Html Rendered In Managed Newsgroups

Whenever someone posts code in one of these newsgroups (i.e. this one!) My browser is rendering the code and NOT displaying the source.

For example, Ray's response to the question about "Request.form.count varies by machine"
renders the text box with the test "something else" in it.

I think this is a new phenomena, as I don't remember this happening before.

Any idea what is causing this?

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Is it just me or are the newsgroups only accessible via http?

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Web Server For Managed Computers

I deployed a number of managed thin clients running XP Embedded. These thin clients are located thousands of miles away and their management (consider they are very locked-down) is not trivial. I would like to install on each thin client a small web server so that I could connect to each thin client and be able to retrieve certain data such as name, ip address, up time, application version installed, etc.

is there something like this in the market somewhere that I could use or do I have to code it myself ? I tried to install apache and play a bit with it but I'm really not
expert using asp or php. I'm rather good at vbscript if that can help. What should I do in order to accomplish this task ?

If I have to code it myself, would it be possible just to get instructions on how to display on a web page a very basic data such as the ip address or the host name of the computer ? This would get me started.

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To Save ASP Rendered Table As An Image

I am trying to find a way to save/copy ASP/HTML generated tables on a webpage as images.
In other words, I want users to right click on a table and save it just like the way they would save an image.

Is there any way of programming this behavior without having the user ro download any software like ActiveX?

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Memory Usage Of Managed Objects

I am in the process of writing a simple web server monitor (ASP.Net with
VB.Net). One piece of useful information for me to gather would be the
amount of memory used by objects stored in the cache, since objects are
thrown in there left and right.

Items in the cache are either custom objects or are Hashtables. How can I
get the memory size of these objects.

Marshal.SizeOf(object) does not work in this case because .Net cannot
Marshal Managed objects. I thought that I might be able to pull out the
component items in each object and build the total size from their aggregate
sizes, however that would require me to determine each objects type so that I
can correctly gather size info from the internal attributes, something that I
do not want to do.

Is there a generic way to either:

1) get the size of Managed Objects

2) convert Managed Objects into Unmanaged Objects that can be marshaled?


3) some other way to get memory sizes of cached objects

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Capture Rendered ASP And Write To A Text File

Greetings- <br><br>I have a site that is kind of a portal site- many sites within a single site. Users of the site must use a single logon page that redirects the user to a predetermined "subsite".

Each "subsite" has a few different session variables that are used in varying ways to display information germaine to that user. <br><br>My customer (the portal owner) wants users to be able to render any page on the site to a .PDF that is then sent via email to the user.

I can render an HTML file to PDF via a .COM object, but the problem is that I cannot figure out how to render the .ASP page to HTML. My initial thought was to use MSXMLHTTP to GET the page, but when I do this, the GET method always returns the logon page.

<br><br>What I'd like to do is have a link to a processor page that just "captures" the HTML as it's sent to the browser and writes it to a static HTML file, which I can then easily turn into a PDF. Anyone have any ideas?

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Copy Part Of HTML Table To Another HTML Page

I have a table having 3 columns. There is a checkbox for each line. I
need to get those lines whose checkboxes are checked, and show those
lines to another webpage. Is there any way to do that? My concern is
that all information in the table are in <tb></tb> pairs without any
name tag. Any idea?

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Displaying The HTML Code In HTML

I'm doing a content management system, whereby the user can enter the HTML code for a currency symbol, eg &pound; for £.y . when I bring this data backup, say they want to edit the settings, then my ASP/HTML page is rendering the HTML code, eg £, rather than showing the original value, eg &pound;.

If for example I put a space between the '&' and the 'pound;', eg & pound; then this will cause me problems because the user will think that they have to a put a space in or they file it with the space, which means the HTML code won't work any more. Is there a way round this?

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Html Inside Another Html

i need to include the html inside another html, though it might appear simple, the catch is this, my one html is in one server and my another html is in another server.I cannot read the html and stream it as it has images and their path gets changed when i do that.

