Htaccess And Asp

we have a 3rd party secure solution that uses htaccess to restrict access to a directory on our site, is there any way to detect what login/password has been entered to access the folder (we want to stop people from letting their colleagues in using their unique password). i guess its kind of what you'd want if the site had adult content.

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I have used .htaccess on PHP and standard HTML sites (with Linux servers), but never on a Windows server. I searched and searched for articles on the subject (ASP and .htaccess) but couldn't really find anything.
Frustrated, I just created an .htaccess file and uploaded it to see what would happen. I tried to access a page that wasn't on the server, but was not directed to the 404 page I created.
I have also reassigned the custom error (404) page via IIS. Does something else need to be configured on the server for the .htaccess page to be recognized? Are there any nuances on Windows Server 2003 I should be aware of?

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ASP .htaccess

I have just redesigned a website on a windows server. I am more used to the Unix platform. As I don't have root access I can't add custom asp 404 pages and was wondering if I can use .htaccess redirects that picks up anything that has a .html extension and redirects it to an error page?Is .htaccess a Unix thing? Are there any other solutions

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Enabling ASP With Htaccess

I have Apache::ASP installed on a server. And I have gotten a little code that I found on a website to work. But when I tried doing any code other that what was on that website it doesn't work. This is what I have in my htaccess file Code:

PerlModule Apache::ASP
<Files ~ (.asp)>
SetHandler perl-script
PerlHandler Apache::ASP
PerlSetVar Global .
PerlSetVar StateDir /tmp/asp

The ASP code that I'm using is Code:

<% response.write("Hello World!") %>

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301 Redirect Like .htaccess

I'm trying to look for an asp equivilent of .htaccess that is used on apache
servers but for use with asp.

I am doing a website and moving lots of files into a single directory to
make it easier to maintain, however, I don't want to loose the search engine
indexing that is already in place.

What I would like to have is a db/.htacces-like files, that when a page
doesn't exist the server redirect.

I have found several options however, there seem to be pros and cons with
all of them so I am not sure what is the usual process for achieving what I
am trying to achieve. I don't have direct access to IIS. Code:

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ASP Equivilant To .htaccess

Does ASP have a file whose function is similar to .htaccess on Apache? I'm looking to protect subdirectory content.

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Global.asa = .htaccess??

Is the global.asa file the equivalent of an .htaccess file??

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