language and javascript embedded htmleditor. im using htmlTextArea to permit user to edit html code onthe fly (with IE 6+)

the address to the current site is URL you can check out the admin interface by clicking on login and validating with pass***

you can try editing an existing record in the first table (you click on the [...]to open the table) Code:

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How To Tie RegID To Form To Update (batch Update)

Okay there is an unique EventRegID for every registration. When people first register they get pre-registered. Then an admin comes in and confirms or wait list them (based on whatever requirements). My question is how can I tie the EventRegID to a form with multipule ID's so they can batch confirm or wait list the PreReg list? Code:

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Retrieve Value

How to value in drop down value from mysql database ..

Technical Languages:

Front ENd: XHTML
Validation: JavaScript
Server Scripting: ASP
Database: MySQL

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Retrieve Data

I have two tables having similiar columns ( i had to do this to compare the values given to me, because both the table data came from different sources)

The tables named are

Now the table EMPLOYEE contains more than 5000 records and the table OFFICERS contains around 2400 records which are already present in the EMPLOYEE table.

Now I want to build a query that will return me all the records in the EMPLOYEE table that are not present in the OFFICERS table. The criteria for comparing 'full_name'. so the query should return me 2600 records that are not present in the OFFICERS TABLE.

I tried doing this

But this query returns me records that is not present in the OFFICERS table as well as some more 1000 records which are present in both tables.
thanks a lot

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Retrieve FileName

I want to have a form where there is a textfield and a Browse... button to the right of it. I want the user to be able to press the Browse... button and select a file and then that filename be returned to the textfield.

I don't want it to upload it or anything like that...I just want to know the filename that the user has selected. Also, when the user presses the Browse... button, I want it to automatically go to a certain place.

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How To Retrieve The File's Name In ASP ?

I write the code as floowing to check the file nam before submit , but it show nothing when i click submit button. Code:

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Retrieve Date

if i have 08/21/2007 11:07:27 AM in the database..

what should i do to just show it out as 08/21/2007 ?

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Retrieve XML Data

I am trying to access the following site with an asp page. I am just starting out with XML

This is my stats page for battlefield Vietnam. I have managed to get a local verison to work if I save the source code of the page above as an xml file on my server, and I use the following code:

<% Option Explicit %>
Dim xmlDoc, root
Dim success, player, strData, online ,rank, rp, score, kills, deaths, fttk, kdr
Dim dpm, ftpm, mppr, medals, gold, silver, bronze, rounds
Set xmlDoc = server.CreateObject("msxml2.DOMDocument")

What I can't figure out is how to access the data from the external site.

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How Can Retrieve The Data In DDL ?

This is my code can you fix it if it have an error

set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
strSQL = "select cat from events"
rs.ActiveConnection = conn strSQL
if not (rs.eof or rs.bof) then
for i = 0 to rs.eof
response.write("<option>" + rs(i) + "</option>")
end if

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Retrieve A File

I know that you can retrieve data from a form using
Request.Form("name"), but how do you retrieve a file?

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Retrieve Information

how can i retrieve information on a form page that once previously submitted by the user so that when the user goes back to that form page it will remember what they inputted instead of having them to retype it again? do i have to use session? can somebody please help me... what would be the easiest and most efficient for a newbie to tackle this problem?

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Retrieve Data

how to retrieve a data that has been selected using combo box with asp

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Retrieve Value From Cookie

If i have got a cookie which stores the username and password of a user, how do I retrieve the values, e.g. I want to retrieve the username.

My page so far is: ....

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Retrieve Pdf Files

Doesn anyyone know the proper lines of ASP code to sucessfully retrieve a pdf file from SQL server. Everytime I run my code I get gibberish all over the screen. I would like it to prompt me to save the file to disk.

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Retrieve Words

I want to take a string like this:Code:


and retrieve only the words over a certain length or longer (let's say 5 characters), maintaining spaces between them- result:Code:


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Retrieve Data

How can I retrieve data from Ms Access Database which is located in another computer over the network.

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Retrieve Data

I have a question, is that any other way to retrieve data from another webpage besides using XML object? Because I am using XML object now but give me so much problems.

If I used MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP object, it gives me time out error:
msxml3.dll error '80072ee2'
The operation timed out

If I used Microsoft.XMLHTTP object, it will hang IE. In both cases, I have to wait for half an hour or more in order for the XML object to be working again. Actually both webpages that's communicating are hosted at the same machine. The main site (ex. points to particular folder under it, while another one (ex. points to another folder which is two levels up to the first one.

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