More over i donot have any control over the html which i am going to include all i have is a url http:abcxx.htm whose content i want to show in another asp page. The technology is ASP (vbscript and javascript).

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I've created a form, using ASP to pull through first and last names from a database into another database. I cannot get it to put a space between the names it pulls through!!! Can anyone suggest what a put between the two to get a space!!

<%= rsGetStaff.Fields("FirstName").Value %><%= rsGetStaff.Fields("LastName").Value %>

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Html To Asp

I have an asp file that I made and I want to have it when you come to my site, the index.html redirects you to the .asp file, what is the code to do this?

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ASP is server-side technology.All it does is process data sent from a
client in a Request and generate html to be sent to the client via Response.
You'll probably get a quicker response by posting to a relevant newsgroup.

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What is the difference between HTML and ASP?
Apart from this,i know that ASP can display data from the text file of the server.Can HTML do such thing too?

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Getting HTML

I need to make a javascript include file using asp. I know how to make the include file with a .asp extention, but I am haveing other truobles
How can I make the < in html code be displayed as < not hidden and executed as normal code? Ex. <body><font color="red">this is text</font></body> would be displayed as that not this is text (but colored red). There's some function... ...can't think of it... ...I kind of does replace(pghtml,">","&gt;"), etc...
since I am getting the data from a database, I need it ALL to go on one line when I response.write it, how would I do this?

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I have an index.asp which consists of frameset and frames. The sub-frames
also consists of frameset and frames. This way, I can set the layout of my

In one of the frames, I load Login.asp. When it is submitted to
doLogin.asp, I validate the login information. When I validate the password
successfully, I want the whole webpage (the index.asp and down) to reload
because it has to re-draw the menus on top. When the login is failed, it
redirects to Login.asp.

I am having a hard time doing this from my ASP page right after I validate
the login information.

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Get The Name Of A HTML Tag

I'am new to the ASP and I have a question about how do I get the name of the form?

<form name="zoekbedrijven" id="zoekbedrijven" method="post" action="form_lijst_bedrijfseenheden_bdrf.asp">

How do I get the form name with ASP like in javascript:


But this doesn't work but how should I do this?

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I have a PSD layout and I would like it coded in HTML (well ASP - ie basic, header/footer/middle - ASP not totally necessary) and table-less CSS.

PSD contains a few links up top which would require use of some image rollover technique.

Payment would be via PayPal. Please PM if interested and include experience you have with CSS.

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If this is the wrong group, please post a more relevant group. My problem is that I have a .hex file (basically a text file) shown on a web page for download. If one left clicks on the link for this file, the text content is displayed. Someone in my organization wants to prevent this display. Any ideas on how to do this? I hope this is not an ignorant question but I am not a web developer, ... yet.

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I have to pass the valut of an HTML text box through POST method but for some reason i m unable to get that value through Response.Form of asp I have to get the value by response.querystring but for that i need to send that value through parameter in URL i dont know how to pass that value of textbox through parameter by post method.

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I'm trying to set default value for input type file.

<input type="File" name="tx_pdffile" accept="*.pdf"
class="boxText" value="abc.pdf">

but this value (abc.pdf) doesnt appear in the text box.Whats the solution?

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I'm proficient with HTML. Been using it for many years now. I haven't had time to learn any of the newer languages but for what I need, I don't think I have to. I'm hoping someone can point me in the right direction of a tutorial or chunk of code I can simply paste into my existing page.

I've got a website I'm working on which requires *many* new pages within the same site. What I need to know is how to keep my navigational menu, header, logos, etc. in place while only refreshing the body of the text when links are clicked.

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.html To .doc / .rtf

I got an ASP application and we need to figure out how to deal with this problem. Users sees text and images via his/her browser and he/she should have a possibility to create a .doc or .rtf file out of what he/she sees. So practically .html page should be converted to .doc or .rtf.

a) converting to .pdf is easier I know, but that's another story
b) opening .html -file inside word is not what I want

For example: user could view certain changing data, and then convert it to .doc/.rtf and save to his/her computer and view/change it offline. ASP component would be nice, but practically anything goes that can be attached to a www-application. It doesn't need to be free.

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Asp Or Html

In html web pages I've used this:

<a href="faq.html">

Now in an asp page (which includes html) I see this:

<a href="?action=forgotpass" >Forgot Password,

Is the "?action=" asp language or html?

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I have create search field in that user can enter student number in that field and if database could find that number , it will display that student record in html designed form. What I am doing is that I have create student form also in below of search field so if user find record in database , it will immediately appear in that given form.

But what actually happening is that when my form is loading it will directly check search box and that time nothing appear in that list and it will disply an error msg :

Error Type:
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80040E07)
[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Data type mismatch in criteria expression.

Someone can suggest me that which event should I trigger.

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You have a page. On top of the page, there are some search criteria and other input elements and a submit button. The submit button is clicked, sending a request to the server. Server-side code is executed to write client-side vars. Based on these vars, divs are shown or hidden.

Why not just write or not write the html stuff server-side? If other client-events were going to interact with the divs, I could see it. But they aren't. The page is always posted back to itself for any kinds of show/hide stuff.

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Not Evaluate Html?

I have some html in an mssql db and i want to response.write it without the tags being evaluated....????

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HTML Emails With CSS Using ASP

I am using ASP to send order confirmation emails to customers. However i want the emails to appear as HTML in the emails.

I have Successfully done this but i need to know how to attach CSS to the emails, so that it can look exactly like the html page i design.

I am using the CDONTS.Newmail component with the .body attribute.

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HTML Email

I'm sending email using CDO Message in HTML Formatted. There is no problem if client side is HTML Enable. But if it doesnt not, its showing all html tags in message body.

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I am trying to write a session value into a html email body and am unsure of the syntax:

Title=Session ( "Title" )

HTML = HTML & "<FONT SIZE=""6"" FACE=""BERNHARDFASHION BT"" COLOR=""#FFC880""><B>Session ( ""Title"" )</B></FONT></td></tr>"

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HTML Email Css

I've got another email prob. Does anyone know how to link an external stylesheet in an html email via asp? I've got this so far:

While NOT offerCustRS.EOF

Dim strBody

strBody = "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC ""-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"">"
strBody = strBody & "<html>"
strBody = strBody & "<head>"
strBody = strBody & "<title></title>"
strBody = strBody & "<meta http-equiv=Content-Type content=""text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"">"
strBody = strBody & "<link rel=""stylesheet"" href=""CSS/blue.css"" type=""text/css"">"
strBody = strBody & "</head>"
strBody = strBody & "<body>"
strBody = strBody & "<div id=""head"">Special Offers from the best online shop</div>"
strBody = strBody & "<p>"
strBody = strBody & "<div id=""content"">"
while not offerRS.EOF
strBody = strBody & "Product:" & "&nbsp;" & "<a href='http://localhost/New Shop/products.asp?id=" & offerRS("Product_ID") & "'>" & offerRS("Product_Name") & "</a><br>"
strBody = strBody & "Price:" & "&nbsp;" & offerRS("Offer_Price") & "<br>"
strBody = strBody & "</div>"

strBody = strBody & "</body>"
strBody = strBody & "</html>"

The email doesn't have any of the formatting but I haven't a clue why. The css file has been tested on another page and it works so the css is fine. Can anyone help?

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HTML Tables In ASP

I have a form in my HTML page and I require a number of checkboxes. These are to be dynamically generated from an Access database. The code below will work but it will only create a single row. How can I include the <TR> tag inside the loop - I'd probably want 4 cells per row


Do until rstCategories.EOF = True

Response.Write "<TD width=200>"_
& rstCategories("strCategory")_
& "<input name=chkCategory type=checkbox value=" &rstCategories("lngID")>"_
& "</TD>"


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Generate HTML

I have a web page using frameset split into few pages. And I want to generate one page of HTML code and send it through email. My question is have to generate a HTML page using asp?

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Strip Out HTML

Anyone know of a good routine for stripping out HTML from a string?

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